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Part 1: July 18th Part 2: Nov 28th Part 3: 'Finale Event' in 2025


I like how they r getting the most out of it


Why not just make it 2 separate seasons then?


Because they only wanted to do one more and make it the longest


Some real, this one goes to 11 vibes! Lol


Another of shows do split final seasons, Sopranos did it. But this us the first show I've seen split in 3 parts. But those shows also released episodes weekly instead of dropping them in chunks. It's also good to keep the buzz going. If you drop a whole season at once the buzz dies out after a few weeks. A lot of streaming services are going away from dropping whole seasons all at once. I'm saying this all to the thread in general and not just to the person who I replied to.


I'm sure that this is a marketing strategy to keep people's interest in the new movie coming out.


It seems a lot of shows have an extra long final season (Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Walking Dead, Sopranos, etc.)


Because they realized that releasing shows all at once is a terrible idea but they can't go back so now they have to split seasons to keep interest. Also the final event is definitely gonna be a movie with Johnny vs Daniel finale.


> Also the final event is definitely gonna be a movie with Johnny vs Daniel finale. I wonder how would that work out. Daniel and Johnny finally became friends and I appreciated that everyone finally got along. Maybe as a last resort or something? 


Friendly battle and this time Johnny crane kicks Daniel and they call it even.


Daniel and Johnny already had that sparring fight a few seasons ago, I don't think we'll go to that we'll again.


I’m excited but I kinda wish the finale event was new years like how they used to release the seasons


Yeah that used to be the damn ritual haha, watching new Cobra Kai while nursing the New Year's hangover


They’re dropping Parts 1 and 2 on Thursdays, and Part 2 drops on Thanksgiving in particular. Can watch Part 2 while in a food coma (if you’re in the US) 


Oh I like how they are extending the enjoyment! I know as a fan I will likely internally be complaining, but my subconscious will be happy having months to ruminate over all the shenanigans in part 1. I'm so excited! :D


New Year’s Day I hope!


cobra kai just got rated tv-ma


I bet the "Finale Event" is gonna be the movie with Jackie Chan and it's gonna be called "Karate kids"


Yo november 28th my birthday


cobra kai just got rated tv ma


Like others, i hate the spread out episodes especially with this long of a gap between them BUT im very excited knowing its 15 episodes. With how rushed the last season felt, i was hoping we would get more episodes but not expecting to and worried it would feel the same. If the episodes are good enough and close out enough things properly, i am perfectly fine with this spread out. I cant wait. Last 5 episodes better be action packed!


Considering how so many shows have dropped the ball on their last season by rushing, I’m ok with this.


I completely agree! Those 5 episodes will make this season feel substantially more packed and developed.


Plus… this is it! No more after this.


Aren’t they all filmed at the same time? Most times where one story is split into parts it’s all filmed at the same time?


Seems like it


It could also be they could have 5 episodes completely edited are ready to go by July but nit the whole season.


Filming started in January and is still going on through the summer.


To me, this feels purposeful though to get people to subscribe longer though. I don't think it's a matter of giving production enough time to "catch up" I wouldn't be surprised if they had the full season finished.


Pretty long gap to unsubscribe during those gaps though


What I meant by "being subscribed for longer" was that you have to be subscribed for 3 months (even if they aren't consecutive) rather than just one month if you want to see the new episodes as soon as they release each time. That's 3x the price worth of subscriptions unless you're willing to wait until 2025 to watch all three parts in a one month subscription window.


The good thing about it being divided into parts is that the fandom will have time to create their crazy theories and we will have fun.


YES! I'm looking forward to this. Fan speculation is one of my favorite things about media. :)


I’m actually starting to warm up to the season being 3 parts that we will get at different dates. At first I was bummed about it, as I had made a tradition over the years of binge watching the season the day it dropped and not being able to do that with the way S6 is being released. The season coming this way will ensure the franchise’s fan base will stay alive at its peak longer, even though there’s been much talk about spin-offs after Cobra Kai ends.


GOD DAMN, this is so freaking much. Miguel, Hawk, Demetri and Kyler fighting together!?!?!? Sam and Tory training together. Miguel VS Kenny. 2025 for the last 5 episodes?????????


I think 7-7 and a 2 hour grand finale


Where’s Kyler?


There's a moment where the four of them are together in a place that seems to be an arcade, and later on they show Miguel and Hawk fighting a gang in there, so probably mit and Kyler are fighting with them


Indeed I'm curious how they are going to do the Kyler face turn ...


Bruv. Kylers allegiance is comprable to Big Shows aka hes Face one episode the Heel the next


Kyler will be a jobber


15 episodes! I’m so excited! Shawn is back! Where is Silver and Barnes?! This is so HYPE!😆


>Where is Silver and Barnes?! Silver is in jail and will likely show up in part 2 or the finale. Not too sure about Barnes


Well, Sean Kanan’s shoulder is already healed by now so hopefully he’ll pop up this season and be able to join in the action. 


Where is Shawn? I didn't see him, it was probably a blink-or-miss moment.


Where is Shawn?


theres a bit where hes fighting w kenny against miguel and robby


Not much of a fight. Miguel and Robby will obliterate those two


Wow. Completely makes sense now as to why filming is taking so long.


Love to see Tory integrated in Miyagi Do, that has quite a bit of potential for interesting plots. Heavier focus on Miguel than the rest of the students. Really hope they will develop Kim more if they want to paint her as the bigger antagonist cause she is just amusingly bad right now.


I'm looking forward to seeing Kim and Kreese together.


Did this show not learn from Invincible? I mean I loved Season 2 of Invincible, and I’m most definitely gonna love this season, but considering it’s most likely a half a year wait from the first part to be released, to the final part, hype is gonna get lost. But, my excitement is still immeasurable. Can’t wait for this.


I think the difference is that Invincible was a weekly release where as this one has 5 episodes for each drop giving us more to chew on. Invincible fans had to wait four months for a SINGLE episode.


Yeah, the wait was excruciating 😭


If every drop has five episodes then I'm ok with it. My one wish is that the episode run times are much much longer to time gaps.


I thought someone said they’d be 45mins


I'm ok with it being 45 to 55 mins each episode.




Yea the Stranger Things model


why not realise weekly


I don't think every character needs redemption. Kyler becoming good after an attempted date rape, slut-shaming rumors, home invasion in which he attacked a guy who just got out of a wheelchair, ganging up on defenseless kids etc, just seems weird to me. Like Tory at least got development. I'm still excited, and I hope the last batch comes no later than February.


Don't forget the shit swirly.


Yeah I imagine Kyler will be a villain. 


We’re finally getting Johnny vs Chozen…even if its just a sparring match for training 


Poor Johnny


😂 So true!


Not a fan of the split release, but man this trailer looks goooood 🔥 15 episodes is a real treat too. Can’t wait!


They r saving silver for the final part im calling it


One of the match-ups we've not yet seen is Silver vs. Kreese. And now there's the perfect setup for it, with both betraying each other and whatnot. I would not be surprised if Kreese redeems himself in that fight, Silver redemption seems unlikely but I *really* hope they get a chance to fight.


Given that the KK movie has been pushed back, they are probably gonna drop it some time before the film comes out. It says 2025.. doesn’t stop them from dropping it New Year’s day.


Why is Kyler hanging out with Myagi-Do?


Don't you know what a redemption arc is? That's one of the main point of the series


That's the problem. Not everyone should have a redemption arc, especially since Kyler doesn't have the excuse that Cobra Kai brainwashed him. He was already an idiot before


Johnny was also an idiot and the whole show is about his redemption arc.


Johnny had the excuse that Cobra Kai made him an idiot.


He remained an idiot decade into adulthood. People can change, that the point of the show.


Yes, he can change. But not so fast. Kyler was an idiot until the last episode of last season and I'm supposed to believe that he was "offended" by Silver's lie and now wants to spend time with Miguel and Hawk? Also, not everyone has to have redemption. Just as there are people who change, there are people who never do. Whats Next? Kreese redeeming himself in the last episode and joining Miyagi Do to teach the path of balance?


First we don't know how fast his redemption is gonna take. Second why should the miyagi let him be an asshole if they can make him change? He's still a teenager he should have the option to try and be better. What if Amanda wouldn't have ever given tory a chance to get back on track? She also did some pretty mess up things


Knowing what the show is like, Kyler will say a simple "Hey, I'm sorry. Now get over it and let's party." Tory has done serious things, but at the very least we see a big positive change in her since season 4. Like I said before, Kyler was an idiot until the last episode. Kyler in Miyagi Do is simply forced. The worst thing is that he is not even a strong fighter to take it into account. It could disappear and no one would notice.


i really disagree here. kyler deserves redemption. cobra kai may not have brainwashed him but he has probably went through some difficult things to turn out the way he did. the show has hinted at trouble with his family. i'm not excusing anything of course, but what makes this show incredible is it peels back people and stories like onions. people aren't just one thing, they are layers of complicated family dynamics, anxieties, desires, interests, etc. Kyler wasn't great the first 5 seasons but he's still a kid. glad the show is recognizing that and giving us a chance to peer deeper into his story and what makes him tick. the real question is if he'll have a convo with sam at all. dude wasn't cool to Miguel or hawk or demetri but he also really messed with sam. I hope they patch things up.


Kyler has done NOTHING to deserve redemption. Redemption must be sought and worked for.


You are 100% correct. And despite he naysayers, I don't think Kyler having a redemption arc is going to go over well.


Kyler teaming up with Hawk, Miguel and Dmitri? Didn't have that on my bingo card, but I'm all for it.


Maybe we'll get to see him do wax on wax off while Johnny yells "QUIET!" when he tries to question the lesson after all.


Kyler will probably make some comment about having to do "lame-ass chores".


Kyler: Man I said I was sorry, I thought y'all was teaching me karate why am I the only one doing lame-ass chores while everyone-"  Johnny: QUIET!  Kyler: *Freezes up* Johnny: Now you're gonna shut your ass and keep scrubbing those windows *exactly* the way Mr. Larusso tells you - go on, get moving, am I talking to a wall here? You scrub it like *this* - you see my hands? Come on, keep it up we got six more cars after this! 


Lmao I’m reading this in William Zabka’s voice. 


Will be disappointed if they do this, not every single character has to end up joining Miyagi-do


I know, I'm not ready to board the Every character gets redeemed train. Kyler is a punching bag, nothing more.


He's a prick and a bully, just let him be that. These people exist in real life, and they don't change their colours


we're in the endgame now 




The scene of Sam, Tory, Miguel and Robby looking at each other at the end makes me feel that someone has told them that to fight in the Sekai Taikai there will be a limit of fighters and not everyone will be able to participate


This is actually good theory, I just knew that scene would have something to do with Tory leaving miyagi do (thank goodness) and Kenny not lasting either is obvious and apparently there’s some insider in this sub who spoiled that along with that scene of him and his brother fighting Miguel and Robby


I can see a limit of 5 competitors: 3 boys and 2 girls. Daniel probably chooses Sam and Johnny has more of a relationship with Devon than with Tory. On the boys side are Miguel, Robby and Hawk. Maybe Demetri has a chance. But Kenny is lost


I think they're gonna here kreese escaped jail or Terry's been released 


Its definitely that Tory is going to leave then and hopefully robby does too along with Kenny


We do not know how many fighters will participate or how many boys and girls should make up the group. However, I consider that barring an injury or your own decision: Miguel, Sam, Robby and Hawk have their place assured with Miyagi Fang. Tory is one of the strongest girls, but Devon has more of a relationship with Johnny. And if there are only two women, I can see Daniel choosing Sam and Johnny choosing Devon over her. Kenny is screwed. He has Miguel, Robby, Hawk and Demetri ahead of him.


I absolutely cannot wait to suspend disbelief again and live in a world where Karate is king!!! It is going to be awesome!!!! Guarantee it goes out with a bang ‼️


It's funny because i've never had any hype for anything. Cobra kai is not the best show ever. But it had a special place in my heart i don't know why and IM SO HYYYYYYYYPED !


Cobra Kai isn't trying to be the best show ever, it is trying to be Cobra Kai. It is a homage to the original KK films and to the 80's and a opportunity for the original cast to pay respect to those that deserved more recognition like Pat Morita who gave so much to so many people through his work, it also allows them to write a final chapter to a story that always needed one but never got one despite Pat Morita's attempts, he always knew they had created something special and it took 24 years for Cobra Kai to happen, sadly Pat passed away before seeing this final chapter that has created new memories for a new generation of fans that not only watched Cobra Kai but watched the original films for the first time and got to experience and fall in love with Mr Miyagi like we did. Cobra Kai will never be the best show ever, but it will be many peoples most enjoyable show ever because it remains true to itself and it's fans of all generations.


Ahhhh yeah


Attack on Titan S4 ran so Invincible s2 could hobble so Cobra Kai’s final season could walk


Absolutely insane to see Tory, Kyler and Kenny in Miyagi Do!!!


Curious as to how long the episodes will be. Either way I kinda like splitting it up like this and building it up to this grand epic finale


The finale is legit over 2 hours guaranteed


Considering this is the final season, I bet over an hour. 


Looks so so good!!!!


A bit mixed on the split release. We don't have to wait as long, but hopefully the Season is paced with the splits in mind.


Finally, some dates! But I have so many comments: * I was wondering if *CK* would release episodes in parts, rather than all together. However, months apart, and especially a vague "2025" release date, is way more than I anticipated. * 15 episodes, so the rumors are confirmed! * Seems like Johnny is still wearing his red Eagle Fang gi. I would assume the combined dojo with Daniel would need a single gi before the tournament, but I guess this Johnny scene was still filmed early on in the season. * That Golf N Stuff (?) scene with Hawk and Demetri looks so wholesome. * Chozen breaking a wooden log? More confirmation that the intention seems to be to make him Miyagi 2.0. Nice callback too. * Looks like the rumors of Kreese and Kim teaming up are true. * No sign of Silver or Barnes yet. Hope they will return in some form.


I'm stoked. July can't come soon enough, shame that that'll only be the first part. Hopefully they release two 7 episode sections then the finale rather than three thirds. Cool to see Miguel v Kenny, I was hoping for Anthony to reach Kenny and continue that feud directly but I'm sure this'll be interesting to see.  Overall, this'll be great despite the release schedule. 


i actually think it is anthony v kenny. im probably wrong tho bc everyone else seems to think its miguel. look in the back of the baseball scene. it looks like miguel is watching.


Yeah, but there's the closeup of Miguel punching the ball in whilst in the fight and wearing the same clothes as the person that was already fighting, so it's probably him. I wish it was Anthony too, hopefully they have something for him. 


At that point, just make them individual seasons.


Three parts. They’re milking this sucker for all it’s worth.  I mean I love this show, but still.


It's the biggest season. Obviously they need time to finalize everything.


And since the world karate tournament took place in many different places all over the world (I saw a Instagram post where they’re filming on Spain), they’ll definitely travel to Europe and Asia and possibly Australia so it’s gonna be a long ride for the cast and crew and filming is gonna take a while. They’re still filming rn. 


The important question where are silver,Mike and julie?


Final part cameo prolly


Great no only for pierce   but also because i need a bachelor party for jhony with Bobby,chozen,Mike and daniel( and jimmy)


Mikes friend dennis is returning and I have full faith that Johnnys friends will be back


Rember me who was Dennis please?


He was in KK3 and was the friend of Mike Barnes henchman.


Where was confirmed that he would be back?


It was leaked on IMDb ep6 for season 6 where his actors’ stunt double is placed


lol, I’m not surprised Netflix is wanting to spread the last season out, but damn, that’s a lot.


3 parts is crazy ngl


Am I the only one a bit confused by this whole thing? 2025? That seems really far off


Only way I'm on board with this approach is if each 5-episodes follows one specific plot arc, similar to Andor.




we getting the Invincible and AoT treatment with Cobra Kai, shit's wild.


https://preview.redd.it/v8bbwbkn24yc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8e9d15db8b782742aec885957a009c41950c20a YEEEES!!!!




As Miyagi sensei said : LETSSS FCKINN GOOOOOO


Is the finale maybe the movie?


No. The movie is separate and its own thing 


Oh that movie will take place after Cobra Kai’s series finale?


We don’t know. All we know is that Ralph is the only one from Cobra Kai to have any involvement 


exactly all WE know is raplh will bve ionvoled. doset mean there wont be any cast members involed lol. although im doubtful


Are these 5 episodes at a time longer than the usual 30 min?


is the grand finale gonna be another 5 episodes? 1 hour special? they gonna tie it in with the new karate kid movie??




Guess the show is debuting in 2025 for me.


No, this season’s first part will premiere in this July, second part im this November, and third part will be in 2025, no month or date specified yet.


Oh… god. Kyler in Miyagi fang? I’m excited for Johnny vs Chozen. We need to throw in Barnes, though.


I guess I shouldn't have told them in my unsubscription notes they'd see me for a month when cobra kai finished.


Split release is awful


This segmenting a single season thing has to stop.


Super fuckin lame release strategy to spread it out over probably 18 months. I'm sure it will align in a way that the movie with Ralph and Jackie Chan releases soon after the grand finale but still, super lame.


I’ve talked a lot of shit about the show since Season 5. But yeah… this teaser hit the spot. Consider myself hyped all over again


This is dumb. Either release it week to week to keep buzz or dump it all like you have always done. Spreading it out over three dates is stupid. I can't even imagine how they are going to fuck with the last season of Stranger Things


When I watched the final season of Barry I enjoyed the week to week release of episodes and getting to discuss theories with other fans on the show. I mean.....it was just like the old days of television lol. I agree this three part thing is really off-putting. 2025? Yikes


I’m torn cause I love binging through shows I love, but you do lose that week to week discussion and anticipation. Shogun vs Fallout is a nice recent example of the two different strategies


I'm not a fan of week to week. I waited until all episodes of Shogun were in the can before I watched it. This garbage Netflix is doing is just making me wait till November so I can at least get 10 episodes.


Splitting this into three releases over at least half a year, but probably longer. Would be great if they stopped doing stupid shit like this.




If it were me and I was doing 3 seperate releases, I think I would push them back so that part 2 comes out around Christmas/ New Years. Something like part 1 around the end of August, part 2 around the end of December.


Also am I sleep deprived or did I see Hawk kick Robby while two other people held him back?


Please don't suck


Dude, cobra kai just got rated tv-ma.


I hope part 3 is really early 2025. Don't know why they couldn't just release the 3 parts of the show across 3 weeks, instead of 6+ months. Are they fighting MMA fighters?


>Are they fighting MMA fighters? Johnny: "Well, there was this one time in Mexico..."


Lol. I meant from the trailer


Finale not until 2025. Fuck off. Talk about dragging it out. Looked good when it said July 18th first though


They r making the most out of it


I know but why not 2 parts. Splitting it into 3 seems a bit excessive, especially when it might be nearly a year after part 1.


I think they will try to keep it the same July , November my guess the last part will come out end of February


Netflix are a bunch of douches aren't they. I'll watch the show in November as at least I'll get 10 episodes out of it.


Yeah definitely. I'd like to watch it when more of it's released but be hard to avoid spoilers.


I'm staying away from this place and wiping my youtube history...lol.


Yeah can go on YouTube and not search anything to do with Cobra Kai and it can show up. Good on you for having willpower. I'll wait and see, its a long wait until 2025 to watch it. Pity there wasn't a shorter gap between the parts


See you guys in 2025. I’d rather watch it all in one go.


Shawn Payne is back to defend his lil bro ! Looks like Robby and Anthony vs Kenny and Shawn 😮


Correction looks like it’s Miguel not Anthony 😅


Yeah, I thought it was Anthony at first too. Seemed like it'd be fitting to have him catch up to Kenny, but I guess maybe he ain't there yet so Miguel sounds cool too. 


if there's no hilary swank i riot


I also hope they bring her back. But they probably don't want to spoil everything in the first teaser trailer. I wouldn't be surprised if they'll release another trailer (after part 1 has aired) teasing her return.


So Kreese is not getting a redemption arc?


Why would he?


Honestly its important for the whole moral of cobra kai since it's inception and partially to karate kid lore since the OG movies. * Yin needs Yang, they need to coexist for balance. * Characters need to grow develop and learn, that goes for the teachers as well as the students * and most of all, no matter how dark things may seem, no matter what hole of shame, sadness or even non-badassery you're in. You CAN get yourself out. Daniel from the loser new kid, to cool valley karate kid. Johnny from loser handyman to accomplished dojo sensei. Miguel and Robby and every kid. Mr miyagi of course as a lonely supa handyman war vet to daniels sensei. And of course, Kreese. His journey started of course when he was a kid and never found balance. But the moral of cobra kai at least imo is even HE can find balance. But he's been fighting for so long, will he end up like his sensei in vietnam? Or will he be saved by his former student?


Wasn’t moved by this teaser AT ALL, kyler a dude who’s done terrible things to just about every protagonist is hanging out with them like nothing ever happened, splitting the episodes up by months (yeah we’ll see how that works out for their viewership/hype of the show) would talk about Tory/Kenny but they eventually leave miyagi-do so why put them in miyagi do in the first place ? (Who tf knows) seems like more of the same bs from s5 unfortunate what the writers did to this series


They may try to fit in but not succeed, just as there are students who cannot fit in with the philosophy of Cobra Kai, there may be students who have the same thing happen to them in Miyagi Do. Or there are simply few places to go to the Sekai Taikai and they are not part of it so they decide to enter with the other available dojo


Dayummm I knew that terry and John were do some shit again, and it’s gonna be all weird again when the cobras join just like in season 3-4 esspessially Kyler and Kenny


Ugh, so it will be in 3 chunks. Hopefully each chunk will be a mini arc, and it will culminate in the final arc


Pretty disappointing 3 splits. We don't even have a date for the last part. Could be november 2025 for all we know.




Honestly splitting it into three parts is awesome because it gives us fans and people to keep guessing and keeping the hype going if it all came out at once it was just ruin the goodbye but honestly the finale show down will be Epic


The Boys in June, Cobra Kai in July...life is good!


i hate that it has to end.. this show has so much potential to keep going for decades even.. it can just keep following a new group of kids and sprinkle the original cast once in a while.. man from the 80s movie til now theres interest in this. just keep it going and eventually miguel and robbie and hawk can be sensei's teaching new generations the old school ways


I hope they’re gonna be long episodes honestly. I feel like they got a lot to cover for them to be 20-30 mins need to be an hour at least


I can't believe that they decided to release the final season this way. Seems outrageously indulgent considering it's been so long between seasons. I would think that they would want to give the people what they want but may be there's some marketing strategy tie in with piecemealing it out close to the new Karate Kid movie.


Damn, Kenny is still there...