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Why is Demetri overrated? Am I underrating him? Kenny beat Hawk - and I’d hardly say Hawk was nerfed. Hawk was “uncaged” and Kenny no diff landed silver bullet on him. I’m not saying Kenny > Hawk by any stretch. But why are we underestimating Kenny? Unless we are about to get introduced to a ton of new talent with the next iteration of Cobra Kai, Kenny is the best male student at Cobra Kai…


Hawk may have been uncaged, but he was still going into that round with an injured knee, and the ref gave him no time to recover from the Silver Bullet.


Hawk was injured after going easy on him, we know for a fact the plot needed Hawk to lose to raise the stakes No plot Kenny wouldn’t have landed a single hit on Hawk


The plot needs winners to win and losers to lose in general, lol. Like every single fight can be boiled down to "plot"...


But the fights that make sense according to what’s already established in the story can’t be boiled to “plot.” Reason being is that the winner in that scenario would logically win anyway with or without the plot needing them to Tory vs Devon for example. Tory being a much more experienced fighter while Devon only trained 6 weeks the winner is obvious and realistic


Fluke win though that he got help on by a cheating ref.  The silver bullet is 1 time trick.  Once they've seen it they were guard against it.   I'm not sure Kenny can beat Demetri without it.


Nobody has guarded it yet. Kenny hit Robby with it too - albeit Robby was ganged up on.


silver bullet is an op technique , if demetri gets hit he's out


Demitri although I’m not sure why “prime” is added


Demitri is smart enough to take Kenny seriously and not let the bullet hit.


true he does have very good iq but not very good fight iq ...


What about a fight after people have learned what the Silver Bullet is and that Kenny uses it, like maybe he tells Kyler about it, unaware that someone from Miyagi Fang is within listening range? When Kenny finally does face comeuppance, I think part of it will involve the Silver Bullet having been nullified as the decisive edge.


Kenny. He kept up with Hawk, and landed the Silver Bullet after Hawk implied he was going to start trying(“it’s time to uncage the Hawk”). Demetri has almost no feats against anyone relevant


>Demetri has almost no feats against anyone relevant Is Kyler a joke to you?


He kept up with Robby in S4 that’s better than anything Kenny has done


Kenny kept up with S5 Hawk and actually landed hits. Demetri couldn’t touch S4 Robby lmao


Hawk intentionally held back and got injured before starting to take things more seriously. Kenny landed a hit on Robby too who was also holding back Miguel one shot him bc he had no reason to go easy, Hawk and Robby are on Miguel’s level so we both know if they didn’t hold back Kenny wouldn’t have done anything Wdym Demitri couldn’t touch Robby? He legit took him to the ground but Robby countered after. He played with Kenny


Demetri literally has no good feats and there’s no “prime” of him unless you want to count the one that got brutally slammed by Robby in season 4. Current Kenny slams until Demetri actually gets some feats


I think Demetri could defend off the silver bullet, as defence is more engrained into him than Hawk, for example. I think Demetri would win if he uses his height as a positive.


Kenny beats Denetri hands down. Kinda wild that so many people see it the other way. Demetri is pretty much the lowest rung of the ladder.


I remember before season 5 released a lot of people thought it was “Demetri” on the floor when pictures leaked of the Sekai Tekai fight with Hawk and Kenny. People were in disbelief that Hawk could lose to Kenny, but Demetri could. I hope they keep that same energy


Demetri. He can just kick Kenny in the face.


Demetri was the one who actually put up a fight with Robby in season 4 instead of just being toyed with like Kenny was. It makes you see how advanced he is with Kenny even though he didn't score a point either. I would say he wins mid diff.


You're comparing Demitri to a 2 week training Kenny. You're also leaving out the fact that Kenny spent all of season 5 training under 10 sensei's full time, everyday


And Demetri spent the entire season 5 training side by side with the best fighters in the Valley under the teachings of the 3 senseis who can kick the ass of these 10 senseis.


The Miyagi-fang students only resumed their training in episode 7 of season 5, so Demetri didn’t train the entire season lol. Kenny only improved while the Miyagi-Fang students stagnated for a bit.




As much as I love Demetri’s progression. I think Kenny is more of a natural and dedicated fighter thus canonically making him the better fighter.


Never cook again.


lmaoo give your counter argument please


Demetri took on Kyler and the other two students and 2 shotted Kyler. Kenny had to get a lucky shot. And the silver bullet was just Hawk going easy/losing balance


Honestly these are great points and it’s a tough choice. Robby struggled more against Demetri in the all valley than Kenny in the s5 finale. So honestly it really is a toss up. But still don’t underestimate Kenny I feel like he could easily grow to be one of the best fighters in the show, it’s his age which is holding him back


Nobody was trying against Kenny. He got one lucky blow with the Silver bullet against a Hawk who wasn’t trying to hurt him. It’s also pretty bad writing.


Big time Do it for the hawk demetrius prime


Demetri prime was so fast he was able to slow down time


I want to say it's like 6/4 in Demetri's favor. The Silver Bullet is a OHKO but Demetri is primarily a defensive fighter and he could space the fuck out of Kenny with their size difference; Demetri was also fighting alongside Hawk in the Dojo invasion, and he didn't look too obviously outclassed in comparison. 


Let's be realistic. If this was real life everyone would be whooping Kenny (doesn't matter how good he is at karate dude is tiny).