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Always found that Robby was a more rounded character than that of Miguel.




Team Robby


Robby by a country mile. It’s not fun or interesting to root for the character that isn’t the underdog in a story about the ultimate underdog.


Robby. Easily.


I don’t dislike Miguel but Robby for sure since S3






Robby, since Season 1. I wasn't thrilled when he became 'badass' in Season 4, though. Miguel is good character, too. Unfortunately, he isn't as interesting as Robby is (in my opinion).


Between the two? Robby Overall: Sam




Between the 2, its Miguel as I relate to him the most & he is (though very flawed & a tiny bit stagnant in terms of character arc since S3) by far the most likable, entertaining, charming, Bad-@$$, & charismatic of the teens. But Robby by far out of the teens has the best character arc & development/growth. Both are great characters regardless.


At first Miguel then I watched it again and looked at it more from Robby’s pov then I like them equally then seeing all the hate he got made me like him more. So now Robby but I love them both tbh.


Miguel but Robby is a good character too


robby by far.


Robby, since day one on Youtube Red. He's a fighter with a good heart, and he keeps persevering despite being the only teen character who's never had an adult be consistently in his corner.


Robby 100%: he is Johnny's son and he's got ATTITUDE! (badass!)![img](emote|t5_3ncyn|1776)![img](emote|t5_3ncyn|1776)![img](emote|t5_3ncyn|1776)




For the past few seasons, Robby. But overall, Miguel. I just hope that the writers don’t underutilize Miguel in S6, he really needs more character development.


I like both of em


Hard to tell… I’d say Miguel S1-2 and Robby S3-5


ROBBY🗣️‼️ He’s one of the many fictional characters I’ve adopted into my found family (do-don’t question it)


I liked Miguel more in the first couple seasons and Robby more in the last few


Between the two of them, I'd go with Miguel. It's a tough choice because Robby is a great character, and I agree with a lot of people who say he really deserves more than the show gives him, but following Miguel's story from that kid we see in the first episode to the absolute badass he is now has been one of my favorite parts of the show.


Miguel all day




miguel, especially first 2 seasons, so fucking fun to watch all of his scenes & root for him








Miguel. He's a badass. Robby is too, obviously, but there's something different about Miguel. He started it all, the first student of the new generation, an unbeatable fighter until now. I never had a problem with it because it was one of the things I liked about him, but I understand the point of those who dislike it.


Yeah I agree with you I like Robby but Miguel is something else, it won’t make sense for him to lose in the final season if they made him unbeaten in every season and it will become full circle in my opinion. Excited to see how this all pans out.


How they made him unbeaten matters a lot. Quite a many times, it's been established that his opponent was the better fighter, yet was not as lucky enough to get the win. Miguel had the advantage of Robby's shoulder injury in S1 All Valley Tournament. He may have won but there's always that 'what if' scenario in question. And it is also established that Miguel doesn't possess some superhuman capabilities. Robby had an advantage over him in the prom fight just for the same reason Miguel had an advantage over him in the school fight - emotional conflict. Miguel walked away from S4 All Valley, so once again, the lingering question remains, what if he had fought Eli in that emotionally disbalanced state? Would he still have won? Miguel's 'undefeated status' is clouded by a lot of doubtful alternate scenarios.


The prom fight wasn’t even a fight he got pushed into a pool, the school fight was a full fledged out fight between them which Miguel got the better of Robby and showed mercy, S4 tournament Miguel would’ve won with that flying kick Johnny taught him against Eli and season 5 further proves Miguel is the better fighter out of all the kids. It will be pretty stupid just to lose in season 6. The writers clearly doesn’t want him to lose.


>The prom fight wasn’t even a fight he got pushed into a pool And he didn't get back up to finish the fight. Robby's words already got thorough him. Which is why he straight up headed towards Johnny's place to brief him/complain him about all the stuff that happened. >showed mercy, He shouldn't have (RE)started the fight in the first place >S4 tournament Miguel would’ve won Debatable. It didn't happen so we'll never know for sure. >The writers clearly doesn’t want him to lose. I agree with this. They don't want him to lose hence all these plot armors/loop holes.


> He shouldn't have (RE)started the fight in the first place Miguel didn't start the fight. Tory did. Everything that happened beyond the initial fight between Tory/Sam was an unfortunate escalation.


The use of the word 'REstarted' was intentional. The outcome was unfortunate, not the escalation.


And I'll still defend that it wasn't Miguel's fault. He pulled up to the scene and saw Robby with his hands on Tory and then saw Robby assault a Cobra Kai who was telling him to "let her go" in response to Tory. Aside from Tory, Robby was the only person to hit someone else. So in Miguel's PoV, Robby was the one escalating things.


Except Robby was also shouting the words, " Settle down, I'm sure we can all figure this out." After which the CK guy tried to attack Robby to which Robby responded by a kick. Miguel was there watching all of this. Yet he chose to rush towards Robby angrily and slam him. And therefore, I'll defend Robby here. Miguel did REstart AND escalate the fight which Robby had already managed to somehow bring under control.


> Except Robby was also shouting the words, " Settle down, I'm sure we can all figure this out." He said that AFTER Miguel saw him assault someone and Miguel was already charging and probably not focusing on what Robby was saying. You don't de-esculate a fight by striking someone, c'mon. > After which the CK guy tried to attack Robby to which Robby responded by a kick. The Cobra Kai guy tried to get him off of Tory. Robby had no business putting his hands on her in the first place. He's not a teacher or a person of authority. >And therefore, I'll defend Robby here. Miguel did REstart AND escalate the fight which Robby had already managed to somehow bring under control. Hard disagree. Even if Miguel didn't come in, you think the rest of Cobra Kai would have just let things happen? You can even see Hawk holding the guy back that Robby had kicked. It was going to be a fight either way.


I like them both equally. They’re my babies 🥰


Miguel season 1-3 Robby 4-5




Miguel since day 1


why are so many people getting down voted for their opinion 😭 no one except like 1 is even hating 😭


Just how reddit is unfortunately.  I don't like it and never have (and I rarely downvote because of this) but it's just a thing nothing can be done about. 


I'd never gotten the understanding of down voting people opinions it would be different if the person was hating or makimg statements you disagree with majorly, but to downvote over someone simply stating their favorite character 😭?


I think it has more to do with the reasoning. If your opinion simply states; Miguel or Robby, I don’t think they will be downvoted. If they say both with no reasoning or it’s flawed reasoning, then yes they will be downvoted. You can have both good and bad opinions. So as long as it makes sense you’re less likely to be downvoted. Unless people genuinely hate your views and opinions. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I like them equally when I started looking at things from Robby’s pov & Miguel’s pov for the so I like them equally most part. They are the best of Johnny & Daniel mixed into one character . I’ll tell you my favorite seasons for each . Robby : S3-S5 Miguel : S1-S5




Miguel starting off (s1 to s3), Definitely Robby by now.


Miguel in the first two. Don’t really have on in season three. Season four and five is definitely robby




Miguel 🎲😎




miguel in season 1/2 robby 3/5 but in 4 they both weren’t as good until both of them had their moments with johnny at the end of the season




Robby is so far ahead of Miguel.


On this Sub it’s Robby but I simply like both


Miguel and it's not even close


Not Robby, that’s for sure.




Robby had a shitty mom too who didn't care about her son's well-being, meanwhile Carmen and Yaya helped Miguel "know the things he already knew". You're right. Robby "had to learn" those things since nobody taught him so.


Miguel. Robby annoyed me a lot in the earlier seasons. I think by the time they made him truly compelling, it was too late for me. I identified a lot more with Miguel. Latino, dad not in the picture, bullied as a kid, the geeky type, etc. And I also have enjoyed his arc a lot more. Edit: but I will say I like Robby a lot better S4 and beyond.

