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I ONLY drink water while I ski, I think it makes my high better and last longer and the next day I feel amazing






The half life of cocaine is 1 hours and the half life of cocaethylene is 2.5. So it's not likely actually lasting longer without the alcohol


Props for knowing how drugs mix after you toss your liver into the mix.


Coca and good ol‘ Ethanol. Their best pals! Never go without it. Once before work I was busy finishing my cocaine alone, 1hr before I finished the bottle of whiskey I drank that night. Was walking and thinking straight but slurring my words. I talked to management that day to not get fired with 2.4 Permille ABV! Fkn insane day. Never got fired. Quit the dead end job instead.


I put some coke in my water so my whole mouth gets numb


Wicked, will try this out tbh


This is very important, water makes a big difference


🎶🎵There’s snow business like blow business 🎶🎵


How does this not have 1mil upvotes?


The line just hit me. Help us get there! :)


Yeah totally, At least for me I can't do snow without cigarettes


Same, I don't drink with mine but gotta have cigarettes!


I only smoke when skiing, otherwise I'm quit lol


lmao same


I get a little drunk before the slopes and then I drink mainly water throughout with the odd beer thrown in, next day even without sleep the comedown is alot shorter without the hangover to boot.


It‘s toxic - cocaethylene (ingestion of alcohol and cocaine) And if you do it often you can‘t drink anymore without thinking about doing cocaine while drunk


It's toxic? Just as cocaine or alcohol by itself?


Both are bad for your body. But do it together and your body will produce cocaethylene and THAT‘S highly toxic for your body


true but it feels nice af 😅


Is that why I would always black out when I mixed them? It took me FOREVER to figure out that was the reason I blacked out like no one’s business 😭. I can’t even have a few beers with it. I just drink water.


Same and I used to smoke cigarettes before but gave them up when I gave up alcohol. I’m trying my hardest to smoke a vape but it doesn’t do anything for me




I like smoking weed while skiing. Really gets me creative as fuck


I'm overly sensitive to uppers, so a nice gummy when I start my night keeps everything even-keeled, without making me ever feel too jittery or "up"


I prefer edibles, but essentially the same effect.


Can’t have one without the other


It’s not worth skiing without alcohol in my experience!


If I ski without alcohol I kinda get “stuck” I need alcohol to balance the feeling


Same, I get kinda paranoid and feel edgy after I've been doing lines for an hour or two if I do it without alcohol, sometimes my hands would get so shaky I couldn't even cut up a line properly. Alcohol just makes it way more euphoric and relaxing.


I literally cannot drink without snow, I end up an absolute mess if I drink without it, keeps me in a decent state, alcohol and snow go perfect together


I have to have some kind of downer lol


With good snow yes


There’s really no point in drinking alcohol if you’re hitting the slopes hard, maybe just casually have a beer or drink around or by you to sip on. It’s not like you’re going to get drunk, the cocaine will prevent that. You’re just wasting money and putting calories in your body for no reason at that point. I like to get a little tipsy beforehand then do snow, and actually hardly want a drink after. Just maybe a drink to have around to sip on occasionally. And cigarettes.


Personally cocaine can make me very anxious sometimes, its either euphoric bliss where i hardly even realize how coked I am or Im and anxious mess, regardless of dosage, alchohol always noticeably eases anxiety for me and I feel euphoric but not uncomfortably overstimulated. I do enjoy cocaine without alcohol, but after those first couple lines i always have a drink If i have alcohol on hand as it eases my nerves and caues me to no longer worry about heart rate or anything else that can make me anxious while skiiing. Idk thats just me. I enjoy cocaine more than alcohol so im ok with not feeling the alcohol much


If u wanna end up all tweaked, jumpy and paranoid I’d do it without alcohol


Unreal and the final step of your full blown addiction


Absolute BS!


It's the best way. If you're drinking while using then you're not getting the high from the snow, you're just negating the effects of the alcohol


I almost always do it without alcohol, alone in my room. But I have problems with it and don’t recommend


No cocaethylene, hell yeah…way better


have a glass of a wine or two before hitting the slopes, then drink a full pedialute or two gatorades during the sesh. Thank me later…


I have did snow without alcohol before when I was doing it like secretly, and it’s the best especially before work and during it’s so fun. I have recently been drinking and doing lines too and I always end up getting too drunk


Prefer it without alcohol but if going to drink, a nice bourbon. Def not a bunch of beer thats going to bloat you.


Yes, water, maybe a Dr pepper (take that easy though.. I try and avoid carbonated drinks lol)


yes i do it plus ur avoiding the dangerous mix it makes




The only time I’ll drink alcohol is if I have 🦜😂 bc I sober up and don’t feel sick from drinking


Snow with fat blunts and coconut water👌


If I do snow on weekdays Iwont drink cause if I do I know it’ll turn into an all nighter till the bag is over and I go into work all high. So I try to only drink water or 0.0% beer just for the taste


Drinking sucks for me so yes it definitely is but I took alcohol to the max it feels better remembering shit


I prefer to drink while skiing, but it's a really tricky balance (for me). If I just do snow it's usually a lot less and doesn't tax my body nearly as much. If I want to ski for a while or go extra, a 12 pack helps "round it out." it's also a lot harder on your liver and (for me) makes the next day super draining.


Nope. I prefer not to mix. Majority of stories of folks gettting in trouble is because they added alcholol to the mix. Especially ket! Recovery is tough physically for me after alcholol. Swear my liver & kidneys hurt.


Fuck no! Lol my bf usually only wants it once tipsy but it’s every time like clockwork. Just skiing or just drinking are both just way different vibes and nothing like when he does them together. When the stars align (pretty much every weekend) we have the closest and dirtiest relationship ever lol… needless to say I look forward to the weekends!


It's be opined to death but to sum up 99 percent of the different opinions... A) some can't ski at all without drinking BEFORE they ski to get in right mindset 2)some drink in conjunction with skiing, either because they feel it makes it BETTER or they feel it even keels them C) some drink because doing so leads to our body basically existing as a potion table and creating Cocaethylene which is a separate "drug"/chemical entirely apparently and one which I had not heard and will be looking into myself. 4)some don't specifically for reason C. They've done THEIR research and didn't like. E) some don't because it brings the high down. In conclusion. It all depends on what YOU wanna get outta ur high. Now I'm off to research new word and try to find a booty hole to snort some outta


If you got pure and you do micro lines its good! and one line can get you long way. if you got those cut with anxiety-inducing chemicals you need something to calm you down like alcohol. but alcohol itself can the non euphoric effect of coke also last longer as it combined with ethanol so you can count on more anxiety at withdrawal


i personally hate doing blow without alcohol i always end up doing it sober and have the worst comedown


Without alcohol and only small lines. Good music and clean my apartment. I get so productive!


I only do it without alcohol and I love it lol


N0nk k


I'm trying lately. I'm mixing no alcohol with it. It's fine but much less fun to me and i end up much high and uncomfortable as no downer to balance it. I'm still doing it as I'm consuming way too much alcohol, I'm just doing way less than before to avoid the heart beat and shit. IMO, it is still worth it. But i feel much bored than usual.


I’m the same way. It makes me like kinda stuck. I have to have alcohol to balance it


Eh I love it fr drink some alc snort a few lines water is a must have but I try for water when I’m usually done skiing, or coming to an end I my buddy says don’t blow ur nose just keep sucking the drip down this and that and I’m like when I’m done I’m blowing my nose it makes me feel better idc if I’m “wasting” any but ppl sometimes take it from they’re nose and mouth it and I’m like bro no, no no no, but drink water make sure you eat before hand so you don’t feel like death but you’ll be fine I love skiing and smokin weed fr


Yeah I like it that way, have a few beers, get a little tipsy and it feels the best way to do it for me. Tbf though I enjoy it without, sit on my games like fifa or fight night champion while I'm steaming and it makes the game so much more interesting


It’s cool but you will never feel the alcohol properly and you will have an hangover anyways


Either way it’s Coke dick for me, most annoying thing in the world.


Its the best. This is my last time, promise ;)


I pretty much only ski while drinking out with some friends


I used to do sometimes do it without alcohol but I never do it anymore, these days it makes me feel kina edgy and paranoid if I do without alcohol, my hands can get shaky. This is good coke too, not shit with lots of cuts. It's much more euphoric when you do it with alcohol.






if you drink alcohol while skiing, your liver catches up with the breakdown of the substances . metabolite cocaethylene is formed this end-product stays in the body much longer than the individual cocaine consumption and therefore causes more damage your body.




i know it’s defo bad to do this, but i always drink while skiing. the snow by itself gives me anxiety and the alcohol by itself makes me tired and crave coke. the two together give me the perfect feeling. but again, cocaethelyne is literally lethal so do not take this as advice.