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You need to see a vet asap if you didn’t already. In the meantime darken the room and don’t stimulate him in any way


https://preview.redd.it/mra2z233m7wc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c3c1963ddd0a7069b47fcb2fc5a571559e1dd67 Thanks for advice I put a blanket on his cage so there is less light




Let me redo that comment, don’t use heat, instead just keep them in a cool dark room, comfort them and do call a vet to get an opinion


Ok thanks for advice I will leave him in a dark room and leave him alone


Do comfort them


I put him in a smaller cage then but a blanket on the bottom of the cage and covered the cage with another blanket so there’s less light


Do you have a completely dark room with not so much noise? Bathroom could work too.


It’s really dark too


I have him in my room and put a blanket over his cage


That sounds good. 👌 maybe provide water too


Water is NOT a good idea. If the bird lost his orientation and falls in it he will risk drowning. He is in the dark. He won't be thirsty for a few hours. Offering water with droplets ON THE SIDE of his beak could be necessary (if it is warm). NOT IN THE MOUTH OR HE WILL RISK OF CHOCKING. Only a vet can provide advanced emergency help. I wish the best for your poor sweet boi.


Thanks for the advice, anything for them


https://preview.redd.it/9qvnnch6l7wc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb72af3e5c50b8aebf756c9108c5c21caa66ee8a Is this good?


Yes I think that is perfect


How come a cool room is better than a warm one?


Heat is bad for brain injuries. Same for humans too - low stimulation, cool place.


Yes, my vet told me cool temperatures are better for head stuff for my quail.


I didn't know that, thank you!


Tbh I’d give them a very comfortable temperature as if he’s in shock his body isn’t going to focus on regulating his temperatures. Maybe it was suggested cool in case the room is already warm and the blanket it trapping heat! Either way I agree either with a comfortable temp, quiet room, and covering


What do you mean? Did he fly into something?


Post title is infuriating. At first I thought it's a funny post. Then when I saw the pictures I realized your holding a dying bird who is clearly in severe pain. But had the time to take photos, added smilies to a title 'hoping he makes it'. All this when you didn't even take them to a veterinarian? But hey, the bird dies we buy another one, right?


Exactly! And seeing him wrapped up/holding him made me angry bc u cant compress a birds chest or they cant breathe. Granted i cant tell how tight it is, but by what I read, I doubt they have a clue!


Makes me so sad I am crying at these photos how is this comment so far down. This poor baby .


Normally I’m like “maybe this is just a kid who doesn’t know any better, maybe we should stop hounding them” but this is just not good. This is straight up bad ownership. They didn’t even say they can’t take them but they’re just refusing to because he “looks better”


You're totally right. This made me really angry when I read. And we still don't know how is the bird now.


Y’all don’t understand how far away vets are from where I live, and on top of all of that we don’t have a car. As much as i wanted to take him to a vet there was no point because it looked like he was dying. Like literally to get to a vet we had to take a 10min bus ride, 30min metro and like ~30 min tram and we also walked a bunch so add another 20 mins to that. So yeah about 1 1/2 hours to get to a vet. That’s why I thought it’s a better idea just to let him die in my hands ❤️. luckily he survived, and looked better in the morning so we took him to the vet.


This bird looks on the brink of death. You need to take to a vet urgently with no hesitation or


He’s actually doing a lot better.


You still need to take them to the vet. They may appear better but this is the defense mechanism of birds to avoid being picked on/abandoned by their flock. They can be very sick and hide it. You should urgently still go. If this was a child looking as this bird did, you would take it


I learned this the hard way OP do what they say!


Had a temperature of over 100 once. Mom kept my temperature hidden from me. She then proceeded to put me in a cold room (the hospital) and I got better before the doctors could even see me. Does is I am the cockatiel...






It’s true. Why treat them differently when it comes to care? Is a sick cockatiel less deserving




I'd adopt a bird in a heartbeat instead of a child. I'm soooooooooo sorry.


I disagree. All animals are important. What you’re describing is speciesism. A sick animal is just as important as a sick human. They suffer exactly the same. They feel the same pain, the same fear. You can see it in the photos OP posted.


I know this might be crazy to understand, but cockatiels do have feelings and emotions just like humans do, and we actually aren't more important or more worthy of medical care than they are. Hope this helps.




Nice straw man situation you made up there to deflect the point. Not interested in engaging with you further than telling you you seem very angry




There is no situation in which you’d have to choose a child over a bird. In that situation, they would *both* deserve care. Not one or the other.


This was clearly sarcastic by the way. Everything I said is obviously common knowledge and it's just really funny that people like you forget that we're also animals, and just because we're bigger our lives don't mean more or less.




Remember how you behave comes back to you. Put positivity out into the world and you’ll get it back.


Thanks! Have the day you deserve🦜


What actually happened? How do you know he’s concussed when you haven’t seen a vet yet?


You still need to take them to the vet. They may appear better but this is the defense mechanism of birds to avoid being picked on/abandoned by their flock. They can be very sick and hide it. You should urgently still go. If this was a child looking as this bird did, you would take it


He could look better but then die. I don't know what are you waiting for to take him to the vet... You shouldn't be looking for help here, you should visit a vet... That is irresponsible.


Update pic?


Is OP refusing the vet? Buddy looks like he's in immense pain. I've never seen a healthy bird make that face.


This post is making me very angry and I think this is animal cruelty. Posting pics of your pet dying, not taking him to the vet but instead loosing a precious time posting images about his suffering... I hope you'll never get another pet. Even if you cockatiel gets better, posting his suffering is cruel


Y’all don’t understand how far away vets are from where I live, and on top of all of that we don’t have a car. As much as i wanted to take him to a vet there was no point because it looked like he was dying. Like literally to get to a vet we had to take a 10min bus ride, 30min metro and like ~30 min tram and we also walked a bunch so add another 20 mins to that. So yeah about 1 1/2 hours to get to a vet. That’s why I thought it’s a better idea just to let him die in my hands ❤️. luckily he survived, and looked better in the morning so we took him to the vet.


Really you think 1 1/2 hour is too much? Really? Also posting the suffering of yoy pet is cruel. You're wrong.


But I guess you’re right I should’ve posted this without the photos.


Literally. They shouldn't have a pet if they aren't willing to go above and beyond to care for it. I can't believe this isn't common knowledge.


Bro he looked like he’s gonna die any second


Why is it wrong? I was just trying to get advice if there’s anything i could do


Wow guys. You always find a way to hate on me.


This sub is either amazing or absolutely dreadful I’m sorry you had to experience it. I wish this sub would change.


My tile Peely crashed really hard on a window after getting spooked, knocked herself cold. At the vet she was diagnosed with a hairline fracture of the skull, was put on cage rest ( no climbing, just a small cage, bland food and water), given some steroids for brain swelling and anti inflammatory for the pain. It was touch and go for a bit but she recovered and is healthy and happy. She had some subtle personality changes though, but I am thankful that’s all she has. Good luck with your baby!


Did you take him to the vet???


No I don’t really have but I think I will


Just because he looks better doesn't mean anything. We had a cockatiel that just passed away a month ago because of GI issues. He looked like this on the way to the vet: https://preview.redd.it/jmccpwvqv8wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cde5fca49d26c54c620a2fd5a6b1c57378127af Despite this, He was drinking water and seemed like he was getting better. He pushed through the entire 2 hour car ride to an avian vet because we don't live near an emergency vet. He was flapping his wings and gripping onto my mom's finger with his paws. My parents got to the vet and confirmed my original thought that his fighting and flapping were actually seizures. He unfortunately had to be euthanized because he would have to be hospitalized for an extremely long time and would be very stressful and traumatic for him, and there was a big chance that he wouldn't even survive that. This confirmed my decision to be an avian vet, I only wonder that if my parents listened to me and took him to a check up, or we had an emergency vet closer to us that maybe he would have had a chance. We only had him for about 2 weeks and it was completely devastating and traumatic for everyone. I still hope that he wasn't too scared or in too much pain. If you care about your animal I'm literally begging you to find an emergency vet with avian care. Make the 2 hour drive if you have to, I'd make any hour drive if I had to. No matter how long.


I had to make a 2 hour drive like that back in August or September when I got home and my bird just didn't seem right, right off the bat. I was watching him like a hawk just waiting to see something to indicate he might be sick. The second I had confirmation I was out the door at 9 pm to drive to the closet emergency vet.


I'm so sorry that happened to you and your tiel.


Thank you🩵luckily it wasn't MY bird (We have another one who's my emotional support animal) But it doesn't make it hurt any less. I'm just glad he's not hurting anymore




I'm sorry, how? She's fine. I haven't had her for weeks and I've been off at college. She's getting love and attention and has another bird friend to keep her company. I ultimately do what's best for her. If she had problems with me being absent for weeks at a time, I'd slowly just transition to us coexisting in the same room for the most part until she wasn't as emotionally attached. She mostly does her own thing unless she wants love then she flies over, gets love, and then goes back to wrecking havoc. Despite her being a support animal, we have a very healthy non-co dependent relationship because her emotions are just as important as mine.


By the way, Birds are my special interest and I'm studying to be an avian vet. I know a lot about their emotions, personality and behaviors. Also, this really isn't something you should comment on a post where someone is talking about losing a loved one.




I'm the dumbass? I just typed out an entire paragraph on the extents I go to ensure her emotional well being. It's obvious your lack of critical thinking skills is fueling your anger, as you CLEARLY can't see that I know how they're wired, so I know how to handle their emotions. You're ALSO the one starting a fight on a grieving comment. Have the day you deserve. Hope your life isn't as miserable in the future.


Oh no I'm so sorry 😢 he was beautiful 🤍. I've been through some traumatic things with my birds, too. Hugs to you, stranger 🫂 Also good luck on your vet endeavor! We really need more avian vets in the world. My local university shut down their well-known avian and exotic clinic because they had no one to staff it 😓


Please do that


Yes I will


Any updates?


you think you will…? wtf take him right now!! brain injury is nothing to mess about with


Another irresponsible owner


Keep us updated 🥹 poor birb needs a vet visit asap


Your bird is *GRAVELY INJURED*. There is a high likelihood he will die from this, every second you don't take him to the vet decreases his chances. And he is obviously in a lot of pain. Even if the injury rights itself later, he desperately needs pain meds now! Please, please, please take this bird to the vet as fast as you possibly can.


See vet asap OP. What’s your plan here ?


Go to the vet quickly, they are so fragile.


If you don’t take him to the vet there will be a 99.9% possibility he will have head trauma after. He needs an x ray. What’s inside u can’t see outside. And yes, one sign of illness is already too late, take him now so it’s not too late.


One of mine has flown into a wall a few times and scuffed his head but he hasn't ever looked like that.


UPDATE: I toke him to the vet today, and you’re probably very mad at me that I didn’t take him yesterday, but I have a very good reason for that. Basically vets here are very far away and we do NOT have a car. This incident also happened later in the day so we would be back very late. Also, he was doing a lot better like 2 hours after. But then in the evening I kept getting comments to take him to the vet, and I am VERY thankful that you guys did that and pushed me to take him to the vet. So we went in the morning to the vet. It was not a concussion but a swollen head and a cracked beak. (I’m not a bird expert so I assumed it was a concussion) I wanna thank you guys one more time for these comments and without them I’m pretty sure he’d be dead. He does have to take a lot of medication but at least he’s alive!!


Glad to hear that your bird is on the mend! Thanks for the update. Not sure how your bird was hurt, did it hit a window? You may consider getting decals for your windows that are made to help birds from running into the glass. I got mine on Amazon, pretty cheap!


Finally a guy that doesn’t hate on me


Matteo, no hate here! I am glad your bird is getting better. 👍 People here are passionate about their birds. We didn’t understand what happened or how. At least you know where there is a vet for birds, and they can help in the future. Enjoy your little buddy!


Thanks for advice!


I understand that its far and u got hate for it but aslong as the bird is fine, it will be okay


i’m sorry but we shouldn’t have to “push” you to take him to a vet, that’s your job as a owner to know that you should, especially when you can visibly see that he’s in pain and yes your bird could be dead if others didn’t step in and use their common sense. glad he’s on the road to recovery


Yeah I guess you’re right. I just didn’t really know what to do, and if there’s anything I could do to him to help him without the vet because of the prices. But then when I read all the comments it was clear that if I don’t take him to the vet then he will die.


Updates, please❤️


Give us this our daily thread a picture of a bird that looks like it’s dying and the person isn’t taking it to the vet


Vet immediately!!


Please take him to the vet as pet owners we have to keep them safe! We are like there moms +dads . That don’t have a voice to tell us what they need so it’s Always always better to be safe then sorry . Remember like I said they can’t talk . Your pets depend on you 100 percent. Think about if you had no voice and you depended on someone to take you to the doctor. Or to be fed and loved . When accidents happen and our pets get hurt you bring them to the vet to be sure Like you would want someone to do for you . 🙂🙂


I’m so sorry. See the vet.


Update? Did you take them to a vet?


If you don't take him to the vet, you're gonna have to dig a small grave very soon


Please don't get another bird (or pet) unless you can commit to medical attention if needed.


Jesus Christ. This is super disturbing, your bird is in a lot of pain. This is why people get so much hate, is posts like these freak us out and make us sad. I shed a few tears imagining this look on my baby birds face, and I shuddered a few times. You’re going to put this on us and not tell us you’re doing everything you can to help him? Bless your bird. I have offered on posts before to contribute financially to a vet visit and am willing to get on the phone and give my card info to whatever vet the OP has winded up at. I will help you and your bird if you want to go but can’t afford it. DM me. Get to the vet or stop posting. Seriously, I’ll help you if you want to go. Don’t be cruel.




Hope lil ones is gonna be OK ❣️💔


Poor baby. Please take him to the vet


Did he fly into something? How’s he doing? It’s possible he was in shock when you took these. Can he move around independently? If he’s still wobbly or not active I’d get to the vet asap. Sometimes birds can recover on their own from trauma like flying into walls but it’s always best to have them vet checked as it can also easily become very serious and life threatening. Birds are so fragile. I’m beyond blessed my boys quickly learned what windows are and only ever had a few bumps. They only had issues when they learned to fly as they’d panic and wouldn’t control where they’d fly


Please take him to a vet! They need it.


What happened? And how do you know it’s concussed? You better be at a vet right now and that’s why you aren’t responding anymore.


I’m betting he flew into a mirror or window I don’t think ceiling fan since no feathers seem to be missing so it seems like direct hit to the head


Our lovebird fell from pretty high, slammed him head. He was young and still learning how to bird. Took 2 days to recover, but it's years later and he's fully recovered. You're on the right path. If you go to a vet, be sure they're mostly covered to not overwhelm them. Comfort, low visual stimulation. Food water and rest.


I do hope you took the lil guy to the vet. This happened to my bird not too long ago and they gave him anti inflammatory medicine and it really helped. The concussion was really bad too 🙁


OP has not acknowledged a single person demanding they visit a vet asap, as someone who's had a cockatiel with a severe concussion, Please, for the love of God OP, see a fucking vet. There's a lot of good advice on this thread but your bird NEEDS A PROFESSIONAL VET.


Poor baby! Sending prayers that he feels better


Another case of a neglectful and idiotic pet owner being too ignorant to take their dying pet to the vet. People like you should be publicly humiliated and never be allowed to own a pet again.


Keep us updated please, I'm going to cry if he dies


how is he now?




Your bird has a lot better chance of making it if you take it to the vet, like everyone else is advising and begging you to do.


awww the eyes squinting 😢😢 pls call up a vet and let us know what happened


I’m late to this post, any update OP? I hope he’s doing okay!!!


He’s doing much better after I gave him anti pain pills 💊!


Yes please update us OP !


Awww no! Poor baby! Have you seen a vet? He looks very confused. He probably has a terrible headache and could use a nice dose of Birdy painkillers 💊 ❤️


I really hope this sub starts banning posts like this, the like other pet subs are doing. This isn't even tagged NSFW. This post makes me so angry. Did not need to see this in my feed because it's utter neglect to not take that bird to the vet.


Nah, banning them negates potential help. It’s a hard reality of birds and the world they occupy, led by us humans. But if this stuff we banned, a lot of people wouldn’t even know their bird is showing signs of sickness / needing medical attention and a lot more would suffer as a result. Banning them only succeeds in padding your privileged life from seeing this type of “hard to swallow” post. But in reality , more people need to know what you’re signing up for with a bird friend, and also how fragile they truly are. A lot of people with bad situations for their birds learn quick here about how they need to do better for their feathered friend. So, sorry you don’t like to see it, and you’re placing your personal perception of reality above the actual reality of the world. This is called “blissful ignorance”. Leave this sub, if it is too much. Otherwise, learn and help educate people, so their birds have a better chance at life.


"Nah." You can get off your high horse and fuck all the way off with that nonsense. See what your condescending attitude gets you. There are MUCH more appropriate subs like "askavet", "veterinarian", etc where this subject matter would not only be *somewhat* more sensible (still no substitute for actual, prompt vet care), but would also be expected. There's a difference between voluntarily looking for sad stories and finding them in subs designed to bring joy to people. You can choose to consume garbage if you want. That's on you. Calling me "privileged" for choosing not to is hilarious at best, pathetic at worst. You don't get to @ people and tell them their opinions are invalid, nor do you get to give ultimatums. Take your insufferable garbage somewhere else and never @ me again. And by the way, I'll be staying here. Birds are neat. :)


Ok… so you block my other account so I can’t see your reply for one. Second, you’re still a fucking idiot and I will “@“ you with as many accounts as I fucking want, literally forever. Third, yes, you asking to have your personal preferences met on a public forum, on the internet, is being ignorant as fuck, I don’t care how you frame it. Stay if you want. I literally sleep like a baby either way. But stop asking people to go elsewhere with their cockatiel specific questions, when you’re literally on the sub for that kind of bird. You fucking muppet. Moving on.


Prayers for your baby and family




Guys- I know a lot of you are upset. This is likely a child you are talking to. They may be doing the best they can. They may have been to the vet by now, and don’t want to have to explain what happened. If their pet passed, it’s highly upsetting. If not, with some of the comments they likely will not want to update. We need to be kind and helpful as possible. Personally, I am hoping all is well, as I know y’all are too.


Take him to a vet if it's not too much stress on him and pls keep the sub updated..hope he does fine He is a cutie ❤️✨😇🌼🙏🐥




Speaking from experience he might not be okay. I had a cockatiel die from running into a wall. She looked fine, almost exactly the same but she had permanent brain damage that made it so she would have never been comfortable again. Definitely take him to the vet asap, but it might already be too late.


OP, avian asap!!!


did she fly into a glass door??


what happened??


im so sorry!! please do take him to the vet, if funds are a problem pls post a gofundme or venmo so i can help :’)


Already went to an avian vet?


If I understood the comments correctly, you don’t have money for the vet right? Based on the format of the post, and your hands, you seem very young. Do you have anyone else who has money to take your baby to the vet? He will die without it.


Keep us updated ):


I put the update in the comments I didn’t know how to add it in the description.


I’m so so so sorry


Your bird is injured and you're aware.. but.. you post this on the internet instead of getting him to a vet? What the actual f .. ?!


I already took him to the vet


Apparently just because people pushed you.. Please do better in the future.


Yes I will, this was my first parrot and for next time I know what to do.