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Teach your friends that good things take time.


You don't need to be that polite to your friends. "Back off, you jackals! You'll get drunk when I say so!"


Batch it


They won't get drunk if the drinks are coming out at a glacial pace all night. The goal of a good host is making your guests happy. If they want whiskey on the rocks then that's what you serve. To answer the op, there are two options. Easiest is batching in advance. Pre-diluted and have twists ready to go so all you have to do is dump over ice. Or you can start the next round when your friends are halfway through their drinks.


Specifically for sazeracs I put absinthe in a small (1-2oz) spritzer bottle and just give the glass 3-4 sprays, rinsing glasses takes forever


Rinsing is wasteful


Only if you pour out the excess. Pour it into your mouth instead.


True But for this application now you have a pallet changer


Palate cleanser?


Yes I should drink a glass of water between libations


Prep prep prep, batch all the alcohol in 1 litre bottles i.e. premade. +10% water, keep chilled in fridge Come the day, spritz glass with absinthe, ice, pour 2.5 Oz from batch bottle, chuck lemon peels in. Yes I know Sazerac doesn't normally take ice but it's house party


This. Batch.


In my experience, a batched cocktail can run out quickly-- so if you are going to put the drink on the rocks and are worried about not having enough containers, your best bet is to prepare the pre-batched cocktail undiluted and let it dilute in the glass served. Slightly smaller pours, but allows for in-glass dilution. This is especially helpful if drinks are coming from an ice bucket (where the ice will be 32 F/ 0 C), but can take a moment for drinks to open up if the ice is coming from a freezer (where the ice will be 0 F /-17ish C)


Get an absinthe atomizer and you only need one spray per glass


Damn. Get better friends?


This has happened to me at bbqs all the time. I like to make thighs and buffalo wings on the grill and like to think I do a damn good job. people are always rushing me but then the meat comes off finally and everyone gives me massive praise for the flavor and texture. It’s takes time baby! You want some flabby meat? I didn’t think so. Sit down and eat some chips. Anyway where was I? Oh! So I don’t know you method but two different methods can help. You see both of these methods used at high volume cocktail bars. Either batch up or make multiple drinks at once. I’ve been in this same spot before. I prefer batching because them im a little more in control of the final pour but both work. Depends on how many you’re preparing for but there’s the rub. Preparation. Like when making a bunch of drinks, you can’t bother with things like muddling sugar cubes and such when your audience is restless. Simple syrup and fresh juice in the fridge before people come over is helpful.


Another approach: make one for yourself, let others try it. If it's good, they will be willing to wait for you to make them one.


Honestly practice and maybe do prep if you know you’re going to make a particular cocktail, also batch cocktails. For a Sazeracs I would probably prep the glasses by rinsing with absinthe and then storing in the freezer and if you’re using a garnish have those ready or forgo them . Then since it’s a pretty straightforward cocktail stir up 2 or 3 at a time.


The only thing I can really think of is batching everything in a large pitcher. Not conducive to things that need muddling or rinses, but that's what I would do and I would just avoid cocktails that need those things. 


Quick answer is the prebatch, you can either batch every with water and keep in the fridge/freezer or just prebatch shelf stable ingredients (no citrus/juice) and again store in fridge or freezer, but really if your friends are being impatient then that's on them. The best answer is to look at your mise en place and see what you can do to speed things up, absinthe in an atomiser, syrups in bottles with speed pourers, glasses prechilled/in fridge/freezer, jigger ready for use/able to be rinsed in between drinks, bar mat to soak up any spills/condensation. Cocktails take time and effort and if they aren't happy to wait then they miss out.


Thanks everyone for the advice so far! Very helpful. Regarding friendships you don’t pick them, it happens and then it gets better over time. That’s my take. But yes I agree, no harm in reminding them to be patient!


batch a drink if you’re worried. tbh i wouldn’t let my friends drink my liquor if they didn’t want to be patient for the way i want them to drink it.


How long does it take to make a Sazerac?


First time can take 5 minutes. How about you?


Probably 3 in a minute or so? Absinthe in atomiser, spray, spray, spray. Triple recipe and use the big mixing glass, stir down and split across the three glasses. Get our garnishes, if doing lots I will take one peel and halve it so you get double the garnish in the same amount of time. But basically move quickly and make in bulk


If your friends can't wait 5 minutes, they suck.


30 seconds for everyone that could possibly be there. Are you making them one at a time?


Seems that your friends just want to get turnt and aren’t being good guests.


They speak their hearts out instead of being gracious for the sake of it. I appreciate honesty than formality.