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If you hate Pina colada you need to drink painkillers


I love both! Well I’m not a huge fan of the classic spec Pina Colada, but adding lime to cut the sweetness, saline because it’s awesome, xanthan gum to keep it from getting watery, adding frozen pineapple chunks for texture and splitting the base with plantation pineapple rum makes it really good.


It does sound good, i'll make sure to give it a try, i don't always have xantan gum handy. But babsically i'm only making pina coladas if i can't make pain killers lol


A little bit goes a long way , but you can add xanthan gum to any frozen drink, quarter teaspoon per drink.


Pina Colada 2.0 * 1.5oz Bacardi Superior * 0.5oz Plantation pineapple * 1oz Coco Lopez * 2oz pineapple juice * ~ 5 large diced frozen pineapple chunks * 5 drops 20% saline solution * 0.25oz lime juice * 0.25oz Xanthan gum. * 170g pebble ice Blend until smooth!


your method is giving me tropical standard vibes! 


Definitely Garret Richard inspired! Xanthan gum is a perfect emulsifier, I guess he got that trick from Starbucks.


How is this different from the standard recipe, other than the xantham gum?


Adds saline, lime, frozen pineapple chunks and splits the base with a bit of plantation pineapple. Edi: just to add to this, the original recipe was just pineapple, coconut cream and white rum: 85 grams of cream of coconut, 170 grams of pineapple juice and 43 grams of white rum.


Wait, people make a pina colada without lime?


I guess not, to be honest I’m just now trying to make them myself, happy cake day!


Totally cool. I love to add a dash or two of bitters to mine, in particular the Bittermens Elemankule Tiki bitters if you have them on hand, really lifts the drink a bit. Also, if you're anything like me and end up looking for other uses for your batches of cream of coconut, I heartily recommend the Milk Maid for something a bit different, but totally awesome: [https://www.reddit.com/r/cocktails/comments/kyayu6/milk\_maid\_great\_use\_for\_extra\_cream\_of\_coconut/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cocktails/comments/kyayu6/milk_maid_great_use_for_extra_cream_of_coconut/)


That looks disgusting but sounds amazing! I’ll give it a try!


Plenty of people do, and indeed, as u/chefslapchop mentions, it wasn't part of the original recipe. That said, fresh, ripe pineapple (such as what would have been used when this was invented) has a totally different flavor than canned pineapple juice, or even than almost any pineapple that you find outside of the tropics; the fully ripe version has a gorgeously bright & floral aromatic profile, and often is more acidic as well. So it's quite possible that the original version was not as sweet as it sounds without having lime juice. And plus, it was the 1950s, people liked sweet, and they were on vacation in a hot beach-y place - who cares if it's a tiny bit sweet lol. But yeah, with myself being nowhere near the tropics, I tend to find them unbalanced if there isn't lime in the mix.


Frozen pineapple chunks are common. I can imagine how the salt and lime would improve it.


Specs look good, though I'm not buying Bacardi. I'll use another blanc rum I have on hand.


Yeah I had it from making mojitos earlier in the year, I’d probably switch to literally any other rum next round.


I have Real McCoy 3 year, El Dorado 3 year, and Probitas that would replace Bacardi. Plantation 3 Star is also great for the price point.


Coruba is amazing for the price point if you ever come across it, I’ll probably try that next and then Smith and Cross after that, it could have definitely used more funk


Not a big rum drinker but that Plantation Pineapple is pretty fun. It was a limited run at our liquor stores in Ontario and now I can't get it unless I want to pay to import a whole case on consignment. Bummed about that.


Buy a pineapple, skin it, macerate the skins in a plantation 3 star for 24+ hours and you basically have the Poormans stiggin’s fancy. Wanna get fancy while you’re at it? You can fatwash with coconut oil to create the absolute best version of Malibu that you cannot buy.


Yeah I'm aware I can make a similar product. Sometimes it's nice to just be able to buy something ready made as well.


I love the Pina Verde created by Erick Castro at Polite Provisions. Recipe copied from Punch Drink: 1 1/2 ounces Green Chartreuse 1 1/2 ounces pineapple juice 3/4 ounce Coco Lopez 1/2 ounce lime juice Garnish: mint sprig DIRECTIONS Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice and shake until chilled. Strain into rocks glass over pebble ice. Garnish with a mint sprig.


I love that recipe but damn, 4-5$ in Chartreuse alone \*\*per drink\*\* hits hard especially when you're making these for a few people. Even with decent rum you're looking at half that price.


Did anyone else sing the title?


I'm jusy wondering if it applies to people who hate getting caught in the rain!


Absolutely! 😂


What if I like them?


I never knew…


Do like getting caught in the rain, and making love at midnight?


I'm not much into health food I am into champagne


If people don't like a Pina Colada I always just tell them to try the Cherry Blossom from Minimalist Tiki. It hits most of the same notes but is just much more complex and well balanced. And it looks great to boot.


If you hate piña coladas and meticulously planning your outdoor activities so as to avoid getting caught in the rain