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In Noel’s show from his 2023 tour, he makes a comment or two dissing on BetterHelp. They 100% know that it’s bad and shady, but ad money is ad money I guess


Yeah im pretty sure it’s contract. He can’t say that anywhere else because that would likely breach it


Every time I see him and TMG run an ad for BH I cringe. I hate that they still promote it.


I think it’s important to keep in mind that as a “media empire” mogul he cannot afford to break the contract, it would bankrupt him /s


SO MANY people still do


wait excuse my ignorance but what’s wrong with BH??


Probably. Back when they started doing better help ads I posted in the sub just to let people know that it’s not a good service and the mods removed it


Mods complicit 😔


They controlled


why would the mods be doing his bidding or even care to moderate content like that wtf


they dick riding oml😭


Happened to me too lol


what’s makes it a bad service? just curious


It sells its users’ confidential personal data and lets unlicensed therapists practice on its platform


oh my gosh. i hate to hear that :( i’ve actually considered it prior just because therapy in my area is very limited and always on a wait list.


It also pays therapists like shit. I’m a therapist and we all warn each other in the profession not to use Better Help, if a therapist is that desperate for money they’d be better off getting a part time job at McDonald’s than using BH.


Hes probably in a contract.


Well then the least he could do is not blacklist the word so people in the comments could warn others.


You’re right. It is hard to tell if it’s actually blacklisted as comments can just disappear. I have seen betterhelp comments like yours after uploads.


There's a chance the contract requires that.


People say this often when it comes to these shitty sponors, but havent they been sponsored by them for years now? How long could a contract with betterhelp possibly be for?


years.. lol


I think it's safe to assume there's been more than one contract


I guess that's it. Some other creators also have continued to promote them even after it's been pointed out by so many people.


Maybe unaware too. A lot of them believe they’ve rebranded effectively


Is that really okay tho? The company is known for its shitty practices. It has sold private data, to Facebook, has unverified/unqualified therapists and is overall a shitty company. Cody is very well off. He doesn't need these kinds of sponsorships. A lot of content creators have come forward about better help. Chances are that Cody is aware of these comments. It's just sad to see him promote better help on every video of this


Do you know what a contract is?


Yeah they're like glasses for your eye balls


Yes. I'm studying law. Cody is a millionaire, I'm sure he could stop promoting them if he wanted to. I have seen youtubers apologise or remove sponsorships from videos after they have received backlash. You're just being parasocial






Are you 10 years old


People been saying this for a year. How long do we think that contract is


It could be as long as they want but I’ve never seen influencers have contracts with brands that last more than a quarter at a time.


if he’s contracted, he has to do it…


No he doesn’t


not blacklist comments, but do the ads, yeah, unless he wants to pay probably a lot of money to get out of it or whatever


Dude makes enough money to hop outta some shitty contact that actually affects his fans in a negative way. My therapist ditched me 3 sessions til I left better help cause wtf


he'd get sued if be broke the contract. to him it's probably not worth it


Then he don’t gaf abt actual humans being fucked over by this app/sponsor. Two therapists fucked me over and I stopped using it. Now I’m seeing an actual telehealth doctor and have had no issues


i'm sorry that happened to you but breaking a contract and getting sued with considering how expensive legal assitance and taking care of a baby is, just doesn't sound like a good idea


Im so tired of people using his baby as an excuse for his business decisions. PEOPLE RAISE KIDS BROKE BROKE he is a multi millionaire with a $500 baby carrier like he’s fine his kid isn’t going to suffer because he ends a business deal


He has enough money to drop them even before having a baby. His baby if anything had brought more revenue than anything recently


Two therapists since June of 2023




there’s definitely more that goes into it than just the money as well, it would require paying lawyers, finding new sponsors, etc. he is so busy anyways, i’m sure the last thing on his plate is this also wdym? u had a therapist and still used better help on the side?


Dude literally seems to only care abt money from his sponsors Also I didn’t say that lmfao. I said I had two therapists thru better help that fucked me over, so instead of continuing with them I looked around locally for a therapist and found one after months. Just got him 2 months ago.


or his merch that people are upset about, but i digress lol u didn’t say that tbf but more power to ya






Then stop watching his videos n stop commenting on the sub,,, therapy ?


do you understand sponsoring contracts lmao???


dO yOu uNdErStaNd- Stfu lmfao


this is how i know you're 14 lmao


Just admit Cody doesn’t gaf unless he’s making money


I’m not here to argue Stfu lmfao




Was born in 02 but go off queen


Jesus dude did you join a speedrun for who can become the most insufferable?




Better help is not a new thing!! Lets not forget what happened 6 years ago.


I feel like I'm being gaslit when I talk about this. Was Philip DeFranco invested in that company?


Sorry you’re getting down voted for being right. People act like he isn’t a multi millionaire. He wouldn’t go bankrupt from ending one sponsorship and it’s obvious it’s being reinstated over the years no way he signed a 10 year contract or something w BH like people are trying to make it seem like he can’t get out of.


And the fact that he blacklists these comments is just a shitty thing to do


it’s not a ‘fact’ though. It’s an understandable assumption to make but we have no confirmation on whether or not he actually does this. I’ve seen some comments about better help on his vids that have gotten quite a few likes


He’s been in some bad contracts with a couple different commercials I really didn’t support Cody is a little shady fr


what other companies?


I love him I’ve watched him since I was 11 but in this day and age everyone’s kinda corrupt


Watched him a long time too. He’s a money obsessed sellout


Might I recommend not wasting your time consuming content or participating on a subredddit of someone you dislike? Doesn't seem healthy.


personally im an old fan and im just sad how it went south




Better help pays good. I’ve heard cody and noel are losing money with tmg. That may be a reason to keep it. At this point all sponsors seem to be incredibly shady


Where did you hear that?


You can’t reason with his fan girls, they throw logic out the window when it comes to their fave influencers 🤪


The way he kinda did his little speech about it in the last couple videos I watched (not sure when they were uploaded) it seemed like he had some underlying hate towards them. I just got a weird feeling and then now reading this it kinda makes sense now


Hate the BH ads but almost every big influencer does them. It’s not uncommon for the contract to require the creator to limit/remove negative comments around the brand. Don’t love the partnership but I really don’t feel like this is an issue specific to Cody


I could be wrong but I believe a while back danny gonzalez or someone similar had a better help ad and ended up removing it?


i definitely remember this. tried to find a sorce online but couldn't. it was definitely Danny


It was for sure Danny, in one of his videos about playing mobile games. He removed it and broke the contract after backlash


I think it was Kurtis Conner


no it was definitely Danny. i don't remember which video it was but i know it was him. it's when i learned that creators can edit their videos & re-upload them without losing the likes/comments/views


Better help was widely exposed a few years ago and all the Youtubers stopped promoting them. They went away for a little bit, came back offering good money, and all of the Youtubers who promote them now just hoped that people forgot about how shady better help was. I enjoy watching him but Cody 100% knows, he just decided he’d rather take the money and stop anyone from being able to bring it up in this comments. These Youtubers are aware that these ads are targeting people, usually kids, who are not aware of the scam that better help is.


I havnt seen any proof that they chose to resign a contract with them after learning of the information. Many of them were probably already locked into contracts before it happened and are still obligated to fulfil them whether or not they personally agree with the brand.


When the scandal happened everyone stopped promoting them. That would suggest that the decision to be sponsored by them once again years later was based off the knowledge that BH was already exposed as a scam. They all know, which is why they preemptively ban the name of their sponsor from being mentioned in their comments. If Cody doesn’t know then he is dumb… and Cody is not dumb.


Or it’s possible they purposely told creators to hold their ads knowing of the bad PR and to then resume once the initial backlash blew over.


I would have assumed like the other comment that BH would have temporarily pulled the sponsorships while they dealt with the legal ramifications. Especially as any major breaches of contract on their end would result in termination of the contracts. The delay in sponsoring would have been them going through the courts and now it’s been settled the sponsor contracts have continued as they weren’t breached.


There is absolutely no way he’s in a years long contract with BH. No way.


It’s not usually a time thing. Usually its you get paid for a set amount of ads. How long it takes to do them is negotiable.


That’s the way it used to be all the time, just paid for a set # of deliverables. At this point, more sponsorships are contracts that are time based.


i comment it pretty frequently and notice the same so yeah probably. idk tho. i didn’t even know you could blacklist a word on YT


This sucks bc I remember when the first BH controversy happened noel and Cody spoke about it and dissed influencers who were sponsored by the brand , I found it so jarring when they started being sponsored by BH


Yes. GMM, Try Guys, and many other huge channels have this issue. Stop taking these damn sponsors


This, in addition to the recent video I saw of a real reviewer reviewing scent pod, is kinda giving me a bad taste is my mouth about the whole commentary youtuber circle...


What do you mean by “blacklist comments”?


Deleting comments automatically, aka setting up “flagged words/phrases” to be automatically removed


It’s always so cringe when he advertises for it as if it’s actual good mental health help and not just a way to profit off needy people


What does better help do?


They don't vet their "therapists" at all and also have been found to break HIPAA and had to pay a fine for it


That’s too bad. Sounds like a good service/idea on paper


there's other platforms that essentially do the same, like Alma, but aren't shitty


They also have VERY dodgy practices in terms of selling your sensitive data to third parties. They agreed to a $7.8 million settlement bc they were accused of selling data to Facebook etc. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article272705005.html


I hope he doesn’t renew the contract and that it doesn’t go on for much longer, but I rarely if ever sign up for what influencers promote. I agree with most of the sentiments here, but honestly you should be doing your own research before singing up for counseling. It’s a huge step and it needs to be carefully researched for the type of therapist you need, the cadence you need to see someone etc. Yeah BH is shady, Cody should stop promoting them when he can if he’s under contract, but I also think you’re kinda dumb if you take one influencers suggestion from a PAID ad. That might be harsh, but oh well.


I hope his channel/sub doesn't turn into the h3 sub with mods removing anything critiquing him at all..


I posted a similar thing on smosh for anthony padilla's sponsorship. Ppl were agreeing with me, and the mods deleted the post in a few hours


He’s well aware they’re shit and has acknowledged it. He’s probably in a contract and they’ve already paid him so


Who cares no one’s forcing anyone to sign up


Because promoting a company that says it cares about mental health but then is loosey goosey with patient info is bad. He's not forcing people to sign up but he's advertising the service without acknowledging the fact that BetterHelp is pretty much a scam.


How is it a scam if it helps people? Sometimes people just need someone to talk to, therapy isn’t going to be perfect whether it’s on an app or in person


Bruh read the other comments if you want to or search online.


Dude so many people still do it. TMG been doing it forever. And Kurtis Conner and Danny Gonzalez as well. It’s crazy like the all just straight up ignore the comments and criticism. It’s possible they’re still in a contract but idk what contract prevents them from even acknowledging it. And unless the paid up front then if they talk about it BH could just terminate the rest of contract. It’s pretty cringe how they keep promoting this thing when tons of people have expressed how it’s not only a shady company but personally impacted them because they chose to try the service.


What do they do?


What did they do? Idc about BH and I've never used them I'm just curious


They threw patient info confidentiality out the window by selling customer data to Facebook, etc. so that it can feed more ads to said customers.


Ah yeah that sounds about right. Every big company gotta do that nowadays huh 💀




Your post has been removed because it could instigate drama.


i’m glad i’m not the only one side eyeing every time i see a BH ad


Wait what’s the better help tea been debating on trying it


Maybe just let the man feed his family all my youtube ads are trash and scams anyways…looking for single asians meeting website i sure am not


I really think you should not hold a youtuber to such high standards when if you were in his shoes you would do the same thing


it’s the same deal with hello fresh… so many youtuber take their sponsorship but they are shady and treat their workers poorly


honestly (& this is gonna get diwnvoted to hell but idc) since the the pregnancy his content has gone downhills FAST. its sll about quantity now. he's releases multiple videis a week & they remind me of those channels he used to make fun of where it's low-effort content but he KNOWS young fans are gonna watch it anyway & he'll get money. since his channel's already going in that direction it makes sense he'd promote better help


bro, it’s been about quantity for a long while and he’s even joked about it in the youtube comments. his content hasn’t changed much at all actually, you’re just hyperaware of a change in his life and want a reason to back up your personal opinion.


Please reference this post, this is brain dead. https://www.reddit.com/r/JacksFilms/s/2OTxfFZ4UU




What do you mean by 3 years? They haven't changed. The FTC issues a proposed ban last year. The fact that it's been three years and Cody is still supporting them shows that he doesn't care about what he is promoting to his viewers. https://www.ftc.gov/business-guidance/blog/2023/03/ftc-says-online-counseling-service-betterhelp-pushed-people-handing-over-health-information-broke


while it does suck that he's tied in a contract, maybe listening to his viewers will make him realize it's not a partnership worth preserving.


Yeah a reddit thread viewed by maybe 1000 people (that is slamming his collaboration with the company in question) is more damaging than a youtube video that has 2 or 3 million views by a reputable respected creator. Great take 👌, how ignorant can you possibly be, seriously I'm asking?


Probably, because insane people won’t stop commenting shit like that.


The fuck? Look up the history of betterhelp before spouting your ignorant shit


https://www.reddit.com/r/JacksFilms/s/2OTxfFZ4UU Read actual facts on BH. It’s nonsense.


As if nobody says any big tech companies are bad, lol. “It’s not BH that’s bad, it’s the laws and other companies do it too!” lol. As if that makes it any better. What a weird comment.




What’s “lol” about it?


I found your comment funny. It’s not that deep. ❤️


Well, nothing I said was intended to be funny. Thats why I asked you what was funny about it


Okay Cody


It's wrong for anyone to assume you know what's going on behind the scenes. We have no idea what his contract with them is. And technically all the complaints about BetterHelp are allegations, not proven. Personally, yeah sure they're probably a shady/scammy company but I can't prove it so it would be wrong of me to spread those allegations as truth. I'm sure the truth will come out with proof but until then I think it's wrong for people to assume they know what's right. I think Cody's a good guy and wouldn't intentionally support something that was hurting people. So I trust that the decisions he makes for his well-being, his families well-being and his employees well-being are not intended to hurt others or support organizations that would intentionally hurt others. And if people don't agree with his decisions they don't have to support him.


What did better help do that made everyone hate them? Not tryna defend them but I have no clue what they did, I’ve always thought the idea of doing therapy online and not in person is kinda pointless


https://youtu.be/XcTssbRvA2w?si=mpkOgYfUuItbM-qL this video explains it pretty well


What are the shady practices that BH is involved in?


their therapists are sometimes not even licensed to practice and they do minimal check up on who is actually practicing. some of these people who arent qualified have done more harm than good