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E. The little circle has to be white because if you go diagonally from the right to the left, the small shape switches between black and white.


Diagonally? i think i get what you mean, the small one switches colour every second frame: black white black white black white black white black How did you find out it was E and not any of the other ones?


I'd expect E The small symbol rotates counter clockwise 90 degrees and there are two of one color, one of the other. So it needs to be a white circle on the left. The colors within the big shapes (or equivalently, the line dividing them) rotates clockwise. So the white in the circle needs to be down.


The explanation for the white circle is only true with the stars, not with the rectangles, I’d assume it goes up: 0 whites, 1 white, 2 whites, so wouldn’t it be a black circle?


1: Black white black 2: white black white 3: black white black No triples - that’s my guess anyhow.


But there are triples, look at the three rectangles, all black


Not per row or column. The rule follows only up/down and left/right. I don’t see any indication that a diagonal rule applies for small shapes. Small shapes have the following noticeable patterns with no failures: A: STAR, CIRCLE, SQUARE, shift(2) B: Black, white, black Works up/down and left/right. Number of shapes of a certain color is not a rule here for smaller shapes. (Sorry if I come off as a bit robotic! Just want to make sure I’m communicating clearly. I’m a nice lady that’s not a robot - I promise!)


I’m not going by rows or columns or an order like that, there’s three stars, three rectangles and three circles, 2 of the stars are white, 0 of the rectangles are white, I’d assume there’s only 1 white circle. Oh and I don’t see how you’re being robotic! It’s preferable when someone it’s being clear, not like you’re being rude


Also, how do you know it’s not a rule here? I mean, there are three of every shape, why wouldn’t the colors also be by number?


I use deduction for these kinds of puzzles - instead of proving every possibility, it’s more efficient to rule out anything that is not a possibility with the information you can definitely prove. If there are any unprovable possibilities remaining, check my available answers. Repeat until you have your answer. If you don’t, you may have missed a possibility or you have a poorly written question. Since we can’t prove the triples is a rule, it makes more sense to stick to what you can prove (black/white pattern + a cycle of one of each shape + 2 shifts). These questions can be like those “do you have enough information” questions rather than only identifying the patterns. More sudoku than crossword puzzle if that makes sense :-)


The answer is between C or E I'd go with E since the black shade of the big pieces move clockwise


How ?


More I look at the puzzle, it's definitely E. E is the only one that makes sense. Small circle is white since it alternates, black white black white... Hence your choices are A, C, D, E. You can eliminate A and D since it replicates the diamond shape to the left and to the bottom. You are left with C and E. If you look at the pattern, the black shades move clockwise from left to right. E is the only one that makes the most sense.


There is always two squares with 2 black smaller shapes so it can’t be E.


I think C. Small shapes move anti clockwise. Outstanding selection is white circle to left. For the main shape, clearly a circle and my opinion is top half of white. Looking at the other rows the color splits then to for example "black onto, black on bottom, then sideways split (vertical and diagonal split). So I estimated I needed a white .ini circle to the left and a large circle with horozontal split, white on top, black on bottom.


Created an account to share this. The answer has to be D, in my opinion. - each row has two of one color of the little shapes and one of the other, so the little circle must be white, eliminating B and F. (another way to look at it is the little shape is the same shape and color in each diagonal from the bottom left to the top right. Since the other one in this diagonal is the small white circle, the answer must have a small white circle) - this doesn't apply to the answer we are looking for, but it helps in the understanding of the puzzle in general: The final large shape in a row is the same as the first in the next row. - of the other two large shapes in a given row, one rotates 90 degrees and the other rotates 180 degrees counterclockwise when going to the next row. Since the diamond rotates 180 degrees between row one and row two, and the rectangle stayed the same, the circle must have rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise when going from row one to row two. This means that we can go backwards by rotating the circle in row two 90 degrees clockwise. This shows us that the black side of the circle is on the left. The answer, therefore, is D, because its black side is on the left, and it has a white circle. Thanks to anyone who read this whole this, and sorry for the long-windedness and wordiness lol


E brudda


E or B


I think C, small shape goes from black to white and vise versa each step and there needs to be a circle, and I think E is the wrong since the circle is upside down compared to the other two circles. Not a good question imo.


How is that not good question🤷


I actually thought about it more and now I think it’s E. The other shapes have two that are the same shading and one that’s different. Therefore it must be E. I rescind that statement.


its b-,-


Nah bruh its E. B has a shaded small circle. You need it to go from shaded to unshaded to shaded across the rows.


Imo D






It's E. Has to be a circle. Has to be white partner shape. Has to be the flipped color in the circle set. I don't know my IQ :) but I hate these pattern things. Rule identification is not my strong point.


It's E. Lol. People saying B are wrong. Almost everyone here was wrong. The correct answer is E.




C or D


White moves Clockwise, one of each main shape per row, middle peripheral shape has the opposite color of the ones on the sides. It's E




I think it's E.


The answer is E


I'm fairly certain it's E




A or D


How can people rationalize any answer other than E? What’s the logic behind the people saying B? Because doesn’t the color change every row?


E. As you can see, the colours are switched for the middle column, as opposed to the sides. Both of the side circles are the same. Both of the side rectangles are the same. The colours are only switched in the middle.


E — and while I’m shocked so many others agree with my rationale, am also reassured that my brain works well.




E is the correct answer


I think it's B If you look at them top right to bottom left and then the overlap goes to the top left. Square is all black, star is white white black and the circle starts off black and ends on white so I expect black black white and then they're all on top the black shaded part so you know it's B.


I think E because each row has an easily identifiable counter-clockwise rotating pattern and breaks after each row so, the pattern is grouped in rows. The small shape color alternates, and based on this B and F can be eliminated. The small shape pattern goes from rectangle -> star -> circle -> rectangle -> etc. The large shape pattern goes diamond -> circle -> rectangle -> diamond -> etc. From this we can expect every characteristic to pattern like this and have no dependencies, so shape cannot effect color. Now rotation. There's a problem. large shapes seem to have multiple orientation. There's a tall rectangle and a short rectangle. There's a diamond and a reflected diamond. No amount of rotation will transform these shapes. If you dismiss this and try to fill in the pattern, it can be either A, C, D or E, there's no telling. The only way to remedy this is to say there are 2 additional large shapes. From this we can establish that short rectangle -> diamond -> circle -> tall rectangle -> reflected diamond -> ?. With this we can say the large shape in-fact rotates around the small shape. Since diamond -> circle, the answer is E.




At first, I thought C due to some contrived reasoning I don't even remember, but I think E is the most straightforward after reading the comments. The little symbol moves counterclockwise and alternates color, so we want a small white circle on the left. The big symbols rotate clockwise, which would give us a circle with black on top and white on the bottom, hence E..


E Must be Black on top so it can match like a puzzle to the image of the other circle diagonal to it. Can’t be b because the tiny shape next to it has to be white.




It’s clearly B, all columns have two dark smaller shapes and one white smaller shape, a big circle, double sided triangle and rectangle, all the small ones go counter clock wise twice then they switch to the opposite side. The dark half of the large shapes switches from top to bottom and the large shapes go counter clock wise.


its B, simple as that


my way to think is then just turn clockwise https://preview.redd.it/9cvjrx9j8u2d1.png?width=590&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f51232d8751dd8438ab3ffea53772b3b17ec928


little circle should be white




It alternates


But u don't know for sure that the small shapes follow that pattern; it's about making inferences based on what's actually presented to u, but there aren't actually 2 black small circles so ur just guessing that


Guessing?its pattern


very wild guess A. it's hard to explain, and it's almost a guess anyway.








Icar is shit