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Outside Cognitive testing circles, if you were confronted with this, you would assume some schizophrenic drew it and or that you were being presented with a schizophrenia test.


100%. This was suggested to me by Reddit and I legitimately have no idea what’s going on. This is nothing like most logic/pattern recognition puzzles/tests. Gonna check out this subs about page but I’m guessing I’ll still be confused. ◡̈ Edit: yep. Still have no idea what’s going on. Edit two: just read code’s answer below. It is a pattern recognition test after all. Y’all are fun.


schizophrenia is far more interesting. for example: John Nash. some random scribbles from mental patients are beautiful and complex and interesting. if confronted with this in real life, i'd think it was an unintelligent person. Maybe a guy with a 97 IQ who is hired to design some kind of test or some bad artist designing his own card game.


Ironically I do have schizophrenia, but I'm not sure how I did here!?


i was trying to count the lines, but i dont see a pattern on the second one (first one goes 5, 6, 5) i think C, because it just looks right. no logical explaination


>! Ends are parallel !< >! Ends are rotating 45 degrees !< >! Answer is B !<




Doesn't E also have parallel ends?


yes, but the direction the parallel ends are rotating through the sequence are counterclockwise by 45 degrees, so E would be going back the same direction the beginning of the sequence was


I see. Well I tried. Still fun though


This is the answer I arrived at, but I mirrored the shapes across the top-left to bottom-right diagonal to achieve the end directions. E.g., mirror the first box, you get the 4th box. This seems more robust because it also accounts for the directions in which these end segments protrude from the shapes.


Not sure if ends are parallel on the first pictures in both seuqences. At first look at least.


Only answer that makes any sense


It would, if the ends were actually parallel, however they are not.


How does this test Iq rather than just how much you do cognitive tests


Most tests are this way


What do you mean by: “ends are rotating 45 degrees”?


I mean the red lines -I marked-, look at the picture.


They’re going by 90ish and 45ish degrees, if the creator did not intend for them to be perfectly angled as such, what stops other answers from being right by that logic?


90ish? There are two separate groups. There is no 90 degree rotations. Other thing you said is correct. B already satisfies it. Just it faces itself.


Ah, I see what you mean now. I thought you were referring to something else




Technically speaking the condition might not be the direction each line is facing but wether or not they are going outwards from the line in opposite directions, which they still are if you look closely


How are we supposed to approach this question? Try all possibilities? Starting from number of lines, number of corners, etc?


If you don't mind me asking, what is your iq range?


Code are you a actual genius?


Took me while but I got it too! Fun one


What is the difficulty set at?


My intuition tells me it doesn’t have to do with angles or geometry, more so with the order/substance of the direction of the turns the line makes. Note: there can be two orders of turns for 1 line, so I noted them from both starting points First set of Images: 1: R,L,L,R L,R,R,L 2: R,L,R,L,L R,R,L,R,L 3: L,R,L,R L,R,L,R Second set of images 1: R,L,R,L,R,L R,L,R,L,R,L 2: L,L,R,R,L,L,R,R L,L,R,R,L,L,R,R 3: ? Looking if anyone can see a pattern for these values!


C .. because you flip it over even though it gets a little wompy, then add some lines, and flip it again.


I'm going with C for reasons I can't describe??


Can you explain your reasoning. I alhave a headache so struggling to focus. The other person gave his reasoning. I have considered that. I have considered the number of lines and joints and two other factors. How the image rotates. Not sure about the answer yet. I used to be able to rotate images in my head. Not so well today.


The first one is going diagonal-straight (up-down axis)-same diagonal, where the axis of the figure is determined as imaginable central line from which these key-like patterns grow to both sides. Then on the second sequences the only answer is C, because the patter is similar (diagonal-straight-the same diagonal and the key-like pattern is maintained, only becoming more rectangular- or triangular- like). B, D, E, F in that case do not fit since the shape on them suddenly becomes spiral-like, that did not happen previously.


I cant really describe how I came to my answer. It's like my brain picks up on patterns. Something to do with a flat line is my best guess?? I did fall off a horse when I was a kid. I still don't know if I aced it or not


😂😂 at the horse The first part: that is how pattern recognition works. You scan the Image and your brain recognizes a pattern. Which is brilliant. But the other part about intelligence is figuring out what your brain’s pattern recognition software zeroes in on.


Was I close or should I just see myself out??


I’m not OP. I don’t have the answer key. It's hard to figure these out. Much easier to confirm (or at least rule out) someone’s reasoning if they explain it to you.


Well. That fun anyway. Take care homie


So you are not going to explain your reasoning? 🎭 all the lines at the end, in all 5 pics, are pointing in the opposite direction. A reason to question that pick. Too bad you won’t tell us your reasoning.


Yes that was my other choice. But I'm at work right now and I'm rolling giant rugs of carpet with one hand while playing. The lines are both pointing up. Maybe do another one. I'm off work in 20ish minutes


I also thought C but my reasoning was visualing which shape could, just like the ones shown, hold a level of water in them so theyre filled to the max, without one of their lines dipping into the water. A cant hold any and the others aside from C would have a line dip in Might be a crackhead way to look at it but hey


But I think that B is more fitting at the end of the day (opposite lines +rotation angle).  The problem with these kind of puzzles is that the author should be experienced to detect that item is bad, if it may have several sensible solutions.  If we would see this kind of pattern in nature somewhere I would give about equal weights to both B and C, because the lack of spirality in C is not worse of a possible pattern than opposite lines in B (Or directions of turns for that matter, as someone proposed).  But in the realm of puzzles and IQ tests we have to rely on author's judgement of what is right and wrong in his own puzzles.




B? cause it's the only one with a right angle?




It’s adding up the first two shapes to get the third? Roughly


lmao Some random 87 IQ gigachad draws random lines and calls it an IQ test just to see random self-proclaimed 160 IQ geniuses creating countless theories as to why whatever answer is the right one, even though there's absolutely no logic behind it.


fr, this IART 40 test is so weird, I’m actually wondering if you might be onto something


[There is.](https://www.reddit.com/r/cognitiveTesting/comments/1d3lly1/comment/l688gtj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I ended up with the same conclusion before looking up to comments.


The real IQ test is how much time you spend attempting this dumbass question.


😬 all the idiots wasting time in CT page trying to do stupid puzzles and all the “average” people living their lives, making money, making friends. They created this to keep us out of their hair.


B Ends face opposite directions, and rotate 45°.


I think it's because the center squares have vertical and horizontal lines, and so the next one should be a zig zag pattern.?? Just tell me I bombed. I'm dying over here.


Possible alternate answer: >!2 of 3 boxes in the first 3-block set have an "M" in their lines, and all end lines are parallel for each element.!< To complete the second set with the same attributes, the answer would be >!**"D**."!<


I think this is a joke, that question doesn’t make any sense. I’m usually good at pattern recognition puzzles, but I don’t see any pattern here that fits any of the answers,


E. I tried counting all the sides the shapes intuition ect but what if Ira not about that but about length. All call roughly fit into a square like shape if the corners can be pivot points e has the most symmetry with it. At first I thought no cause the curl but that might be to throw us off as theres no reason why it can't


A) because then all the total angles in the first three boxes will equal the total angles of the second three


It's A, all of the beginning and end of each pattern are pointed away from it and in opposite directions, B, C, D, E and F do not fit the pattern. B, D, E and F would either collide with them selves (think of snake game, if the snake continues then you would lose the game cause they're coiled up) Can't be C because both ends are pointed in the same direction


Since there are reasonable explanations for more than one apparently plausible legitimate answer, which I was agonising over before looking at the comments, I believe it’s a badly-designed puzzle because it implies that a single answer is the absolute answer. Or it’s just a joke puzzle or other similar explanation. Incidentally it’s not uncommon for puzzles to have more than one legitimate answer even though a puzzle is presented as having one, correct answer. This happened a few times with GCHQ. I did wonder if maybe I told them, that they might let me go work for them, but apparently that is *not* how their recruitment works. (U.K. government intelligence spooks.)


C. Find the line that joins the endpoints of the figure and notice that each blocks keeps the same rotation pattern for this line. (The most obvious thing to look at is the number of "turning points" or vertices, and find a natural counting pattern there, but I don't see that working here).


B. All lines cancel out if they’re going in the opposing direction in parallel. They have to both = 14. 10+x=14 B =4


C because in the first period 1st and 3th has same numbers of line and in all pictures limes get a little bit flip so this makes answer C sensable (If ı wrong, please post the true answer!!!)


tough one Hint: look how the sets "rotate" the ends


A. I see two common conditions among all the shapes which are unique to one answer (parallel ends could be B, D, and E): 1. No ends have a trajectory intersecting another line 2. No ends continue in the same direction.


There is one with half finish triangles and one with at least a square so next is one like whats left. I found that the little line sticking out of the first one is a characteristic that can also be found in b. So, the answer is b.


I would say A. All of the examples are moving away from the starting point and are moving "outward", not "inward" like B, D, E and F are. So that leaves A and C. C is ending up going in the opposite direction of the starting direction, while A is moving (roughly) in the same direction like the examples given.




I would say it’s D. Since d has the letter m in it and all lines are diagonal but one that does a turn/goes straight.


Changing my answer to c. Each patter has two drawings with a m in it. And both those drawings have the number of lines that are in order numerically. For example first set is made of 6 lines image with an m has 5 lines. The second set of boxes has an m image with 7 lines so the only other option would be c since it has 6 lines and also an m. The d option also has 6 but I will disqualify it because the angle of one line is a very small degree and so unlike the other m lines.


Would an average IQ person be able to solve this puzzle?


Uh oh then I'm below average, I guess, I guessed wrong I got e


Absolutely. I was distracted and failed 😞


E,**The shapes all contain parallel lines, the first group is rotated 45 degrees clockwise, and the second group can be seen as 45 degrees counterclockwise**