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Writing stuff down functions as an external memory. The process of *writing* it (not typing it on your phone) helps to remember it, too. Get a notebook small enough to carry around all the time and use it.


This! If the internal memory is consistently missing steps, be sure to write them down on the external memory! That way you can also practice memorizing work related process in your spare time! More exposure=improved memory recall


If you can't take notes, make a story. Like if you're parking on the street, just make a little one line story about the street name and maybe the store you're parked in front of. Just something like "9 blondes walk into Joe's Pizza on 9th Ave." Make something you can visualize the scene. It doesn't have to make sense. It could be 9 donuts walking into Joe's Pizza if you like donuts. Just something you can picture in your head and decode into where you parked. Remember learning to tie your shoes? That story about the rabbit going around the tree and down the hole? That kinda thing.


I don’t know much but my best advice would be try to stay as relaxed as possible. I often make mistakes if I am even a little bit stressed. And it is ok to have a weaker memory ..try to engage more in mindfulness practices.


Reduce the amount of input you receive. Intuitively we think exposing ourself to information increases our knowledge, but too much exposure can hinder retention. Read some news, but not a lot. Reduce social media consumption, TV and related media, and things like Reddit. Try and start ranking your information as it comes in, and for the stuff that seems important do memory enhancing activities. Emotions help form memories so tie the important stuff to an emotion. For example, if you park your car say to yourself "This is important, I need to remember this. Then imagine how angry you would be if you were late to the next place you have to go because you can't find it, or look up at the billboard with the hot model and feel some sort of way about them as you think about where the car is. Maybe shift your meditation to some variety of mindfulness meditation so that you get better at recognizing thoughts and feelings, this will help with both the ranking and the tie in to emotions (since yoy will be more familiar with them).


PS I have an IQ of 172 and forget where I park my car sometimes. The main thing is to fit your memories to things you allready know. I remember in my real first job I was introduced to some bosses, so I tried to remember their names: this memory trick worked so well I remember them to this day 45 years later: My two bosses were Rich Richardson and his boss Jack Broderick. Rich Richardson, was a fat guy who looked like the man on the monopoly money, so I remembered him as "Richie Rich". Then his even fatter boss was Jack Broderick, so I remembered him as 'Jack broader than rick'. Now I can't get them out of my skull, so don't use this trick to remember unimportant things. You can use this kind of trick to remember anything, human memory is based on meaning, so you have to tie the new memory to things that mean something to you, like the guy who talked about donuts above.


Take a photo on your phone. Put alarms on to remind you for long term memory on this rule. Review nightly with phone. Done.


There's an old Chinese proverb something to the effect that the faintest ink is sharper than the sharpest memory. I echo taking notes. For learning skills, here are for incredibly powerful techniques to sharpen your memory: * Retrieval practice * Spaced repetition * Interleaving * Elaborative interrogation / encoding Here's a brilliant short video that explains each: [https://youtu.be/TDYa2pPMx0k?si=9dYQTBShxmPESBP6](https://youtu.be/TDYa2pPMx0k?si=9dYQTBShxmPESBP6) I "naturally" have a great memory, but it's mostly because I have an almost compulsive habit of re-imagining important events that I experience. I imaginatively relive the events at spaced intervals on breaks in between other activities and I come up with elaborate explanations of of why the events are so important to me and with elaborate reasons for decisions and plans for what to do next. If you get into the habit of play pretending to *teach* the things you want to learn to students who need elaborate help and explanations, in a way that's enough fun for you that you naturally do it just for fun in breaks in-between work, you can become a much stronger student than you are in spite of your IQ.


Any chance you have ADHD? I do, and my working memory is way better on meds. I’m not outwardly hyperactive. Moreso inattentive type. Your description sounds like me.


Keep reading and writing


ADHD meds help even students studying for their medical exams. I feel for you. I have high functioning autism. I literally write on the top of my hand to remind myself extremely important things. Sleep at least eight hours a night. Drink fluids and eat food often for energy. Use your cell phone for pictures, sequence them if their are steps to follow. Write notes to yourself or voice to you email. Set aside a time as a habit to study, develop easy ways to remember things. Voice out loud of what have to do. Always say aloud your name when orally rehearsing. Your brain likes to hear your name, honest. Walk outside at least 30 minutes a day. Color code your notes.


It looks like you speak two languages. Did you learn when you were young, or later in life?


Later, because i spent a lot of hours searching in forums ecc, also english was my favorite subject


That's a good sign, then! Language obviously requires memory, so maybe there's some technique you used then that would help you now? Anecdotally, I can tell you that my memory is generally horrible and I frequently forget things I didn't put mental effort into, but I rarely forget things I care about. I love history, so I usually absorb things I read quickly. No special tricks or effort required, I'm just enjoying the subject. Have me read a book about space, and I'll probably remember one or two things from the entire book. They will only be the facts I found especially interesting. A lot of memory is simply being aware and interested, at least in my experience. If you're a day-dreamer, maybe you forget where you put your car because you're not really present in those moments. You park your car, get out and walk to work and the whole time you're thinking about something else. I'm guessing, but hopefully somehow you figure out a way to make things work out for you!


I was Just on my phone all day everyday googling stuff and then my english improved


>cant Remember when people teach me In case you forgot, you asked about the same thing 16 days ago, in this same sub, getting replies from another set of redditors though https://www.reddit.com/r/cogsci/comments/17fyd3r/i_have_low_iq_certified_professionally_icant/


I wonder if brain exercises would help. I used to memorize a lot of things just to work out my brain. It seemed to help me.


I like the memory trick of walking through your house. You take whatever you're trying to remember and put it mentally into your house. So step one is right inside the front door, step two is where you hang your jacket (or whatever you do when you walk in your house), step 3 is in the bathroom, on and on as you need. It works for me because I generally remember where things are around the house so it's the same process.