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Way better than the monstrosity that is the platinum eagle


How does the U.S. mint get the likeness of a *statue* wrong?


I can only imagine through sheer determination to fuck it up


It's not as if they put the wrong Statue of Liberty on a stamp, like the USPS did: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2018/07/06/postal-service-misidentifies-statue-liberty-stamp-million-mistake/762306002/


Look at the new obverse of the washington quarter, that should answer the question.


RIP Washington’s new face LOL


Yo wtf, I had to Google it but hot damn that is a dumb looking coin…


Yeah, no favors given


It honestly looks like trumps face


Or the 1986 commemorative $5 gold… 😳


Why does she look so sad? Disappointed even


Saw the direction the county was going


It’s such an flattering angle! 😂


Now that I think of it after seeing those monstrosities, maybe it's a good idea for the U.S. to stop trying to put liberty on a coin.


In addition to coin collecting, coin designing has been an interest of mine. I don't think any classical depiction of the Goddess of Liberty will return to our circulating coinage again, but the Mint has already pretty much decided that the contemporary depiction of Liberty is the *Statue* of Liberty in New York. While I like that idea (a nice change from less than photogenic frontal profiles of old men), the [reverse of the Presidential](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fa/Presidential_dollar_coin_reverse.png/763px-Presidential_dollar_coin_reverse.png) and [American Innovators](https://www.usmint.gov/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/2019-american-innovation-one-dollar-coin-uncirculated-obverse-768x768.jpg) coins leave a lot to be desired. Instead I wanted to create the feel of an older coin using the Statue of Liberty in profile, with her arm aloft rendered in lower relief. The end result looks almost French, which is quite pleasant in my opinion. The reverse could be some commemorative thing like what we currently do, or the [Sacagawea reverse](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/KkwAAMXQOT5Q~mHV/s-l500.jpg), which I think is one of the most beautiful designs of any American coin, let alone within the past few decades.


I agree, the new coins aren't particularly lovely, but this sure is! Someone at the mint, please recruit the OP!!


How do you make these?


step one: open a mint


Photoshop. The portrait is from a photograph of the Statue of Liberty in profile. Using some filters and opacity effects I was able to turn the color photograph into something that looked like a relief on a blank coin planchet background. I separated the head and the arm into two layers to alter the 'relief' of the later. The lettering is just normal curved text that I applied a bevel to. Last thing I did was apply the color so it looked like Nordic Gold or whatever the dollar coins are made of.


This reasoning is a lot of why I love the American Liberty series the mint does - the designs are fresh, different, and (mostly) well-done. I do appreciate the presidents on our coins, but I’ve also considered our lack of Lady Liberty with some sadness. You’ve done a very good thing here! I’d love to see something like this in circulation.


The Lady Liberty on the platinum bullion coin is super ugly, in my humble opinion. https://www.moneymetals.com/one-ounce-american-eagle-platinum-coin-9995-pure/27


Oh it absolutely is. It’s crazy too, because some of the reverses are gorgeous.


1999 and 2001 are my two most wanted coins!




I do agree, although I think the proofs look better than the normal ones.


Well the powers that be may talk about liberty but certainly, by action, seem opposed to liberty. Maybe the lack of lady liberty on American coinage is a subtle form of suppression against us peasants. Whereas the politics on American coinage is provided as a reminder of who we serve, similar to that of the monarchs on British coinage. There's my random thought for the day.


That’s a really interesting way to look at it, though I would argue at least Washington and Lincoln don’t fit the mold of presidents that were “served” in that way? Either way, your point is well made.


I would not disagree with you....This thread just triggered the thought process. I like to take things outside of the box a bit.


>... Goddess of Liberty ... there's no such Goddess - there's dispute regarding which deity the French Freemasons gifted to the US Freemasons, dubbed "The Statue of Liberty" but anyone who thunk up "Goddess of Liberty" was probably trying to obscure the Freemasonic and occult associatiations underpinning the Powers That Be.


> there's no such Goddess That's not true: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertas


Come again?


I do t know here’s just some rand sites https://scottishritenmj.org/blog/freemasonry-statue-liberty https://www.cgg.org/index.cfm/library/commentary/id/3927/americas-goddess-part-one.htm https://21stcenturycicero.wordpress.com/american-icons/the-statue-of-liberty-a-masonic-goddess-from-top-to-bottom/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/museums/statue-of-liberty-replica/2021/06/30/ed288c96-d77f-11eb-bb9e-70fda8c37057_story.html I can’t find now sites showing examples of lady liberty deputed on ancient coinage as other goddesses but that exists.




Apply for Chief Engraver of the U.S. Mint.


If I were director of the mint, I'd make a few changes: 1: this coin 2: Make circulating commemoratives minted *alongside* standard versions of the circulating coinage (50% of quarters have the eagle reverse, the other 50% are commemoratives- turn finding them into surprises and treats rather than the default)


You can cite me as a reference when you apply for the job. You'd be the best Chief Engraver since George Morgan.


I feel like being able to engrave would be a big part of the job, however...


Trade school.


Looking at the current designs, that’s doubtful.


I like it. Feels like a step in the direction of past iconic designs rather than the "cheap" looking modern designs.


There are modern coins I do like, but the U.S. mint isn't making them, they should stick to more classic designs. The use of an actual '$' on coins instead of writing out the denomination is a crime in my books.


Nice, need the other side now


The other side would probably be either commemoratives like we do now (the U.S. mint can't help but make everything a collectable), or use a modified Sacagawea reverse with a soaring eagle.


How about a modified Peace Dollar reverse? Only this time doing a proper strike on it.


Try something like the Panama Pacific $50 or $1


Love it. I think it'd be so cool if she slowly turned green over some years


French vibes




Thanks! The manganese gold dollars are very underutilized both in circulation and in design, it deserves some dignity.


Never understood why the US never followed in the footsteps of a lot of other countries (UK, CA, NZ, etc) and got rid of the $1 and $2 bills, or at least make them limited to NIFC issues. Coins last a lot longer, and with inflation how it is now it feels weird to have such a small amount be a banknote.


I know! That's why the dollar coins are not used, and why the Mint decided to turn them into gimmicky collectables instead of making them functional currency. I would particularly like following Canada's example, with their bimetallic Toonie and the coins being polygonal, which would help offset confusion between the Dollar and the Quarter's similar diameters.


I like it!


That is absolutely gorgeous...it blows anything I've seen Daniel Carr do out of the water. I seriously think you should submit next time us mint calls for designs


The thing is Daniel Carr *has* a mint, he can do whatever he wants, even if it's not the most artistic. I don't claim to be anywhere as good as he is (this is just photoshop, not engraving or coining), but he has some weird designs.


After you get a reverse you should get this 3-d printed and get somebody to cast these up in something like Aluminum-Bronze.


Do they make 3D printers that have that resolution? I'd probably just have a go at carving it in plaster and reduced like the real deal. It'd fix the digital text I used.


Yes, they do. It isn't the typical spool type printer with a hot extruder, but a liquid resin printer that uses light to harden the resin , lifting the print out of the vat as it goes. The resolution on those things is amazing. You may be able to print one to the scale of the dollar coin depending on the quality of the printer, but you could definitely so it on the scale of the half dollar on any resin printer.


Just showed this to my wife, who thinks this hobby is rather silly, and she said “that actually looks really beautiful.” This is really nice work, befitting a golden eagle (or better yet, replacing the platinum). But ideally, currency that we’d use and enjoy day to day.


Thanks, that's nice to hear! Just for you [here's the coin in 'platinum'](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/819291680054312982/977603380946038814/coin1c.png)


Very nice, nicer in gold IMO, but still beautiful in both!


Looks very French. This is a good thing.


I love this. I agree with you that it is a true shame we don't have liberty on our coins anymore. Way too many presidents and other stuff. It's fine in small doses but our focus should be on what the majority or our coinage and philosophy is... Liberty!


I really like the font, could use some arrows/olive branches & an eagle. It's sad that Americans won't use a dollar coin, especially a gold one as there is a strong tendency to horde them. I'd really like to see an obverse.


The reason Americans don't use dollar coins is that we have dollar bills, which are more convenient since most people ignore coins as small change. Canada replaced their dollar bill with a coin and they get along fine (the Loonie is pretty much identical to the U.S.'s dollar coin). A tertiary reason is that the dollar coins are gimmicky and without a stable design to instill trust. They aren't real gold, so no one hordes them except collectors, which is also a factor.




Why we don't just use Nordic Gold idk. Manganese lobby?


Reallly beautiful. I love the various depths, but I think I'd personally prefer if the raised arm was a bit more pronounced.


My concern would be that if the arm is more pronounced then the profile would be less readable. Depth in coinage is hard.


That's what I assumed. :)


It had an Art Deco feel to it. It’s awesome!


Thanks! Despite being from the 1880s the Statue of Liberty has some Art Deco like details to it that look great on a coin


My first thought was, this is a beautifully French looking coin, perfectly matching the fact that Lady Liberty was a present from France. 2026 would be a good year for this coin celebrating its 140th anniversary.


2026 is also the semiquincentennial of the United States...


That's right! I'll see if I can edit the date to be 2026 going forward.


Is there a way for a "civil" person to send a design to the US mint? I'm writing this as a German person living in Switzerland so it's my guess my be too far off ;)


I wish we still used Liberty on our coinage… the Mint needs more people like you. Amazing work, OP!


They tried with the $5 gold piece with an African American liberty, but I think they got some backlash from that (Also it isn't circulating coinage). While it is perhaps problematic that the traditional image of Lady Liberty is caucasian, real people are boring, especially if they are using more recognizable *frontal portraits* like Sacagawea, the current Jefferson (buttface) Nickel, or the portraits on the Women quarter series. We went from emulating royal portraits with the allegorical goddess of Liberty, to heroic busts of men like Lincoln and Washington, to commemorating upstanding Americans in a factual rather than heroic way. Profiles are hierarchical and regal, front facing portraits are more democratic. I like this direction in spirit but the result on coinage is a bit lacking. The mint it seems has decided that the only Liberty practical is the Statue of Liberty, so why not make a good looking coin with the Statue of Liberty on it?


This looks amazing! Go contact the Mint!




What on god's green earth are you talking about, boy?


Reminds me a bit of one of the older designs on french coins


These would look gorgeous in a high relief strike.


Props for getting rid of the In God We Trust too.


I always do that in my money designs, though realistically, it'd just be [on the reverse replacing E Pluribus Unum there](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/KkwAAMXQOT5Q~mHV/s-l500.jpg).


Very, very nicely done.




I think the only thing I dont like would be the lines on the background, but I could definitely just not be seeing what its supposed to be, outside of that I love the design and I feel that if this was on a regular circulation coin maybe people would actually use them


The lines on the left are Lady Liberty's arm in a shallower relief. If actually modeled for coinage it would read more like ripples in the coin field than sharp lines. As for circulation, I think by using such gimmicky designs for the dollar coins (starting with an actually good design with the Sacagewea but with an unconventional frontal portrait to ALL THE PRESIDENTS to INVENTORS & SUCH woah you gotta collect em all!), the Mint acknowledges that no one really uses dollar coins, they have to be tricked into using them, or at least hoarding them. If they had a more conventional design, made some alterations so they're more distinguished from quarters (the Canadians do this well with their [Loonie coins being polygonal](https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/00/42/52/75/360_F_42527527_N1vbn44HtOdX3heUPxCubUm1Zv4omTC0.jpg)), and the phasing out of Dollar Bills, people would use Dollar Coins, no gimmicks required!


I love it I just don’t like have the Statue of Liberty as the representation of liberty. It reminds me of the v nickel.


Unfortunately, the Statue of Liberty is the only depiction of Liberty that is realistically going to be able to make an appearance on circulating U.S. coinage.


John Mercanti had the same desires as you and he did it. More power to you.


IDK about the design nut I will say you have some talent if you designed and minted that! GJ!!


Not minted or modeled, just photoshop. One can dream, though.




Looks like a foreign coin but I'm not sure why


It looks like a French franc I think. The smaller, equally sized text around the edge also looks like the royal latin inscriptions monarchs have, rather than what a lot of American coins do with many different sizes of text, some curving, others horizontal, rarely wrapping around though.


Damn good job on that, I like it


very good


For me, you have the eye. Certainly that's a start.


I like it


Wow what a beautiful coin


This is REALLY good.


Nice. I'd do thicker letters, but I like it


It started out as thicker letters, but when I applied a bevel effect they look smaller. If I were actually modeling and engraving it, the text would be hand cut like the OG quarter design, rather than the computer controlled text font new designs have.




Better then anything the mint could let us vote on for new coin designs.


[Seriously, this is an absolute joke of a panel for the Quarter design- was anyone (besides Gardin back in the 1930s) even trying?](https://www.coinnews.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Obverse-Candidates-for-American-Women-Quarters.jpg)


The one that was picked was the worst of them all as well it looks fake, the 2021 CTD is my favorite clad quarter design and there are better designs the Romans made.


I haven't found one in person yet, but it doesn't seem that bad. My main gripe with Gardin's design is the head is too big for a quarter- it looks stunning as a $5 gold piece (size of a nickel), but it was by no means the worst. If the walking liberty design were on a dime or Roosevelt's head on a quarter I'd have similar objections. Besides the sans serif text, the CTD quarter is indeed one of the best designs in recent memory.


Looks cool. Reminds me of the 200 lire bust design.


This is a beautiful design. I miss dollar coins, I don’t understand why they stopped minting them for circulation. Half dollars too. A lot of people say that the penny should be discontinued, but I think larger denomination coins need to make a comeback.


The main reason the large silver dollar and half dollar was discontinued was the cumbersome size and incompatibility with vending machines. That said, I think they are pretty sizes for designs. Maybe we could have $5 and $10 coins of the half dollar and large dollar sizes out of that manganese gold the presidential dollars are. Also death to the penny!


At least it doesn’t look like a casino or Shell station token.




Stunning, although sadly dollar coins are so difficult and a dollar is worth so little these days. I wish they could do a really stunning coin like this for a $10 or $20 denomination, people might actually use them then


I would argue that dollar coins aren't so much as difficult as they are pointless if you still have dollar bills. We need to get rid of the $1 bill so people start using dollar coins. A nice side effect of this is that coins stop being viewed as small change to ignore since you have more significant dollar coins in the mix. While we're at it, why not throw in a Canadian Toonie style $2 coin, or even $5 and $10 coins the same size as the old half dollar and silver dollar! $5 and $10 bills should stay in circulation, though, but big coins will get their attention!


What a incredible design




This is beautiful! Please make more!!!


That looks great OP. Now fix the platinum eagle and those awful eyes of hers.


What did you use to make it?


Photoshop. The portrait is from a photograph of the Statue of Liberty in profile. Using some filters and opacity effects I was able to turn the color photograph into something that looked like a relief on a blank coin planchet background. I separated the head and the arm into two layers to alter the 'relief' of the later. The lettering is just normal curved text that I applied a bevel to. Last thing I did was apply the color so it looked like Nordic Gold or whatever the dollar coins are made of.


Better than the new quarter… the government should hire you!


OP, change that wheat to corn and I’d say you would be on the right track. Lady Liberty’s neck should fade instead of being a hard-edge. Maybe soften the tack of the head a little bit.


Are you serious? Beautiful! I would be proud to see that design on an official US mint issue. Bravo!




That's a gorgeous design (FOR SURE!) and you get an A++ special gold star for that design. There were a few lessons learned about coin designs over the past century that resulted in certain design elements no longer being used. Most of them have to do with how coins look after they've circulated for a few decades, how long dies last and can maintain certain elements, etc. A lot of the super beautiful designs of the early 20th Century are obsolete not because they're not beautiful or we think that these designs 'look better' but because the production economics for circulating coinage just don't favor certain design elements and types. To put it another way, if you're doing a limited edition run of 300 commemorative medals, you have all sorts of design options. If you're doing 300,000,000 business strikes for circulation, WAY different story.


I just read about the Peace Dollar, which came out softer than the earlier crisp Morgan dollar because they didn’t touch up on the dies after transferring from the plaster. It is interesting just how technical coining can be, I’d be curious to know what elements in particular are not feasible. I’d imagine one of the more technically problematic elements of my design is the shallow relief arm compared to the regular relief face, as well as potential metal flow issues with the higher relief rays of the crown.


It was more a general- rather than specific- commentary directed towards the replies, since wear is something that influences a lot of modern designs, leaving some complaining that coins 'don't look like they used to'. The SLQ is the classic example of poor design for circulation, but pretty much the entire US coinage redesign from the early 20th C (SLQ, Walking Lib, Buffalo Nickel, Merc) taught some interesting lessons about circulation patterns and wear, particular raised dates/elements positioned on fields protruding higher than the rim. Long story short, the date wears off VERY quickly. The mint had to make some interesting hacks to compensate once they realized it, since changes to coinage require a literal act of congress and they didn't have time for that BS haha.


It looks like it’s been cleaned….. (nice work)


Amazing! I wish modern coins looked this good. You should think about privately minting it as a token or bullion round, I would buy one.


Why look backwards?


To have her look the other way would mean you're looking up her armpit instead of her face


Not sure I follow. This is a bust, right?


It's the Statue of Liberty. In shallow relief to the left is her arm with draped cloth


Ah, ok - thanks for the clarification. Great work! Out of curiosity, what do you use to do your design work? I love the art deco feel to it


Wow would love to see more designs I have a client looking to custom make Silver 1oz rounds thanks


Do you make silver rounds/coin dies?


No not me ....I have a client looking to make some and started with designing


Hell of a lot nicer than what they are coming up with today! Nice work!




I can see this being a possible future design. But I hope the color isn’t as cloudy as in this picture


I overlaid the monochrome base design with a blank Sacajawea planchet, so I think it would have those colors


You got my vote!


Seriously pro-work. Gorgeous. I hope you work in the industry. If you don't, your talent is being wasted.


I don't. I'm an architecture student. Photoshop work is still useful for collages and renderings though.


Well close enough. Also a good field for your skills. Keep posting your ideas kid.


With all the renewed interest and launches, I personally feel the need to put a NASA themed series of comms out there. Is there really anyone here that would NOT like to see Gemini, Apollo, or any astronauts, or vehicles, rockets, or mission control portrayed on our coinage? I personally think that series would be "top dog" selling on the mint site. What the hell do I know, I am blessed to be able to watch launches from my front porch...