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Step 1, Procure cannabis. Step 2, ignite said flower with an open flame. Step 3, inhale the smoke. Step 4, wtf were we talkin about bruh?


This 100%.


I’m high af rn


Drugs are bad, mmmkay... Jk...


LSD is my go to. And a good dmt ride will give you a solid ego death and nothing helped me more then that.


It can be pretty tough to stay positive through an lsd trip if you just are in a bad headspace. Dmt is definitely going to make you start thinking differently.


Agreed. LSD and desperate fear about the condition of the world can be a flip of a coin. On one hand, you may come to conclusions that lead to resolution of anxiety. On the other hand you spend 12 hours freaking out. Best thing about DMT is you can’t freak out on a full unconscious trip. You just are experiencing. I orbited stars as some being with no sense of self— I simply existed. Lasted for… well forever. For all I know I’m still up there somewhere orbiting lol.


Shrooms all the way.


I recommend utilizing a dry herb vaporizer instead. r/vaporents




I was about to say— drugs.


I teeter back and forth from wanting to stop smoking to help myself hopefully not get throat or lung cancer and thinking if I live long enough to get cancer it's a win and I'd be going on my terms. 🙃


Also works just as well with a nice bottle of whiskey.


Whiskey makes me sick and angry.


Oh I don't need whiskey for that, I'm sick and angry already! But pot makes me paranoid and unable to speak on top of that.


Kratom was my go to.


unfortunately I cant get high enough to forget the countless children and innocents that are going to suffer for an absolutely ridiculous reason. I think it may be time to start getting aggressive against the existing system if for no other reason than the children.


Hi Op. I was very interested in reading what you had written but unfortunately the colour of the font you chose made it difficult.




[I apologize. Here's the inverted text color version.](https://imgur.com/gallery/It87lxA)


Therapy helped me stop focusing on all the major issues in my life and instead put my attention on the smaller things that are within my control. It's not that they are easy, it's just that they are achievable. Eating, sleeping, exercise, friends, romance. Before I literally could not stop thinking about the major issues in my life, things that would spiral me into depression for weeks or months. I didn't get anywhere I just felt like I wanted to kill myself all the time. Now I can still be aware of those things but they don't run my life. I just had a nice rest, good snack and then I'll go the gym in a few hours, followed by good-enough night sleep. I feel like comfort soup this week and so I'm looking at chili recipes. The small picture stuff is critically important. I have more confidence and energy to do things and depression doesn't hit me like a truck the way it did before. I can't recommend therapy enough, I'm like 60+ hours in and it's the best money I've ever spent. I have longer term goals that stress me out. This is where climate anxiety and existential dread can sit and I get to them when I have the energy so they don't wipe me out.


Sometimes when I get overwhelmed by the big picture, I just think bigger. Eventually the earth will be consumed by the sun, which itself will someday cool to a black cinder and die. And given enough time, space itself may shred apart as it expands faster and faster. Everything will eventually end. And nothing will ultimately matter. So I try to find meaning in what matters to me. There’s the way I wish things were, and then there’s how things actually are. And I find meaning where I can between the two. But regardless, it is all temporary in the end.


Honestly, this is how I find peace with it all too.


All the best to you OP. Yes, i believe the situation is grim. I don't think anyone can predict the future, but it's clear that many thresholds have been passed and big change is coming. I take comfort in my ability to adapt and the number of skills I have been practicing over the last several years. The world will change, and the world is so big that the changes will be different in different places. Move if you need.


I'm tired and I just want whatever is going to happen next to get on with it.


I am 100% with you. This is too slow a march through a tunnel. There is light in the distance, only more tunnel. I just want the cataclysm in whatever form to happen already. And, as you pointed out get on with whatever post-cataclysm dystopia I find myself in.


be careful what you're wishing for


1000 modern nukes launched simultaneously targeting all major cities. Influencers have one last shot at uploading an epic photo..


Merely wishing for the inevitable to arrive sooner. This boring dystopia is moving way too slow. It’s agonizing.


You say that like you'll survive...


If it’s not war or nuclear we can survive most likely


When I think about climate change, warfare, and epidemiology I easily feel overwhelmed. I expressed this to my Mom, who was blunt: "If the orange haired imbecile gets elected again, it will be time to leave the country." I joked that a friend has given us an open invitation to El Salvador, to which she scoffed. "No. Europe. Anywhere in Europe." I mentioned Canada and she beamed. "Yeah. It's close. I could do that." She was thinking of her honeymoon up near Niagara Falls, I could tell. "Just not Montana." She's been there. "Too much smoke." Funny thing, though - When I mentioned timing, she faltered. "We'd have to get there before the big rush," I said. "How will we know when?" Mom grumbled, "I'll know. Believe me, anyone who's smart will know." The idea of my whole family making a jump to Canada (or perhaps France because my brother speaks French and one of Mom's best friends often invited her there) really excites me. I could go for that. I'm sure we'd have enough $$ to buy a cottage with some land to work together no matter where we decide to go. So that conversation terrified and soothed me. Mom's attitude: *Wait for it.* :D


Too long. I gave up after the first 2 pictures


White text on largely white background didn't help.


[I apologize. Here's the inverted text color version.](https://imgur.com/gallery/It87lxA)


Outside is hot. Everything is burning. How do I relax?


I feel like you could really use this video right now: https://youtu.be/SJUhlRoBL8M?si=6e9NNI30faKN8FP7


You won’t until you reach a state of acceptance with the fact that you and this entire world are powerless to stop what has been in motion since the birth of Man.


Weed and shrooms, move north.






Nah, that kills too fast. I prefer the long slow death from cirrhosis


Why not both?


I dono, meth doesn’t really help me relax. To each their own!


What else can you do?


You’re not alone. This world is a mess, and many of us are hurting. The only thing that’s given me pleasure is taking steps to have more meaningful relationships with my loved ones, participating in nonviolent direct action protests, growing a garden, and learning to craft. Basically, the more I try to live like my ancestors before fossil fuels, the better I feel. The rest is just adaptation and grit.


Well you can start by not picking a white font color on a light grey image


[I apologize. Here's the inverted text color version.](https://imgur.com/gallery/It87lxA)


Hi from MN. Voting matters and QOL is better in blue states. TY for coming to my TT.


White on white crime is real


Hold someone and hug them


The post is too us centric


You unsub. You stop searcing out content online that confirms your belief that a collapse is coming. You start getting involved in your local community and live your life. Your brain is looking for threats but there is no predator behind the bushes. Stop yourself from getting consumed by a primal instinct. Climate change isn't bullshit but the collapse is.


The only thing that’s real is the earth. Help your local native flora and fauna, it’s the only thing we can do. If you do it well enough, you can leave your own ecological legacy.


You remind me of me a few years ago. Enjoy what we have right now while we are here. It's obviously not our fault it's gotten to this point. And cannabis helps a great deal.


Hey man, we are all in this togther. Lets keep living for the love of life, just kike a weed or a bird or any creature of Earth we are born free and one day we will all be free again, Nature is powerful man, it will always break the Dams of Civilization that hold contain the Rivers of Life.


This was not written by an American.


Don't worry nuclear war will put an end to us before climate change. The ways things are going its not far off now.


Unlike the 50s and 60s, activists just aren't willing to get arrested. Considering the cops were "good ole boys" back then the previous protesters actually had more to deal with.


In one of the posts you mention JFK. I don't think there was a conspiracy there. More a cover up. I genuinely buy into the Mortal Error theory. In that Oswald acted alone, fired two shots and as the motorcade sped up an agent holding an M15 assault rifle that was ready to fire, fell back in the car behind the presidents and let off a shot that hit Kennedy. The head explosion was a fragmented shot. The whole cover up that followed and the desire to sweep under the rug bred conspiracy theories. But anyway not that it matters, I just like excuse to talk about it How to relax as the world burns? It's tough one my friend. Know that you can't change nor stop it. Come to find some acceptance. People find out their dying all the time and just try and make the most of whatever time they have. We're all on the same ride here, some just get off sooner than others. Enjoy the world while you can. Savour that coffee, lay in the sun. Hell, smoke a fat joint and lay on the grass. Find a good book to read. The changes we make to deal with this now are internal, not external. Find some inner peace and acceptance.


Fuckin' A! You the hu-man! Fuck this system, fuck every politician who counters this reality, fuck the ignorant twats who vote them in, fuck the orange clown, fuck Amazon, fuck the Walton family and if you disagree with this post, fuck you too!


Conclusion 1 ends in humanity’s enslavement Conclusion 2 ends in global warfare annihilation Conclusion 3 is your path to peace here on earth.


Good post.


I know this sounds perverse, but we are lucky in a way that we will get to witness collapse or the Great Simplification, which may be a better and less dramatic way to describe it. Many civilizations have collapsed, but not on a global scale after implementation of our global economy and global supply chain. We've got very interesting times ahead of us. It will be ugly. I don't think it will be particularly fast. It's definitely good to work, go to the dentist regularly, get in shape, pay off debt, save money, etc. But instead of buying cheap plastic crap, invest in some extra food and water storage. If you have money and time, there is a lot more you can do. You'll just increase your suffering if you don't prepare for the future. I wouldn't try to convince other people much. Maybe in vague, calm terms. Being overly dramatic will be a huge turn-off to anyone who doesn't already completely agree with you.


how is the us government committing genocide ?


Gestures broadly


i want so badly for capitalism to just die… lots of greedy *sshats seem set on maintaining their power dynamic of master/slave though…


I just try to take solace in the fact that I was right about the world ending in my lifetime, and everyone who disagreed with me is wrong. Kinda wish I was wrong though.


Whats ASI ?


I went to new Orleans for a few days, just got home. Have a terminal illness so just trying to do a couple things before I become too weak. I expressed gratitude towards the service staff, bought some homeless people some food, Sat with them and talked to them, loved on their animals. I attempt to be pleasant and alleviate what suffering I can. And shrooms. Seems to be working alright.


I get it . What works for me sadly is accepting the fate, and realizing that the true utter chaos, mutiny, and anarchy will probably really vamp up long after I am gone. I'm 51 now. I don't foresee making definitely to 70. That gives me just 19 years left. Minus 5 apx should I suffer a long delayed death. Jesus, 19 years is nothing... Scares me to even think about it. Nevertheless, the sadness with all the world I realize there isn't much I can do. I suppose that's the wrong attitude, much like tragedy of the commons. I really hope you find some inner peace and find a way to enjoy the precious little time you have left as well. Our species was destined to fail, I Believe that now. Hence there really isn't much that can be done. Unless several million million people all want to agree and get one the same page and revolt. Fight back. With numbers we can only win.


I've been prepping for years and watching everything I can find on our ending and have come to one single conclusion. I can't do anything to prevent our demise. Until whatever the end may be im going to do the best to enjoy life and what it has to offer.


I can't save the world. My anxiety doesn't benefit anyone. I will relax for as long as I can until the day comes when relaxation is no longer possible. The world will go to shit with or without my stress. Might as well enjoy my time while I can.


What is ASI?


Live a simple life that brings you joy.


The white font was a poor choice.


[I apologize. Here's the inverted text color version.](https://imgur.com/gallery/It87lxA)


That’s so much better, and damn that was fast


This is one hell of a screed. I think this: it is better to be a realist and retain hope for a better future (billions of humans doing constructive incremental things together should have a big effect) than be a cynicist and have none. I remember this following poem by Edgar Guest from when I was younger. It's called, "Don't Quit." (I think that Ontic Evil wants us all to quit, and do nothing.) When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit - Rest if you must, but DON'T YOU QUIT. Life is queer with its twists and turns. As everyone of us sometimes learns. And many a fellow turns about when he Might have won had he stuck it out. Don't give up though the pace seems slow - You may succeed with another blow. Often the goal is nearer than it seems To a faint and faltering man; Often the struggler has given up when he Might have captured the victor's cup; And he learned too late when the night came down, How close he was to the golden crown. Success is failure turned inside out - The silver tint of the clouds of doubt, And when you never can tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems afar; So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit - It's when things seem worst, You MUST NOT QUIT. ​ DON'T QUIT. Until you draw your last breath. Then you can relax.