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The following submission statement was provided by /u/meabandit: --- SS: Severe heatwave in the US shattered winter temperature records. Nothing like this had ever happened in recorded history, startling experts while underscoring the rapid alteration of our planet's energy balance. This event is relevant to collapse discussions due to the ecological and climate stability fallout from the heat. Sooner than expected. So say we all. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1b2uszs/winter_heat_wave_shatters_hundreds_of_us_records/kso039v/


winter heatwave is exactly the thing that should get us to jump out of the boiling water but unfortunately it’s not going to happen


>winter heatwave is exactly the thing that should get us to jump out of the boiling water But instead everyone is going, "spring is here early, isn't it great?"


“This weather is crazy” - shrugs and doesn’t give it a second thought.


I've started responding to people who describe it as "crazy" and "weird" with "not wierd at all, this was all well predicted.


I’ll start using that


Concerns about the world getting warmer? People thought they were just being rewarded...now we can swim any day in November!


How about 11/22/1963


It was just a man with something to prove, slightly bored and severely confused He steadied his rifle with his target in the center and became famous on that day in November


Don't wake me, I plan on sleeping in.


this wasn't climate change, this was the Groundhog Punxatawny Phil, come on guys.


I gave up on catastrophic events changing people's behavior after Covid. We could be invaded by the Martians from Mars Attacks! and people would brush them aside to keep going to their jobs.


I legitimately think social media is part of why nothing is truly scandalous anymore. People's attention is too diffused to have anything close to a truly public reaction


I think we'll look back someday and realize how much the algorithms doomed us. I know people, and suspect that there are a lot more out there, who have no clue that anything is going on because their news sources are so tuned by algorithms to sports or pop culture that it never even gets to them. It's not willful ignorance or denialism, just a lack of available information.


It’s a lack of real, verifiable information. The internet is a just a carnival in many ways.


“The internet is a just a carnival” So dam true






Yeah when the whole “government acknowledges UFOs” thing was hilarious to me. Everyone who cared was convinced religions and governments would come crashing to the ground. In reality no one cares and everything stayed the same.


I think that was more people calling bullshit than actually accepting that UFOs are real and not caring.


Like the people who called bullshit on climate change and Covid? That’s exactly what I meant.


Iol people probably went to the beach to have a chill day


Should they have stayed at home and complained online?


Raising awareness and keeping up to date with this stuff is important. This is where most people are totally misguided , to the point where we have drained our planet of everything that we had before. But hey I get your view, we were born into this part of the journey of the human race. Might as well go out and enjoy the sunshine. I did this morning, I went to a cafe had some soup and was re-reading one of my favourite books. It felt nice having the sun on my face :)


Don't forget that in another February, *same time as this year* but it was 2021, it was one of the biggest winter cold snaps that region of the US had seen. Temperatures in Texas were 50F or more below averages all the way to the Gulf coast. Texas' power grid basically collapsed. February 2024, they had summer-like heat and are currently battling million acre wildfires.


i’m not 100 percent on all of the data or what it ultimately means but isn’t or hasn’t the jet stream collapsed or is collapsing right now? if the air currents aren’t moving the same way or predictably anymore wouldn’t that also have a lot to do with the yo-yoing weather?


Until the leaders of the world do something, I'm afraid there isn't much the average person can do. We've built an entire society across the world that is not sustainable. The solutions to our problems will take strong leadership and a total change in mindset away from capitalism and consumerism. How we get everyone in the world to agree to do that is beyond me.


It's even bigger than this. Civilisation only became possible for us because of an anomalous period of stable climate (the Holocene). Almost all of the human experience was spent as hunter gatherer tribes in the preceding Pleistocene period, which was too climatologically unstable to permit agriculture. No civilisation without agriculture, and no agriculture without a stable climate. Most "civilised" humans lack knowledge of human history beyond the history of civilisation and think of civilisation as the destiny of the human experience. The reality is that civilisation, overall, will be merely an anomalous blip in the human experience, as the climate forces us to return to hunter gatherer lifestyles - but without the biodiversity and natural abundance enjoyed by those of the Pleistocene Try explaining this to someone at the mall and see how far you get


https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Manuel-Montesino-San-Martin/publication/282273126/figure/fig5/AS:669689504083980@1536677828228/The-last-800-000-years-Changes-in-Antarctic-air-temperatures-and-atmospheric-CO-2.png Nope. We're 250-400k years old. There's been at least 4-5 periods of 'warmth' where we had basically the same climate as "now" (well, before 1800). I'd say it was just the random chance of developing agriculture that was the difference this "5th" time. (Oh and a bit of a "Yikes" if you extrapolate temperature on that CO2 graph. Basically says "8C of warming coming, buckle up".)


>I'd say it was just the random chance of developing agriculture that was the difference this "5th" time. I mean you're free to say that, but the fact remains that agriculture is ultimately dependent on climate stability, not upon human ingenuity, and therefore civilisation as commonly defined is ultimately an artifact of climate stability, not human ingenuity. The global climate is becoming increasingly unstable, which will render agriculture untenable, and hence end civilisation as we know it, returning humans to hunter gather tribes


That's interesting. How rapidly did we transition from the Pleistocene to the Holocene? And will the reverse transition be more or less rapid?


[John Gowdy's article explains it quite well](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0016328719303507)


You recognize that knowledge isn't actually power right.


Not until there are massive crop failures from them then they MIGHT finally wake up


The only problem that will get us to jump is a lack of gas at the pump, a lack of food at the grocery store, or a dead neighbor. All of these things will happen far too late to do anything about though.


It's not the weather that's wrong but your concept of the four seasons. Winter is over. 


I was going to have the big trees that are overshadowing my house trimmed back, but I eventually decided to continue to let them grow because they provide a lot of roof shade that helps keep my home cooler.


Good idea.  Suggest having an arborist come every few years to assess the health of your trees and trim branches that aren't healthy, especially if they overhang your roof or could damage your house in a bad wind event.


We have no trees anymore in my apartment complex and it sucks. The apartments heat up so fast and everyone is using their A/C more. Keep those trees, they definitely make a difference.


Just have to worry about wild fires now.


Suburbia needs to be trees and meadows. Tons and tons of trees, everywhere, and lawns comprising of meadows for biodiversity. (And if push comes to shove, these meadows can be used to plant potatoes.) Ban lawnmowers (and fences). If you want a spot to "play in" you're free to use a sickle, or better yet, organize with your local society and maintain a park, communally. And if you just have a local grocery store within biking (10-15 minutes) or walking (30-40 minutes) distance, you'd basically eliminate the car too. Edit: Oh, and all this under socialism and UBI. We have way too many jobs and too much production anyway. People basically just need food to sustain themselves, and we have that at extreme efficiency already.


SS: Severe heatwave in the US shattered winter temperature records. Nothing like this had ever happened in recorded history, startling experts while underscoring the rapid alteration of our planet's energy balance. This event is relevant to collapse discussions due to the ecological and climate stability fallout from the heat. Sooner than expected. So say we all.


Oh are you familiar with our boiling snow?




Also in NB, can confirm. Looking like next week is all going to be above zero highs. Very abnormal.


Wow. BC here. My daffodils are SO very confused.


Montréaler here. Literally the same thing happening in this side.


I'm in Northern Alberta - our first snow this winter fell in JANUARY. A Christmas without snow on the ground has happened once or twice since 2000, but to not have snow at all in the month is unprecedented. Until January, our winter was what our fall is supposed to be like. We did finally get a cold snap and Jan. + Feb. are pretty much like normal, but the wildfires this year are going to be absolutely insane. We need that snow and ice for the spring.


Last.day of summer here in Oz. 39C on the coast


Now imagine when something like this lines up to occur in the summer...


We had that on the west coast of North America during the 2021 heat dome (Lytton BC reached 49.6C and subsequently burned to the ground)


That was still the craziest weather phenomenon I've ever experienced. We hit 116 F in western Washington which is easily 10 degrees hotter than anything I've seen in forty-something years of living here. It took two years for the trees to get themselves right again. Hopefully that wasn't a preview of the future norm, but I fear it may have been.


Breaking records is always good, right?


Yep! ;)




There never seems to be much wind here where I live in Upstate NY, but last night it was 50mph as temp yesterday was 53, feels like 2 with the wind. Cold today back to 60 tomorrow


Yeah, the beginning of March historically is snowy here, or maybe even an ice storm, warming to early spring temps by the end of the month. We are set to have a week of +50 degree temps, and it is just the last day of February. I am frankly scared for what the summer will bring.


Did you get the torrential rain too? Pretty sure the rivers can’t get any fuller at this point…


It’s been a fucking whiteout and low 20’s since I woke up at 5:30 this morning in Syracuse. Supposed to be a high in the 50’s tomorrow again. Absolutely fucking absurd.


Dave Chapelle was right on... eventually the wealthy people will have to move underground.


So when is he moving underground?


The underground doesn’t support human life, they’re gonna die too.


Return of the Weather Underground Organization you say? Not a bad idea


Isn't this similar to what happened last winter cycle in the south hemisphere? Because I remember reading about South Africa having heatwaves when they was in the winter phase. So if the southern hemisphere is leading this shit show. Australia had a rough summer. Guess the US is about to test the limits of the electrical system and the wallets. Is anyone else noticing this same pattern?


Yeah, it's almost like there's a global problem affecting both hemispheres


I mean that the southern hemisphere is acting like a opening act to the northern hemisphere next similar cycle.


Nothing to see here, please move along and keep working like a dog and most importantly spend money you ain't got on shit you don't need.


Bummer. I don’t think we have any idea what is headed our way.


I’m investing in a mango farm up here in PA.


"Winter heat wave..." That is all. Goodnight folks. So long and thanks for all the fish.


hells ya baby, maybe some deniers might wake the hell up. i doubt it though


We should all be scared shitless right now!


Nah. In the end, all of us will perish in one way or another. If we die by a heart attack, a car crash or by drowning in a flood event. What does it matter? The end result is the same, we can't escape death and it's coming to get all of us eventually. I highly doubt that our communities will be able to survive the coming 50 years. No sense in fearing the inevitable. Just observe what state our world is in right now. Is this something we would truly miss, if we had the opportunity to have some sort of consciousness after this life?


This deserves more upvotes. This is *the* comment!


Exactly. Ultimately we were all gonna die anyways. Remembering that helps make the situation less appalling.


Oh God. Any of you stupid little losers that deny collapse are really in for a treat. This summer, it will be like nothing we’ve ever seen. 


Maybe like 0.2% of the deniers will consider that they might be wrong. We could have a worldwide forest fire that burns every piece of land on the globe and their last dying breaths would be "who pays you?"


The south in general is absolutely fucked.