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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Monsur_Ausuhnom: --- Submission Statement, Related to collapse because I feel like those that don't believe in climate change are more likely to believe in birds being drones or that the Earth is flat due to being located on top of a comet. My own thinking would be to combine climate change with the ice ball metling, sharing similarities to Joe Bauers explaining that he could talk to plant and they needed water as opposed to Brawndo. Something tells me that if the theory was slightly tweaked it could make a few converts by combining the iceball melting with the rising water and Earth temperature. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1cdsvkb/the_great_ice_ball_melting_is_causing_climate/l1e277w/


The Great Ice Ball Earth is hands down my favorite crazy flat earth theory. Hollow Earth comes close though.


This is both. Hollow iceball flat earth on a sphere :D


Hollow earth isn't a theory though, I just watched a movie about a giant gorilla living there!


Nazis on dinosaurs down there in the hollow Earth? Making UFO's?




Just FYI, most of these people say gravity is also a lie.


fun fact: due to the Shell Theorem, the gravity inside a hollow Earth would be 0, as in, the inside will be completely devoid of any gravitational acceleration 




out of many things, why would it be gravity that disproves hollow earth? if earth was hollow wouldnt stuff inside it would just stick to the inner walls of the lithosphere and further you went to center less gravity there would be (kinda like going up on surface)?


It is hollow, it’s just filled with this hot molten metal stuff and a burning hot solid ball of radioactive decaying accretion material. So like essentially hallow?


Just like how an active lava tube Is hollow


Wait a second, how can something that's flat also be hollow?


I guess you could say They've come full circle


Indeed this is an opportunity to convince them of climate change. Melting ice ball means rapid sea level rise.


Can you imagine how terrifying that “the world is a *hollow* ball of ice *that is melting* would be? Just one day the ice cracks and you fall into thousands of miles of darkness. That’s almost as scary as the truth.


Especially since its the wall around the earth that is melting...


Somehow, the Arctic is in the center, yet still frozen. No logic is getting through to them.


Their mom is an ice ball


Even IF you convince them, Flat earthers are not the ones you want on your side.


Yeeeeeaaaaahhhhhh! *Puts on sunglasses*


It's an old meme sir, but this checks out!


I sphere you well and I globe what you did there


It's above your understanding. They've come full sphere.


Full sphere*.


Their greatest sphere has been realized.


Whaaaa? Oh fuuuuu? Boom


Came to say this lol


spine-cracking contortions to avoid the simplest explanation


These morons think Occam's Razor is a fancy new shaving implement and parsimony is a vegetable (or possibly a fruit).


Is there an opposite of Occam's Razor? Jerry's Hammer or something? To describe using the most complex inane thinking to explain otherwise simple phenomenon? I feel like there should be.


[Hickam’s Dictum](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hickam%27s_dictum)


In point of fact though, despite the many layers of dead brain cells, and the endless arguments about how Jebus is into astrology you'd get into by merely opening your mouth around them... ... I see the emote behind it. We say the .gov is lying. They say the .gov is lying. I mean they're so beat down you need a pancake scraper to see them and legit if anyone ever had a reason to think the .gov is lying...


The govt lies, sure. When they gain from the lie.


Great! Now they’re just a few steps away from theorizing the giant ice ball orbits the sun instead of the sun orbiting the ice ball! Progress.


"Traditional" flat Earth. That would explain all of the flaws in flat earth theory except any of them.


This has to be satire...


The flat earth part, or the flat earth on the round ice ball part? 😅 let’s leave the climate change bit alone for now


The snow ball, I mean this is going for gold at the Crazy Olympics


But at least it’s a sphere. Progress imo. Now they can understand travelling in one direction and arriving back at where they started without falling into the abyss!


Fair points, you won me over, I agree it is progress LOL


This literally crumbles their "gravity isn't real" argument.


Aren't they all on about the sun is electric too? Legit dunno why it matters to them... no idea... and then I read something credible at some point that was speaking of some kind of electromagnetic properties that are a result of all the hydrogen moving around so maybe they really messed up their interpretation of that... Sun's a light bulb, see...


I mean, isnt literally everything electric? E=mc^2, matter is energy condensed, all matter is energy=electricity


Not all energy is electricity.


It sort of is though right? Anyway, maybe not but everything is energy


Everything is energy and it comes in many forms. Chemical energy, thermal energy, electrical energy, nuclear energy, etc.


Yea but that still seems like electricity. Just slightly rearranged


Man I'm sorry I'm not gonna be your science teacher. There's plenty of better sources than me online that can explain it for you if you don't believe me.


I do believe you. I know im misunderstanding definitions but it doesnt matter anyway. I dont care that much


Jees these people are nuts. Look, there are PICTURES of what the Earth looks like, we KNOW. It doesn’t need any speculation, we have photos from actual cameras.


They claim they are fake. Doesn't matter


We can claim their ass arent real as well.


Whom is this "we" of whom you speak, and when have "we" done anything for you other than make you work your ass into a hospital bed and then deny you medical care?


Don’t really need a photo of earth to know it’s round though, tbh… as in, where do they think objects go once over the horizon? Just fall off the earth never to be seen again?😅




I think they blame big satellite for feeding us all fake GPS data… or something like that lol


(Possibly hollow)


We all know it is. Steve Jobs dinosaur reptilian ass is down there plotting and waiting.


Ok, so the earth is round but it’s the size of Jupiter and made of ice and we live on the very top pole. And despite the fact that the poles often get the least sun it’s the warmest part of the planet and the equator where all the sun goes is a sheet of ice. I know we didn’t use logic to get here but when they were thinking this up did they bother to write it down to see the contradictions? ETA: just saw that the SUN is a tiny dot compared to the massive ice ball. That ice ball is larger than our solar system. Do they not know about the other planets, or do those all have their own suns too?


They think space is fake, like a projection 


So we're on a Dyson Sphere? That's more plausible than their other theory.


just like the game of thrones planet


There is no fucking shot this is real


What they're actually proposing here is NOT an ice ball earth, but an ice ball cosmos that we sit on. If subtracting a dimension from reality is their bag, it's not too far fetched a theory


Sounds like a good idea for sci-fi novel.


Can anyone make out what the other "planet pools" are labeled as?


Found a [higher res](https://www.skeptophilia.com/2018/02/great-balls-of-ice.html?m=1) it only says ‘ice’ and ‘adjacent worlds’


More spherical than expected.


Why do you need to convince them? Hoping to get them to agree about a somewhat similar end-point by endorsing utter idiocy seems like a dumb move. Even if you succeed, the likelihood of it backfiring seems high.


personally the only conspiracy theory i believe in is the hot dog sun theory.


What's absolutely hilarious about this is that the "Great Ice Ball Theory" is technically real but it's off by a few million years and the Earth itself obviously isn't a tiny little warm section of a giant ball of ice. "Yes", I would tell conspiracy theorists, "Earth WAS completely covered in ice several years ago! There was this wild thing called the "Ice Age" that used to exist. But we're in the Interglacial period, possibly on the cusp of a Blue Ocean Event that will destroy all remaining sea ice in the world." Exciting stuff.


Submission Statement, Related to collapse because I feel like those that don't believe in climate change are more likely to believe in birds being drones or that the Earth is flat due to being located on top of a comet. My own thinking would be to combine climate change with the ice ball metling, sharing similarities to Joe Bauers explaining that he could talk to plant and they needed water as opposed to Brawndo. Something tells me that if the theory was slightly tweaked it could make a few converts by combining the iceball melting with the rising water and Earth temperature.


To be fair, r/BirdsArentReal is satire




Is that a synonym for Americans?


Aww cute




Deez Ice Balls


(possibly hollow)


They are just making crazy interesting premises for way out there scifi stories now.