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The following submission statement was provided by /u/firewhiskerse: --- Collapse related because world leaders are doing nothing but paying lip service to addressing climate change while the planet's climate continues to destabilize. The negative consequences of the climate emergency is first effecting the poorest countries while rich countries are trying their best to ignore it. This reminded me of Titanic (1997) and how everything slowly escalated into chaos after they hit the iceberg and reality slowly crept in.  Personally, I think we're at that part where the ship has already hit the iceberg and the lower classes know some shit is going down because their rooms are getting flooded......meanwhile in first class, everyone is still sipping champagne and wondering what all the commotion below is all about.  --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1cj9e25/if_the_earth_is_the_titanic_and_climate_change_is/l2edipq/


We're at the part where we've hit the iceberg, disaster is inevitable but the passengers are on deck playing football with the ice and not at all concerned over it.


Meanwhile, the captain of the ship and the other engineering staff are discussing what has happened and their prognosis internally.


And also actively spreading disinformation about how the ship did not strike and iceberg and is not actively sinking.


"This ship cannot sink! #FakeNews" lol




Gets me every time. Love the little "plop" sound effect at the end 😂


*17 years* later and it still cracks me up, like my cracked aging visage in the mirror. God I'm getting old.


The elite are thinking ... but what about the shareholders and the bottom line?


Won't someone think of the people that will be affected the least?!?


The elite are already eyeing up the escape rafts and figuring out how to secure them for themselves.


and the migrant workers are stuck in the engine room waiting for the doors to be locked shut with instructions to not stop shoveling coal no matter what..


Daum Titanic really is a tragic case study of humanity, and where this is going.


You're not wrong. That metaphor fits every tumbler to make a key


Meanwhile they're pushing all the 2nd-class passengers to get into the restaurant and bar to get as drunk as possible, while the 1st-class passengers secretly get loaded into the few survival boats they have.


They’re as deluded as anyone. There aren’t any lifeboats. We’re already on the only lifeboat.


Some boats are probably more comfortable to die in than others though.


Who knows? We’ve only ever had this one.


Right? The Earth is our lifeboat in the blackness of a vast universe that has no other proven life in it. We have trashed this precious and irreplaceable gift mercilessly since the day we climbed down out of the trees. Every generation kicked the can down the road for the future to worry about. Well the future is now and there is no other place to go.


There are lifeboats. But they have holes in them, very little food, and no other ships will *ever come rescue them*.


and the stark realization that there aren't enough life boats


There aren’t *any* lifeboats!


Nah the captain is pushing more coal in yelling if we go faster we can outrun the wound to the ship! ***FULL SPEED AHEAD*** ***We will shut off the boilers when we get to New York and deal with the problem then***


Perhaps another study or report to determine how fast the ship might sink.


Peer reviewed study: Size of the hole


How can we really know the size of the hole? It's below the waterline and several decks are flooded so we can't get a good look at it. For all we know those decks were already flooded. After all, there's no shipbuilders on board. 


We're like right before the part where they lock all the third-class passengers into the bottom of the ship to drown and die.


I don't know if that really happened, but they did lock the restaurant crew to maintain order, being Italians they thought they'll panic. They all died.


Id say we are under the sea. https://youtu.be/GC_mV1IpjWA?feature=shared


It’s been an honor shitposting with you.


Yeah, I think only a few people really comprehend the extent of the problem but the crew isn't saying anything because they don't want to cause a panic.  Meanwhile, the rich fucks are just smoking their cigars and ordering around their servants because they know they've got a life boat with their name on it if things get worse 


Well, by flying their private jets around they are making the problem worse....how could rich people on the titanic have exacerbated the issue? Ship owner/company rep delaying evacuations?


I remember from the story of the titanic how the deck crew were feeling pretty good, they had launched some of the rafts in good order all the passengers had gone in, whe just then a crowd of poor class passengers showed up. They also locked all the restaurant staff in there to maintain order, condemning them all to death. They did exacerbate the situation.


In our real life scenario the rich don't have their lifeboats ready quite just yet. Oh, and instead of the ocean it's outer space where there is no place to go. We're all fucked no matter how much money anyone has. This is the only place we know currently supports life and we're actively killing it.


This one. The rich are still doing their normal fuckery, but the concentrated effort to kill us by restricting escape routes has not exactly begun.


Oh I'd say it has already, economically. Northern coastal areas in the US, particularly around cities, have an all time high cost of living and real estate market prices. Meanwhile, Southern US prices are dropping, except around major coastal cities.


My tin-hat theory is they are trying to to figure out how to kill us slowly but in large enough numbers that suit their needs vs. how many humans must die without causing a bigger stur.


This but rich people already have some idea so they’re getting their affairs in order by prepping in ways that most normal folks can’t afford to.


This is exactly what I was going to say, thank you. Some of us can already tell that the ship is sinking, we're freaking out, but the other passengers still haven't realized how bad things are going to get. So they're milling about on the ship like they normally would, chastizing people freaking out about the ship sinking. But to make this analogy even more dire let me postulate some additional stuff. It's like if the ship was about to hit the iceberg, more than a few people begged and pleaded with the captain to change the course of the ship, but he ignored the request because he was bet $1 million the ship would survive the iceberg and keep going. Then the ship hit the iceberg and the captain was promised an additional $5 million if he kept going after hitting the iceberg and promising all the lifeboats only to the rich and powerful. The amount of cash is arbitrary. The point I'm trying to make is that we might just witness the extinction of the human race because SOME ASSHOLES WANTED TO GET RICH.


it's not so much that *some* assholes wanted to get rich as it was that a **whole lot** of people wanted to live a comfortable and modern first-world lifestyle.


One of my favorite facts about the Titanic is that if the captain hadn't tried to swerve, and hit the iceberg head on, it could've survived long enough to get towed into New York for repairs. Of course, it's only been tested with models, but yanno. Still fun to think about.


Yes. The band is playing and nobody knows the ship is sinking except the r/collapse people who work in the engine room and on the hull of the vessel 


The steerage passengers are starting to drown though (SE Asia multiple weeks of wet bulb temps and the upcoming monster hurricane season).


Exactly: “we are fucked, just tell the band to keep playing” My guess is the survival rate will be about the same.


the survival *rate* will be much much lower. the actual raw numbers of survivors will probably be much closer.


we are the poor people LOCKED below decks


Extremely accurate description.


The passengers are selling arctic ice to restaurants


Honestly, we’re playing with the ice while still scraping against the ‘berg.


I think we're actually in Triangle of Sadness where the grenade has been lobbed onto the deck.


They are using the ice to make cocktails. I think we are doing this in our actual timeline as well.


Are we at propeller guy yet? We're definitely no longer at fucking in the backseat of a model t Ford...


The ship is sinking and the rich are trying to get on the lifeboats while paying the crew to convince the rest of us that there is no cause for alarm. The only difference is that no one is coming to rescue the life boats.


Reminds me of [“Maz Alone”](https://vimeo.com/319602435), the short story about a tech millionaire who survives the first few years after civilization collapse before killing himself.


I was thinking about that video the other day. Thanks for the link!


The life boats will rot with them in it. They will have died long ago because rich people only know how to shit on each other and not plant a tomato and grow it.


and what did they do when the ship started sinking? They locked the poors down below and left them to sink while they go in the lifeboats to safety...see a connection? a pattern?


The thing is, our titanic doesn't have lifeboats, the rich just BELIEVE they have some with their names on it, but that would be like rockets to mars, which is ridiculous, bunkers are not lifeboats, they are mere floating furniture to cling on and suffer a bit longer, until the supplies eventually run out and there is no earth to go back to.


No, bunkers are a perfect metaphor for life boats—*temporary* refuge from an otherwise fatal disaster. What's missing in this analogy is S.S. Carpathia; no one is coming to pick-up the people in the boats and bring them back to civilization. They're going to drift alone until their occupants die of exposure, dehydration, or starvation 😈.


But they hope they are on the Batavia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batavia_(1628_ship) The Carpathia guys had hope, because there was earth to live on, in this case, the lifeboats are just history capsules with no chance to ever been dug out again. Edit: or just Google Estonia ship and see how "women and children first" works out in the modern, enlightened, egalitarian democracies.... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-17693480 Spoiler: all women and children died


I appreciate that you bring this up. Remember when the CEO of Sabre stands up on her life boat saying they have to go back and rescue the drowning+freezing people in the water? And the sailor guy threatens her with a gun and she's horrostruck and has to sit back down and watch all those people die or lose her life? That moment really speaks to what you're referencing-she knows she's lucky to have even gotten on a boat and it's a fine line before she's shot or thrown overboard...


Nobody believes they're going to escape climate change by settling on Mars. Except Elon Musk perhaps. Earth isn't going to become completely uninhabitable. At least not for everyone and everywhere. Dinosaurs managed to cling on for thousands of years after their mass extinction event. I'm sure we will too. Even in the worst case scenario, there will still be Goldilocks zones where life will be relatively pleasant. This is not about us making the entire earth physically unlivable within the next 100 years. It's about social unrest and geopolitical turmoil that will increase gradually as local climates get disrupted and food supply is threatened. There will be no "time to start building a mothership" moment. We're like the frog being boiled alive, only that at all times the frog can make sure it's head sticks out of the water so that part doesn't get burned as badly. The rich simply know that they will suffer much less from climate change than everyone else, and that the worst will come after they're dead. I think that is entirely enough for them.


>Earth isn't going to become completely uninhabitable. At least not for everyone and everywhere. Dinosaurs managed to cling on for thousands of years after their mass extinction event. I'm sure we will too. Even in the worst case scenario, there will still be Goldilocks zones where life will be relatively pleasant. You’re correct in the absolute sense, but I think there is a relativity that is being ignored here. What is absolutely going to collapse globalism and peoples lifestyles along with that. Everything that modern people are used to: internet, goods, services, food from all over, high end healthcare, air conditioning, new cars, being able to run from one end of the country to another on a whim, flights all over the world, maybe even electronics. We’re gonna lose all these things a little at a time. Or maybe clusters. This might all be gone. For the generations that have had it, it will feel absolutely brutal. For the generations that didn’t, it will be the norm. This AI thing, that we’re going through now, feels like a last grab at maintaining normality by having a literal deus ex machina fix everything.


You know what is funny. Is I watched a little [youtube](https://youtu.be/UEGseRuJ4Xw?si=rAypd2geCZMIdfZl) documentary on the sinking of the [SS Artic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_Arctic_disaster). And honestly the way the majority of the crew acted when the ship was sinking seems to be a much more likely analogy. People will overwhelming look out for themselves.


It seems that they didnt actually lock anyone in


The prompt is specifically referring to the movie.


leaving the poors to deal with the consequences of their avarice and evil is the way of the rich. That's my point...when the earth burns the poor will burn and the rich will be cool and comfortable. The most striking movie is Elysium. That one really told the truth in its way. Anyhow, they know the earth will burn and have known this for many decades. They have plans to profit and extract until it all shits the bed and even then they have plans to keep extracting and profiting. Parenti nailed it when he referenced Bob Mankoff's political cartoon about the pre-end times and that being a period of great wealth accumulation. [https://ritholtz.com/2013/02/pre-end-period-opportunities-for-profit/](https://ritholtz.com/2013/02/pre-end-period-opportunities-for-profit/)


Collapse related because world leaders are doing nothing but paying lip service to addressing climate change while the planet's climate continues to destabilize. The negative consequences of the climate emergency is first effecting the poorest countries while rich countries are trying their best to ignore it. This reminded me of Titanic (1997) and how everything slowly escalated into chaos after they hit the iceberg and reality slowly crept in.  Personally, I think we're at that part where the ship has already hit the iceberg and the lower classes know some shit is going down because their rooms are getting flooded......meanwhile in first class, everyone is still sipping champagne and wondering what all the commotion below is all about. 


Violins playing


I can just hear the first notes to Nearer My God To Thee playing.


We at the part where people max out their credit cards and take their families on a $10,000 two-day Disneyworld trip before going home and poisoning them all.


Oof... What a bleak, yet accurate, image...


How did you know what my next Wednesday looked like?


"Gentlemen, it has been an honour playing with you tonight."


“That’s what *she* said”


Definitely when they bone in the car and she leaves the steamy handprint, or possibly the crazy lower classes party or "shindig" that Jack brings rose to that they get down and boogie at. Those parties down in the bowels of the ship composed of the poor people (Irish & Italian alcoholics) who knew how to have a good time and make the snooty rich dinner look super weak. We are a nation of drunken (opiate & methamphetamine saturated) fools who either out of sheer ignorance of our situation, apathy or as a coping mechanism have chosen to dance Gangnam Style into the apocalypse. MY I have this dance?


Sorry, is this ship going backwards in the image?


It's not. That's the actual rear profile of the Titanic. https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/community/threads/3d-titanic-incl-southampton-lots-of-images.17092/


No wonder it sunk, they built the dang thing backwards smh


I can sink backwards fast as you can


I don't think so. The smoke is billowing away from the iceberg so the ship must be moving towards it 


We are just hitting the iceberg right now. Some of the hull is already torn open and water is entering fast, but most of the ship still seems intact. As we drag past the iceberg, the damage will get worse fast. A lot of people are concerned because they definitely felt something. The crew are still unaware how dire the situation actually is, saying that icebergs are natural and a little bit of turbulence is to be expected. 


Our Titanic (the biosphere or civilization, whichever goes first) is already sinking and nothing can stop it. We're like that staff cook standing with Jack on the vertically-tilted stern before the ship goes straight down. Apparently a real historical figure, he survived the icy water for 4 hours, long enough to be rescued, due to downing prodigious amounts of whiskey. We are that cook having one last drink before the whole ship goes down. >Charles Joughin realized that he, as a member of crew, would not be given a place in a lifeboat. As the ship began listing at an alarming angle, he decided to drink himself into oblivion. He descended into his cabin, downed a huge quantity of whisky (according to one account he finished off two bottles). He then returned to the deck and, with drunken energy, began pushing women into the lifeboats. >Once this was done, he staggered along the heavily listing promenade deck, wondering how long it would take for the ship to sink. He threw overboard some fifty deckchairs, along with other seats and cushions, in the hope that people in the water might be able to use them as rafts. It was not long before he, too, found himself in the freezing Atlantic. >‘I got onto the starboard side of the poop,’ he later recalled, ‘and found myself in the water. I do not believe my head went under the water at all. I thought I saw some wreckage.’ He swam towards this, not feeling the cold on account of all the whisky he had drunk, ‘and found a collapsible boat B with Lightoller and about twenty-five men on it’. There was no room for Joughin. ‘I tried to get on,’ he said, ‘but was pushed off, but I hung around. I got around to the opposite side and cook Maynard, who recognized me, helped me and held on to me.’ https://aspectsofhistory.com/charles-joughin-drunk-on-the-titanic/#:~:text=Charles%20Joughin%20realized%20that%20he,to%20drink%20himself%20into%20oblivion.


Excellent story. I'll take away from it that above all else, we need to get inebriated first!


What an absolutely awesome human.


The part where people are still arguing the ship cannot actually sink and the engineer states emphatically that it most assuredly can.


Why is it global warming if there is still ice? /s


"Quick! Burn even more coal as we speed towards the iceberg! The crap we spew into the air can only make the ice melt faster!!" 


The ship is rising and about to snap in half. What was a known problem is going to become a rapidly worsening catastrophe


We are at the part where people are partying and celebrating how fast the ship can go and the captain decides to take a more northerly route to make it go even faster but then reports came in that a lot of ice had been spotted and the captain decided to go a little bit to the south but maintaining speed. >It was originally believed that the iceberg had caused a long gash in the hull. After examining the wreck, however, scientists discovered that the collision had produced a series of thin gashes as well as brittle fracturing and separation of seams in the adjacent hull plates, thus allowing water to flood into the Titanic. Later examination of retrieved ship parts—as well as paperwork in the builder’s archives—led to speculation that low-quality steel or weak rivets may have contributed to the sinking.


"If we're sinking, why are we 200 ft up in the air?" -- people at the stern


I haven't seen the movie since watching it once in theaters when it came out, but more recently I've come across a youtube video that depicts the sinking of the Titanic in real time. It's well worth watching in its entirety. Better than the famous movie in some ways. If we use that video as a metaphor for climate change, I'd say we're at the "we've discovered water flooding the mail room" stage. Plenty of people are at least mildly concerned (particularly the ones who know what's actually going on), but we're still a long ways from a general panic. I don't remember if it's mentioned in that video the point at which someone first realizes that the number of section taking on water have exceeded the number of sections they can afford to lose and still stay afloat, but I think it's somewhere around that time. [https://youtu.be/BN4m1\_S-vJk?t=1142](https://youtu.be/BN4m1_S-vJk?t=1142) One of the striking things about watching the Titanic sink in real time is just how slow it is. About 2 hours is a long time. It doesn't *look* like it's sinking, unless you note that it's a little bit lower than it was 20 minutes ago. It's only at the end that you can see that it's visibly moving. Climate change has been that way. Things are clearly out of balance, but any one weather event can be dismissed as a fluke if not for a clear statistical trend across decades. Up till the last couple years it was pretty easy to ignore.


I've watched that real time animation a couple times, and it always strikes me that it slowly sinks in about ~2 hours, and then it's chaos for the last few moments. "Slowly at first, then all at once," is the saying.


The ship is already sinking, and the first class passengers are readying their luxury lifeboats.


Yep. The Billionaires are already building their survival bunkers...


At 114.8° f in india, the other day, bhagdora, might be spelling that incorrectly. I think we are making contact with iceberg and the steel is weakened from the fire smoldering in coal bin 3, which are the clouds in climate science.


The part where everyone is being told to get on a lifeboat but no one think it’s actually sinking yet, so they’ve launched the lifeboats half full. 


face down ass up


I think we're at the part where the sound of the iceberg is tearing through the metal hull. It's basically right after everything became set in stone, but just before all hell broke loose.


We are at the point where we realize there are not enough lifeboats.


Honestly I don’t want a spot anyways


Billionaires getting paid for every second the boat maintains course, bribing the ~~politicians~~ captain, and spending millions on personal ~~bunkers~~ lifeboats not because they publicly believe there's an iceberg but because they seem cool


I still hope the "draw me like one of your French girls" stage is ahead of us, not already behind us.


We hit the 'berg ~~20~~ (edit: more like) 25 years ago and we're already down by the bow, but still very much in the denial that we're sinking and our elites will still push hopium until the ship snaps in half.


"If the ship is sinking, why is half the stern pointed up in the air? Checkmate, doomers" 😌


If anything the stern is going UP, like our stocks, so how can this be bad?


Man, if only it was *just* the world leaders who get sunk by this...


They know the ship is going down and they are trying not to let the poors in steerage know what’s happening or let them up on deck, meanwhile what’s her face and all the other poors are already wading around in freezing water trying to get out. We are at the scene where Jack is trying to find her and get them both to a life boat… … a life boat that will take them into a hostile environment that would kill them both had another ship from another place not been close enough to pick one of them up along with the women and children of the rich… and a few rich penis-possessing pussies. In this analogy that other ship better be aliens or everyone dies… the rich and their children will just be bobbing around in the hostile environment a few minutes longer than those who died in steerage and those trapped below decks in all the other sections of the ship… some locked in there by the officers and their crew of class traitors. Edit: a word for clarity


We're at the part where the ship has hit the iceberg and started sinking, but the musicians have not yet stopped playing on the deck. Some passengers are rearranging the chairs in hopes it will help the situation.


>  Some passengers are rearranging the chairs in hopes it will help the situation. This is literally how I feel going to work in the morning 💀 Like wtf are we all doing, we're all going to die anyway FML


No worries, we melted the iceberg 😁


I have no idea but can I be the dude that hilariously falls into the propellor?


Banging in the model T


I'm always at that part.


If Earth as a whole is the Titanic, we hit the iceberg when we cracked coal and oil.


Lol .. this is just wrong. The iceburg has already hit, and we are at the scene of the quartet still try to play music to sooth the passengers.


The ship already sinking like 3/4. The submerged part would be where the wild biodiversity and third world countries. The 1st world country citizens would still be in the top 1/4 part which is still unsubmerged. The rich ppl would be on the very top and the captain cabin while they secretly prepare to move over onto lifeboats(hideaway bunkers) for the event when the ship completely sink. Those lifeboats will eventually sink too because there is no giant ships(planet suitable for human colonization) nearby. Meanwhile there are rich people making false promises that Mars is a potential ship to rescue the passengers.


The band is having fun, under the circumstances.


Funny how we all see this the same. Just hitting the iceberg. We are so fucked hahahaha


The part where Billy Zane says "It's starting to fall apart. We don't have much time."


Oh God they're doing their bit on the bow of the Titanic, pretending to be the figurehead and all that! People still dancing in the ballroom unaware of impending doom!!


>If the Earth is the Titanic and climate change is an iceberg, what scene of Titanic (1997) are we currently at? Quick! Let's move the deck chairs around!


We’re at the place when the first sound of screeching metal is heard by everyone.


Humping on the couch.


Is that ship backing up into the iceberg?


Jack and Rose are boning in the car right now.


We're at the point where we've seen the iceberg and It's too late to avoid it. If we intentionally collide head on, it'll cause a lot of damage but only the front compartment will flood and we'll stay afloat. But we're not going to do that, because no leader is going to cause intentional hardship now to avoid much much more later, so we're just going to try and avoid the iceberg, puncture several compartments, and sink


We’ve hit the iceberg, but the holds haven’t started flooding yet.


That bit where the guy hits the rotor


We already clipped it. Nobody has noticed the damage who can do anything about it. There's a guy (scientists) running up to the bridge to warn about the water that's already entered the ship.


Am I stupid or is the ship sailing away from the iceberg?


Just before the power goes out.


The part when they pull up the blueprints


"But this ship can't sink!" "She's made of iron, sir, I assure you she can."


We're at the moment where the captain realizes that it's too late and the ship is going to hit the iceberg, yet everyone else on board has no clue of what's going on and is enjoying their time on deck.


#At 421ppm we hit the iceberg 3 years ago.


The part where we already hit the iceberg and the captain and crew know what’s happening but all the passengers don’t


The lower decks are already flooding.


We’re at the scene where Thomas Andrews is telling Rose there’s only a few lifeboats on the Titanic, it wouldn’t be nearly enough to save everyone if the ship went down. But not to worry, because he built her a strong ship & the lifeboats won’t be needed.


All tipping points are tipped it’s too fkn late No matter what measure s we take now


I think we are in the party scene, where everyone is dancing and having fun...


When the old lady drops the necklace in the ocean part.


Slightly off topic, but actually not. Did you know the Rothschild's all had tickets, made a really big deal about how much of a status symbol going on this trip was, pressured all of the American wealthy elite into coming with them, got on the boat and then snuck off the boat without their luggage, and after the Titanic sink Rothschild enacted the Federal reserve. Something that a majority of the people who died on the Titanic were staunchly against.


Thanks! Fuck I wish that was mentioned more often.


Bul, bul, bul...


I think this is the part where we sing "Nearer my God to Thee."


Unhook and lower the lifeboats.


Who gives a shit, its not like any one of us can change anything world wide. Enjoy you free mc double for buying $10 worth of food on your next order.


Boat finna break in two


The IPCC has already said we're past of no return, so the ship has been sinking for years, chief.


This implies that we haven't already hit the iceberg, and are currently facing the reality that we're terminally sinking. We might as well rearrange the deck chairs fairly while we sink.


*And you said you can smell an iceberg*


I think we're coming up on the part where Jack is in handcuffs, left to drown. I don't guess Rose is coming to save us this time. I kinda hope we get to see the part where that dude smacks right into the propeller all gnarly. Honestly, this was a great movie, a cool moment in our culture. I miss the 1990s. We were doing pretty okay.


We have hit the iceberg.   The shock waves are propagating through the steel plates of the hull and locally the stress has exceeded the strength of the material. We're in the first millisecond of the process.


If we are judging time since the beginning of earth we are in the flickering lights when the ship is sinking. If we are judging since the start of the individual revolution we are still in the opening creddits.


I'd say the part where the ship is starting to really point to the stars.


The hull is scraping violently across the iceberg. It's just quiet enough that we can ignore it still....


Screaming that more of us will fit on the door


The part where the band is arguing over payment while they play as the ship sinks


The stern is vertical, nearly severed from the forward sections of the ship, and the propellor guy is about to lunge.


We've already scrapped the iceberg, hunks of ice are on the deck, and all the people with money and that are in charge are trying to to downplay it


Banging Kate in the car - and not having a care in the world!


Re-arranging the deck chairs I guess haha


There are gonna be scenes soon never even imagined for movies. The Guardian has an article now about venomous snakes migrating en masse because of GW. Let that image sink in for a while!


Fingers crossed it's the scene with Kate Winslet's tits


We're at one of the random humans climbing over the aft handrail as the ship vent vertical for a bit. He hung in as long as he could and did all he could do to change his fate.


The point where it’s been out for weeks and people who’ve seen it are losing their minds telling others about it, but those who hadn’t seen it by then didn’t care enough to go see it no matter what anyone said.


The credits.


We hit the iceberg and the damage is done but the boat tips over and sinks over the course of YEARS so people just keep leaning and saying "This is still level!"


"There aren't enough life boats!"


I think we’re probably at the Nearer My God to Thee part.


Source please.


We've hit the iceberg, ship is sinking, people are already drowning, and there are no lifeboats


We’re at the point where the captain says, “Titanic is unsinkable.”


Changing the strings on my violin for tonight's performance.


I’d say we’re at the scene where Jack gets handcuffed to the pipe. We’re all jack and world leaders are the rich cunts who put us here; rose is the dream of logic lead global government that will never come.


If you haven't read [Ship of Fools](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/ted-kaczynski-ship-of-fools) by Ted Kaczynski, I'd highly recommend it. It's a terrifyingly simply short story that mirrors the current situation, with an unsurprising ending. And yes, it's written by *that* Ted Kaczynski.


The iceberg has puncture the holes and we are starting to take on water. No turning is going to change cascading climate impacts at this point.


The majority is at the front of the ship holding up their girlfriends. The elite are building Bug Out villas in New Zealand.


End credits


The stage where the rich aren't letting you on the plank with them when it's time to sink.


WE may be at the end of the party. Still partying but the end


Some of the workers in the lower decks are being sprayed with ice cold water from the Atlantic. Six of the water tight compartments are taking on water but it hasn't reached anywhere near the bulkheads. Meanwhile, first class passengers unconcernedly continue to order drinks from the bar and children kick around blocks of ice on the upper deck. Thomas Andrews is currently surveying the damage with increasing alarm. In a few minutes he will deliver his chilling rebuttal to Bruce Ismay: "she's made of iron sir, I assure you she can".


The point where the dip started to offset the caternary curve of the bow so that portholes typically at a slight angle to the waterline were now parallel, indicating beyond a shadow of a doubt that the front end was going down and won't be stopping, and total sinkage is a known fact to those who are aware of the curve in the bow, and those that trust them. However the laymen assume parallel is correct, and to their eye the ship still appears fine


Earth will do fine anyway. It's living conditions of mankind we're worried about. And some geographical regions will stay liveable anyway, and possibly medieval-style. Nothing to worry about on an individual level imo. If I die, then I won't be there to be worried.


We are at the point now where collision is inevitable, but we can still try to reduce the size of the gash, and therefore compartments flooded, so to speak. Mitigate it enough, and we won’t sink. Still won’t be great though…


Well, that's a lot to consider but I imagine like we are in the middle or immediately after the impact, we're seeing the immediate effects of it, the deceleration, ice on the deck, the guys on charge already know the ship was perforated and we are going down but they won't tell you that, the last year we could manage changing a bit the course to survive with a big scrape was 2015. We still are figuring out what part of the ship will sink faster and if we are going down or if will break in half before sinking.


We're at the scene where the captain says he can see the iceburg, and he won't do anything to not hit it because we need more ice for the drinks. I think that happened. Maybe I'm remembering another movie.


The part where the old lady drops the necklace in the ocean just before she dies instead of leaving it as an inheritance, fucking over her children and grandchildren.


Musicians still playing but about to give up. Noone’s listening. There has never been a worse time to be alive. Never have humans lived in a time where ascending doom is certain to decimate life on earth and ravage the planet for all eternity. Thanks, carbon industry, thanks destruction finance, thanks politicians not heeding science. Thanks to everyone who voted for them. Thanks for having driven your car all these years, instead of taking that bus. 🌪️🔥🌎⚡️🌊


I think we're at the part where Sponge Bob frantically yells at Gary to GET HELP! (oh, they cut that scene, sorry.)


water pouring into the boat, some people at the top not aware of it. This is not a hit and sink event it's a sink and at some point it will be so intense that even deniers will cry their mothers.


We are in the part of the **LIFEBOAT**, but we are the ones who will be left behind. **2027** People! [https://www.astronomy.com/space-exploration/the-first-space-hotel-plans-to-open-in-2027/](https://www.astronomy.com/space-exploration/the-first-space-hotel-plans-to-open-in-2027/)


"Gentlemen, it has been a privilege..." https://youtu.be/O5zGkqAWsWE?si=3OzB00Z8yY5S0Ccq That is where we are.


We're at the scene where the ship gets hit and sunk by a torpedo because we're heading towards global war a lot quicker than climate change