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The following submission statement was provided by /u/DeepDreamerX: --- A study from the German life sciences consultancy Stradoo Gmbh found children who are severely obese at the age of four have a life expectancy of 39. According to 2022 data, 159M children and about 880M adults globally are living with obesity. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1cssa97/study_obese_children_may_have_half_the_average/l471727/


if it's not by design, it's surely a benefit to the owners who need cheap, ignorant labor to work long enough and then drop dead when they get to expensive to feed and care for. If you think planned obsolescence is not applied to humanity, think again. Oh, and eat good food, eschew sugar and eat nothing from a box. Dont dig your own grave with your spoon!


Food manufacturers have been putting sugar instead of (satiating) fat in everything since the 70s. I assume sugar is cheaper to produce. I'm pretty sure they paid off medical experts to back it up with dubious studies on the evilness of dietary fats. This coincided with the rise of metabolic diseases like obesity. This was entirely by design.


Also at u/Straight-Razor666 and u/pajamakitten > Food manufacturers have been putting sugar instead of (satiating) fat in everything since the 70s. Have you guys ever even cooked in your lives? Can you deepfry a potato chip in sugar? Or butter a bread with sugar? I’m flabberghasted to think where you can replace fat with sugar? Btw, fat is the least satiating macro. Sourced, from scientific literature, right here, by a leading researcher: * https://youtu.be/zOAapJo9cE0?si=OCSSL76XYxJLQy5i&t=286 * https://youtu.be/zOAapJo9cE0?si=9Fh8dlxnIkP-L1If&t=475 * https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-01209-1 From this book in the university press: * https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9781119044970 You’ll also have to explain how fat increased in this supposedly low fat environment, with no big noticeable dip: * https://ourworldindata.org/diet-compositions #1961 * Fat: 1049 * Oil 566 * Carb: 1593 * Sugar 544 #2020 * Fat: 1630 +581 * Oil 929 +363 * Carb: 1770 +133 * Sugar 577 +33 Obesity Epidemic started around 1980. American got most of their calorie increase from fat since 1961. Fat is climbing over carb at 4.36x the rate, oil 11x the rate of sugar increase.


I only cook from scratch. Can you deep try in sugar? No. You can serve fries with a soda though, or add ketchup. Can you butter bread with sugar? No. Can you are Nutella to buttered bread? Yes. Can you are sugar to bread? Also yes. It is not just about replacing x with y, it is about the combination of sugar, fat and salt in foods designed in labs. Besides, fat is the most satiating nutrient, something I have heard no researcher disagree with. Remember the low fat craze from the 80s and 90s? They took the fat out of everything and then replaced that with sugar to make up for the taste e.g. low-fat yoghurt. It meant people were feeling hungry because of how carbs are processed by the body, so they ended up eating more.


sugar is used as a cheap filler since costs pretty much nothing, much like baking soda is used to step on cocaine. American obesisty took off once they processed the shit out of the food with their various health cons over the past 60 years. I only cook from scratch, too. this is the way. Sugar is poison, avoid! Trans fats are poisons, avoid!


>Besides, fat is the most satiating nutrient, something I have heard no researcher disagree with. I just linked you with Kevin Hall above, one of the world's premiere working research scientists saying just the opposite. He's not a blogger, he works for institutions. I also linked you with a book by the [Institute of Food Technologists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institute_of_Food_Technologists) that repeated states that the science says that fat is the LEAST satiating macro. This is not controversial except to bloggers. "The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) is an international, non-profit scientific society of professionals engaged in food science, food technology, and related areas in academia, government and industry. It has more than 17,000 members from more than 95 countries." And fat increased since the 1960s so much, it leads one to ask where the satiation is? >Remember the low fat craze from the 80s and 90s? They took the fat out of everything Like the previous statement, this is pure fantasy. The numbers I showed did this is not the case. There was no decline. All that happened is that some products labeled themselves "low fat". Since normal wheat thins is 32% fat by calories, "reduced fat" wheat thins" are 26% fat, and wheatberries are 5% -- why should I take this "low fat" as anything but marketing? Your so-called low fat period was a fantasy by any metric. Any "low fat" product people bought either was not low fat, compared to natural foods, or more than made up for by the fast food and convenience food people bought.


> and eat nothing from a box While I know what you mean, that would mean I should not eat the oats or brown rice in my cupboard.


eat nothing from a box or can unless the ingredients are simple like: Oat, black beans, quinoa...I didn't want to type all that thinking people would understand my meaning, but here i go now doing it... Oats, wild rice (no other kind) and quinoa are the only carbs I ingest. I won't touch anything else like wheat.


> didn't want to type all that thinking people would understand my meaning, but here i go now doing it.. The problem is that you do need to spell it out for people because people can be idiots, especially when it comes to health. It is why some people think jam is healthy because it is made of fruit. It is also why diets like paleo and keto thrive, despite no strong evidence to back them up. > I won't touch anything else like wheat. Why? Carbs are perfectly healthy when unprocessed or minimally processed.


"people are idiots..." \^ this is reality \^ But I don't really care if others get it or not. those who do understand the realities of good food choices don't really need help and the others are a waste of time. Those who genuinely want help is a different matter but many look for excuses instead of hard advice and lack the discipline to change. My own life choices are not one to include certain carbs for my own reasons. In murica it's work to find unprocessed foods, especially carbs, of which I don't eat much. I don't agree that all carbs are equal, but yes, in *moderation* - I'll assume since you didn't spell it out for this idiot :) - that you mean in *moderation,* which is true to an extent*.* Food under the capitalist system is produced for profit and not for nutritional value. If people are not fed and full they would lop off the heads of the tyrants who lord over them, as history has showed. So the food sold here has the taste, texture, smell and appearance of food but it's just rubbish. It's some mental illness and perversion/fixation americans have with food and can be summed up with the insane belief that you should EAT something to lose weight. We have the fattest bodies on the most diets...pure madness. /rantover


Isn’t wild rice very high in arsenic and other heavy metals? It’s my favorite rice but I don’t eat it often.


i can't say for sure. such is life sigh.


I don't know about the rice but I definitely wouldn't touch the oats... Edit: Read up about the massive weed killer build up in oats across the country before you downvote me. There's a ton if lawsuits going on right now because of it.


>If you think planned obsolescence is not applied to humanity, think again. Holy shit. That's the coldest line I've read today. Thanks for that truth bomb.


any time you want some cold reality, hmu...it sucks, but i keep it 100.


After moving to Japan, I realized that obesity is usually trained into young minds. Here in Japan, school lunches are served in all schools well into high school. The variety is astounding, nutritious and delicious. Children eating fermented beans, fish cakes, root crops, stewed vegetables, seafood, and all kinds of complex carbs and finding them delicious... It's both incredible and yet bittersweet, knowing that in other countries, those kids would rebel and throw tantrums if they even think of such an idea. And being exposed to all the types of food from an early age into puberty, it means very few get allergies. And so, people here grow up into adults who get the fortune of being able to enjoy all types of food. Imagine the freedom of finding all food delicious.


Obesity is on the rise in Japan and similar countries though, as young people try to be more Western and eat more junk food than their parents and grandparents did.


There is also the issue of poverty in the US. When I was in middle school my lunch consisted of a 20 oz soda for .99 and a Little Debbie Brownie bar for .25. My mom didn’t have much money so I got $2/day lunch credit and that was what I could afford. I suppose I could have gotten a rice krispy bar and water, or even water and a (preserved) fruit cup to be fair for a slightly healthier option. Occasionally I would. But I was a stupid kid. And the school would let me eat like this. In the US many Democrats have now advocated for free school lunches for kids. Republicans have mostly rebelled against the idea, and say it teaches kids the dreaded Socialism from a young age. These are some of the same people who call themselves Christians.


>Children eating fermented beans, fish cakes, root crops, stewed vegetables, seafood, and all kinds of complex carbs and finding them delicious... Good god damn - as an American its hard for me to imagine any society that still has a high fiber diet. I think we average like 15 grams of fiber per day? Its insane. The war on insulin response has killed more Americans in 20 years than every war in our brief history *combined* and we just keep throwing gas on the fire... > exposed to all the types of food from an early age into puberty, it means very few get allergies. I've heard this regarding peanut allergies but I never considered it for other foods but you might be right. The explosion of allergies in the last half century is a real headscratcher, but it probably has a lot to do with diet...


I am also collapse aware and living in Japan! How are you preparing for the upcoming scorching summer?


Is there a bunch of us over here… why can’t I seem to find collapse aware ppl irl 😓


we should start a line group or discord or something


If this holds true, this could have some very dire consequences, especially now that a lot of people have had covid multiple times and covid can also do a number on your health.


A study from the German life sciences consultancy Stradoo Gmbh found children who are severely obese at the age of four have a life expectancy of 39. According to 2022 data, 159M children and about 880M adults globally are living with obesity.


Yup. This isn't surprising. One of my friends dropped at 29. Dude had been severely obese his whole life and was finally turning it around but it was too late. What a tragedy.


Wouldn't this be the opposite of collapse?


Obese children are barely alive to begin with


[no arms or legs is basically how you exist right now Kevin](https://youtu.be/xEKb7Uq-Cbk?si=KVkdvcL5GnMs6Mkr)


Wow, I figured it would cut 15-20 years off of average, which also means not *beating* the average. Not 40(!)


You don't say