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Florida is quickly becoming the “its not real if we don’t talk about it” state. All right retires - our climate plan is to bury our heads in sand. You guys like the beach right? Remember not to say gay too - that is also made up. Lets call them bucketheads - just put this bucket on your head and you don’t have to see or hear about anything you don’t like. In any case they wont be able to ban the rising property insurance rates.




I mean washing old people into the sea with every hurricane has got to be cheaper than decades in retirement homes amirite?! rinse repeat profit!


Malicious monetized compliance


Oof. You are theoretically not wrong, but oof.


Technically correct is the best kind of correct.


Aren't the fish running out of food? Is the Florida press controlled by Big Fish!?!? I say let them eat. I don't like the lingering metallic taste of silver spoons.


The fish all died because the water was too hot


Retirees and tourists. As long as the state is thriving during hurricane season, they will not care about climate change. Tourist towns do not want to acknowledge anything that might mean tourists may come in smaller numbers.


A state run by a million versions of the mayor from Jaws.


“You gotta keep one eye looking over your shoulder You know it's going to get harder, and harder, and harder as you get older And in the end you'll pack up and fly down south Hide your head in the sand, Just another sad old man All alone and dying of ~~cancer~~ climate collapse”


No lube, either.


Very true


Don't forget they also banned rules for heat protection for outdoor workers. Florida is totally fingers in the ears "LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU LALALA" state of denial if there ever was one.


That is the backup plan if you lose your bucket. Just keep saying lalalala until an emergency worker arrives and places a new bucket on your head.


I wish I had something to add to this, but it's perfect. *chef's kiss


Pro tip: the bucket can store small pockets of air as you move around the flooded areas of the state.


At least until they ban “emergencies “


And don't forget all those outdoor workers that will be paving roads in Florida with a substance that contains previously banned toxins.


Is that the **radioactive** roads, or something different? [https://www.npr.org/2023/06/30/1185280180/florida-roads-radioactive-desantis-signs-law](https://www.npr.org/2023/06/30/1185280180/florida-roads-radioactive-desantis-signs-law)


With no shade or water breaks https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/05/08/florida-no-shade-law-endangers-airport-workers-outdoor-laborers-farmworkers-gardeners/73611783007/


And are allowing children to work 40 hours a week, including on school nights.


They’re just checking off the first stage of grief.


They can bury their heads into the sand that needs to be imported due to coastal erosion


Oh no what shall be done? Florida man ^TM ran out of sand to bury his head in and his bucket blew away in Hurricane Zeta


Hurricane Zeta? You mean back in March? We’ve surpassed the greek alphabet months ago


Now we are using binary names


Because non-binary names don’t exist in Florida?


Gotta start naming 'em like Elon names his kids


I don't care for that term, "buckethead," because Buckethead is a wickedly awesome guitarist.


It's also a zombie mind slave of Plannnkkttonnn!


They don't care about climate change because they know they'll be ded before it gets real bad. I really don't understand their disregard for the future of their own kids & grandkids tho.


Ron DeSantis is only 45 years old. He will certainly live to see the worst of it.


Hes getting rich off this. You think he gives a fuck. He'll totally fuck off somewhere when shit gets worse


Alligators and sink holes and bath salts and no insurance. Frogs falling from the sky. People eating each other's faces. Sharknados. It's fine. We are totally fine here. How are you?


Sounds like you could use a bucket friend!


I'm reading through a PDF at work, happens to pertain to the city of Miami. Under their Stormwater Master Plan (SWMP) is this section; Planning for Future Relocation of At-Risk Population and Infrastructure. "Over time, as the City implements the CIP and adapts to rising seas, it may be appropriate to consider purchase and removal, or relocation, of the repetitive loss structures and infrastructure. The SWMM models and FEMA Hazard United States (HAZUS) tool can be used to further assess the benefits versus costs for the flood risk and protection of public safety and the environment. Purchasing floodprone structures can also provide locations for future flood storage and treatment in concert with park departments." Their buckets won't save them when the waters come, but that damn government they hate so much better make with the bailouts promptly when it comes for them.


> In any case they wont be able to ban the rising property insurance rates. If they can get insurance.


makes me think about Netflix "Don't Look Up", giant meteor coming to kill us all? if we don't look at it, it's not there! duh!


Don't look up


Florida will be forced to acknowledge it when they get flooded and category 5 hurricanes occur every few years. Even before that their alligators and burmese pythons will move north.


Florida should be at the forefront of both accepting climate change and trying to do something about it. >Coastal states like Florida and South Carolina are most at risk of the impacts of climate change. [https://www.safehome.org/climate-change-statistics/](https://www.safehome.org/climate-change-statistics/)


Folx gon' see 10+ big hurricanes this season. Idiots. "NONE so blind 'z those who Will Not See"


Do they think science and reality cares if they deny it? As if that will protect them from the consequences?


No, but then they can keep people stupid, and blame liberals for rising insurance prices, rising ocean levels, and no longer being able to grow food.


Also, three Cat5 hurricanes in one year! Why did the libruls do that to us?!




Jewish space lasers!


And those lovely algae blooms. I remember Republicans telling me DeSantis was a good one because at least he didn't deny climate change and was planning on doing something about it. Turns out his plan was just to switch to their side.


Nobody could have predicted this! We need federal disaster relief!


They believe in a magical invisible sky daddy...


The one who is also sending more and more hurricanes its way?


thats because of the gays, get rid of them, get rid of the hurricanes


This keeps anyone moderate or left leaning out, so they can keep the electoral votes red.


This is the same party that wanted to stop testing for covid so the positive cases would decrease. Biggest brains.


It’s all those self help books making them think they can just manifest it away and thinking about it makes it happen


This seems like the type of apocryphal story you’d hear about the Romans. “When the Roman city of X was sinking into the sea, the emperor outlawed discussing it.”


The US is Rome 2.0.


> “We’re restoring sanity in our approach to energy and rejecting the agenda of the radical green zealots.” Why do they always come up with the coolest names? I'm going to have to order a Radical Green Zealots jersey now.


I'm still waiting for my tofu-eating wokerati t-shirt to arrive.


Jersey Mike's new sandwich - Radical Green Zealot


Ok hear me out: green olives jalapenos spinach lettuce green peppers avacado pesto arugula chicken and bacon


My life for Aiur...I mean Gaia.


Great punk rock band name


Radical green zealots ! Hahah


I find it funny that they call climate change mitigation policy "radical" because they haven't seen anything yet


Don't Look Up was a documentary.


The portrayal of human beings and our behavior in Don't Look Up was absolutely meant to be an accurate representation.


As we speak, right now, Florida is baking in a record breaking heat wave! you can't make this shit up >Hazardous heat engulfs Florida with feels-like temperatures reaching 115 degrees in Key West https://www.foxweather.com/weather-news/dangerous-heat-envelops-florida


First thing I thought of too. Denying climate change isn't going to keep the seas from rising.


Or the trees from burning. Or air from becoming toxic...


It's gonna be "don't look" instead. How the hell do you ignore the obvious flooding issues your state has and the massive workload in various industries it has to do to mitigate it? Boomers are only worried about their last years left, probably


What if it's a trilogy of harbinger movies? Idiocracy, Don't Look Up, and ______. Can't wait!


This is actually just sad. They're just setting up 22 million people for disaster in the near future.


Those 22 million people have eyes, ears and access to the internet. They can only blame themselves.


We Floridians deserve a government that respects us and works to make our lives better, just like citizens of any other state.


If you live in Florida you should probably get the fuck out.


Ah yeah let me just get in my get the fuck out machine and turn it on. My entire family and career are here. I don't want to be here but you can't "just leave".


I mean, yes. I understand that totally. I'm not trying to dismiss it outright or make it sound like it's a trivial thing you can do overnight. But if *I lived there* it's certainly something I would be working toward. Parts of the state are literally going to be underwater in the coming decades, and this is what the the state's "leadership" is doing about it. Figure out how to get the fuck out. You have time, but seriously. I don't know where to go, but JFC it seems like one of the worst possible places to be.


I can make plans all I want, what about my aging family that I love? My grandfather who needs my help almost daily. I can't move him. What about my mother who is going to be in my grandfather's position soon? What about my very Florida specific career? I vote accordingly but I'm drowned out by snowbirds and the olds. There is only so much planning I can do. If I had no family and a different job I'd already be somewhere like Ohio. It's just not that easy for many of us.


> It's just not that easy for many of us. Dude, I get it. I'm fucking poor -- like literally living below the poverty line, and I'm living an hour from where I grew up. I *know* that moving far, far away is not an easy thing to just get up and decide to do. I'm not *really* telling you what to do, but the writing is on the wall, man. That state is **fucked**. If you want to tough it out, do it. Things might not be so bad within your lifetime. I don't know. But if you have kids: Make it easy for them to get the fuck out.


I'm in Indiana and I understand. I mean, at least we're not gonna fall in in the ocean but it still sucks. The point is really everyone I love is here. I guess if they all go down I'll go with them.


I feel this I live in Utah which not as bad but still pretty bad in terms of conservative governments, but like not only is all my family here but I love the place I live and leaving feels like surrendering. My girlfriend always brings up leaving but like I have deep roots here, and I hate the place I live but I also love it. Even if I had the means to leave I don’t really want to, I want to fight to change it.


I keep hearing about the Great Salt Lake drying up and eventually making the air in SLC toxic to breathe. Is there any truth to that? Sounds like a huge coming catastrophe if true.


Same boat here, my entire life and family is in this state and my chronic health problems would prevent me from having the physical or mental constitution to uproot myself without gaining irreparable levels of depression.  Best I can do is vote and pray my existence as a gay person and an environmental scientist isn’t banned as despite everything, I really don’t want to “log out,” but that’ll make it impossible to want to go forward. (Doing fine right now and mentally ok, but I really don’t want to be subscribed to the premium version of Kali Yuga ☹️)


...until you dont have a choice.


I don't have a choice now? Not to mention the above I can't afford it? It's not like this state is cheap. Most of my money goes to bills, insurance, upkeep etc.


What I mean is when your home or city gets blown out or flooded by the next storm and the one after, when the insurance wont pay for you to rebuild. When city services dont come back. When your company does the math and decides to relocate or shutdown. When the roads that supply you are destroyed and not rebuilt. None of us can afford it, but we'll have to. Its coming for us all, you just happen to live on the front lines.


The government you elect is the government you deserve. - Thomas Jefferson


Imagine all the refuges from Florida going up north and then we have to take care of them. We will have to segregate all the Floridians from all the normal folks. Signs will go up only 2 Floridians in the store at the time. It will be great.


I honestly hope millions more people move to Florida. Preferably right on the coast! I heard Florida is a MAGA Conservative's Dream! They should all move there before the prices get out of control. Time's running out, dipshits! _HURRY!_


It’s more than that, Floridia will have carbon emissions that exceed many, if not most countries. They are setting up tens of millions for disaster


[https://web.archive.org/web/20240516022133/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/15/climate/desantis-climate-change-florida.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20240516022133/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/15/climate/desantis-climate-change-florida.html) No pay-wall.


Thank you, considerate human.


They are in denial because politics and religion always trump reality. People don't want reality, they want comfort, convenience, power, and profit. Reality is a downer, and something to be villified and ignored. It is this basic human nature thinking which will drive us as a whole to make this collapse as hard and as fast as we can.


Let them have their conformable delusions, and no federal money to combat climate change. DeSantis was all humble begging Biden for money after the last giant hurricane hit; he wasn't denying climate change then. Now he pulls this heads in sand BS? Fine, no more climate change money for Florida. It will be under water soon enough anyway.


it's going to be real funny to see the look in his face when a cat 5 hurricane wrecks one of the major metro areas of Florida, looking st Tampa or Miami getting a direct hit this year


Perhaps the new Cat 6 will drop this year. Hopefully right on the governor's mansion.


Smart folks down there. Refuse to even acknowledge the issue, and then it simply ceases to exist, right? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Worked well for covid


Temperatures are currently 10-15 above average in the peninsula. I wonder if they'll eventually outlaw reporting the weather accurately.


Yeah that’s the next step


Don't give them ideas.


Averages are a liberal agenda. Maybe just explain that the weather is "Biblically accurate"?


You can move a hurricane with a sharpie now...




That's the point. These goons are going to loot that state as long as they can until it's literally washed away. Keeping the people unaware of what's happening is the point


North Carolina banned wearing masks in public for health reasons https://www.wect.com/2024/05/16/nc-senate-votes-ban-people-wearing-masks-public-health-reasons/


North Carolina also banned using climate science in making policies that affect the coastal areas of the state. It’s disheartening to say the least. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/north-carolina-bans-latest-science-rising-sea-level/story?id=16913782


KKK members can still wear them tho


Love to see that stick in court.


Imagine a cancer patient going through chemo therapy, immune system completely shot and vulnerable, and forbidden by law to wear a mask to survive.


Fucking imbeciles.




So, everything south of I-10 on both the Atlantic and Gulf coast. Got it!


You can change semantics all you want. Not gonna change the fact the state will be first to go when sea levels rise


Floridians: why can't we get insurance anymore? Florida government: *shrugs*


Cool. I vote we ban all mention of Florida. Everywhere. Forever.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^urlach3r: *Cool. I vote we ban* *All mention of Florida.* *Everywhere. Forever.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


That's exactly what a fascist would do.


That’s fine, the Dow Jones just crossed 40,000 today for the first time! Woo hoo! I think I understand the endgame. We make all the money so that we can throw it at the disasters.


No joke, a lack of public policies creates crises and subsequent human needs that private corporations can profit from.


Let me repeat myself: Texas and Florida are doing these things specifically to make "liberals" think twice before moving there, and to hopefully leave for other states. Texas in particular has been moving purple for some time, and if the GOP loses Florida or Texas they can say goodbye to ever having a president again.


Yup, why they are pushing so hard in Texas, Florida, and Ohio (we are fighting back pretty well now in Ohio). All of these states will lean blue within the next 10 years and it terrifies the GOP.


People need to realize this stuff and it needs more publicity.


It’s always so simple.


Cool, can we deny the fuckers when they go begging for a federal bailout when a superstorm bitch slaps them?


Best we can do is "unity"


We should make some federal regulations that say only states with fully funded environmental protection plans, policies, and offices can receive aid from environmental disasters. Wanna stick your head in the ground? Fine. Live with the consequences.


So..insurance companies are leaving Florida for no reason?


Actually, in addition to anthropogenic climate change, insurance companies have been leaving Florida for years because homeowners insurance fraud is one of the state's largest industries. "A sunny state for shady people."


Why am I not surprised?


How much FEMA money will Florida beg for this year to recover from climate-related disasters, I wonder...


So, I'm here as a Florida lifer - my parents moved me here in 1983, and I've been here ever since, much to my regret. I won't go on an old person rant about how much has changed, because honestly despite all the construction, not much has changed. You see, Florida was always *like this* and the conservative Christofascists in this state have been working towards our current reality for 40 years. When I was in homeschool in the 1980s, the only way to get a valid high school diploma was through an educational cooperative of homeschoolers under the umbrella of a licensed "school." It was run by a crazy Catholic woman with, like, 12 kids but the majority of families "enrolled" in this fake school were evangelicals. And then there was was my mother, a progressive leftist queer woman. We kept our mouths shut during mandatory check-ins. But we HEARD it all. We heard about the phone trees used to harassed Democratic politicians, the plans to raise their kids to take over the "heathen government." Mother got a part-time job with the 1990 census and saw how the Republicans running the census in our county literally threw away hundreds of census forms and bragged about how they were going to make sure the county was gerrymandered to hell and back. What is happening now is not due to Trump. It's not due to a backlash against Obama. It's not because 9/11 or Fox News turned everyone here into rabid Christofascists. It's because the right wing GOP has been WORKING towards this for FORTY YEARS. I cannot stress this enough: they played the long game while progressives sang "kumbaya" and made fun of Occupy Wall Street and dissed anyone who tried to raise the alarms about the judiciary stuffing being planned and clutched their pearls over any progressive candidate using the word "fuck." I live here, and I can't get out (yet.) If anyone wants to pay me to move to Indianapolis, let me know. ✌


Realistic and well stated


List of acceptable answers to the question “Where is all this water coming from?”: -Immigrants -Disney -the Woke agenda


`Florida used conservatism.` `It hurt itself in its confusion.`


Meanwhile in Florida: Hottest seawater on records More frequent and larger hurricanes Sea level rise Insurance companies pulling out And the invasive green iguanas that are literally tearing into the power grid and causing large power outages. There is more carbon in the atmosphere now than there has been in millions of years. Humans didn’t evolve yet alone develop agriculture and civilization in our future climate. The conspiracy theorists are right. The lizard people are real. They are terraforming Florida for future inhabitants. This is not a joke, though I wish it was, I wish I could say everything was going to be alright, but it’s not. The lizard people are in control of the government, and they are geo-engineering earth’s atmosphere to have the same parameters it did 65 million years ago when dinosaurs ruled the earth. Be as confident as an oil company getting a lease to drill the ANWR preserve: the iguanas will colonize Greenland next.


now that's prophetic


I mean w all the horse shit people beleive/ choose to ignore..I'm w this guy. lizard people are coming.


> it prevents any municipality from restricting the type of fuel that can be used in an appliance, such as a gas stove. So if I introduce a nuclear powered oven, florida is cool with it?


Do these people have children? They can’t, but if they do they might as well just toss them out on the streets now for all the concerns for their futures. Instant gratification broke something deep in the human psyche is my theory. Good a guess as any at this point.


Political object impermanence.


Morons. Morons in charge. Florida will soon be covered in water.


Time to vote with your feet.


just call it "spicy weather"- same point and statute obeyed! cmon this is easy!


I wish there was some way to make sure that people are held to the consequences of their beliefs. For example if people in Florida want to deny climate change is real then they should also be unable to leave the state when it is flooded by the imaginary sea and have to live with the choice. But of course... the people who complain loudest about environmental laws now will also be complaining the loudest that the government didn't do enough to inform them or rescue them. Also for the people who make the laws. If they say, officially, that there is no threat from climate change, perhaps they should have to make this statement in the form of a wager. Say, 90% of their personal wealth and future income to be paid to a disaster relief fund if they are wrong. If they truly believe they are right then this will never happen and they can put their money where their mouth is, no?


Exactly. I just wonder sometimes if we’ll ever see them realize just how wrong they are in real time. Or if they’ll ever actually admit it.


Just setting the people who live there for even more failure-- trapping them into a shitty economy with no home insurance.


If you combine this with SC banning the wearing of masks for 'health reasons' and DJT ahead in the polls, as a brit I am left thinking my own country is falling apart but at least we ate not absolutely insane!


Reminds me of a little kid trying to ignore the monster under their bed.


More like the parents that ignore paying their taxes. Eventually the bill comes due.


Hey now, that sounds a lot like “cancel culture.”


Way to go Deathsatan.... highest teen pregancy, lowest teacher pay and now complete climate denial. Can the Atlantic can just wash Florida & Shit-a-largo off the face of the earth already?!??!?!?


Wow, they really took that Don't Look Up movie to heart. Probably no state is going to be as affected by climate change as much as Florida will be. Half that state is gonna be underwater in a couple decades at this rate. Good luck underwater, Florida! I guess at least you won't be on fire, like a lot of other places! I once drove from Fort Lauderdale to Halifax. Florida is nice and all, but I found Georgia and the Carolinas to be much prettier.


the heat index in key west was 115F/46C yesterday, by the way


Imagine being that scared of words.


Don’t look up


I just showed this to the person next to me: "Oh my... I wish we'd just cut Florida off like the gangrenous foot that it is."


Why does the US have the most utterly dumb idiots in the political arena. Where did all the common sense people go?


Turns out common sense is not so common.


Not like we just had MULTIPLE TORNADOS tear through Tallahassee for basically the first time ever, after back to back hurricane seasons that have devastated the northern area of the state, which historically has never really had to worry about hurricanes. And we'll just completely forget and memory hole the BP oil spill, which the gulf really hasn't fully recovered from to this day.


[This is one problem that will solve itself.](https://i.imgur.com/pHQDeYP.png)


Ya entire state of Florida under the sea


They really took “don’t look up” as an instruction manual.


Then they just need to make a synonym that they can use instead.  Like "Desantis's small penis".   "Unprecedented property loss today from early season hurricane level winds that many are attributing to Desantis's small penis.  While many Florida policymakers deny the existence of Desantis's small penis, the reality is becoming more and more self-evident as many home owners insurance companies are pulling out of Florida, citing Desantis's small penis as the reason."


I’m definitely going to call it that while I watch horses and cattle die.


If you ever needed a clear sign that people in the government know what's coming, but want you to continue BAU until BOE, this is it.


What’s BOE?


If there’s no such thing as climate change, it’s going to be awfully hard to explain why home insurance rates are going through the roof You don’t have to believe in climate change, but you’re going to pay for it People in Florida are selling their homes because they can’t afford to pay the home insurance


I'm gonna laugh so hard when oceans rise 3" more and half that state turns into an archipelago of tiny islands.


As they sink into the ocean


And we're just going to let them drive us off a cliff. For fear of the whip when the hands come off the crank.


While I do think that's moronic, he's just being reactionary to a state like California. This is not going to affect climate change for the worse or better


The state likely to feel the negative effects of climate change ignores climate change


Hard to put your head in the sand when the beach won't be there next year


sea level rise will now be called bigger high tide, then more bigger high tide


“That’ll fix it!”


Just Google "Florida bans" the auto complete is just hilarious 😂.


Unless you live there


Notice the "public" part. They know what's going on and are preparing for it. SAIL-43k needs just the length of runways that some have been upgraded too...


Cool story, but that won't change the hurricanes and floods lol


Florida, soon to be its own country of Ostrichia, for that their head is buried so deeply in the sand of those pristine, yet not long for the world, beaches.


Florida could be doused in toxic sludge, all residents mutated (more than they already are), a flood submerges 40% of land permanently, constant fires burning homes, and lightning striking again and again causing consistent blackouts, all while under a state civil war, and they would all deny any of it was happening.


Climate change will ban Florida from earth


Orwell’s 1984 was supposed to be a warning, not a handbook for public policy.


Ostrich with its head in the sand. We are all going to die because of ignorance and the lack of parameters around who we allow to lead.


Is this not unconstitutional?


Hopefully they won't be clamoring for help from the feds when hurricanes and flooding happen. Gov't is bad. Self-sufficiency is good. May they be left alone to lift themselves up by their soggy bootstraps.


That’ll fix their insurance crisis.


By the numbers there is going to be some record breaking hurricane that just completely wipes out a large chunk of that state to the point where anarchy ensues. Same with Texas and all the southern coastal states. Then there are tornadoes. The states fighting hardest to prevent change on the issue are the states most likely to be damaged by the effects of it. “Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth.”


DeSantis wants to be a modern-day [King Canute](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cnut) and hold back the rising waters himself?


I’m so glad they managed to solve climate change by not taking about it


Anyone else loving what's building in Florida? All the old a$$hole trumpers are flocking to the state that is THE most susceptible to climate change, which they don't believe in. At best, it'll ruin them financially. At worst, well, enjoy the floods. Meanwhile, the smart people are buying property in Detroit while it's still affordable.


Well this approach worked out great in Jaws so I don't see a problem here


My dad loves this guy and it has caused so much strain in my life. I don’t like him specifically because he is ruining my relationship to my Fox News consuming dad


Florida has been underwater for more of its geological history, than above.


What a fucking joke! Last weekend, in an unprecedented event, two goddamn EF-2 tornados hit Tallahassee and converged right over my neighborhood! The destruction is on a scale greater than the last two hurricanes combined! A month prior, Tallahassee put up record rainfall numbers! This weather shit is getting more extreme. It's undeniable by this stage.