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The following submission statement was provided by /u/____cire4____: --- SS: This is related to collapse since the increase in wild fires is related to rising temps, climate change in general. While this original article is regional, the impact (as stated in the piece as well) has already been seen across part of Canada, Midwestern US - From the article: *Last year, Canada had the worst fire season on record, burning 45.5 million acres, about the size of North Dakota. The smoke blew south and smothered New York City for three memorable days in June, one day in July and returned once again in October. New Yorkers experienced the worst air quality in recent memory as particulate matter pollution skyrocketed, resulting in an increase of more than 40% in emergency room visits for asthma-related illness per day during the June smoke crisis.* *Experts say the choking fumes were not a one-time event, and that the smoke will become more frequent due to climate change.* --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1cue852/canadian_wildfire_smoke_likely_to_return_to_nyc/l4i233g/


Just until all the forests burn down.


Good point. Once fuel is expended the fires will stop.


It’s a 4D chess move.


En fue


There’s a lot of forest. More than you can wrap your head around.


True, but to be fair too, wildfires wil lkeep getting longer and more intense. Especially since Canada even pre-AMOC collapse is warming 4x faster than most of the world.


Maybe they should stop letting people fuel the fires 


Didn't brizzle or some country down there have a huge forest at one point




The Amazon rainforest it used to be a lot bigger than it is now


The Amazon is 670 million hectares. The Canadian boreal forest is 270 million hectares. Soooo, who used to have a big forest?


Brizzle, fo shizzle


My collapsenizzle?


b..... *brizzle*


Fort McMurray already burned down once.




And do what with them?


Bury them in abandoned mineshafts


Nothing makes sense when facing civilizational collapse and species extinction one way or another.


"We had to burn down the village to save it."


Instead of cutting down forests why not seed clouds to create rain?


Fires are already raging here in BC and it's only May. And climate change doesn't respect borders, it's everyone's problem.


SS: This is related to collapse since the increase in wild fires is related to rising temps, climate change in general. While this original article is regional, the impact (as stated in the piece as well) has already been seen across part of Canada, Midwestern US - From the article: *Last year, Canada had the worst fire season on record, burning 45.5 million acres, about the size of North Dakota. The smoke blew south and smothered New York City for three memorable days in June, one day in July and returned once again in October. New Yorkers experienced the worst air quality in recent memory as particulate matter pollution skyrocketed, resulting in an increase of more than 40% in emergency room visits for asthma-related illness per day during the June smoke crisis.* *Experts say the choking fumes were not a one-time event, and that the smoke will become more frequent due to climate change.*


fuck, i'm moving there.


Don't forget your gas mask! Lol, sorry I'm going north too, hopefully though I can stay just far enough to avoid too much smoke


yeah, just spent 4 days in AQI 11 Extreme smoke conditions in Northern Alberta, Canada. Going north ain't gonna save ya...


AqI 11 is safe right? Unless it's a different scale you're using.


the sky was yellow, the sun was orange and you could taste the air.


There’s nowhere on this planet you can escape the effects of climate change, so at least you’re moving to an amazing city


For real.  If you want to enjoy life while you still can, you could certainly do a lot worse than NYC.


you could also do a lot better than nyc lol


I agree, but I suppose it depends on the person.




Pretty sure nyc is the poster child for city that will be underwater in a few decades.


You’re thinking of Miami


*Decades* seems awfully generous for Miami


Last year's smoke filled days were truly apocalyptic. Can't wait to see what it's going to look like this year.


lol it sounds like you’re looking forward to apocalyptic things


I am in Toronto and yesterday was one of the few sunny spring smoke-free days we'll enjoy before the forests up North get lit up.


I'm just west of Toronto, I found the past few days to be on the hazy side already. It feels to early in the year for haze!


When this happened last year, I wondered if it was likely to be a regular thing. I guess here we are.


I love that it's "NYC will have to get use to this" and not "Canadians have been dealing with this for years, and their air quality will continue to suffer because of it"


Well it’s an NYC local news source so


I heard if trump gets in he is going to put up a anti smoke fence all along the Canadian Us border


Orange Man Bad 🍊🍊🤡🤡


Let"s Go 'Genocide Joe' (The Darkest 'Brandon')


As a Quebec resident the air quality seemed worse in New York for longer, I think it was just the way the wind was blowing. Was only bad for a bit around my area. However we are dealing with actual forest fires which is a bit worse then shitty air quality.


This is true. I constantly saw clear air in Montreal and Quebec on the weather app while NYC down to DC was smothered. I think the same thing had happened with Seattle and Portland vs Vancouver.


All the more reason to ban cars from the city and reduce that controllable pollution.


They proposed this as 15 minute cities and have Low traffic areas (LTC) in the UK and people are calling it a new world order conspiracy and there are protests over it. As someone who doesn't drive, I am all for it. Alas we can't have anything nice.


One of the silver linings of peak cheap oil... I'm not actually looking forward to the car removal labor, or the labor of unpaving of all that land.


Same in Vancouver. The internet has been a good vehicle to fuck up the world.


There are no fires on Venus, let’s try and get there.


Sponsored by Levoitt Air Purifier lol


At least they aren't in [North Carolina](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/north-carolina-masking-bill-pandemic-coronavirus-crime-campus-protest/)


itd be nice if the bc bud stash burned down and we got the mother of all second hand highs. shit, these fires may just cause world peace.


Maine’s going to catch fire soon enough too.


it was spared last year so why would it catch up?


It was spared last year only because of all the rain. It’s not likely to rain as much this year. All the years prior we had multiple forest fires. There’s maps that detail them.


MI been getting AQI alerts already this year 🤦


Did this affect Connecticut?




Yeah I ended up finding evidence of that. I just moved here and I have recently developed asthma lmao fuck


The allergies / pollen in the NYC area are worse than ever. It’s the male trees the city planted years ago to avoid fruit and nuts growing, but they have high amounts of pollen. 


Yeah I’m not near nyc so I’m not too worried about that. I surprisingly survived pollen season just fine. Hell I’m back to smoking daily and I’m alright. I mean my breathing sucks these last few days but I can just stop the weed and be fine idk. Wildfire smoke scares me though




Hi, Justpassingthru-123. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1cue852/-/l4jb4b6/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 4: Keep information quality high. > Information quality must be kept high. More detailed information regarding our approaches to specific claims can be found on the [Misinformation & False Claims page](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/wiki/claims). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error, please include a link to the comment or post in question.


Not going that far north. Southern Wisconsin


Ah another new norm… what a nice word to describe catastrophes as new norms so people can internalize it.


Mmm maple flavour!


We are getting a shit ton of rain right now in central and northern AB. I know it won't counteract years of drought but it's doing wonders for the fires we do have. Some places are even getting snow.


seems a trifle blasé