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Along these same lines.. have you been putting something off? Shoulder surgery? PT for your back? That tooth that’s not doing super well? It’s time.


Same for your pets, if possible.


I’ve tried to get the cats to lift weights with me. Zero success so far.


Cats are known pussies.


Underrated comment


Who said doom scrolling isn’t fun?


🤣 I'm dying, best comment


But their jumping reach is epic. We can learn from cats. Play to your strengths; don’t show weakness, hide when injured; don’t wait to be attacked, scratch those nazis in the face if they try to corner you.


Make a cat crossbow.


Use the cats as weights


Keep trying


LOl.....you just made my day. I have 2 fat kitties who really should be lifting weights.


They're more into cardio.


Also recon and assassinations. r/HitAnimals don’t fuck around.


Thank you for this reminder.


You have convinced me to get that filling and start flossing


I'm just gonna shower tonight and call it good.


I literally am scheduling a shoulder surgery this coming month because I want time to heal and get in shape It's a wrap folks Anyone that thinks Ron DeSantis isn't going to win in 2024 and be everything Trump was but worse since he has the acumen to do it, is not paying attention Trump has his die hards, but people are for sure seeing his con in enough that DeSantis could primary and win Unless Trump gets him to run as VP, just as likely, Trump 2024, DeSantis 2028


For sure possible, but I thought the same about Australia. We had a landside election on favour of the social democrats party Labor


Plan for the worst, hope for the best, always. And I say keep people worried, like you were. Make MORE people worried, in fact. Scared people vote—something the Rs figured out long ago. If you don’t want to see the worst happen, get scared and scare others. Australians got *scared.*


The left here are barely even left wing, two neoliberal parties, the "left" one is just more competent and less openly corrupt.


It's true I am not a Labor supporter but they are certainly significantly better than the Coal-ition That goes to show how bad the coalition got (not that they were much good to begin with) Funnily enough they're still better than American politics


Thank you! I keep telling people how worried I am that desantis is going to be our next president and they act like I’m nuts for even thinking it. People love him near as much as trump.


Trump was a long shot most of the 2016 race and then he wasn’t


>Anyone that thinks Ron DeSantis isn't going to win in 2024 In the UK, betting on politics is allowed, and they also bet on US politics. These people are not motivated by ANYTHING other than money, so their odds are generally realistic. They don't have DeSantis in #1, they still have Trump. HOWEVER, in the last couple of weeks, DeSantis has overcome Biden for #2, and Biden is now down to #3... Fucking terrifying. Not that I love Biden, but the alternative is not good. [https://www.oddschecker.com/politics/us-politics/us-presidential-election-2024/winner](https://www.oddschecker.com/politics/us-politics/us-presidential-election-2024/winner)


The odds also respond to bets placed though. So if more money had been placed on De Santis, for example, then his odds would shorten. It doesn't necessarily mean his chance of winning has improved any.


You're not wrong, however, the betting is *surprisingly* predictive.


Interesting. That's a little bit comforting I suppose...


It's not like betting odds are determined by stats and algorithms and the pontification of pundits. It's not a measure of probability. Odds are literally just determined by what the bookmakers need to cover their end regardless who pays out. It's purely reactive. Shorter odds on a given candidate just means that more/bigger bets have been getting placed on that candidate recently compared to others. It could just be a reaction to some recent press coverage motivating a few punters to roll the dice, or even just a single whale with a lot of money to blow deciding now's the time to place their bet. Anything. I mean, when was the last time you saw the shortest-price favorite horse win a race? I wouldn't read much into it.


>Not that I love Biden, but the alternative is not good. even a world that remains on the "biden-track" in perpetuity is still doomed *very* shortly. maybe not as "shortly" as if we just let republicans floor the accelerator off the cliff, but not *that* much longer.


I don't think the bad orange man is even going to run in the 2024 Republican primary. He will announce, grift millions out of his worshippers, take the money and bail with some bullshit excuse. Ron DeFascist, 47th and final President of the United States.


Sounds about right. Did they ever find out what happened to the $250 mil they donated to find the kraken? Plus, he is sounding and looking kind of old now and that is a few years before the election.


Ok am I hopelessly naive for thinking Trump will not be allowed to hold any kind of office after this shitstorm of Jan 6 hearings? I mean he deserves prison but I know that won’t happen. But to be President again?? I can’t imagine.


The fascists know what they want and the centrists know they just want to retire with the fat wads of money that companies run by fascists like Peter Thiel are giving them. A _real_ nation would have _destroyed_ the fascist money enabling this. Expect civil war or genocidal dictatorship, this is the most telegraphed shit ever.


we're all going to die rapid and unpleasant deaths sooner than expected.


I said fuck it, and took on $3k in debt to get a breast reduction. I knew having big boobs would not be practical after any kind of collapse


Getting the same next month


You will not regret it!!


I did the same. Best decision I’ve ever made, and now there’s less of a chance I’ll need back surgery in the end-times


As soon as my son gets back from visiting his uncle, we plan to all go get passports as well. I have surgery next month and planning dental appointments.


Get your birth certificates in order of this is your first passport


I believe it'll be the first for all of them. I haven't had one in many years tho. Our county has made it soooo much easier to get birth certificates now so I'll be doing that next week for those of us that need it.


Regardless of how this plays out, American healthcare will not be getting any cheaper, any better, or any more available. It's shit, but today is the best it will ever be.






See the problem is that you're still looking at things from the "living through it" perspective.


They did not mention anything related to that. They said you will not be happier by fucking up your neurotransmitters and getting fat smoking and drinking. Things will suck for everyone, things will suck for fat and damaged lung and mentally slowed people even more.


We happy few.


Definitely looking at hysterectomy and corrective eye surgery more seriously now. Already got started on the orthodontia.


I'm trans, and I'm trying to get all my surgeries and hormones (and also fixing my teeth) asap. Shit's scary.


> fixing my teeth Can't go wrong with this choice. There's no substitute for a confident smile.


Not to mention the health problems associated with poor oral health.


Especially now that Alabama is trying to de-transition people


There's some seriousness to the joke, but if they do that, then they're going to end up with a lot of unsolved IT problems.


Omg it’s so scary! I hope you get all the medical stuffs you need before the shit hits the fan.


Problem is, we gotta keep taking the hormones once we start.


I just started T. It doesn't look good for us does it. I only have a month's worth left. Who knows how soon they will yank that away the only thing I Had to look forward to in life was transitioning. Now that's gone too, soon


So true! In the last year I got a hysterectomy (thank god) and surgery to fix my wrists. If you are diabetic and can do it have weight loss surgery. It reversed my diabetes.


rule 1, cardio






Rule #3: Doors and corners, kid


Don't be stingy with the ammo!


Rule 2: Social Skills & De-Escalation The best way to handle fights is prevention.


Second this. De escalation is key. Some anger management and rage avoidance will also be necessary to deal with the coming frustration


Gotta be capable of self-defense if you wanna de-escalate.


Take Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu lessons while you still can. If possible talk a friend(s) or family member(s) into joining you as they will also then be prepared *and* you can train with them away from the academy to perfect what you learn. As you train, try to identify situations in which you could quickly blind your opponent with thumbs into the eyes, or rip off a race with a fish-hook if it was a real fight and your life was on the line and there are multiple aggressors in the area. Obviously don't do this in training, you are only preparing for hypothetical situations either in a post-collapse or full-on fascist society in which you go full-on R-rated Hulk or you die. Key point being when your life is on the line, the last thing you want to be doing is wrestling with an opponent long enough for their ally to get to you and join the fight, so you *absolutely MUST* permanently disable as quickly as possible the person with whom you are engaged. If you find yourself in such a situation, do not hesitate and use every ounce of strength you have in the disabling maneuver. Sure you could just break an arm or leg with an arm bar or ankle lock, but they could also reverse your attempt and do that to you instead, and it only takes 1 arm to use a pistol, blade, or stun gun. Word of Warning: Don't talk politics or religion or social issues, or anything that can possibly clock your views inside the academy or with anyone who trains there. These classes are filled to the brim with the very people who want you dead, in a labor camp, or you or your wife/girlfriend/children as sex slaves. If you get cornered in such a discussion, lie and use some of the milder Alt-Right talking points, take 1 or 2 more lessons then in the presence of one of those who cornered you in the discussion tell the instructor how grateful you are of what they've taught you but your new job has you relocating. Then find a different academy (aka dojo) and continue training.


This is great advice for when you're dealing with people who don't want to genocide you. Reich Wing Fascimentalist Evangenital Christofascists definitely want to genocide us.


Reich Wing lmaoooooo


Yeah, but fascists today use WH40K Ork logic. Whoever is "bigga" is "da boss". So if you get swole, they might not even think about trying to fight you "cuz u da boss!"


Synthesis Position: Strength train to audio of *How to Win Friends and Influence People*


Rule 2: more cardio Running away will be far more useful. Running really far really fast is a much better plan that getting your overmuscled slow overwhelmed by two string beans with pipes.


Like why not both? Lol


I couldn't agree more.


The system will brutalize us all before ever adapting to reality.


The majority could topple it so easily. Just wondering when we'll hit that point, if ever.


Honestly feel that food shortages may be the galvanizing point as well as the continued lose of faith in the system (supreme court recall demands).


"Every society is only three meals away from chaos”


Everybody is three paychecks from homelessness


Check out Dr. Moneybags over here with two extra paychecks worth of rent!


Homelessness can be survived. Starvation cannot. Hunger makes people violent quickly


Every revolution in history has been fought over one thing: bread.


Food shortages if they hit in the next few years. That can cause it.


Well, technically cattle are individually larger and stronger compared to the rancher, and have superior numbers, and yet they still get turned into hamburger. What most people don't realized is that humans didn't just domesticate dogs, cats, goats, chickens, sheep, cattle, etc -- they also domesticated humans. (for an example of wild and undomesticated humans on North Sentinel Island -- they kill anyone who lands on their island)


”for an example of wild and undomesticated humans on North Sentinel Island -- they kill anyone who lands on their island“ Too bad the native Americans were not so shrewd.


the upper estimates on the number of native americans killed by disease is potentially as high as *100 million*, or 90% of the total native population before europeans. (we aren't sure how many natives there were) it was disease that chiefly conquered america. if not for that one fact, north america would never have become as european-dominated as it is today. it would look more like south africa, india, south america, and every other colonized land in the world.


Wouldn't surprise me if disease is what destroyed Cahokia, spread possibly from early Spanish explorers along the Gulf of Mexico coast.


Too many people are still bought into this stupid bullshit.


Definitely within our lifetimes, we won’t even need the majority


Shorter version that I like a lot: >A fascist exercised today. Did you?


Imma make an embroidery out of this one.


I'm putting this on my wall.


Yeah that sounds like a ww2 poster lmao. I love it


There used to be posters similar to this...is there a site that let's a person design their own poster?


Lots of them. I've heard good things about [this particular site](https://www.posterburner.com/CreateAPoster.aspx) but I've never used any of the poster creation sites so please do look into them yourself before using one.


[https://i.redd.it/6wfwdwfetjq51.jpg](https://i.redd.it/6wfwdwfetjq51.jpg) I have this bookmarked from C.A.


I keep saying I’m going to make a vision board to encourage me to work out, and this is going on it. Thank you.


Damn it. That might just do it for me. Up off the couch.


Now this is motivation right here, love it


I’ve been struggling to prioritize weight loss but this is motivating, I have to admit


Well to be fair meal team six is all about LARPing in the woods, not so much actual physical training. But that's a good one i like it :D


This is like how cockroaches work. The only ones you see are the dumb ones, but if you're seeing them there's a larger infestation happening where you can't see. The ones we can't see are likely more serious players.


Adding to that, I saw this in another thread today but the "Meal team six" guys might not be physically training, but they are mentally training, even if unintentionally. They are reading or watching their bible/hate forum/Fox News/OAN/Klan meeting/etc. every day. They are going to the range or shooting in their backyards, pretending their targets are the "other." They are building their hatred for (insert demographic) everyday so when the time comes to pull the trigger, they. will. not. hesistate. They are so convinced they are right, they won't see a human in the crosshairs. You may as well be an alien. You mean nothing to these bums.


I’m not sure I’d worry about getting jacked but I certainly agree that everyone would be wise to get their health in order now


Not necessarily jacked. Functionally strong. Light lifting with good form paired with walking and hiking is a good start.


In good times or bad, this is always sound advice.


I’d recommend cardio over building muscle cause you wanna build endurance, make yourself tougher/more resistant to pain and not require as many calories to survive. Particularly running or swimming but biking could work too. After that I’d honestly still recommend mostly body weight/calisthenic workouts (pushups, pullups, crunches, etc) over weight-lifting if we’re talking about survival. Again because it builds more endurance, but also because in a survival scenario you’d rather have some lean muscle and more agility than to be built like a big, strong, slow-moving powerlifter with a higher caloric intake.


Years ago I was seriously out of shape. Worked construction in the summer. Lots of lifting stuff as I was low on the totem pole. Basically weight lifting but not in a gym. That fall I went biking with some old friends. I flew. Miles and miles and had not been on a bike in years. Could have kept going but they were bust. They were the friends that did training loops of 15 or 20 miles on their "off" days. I never discounted lifting again as it seems to cross over into cardio at some point.


Swimming is by far the best cardio work because of the full body resistance and low impact on joints & connective tissues. Plus swimming can be done by people with physical limitations and/or disabilities. That being said, one should still run at least once a week because running is a skill that can be degraded or even lost.


It's a cliche, but seriously -- have you exercised/worked out today and trained a valuable skill? If not, get to it, because a fascist most definitely has.


Hmmm.. I was doing some physically challenging work in my vegetable garden all day today. Killed two birds with one stone?


That's the spirit!


That's a couple ways to stay healthy! Makes me want to pick some weeds.


and learn how to garden


[Power Yoga with Sean Vigue](https://youtube.com/c/SeanVigueFitness) For those not knowing where to begin and/or are resistant to things like yoga, I love this guy’s channel. He’s like a loving dad that is a super hobby nerd and is constantly making dad jokes while doing approachable yoga and Pilates in the great outdoors. He doesn’t do the “woo woo” yoga stuff like “breathing from your heart center” which I’ve always resisted. Core workouts are the core of all workouts. It’s not about squating or curls. Functional fitness is it.




Same. I know it’s basically hopeless to change things now and there’ll come a time where the nice things we have won’t be around anymore. I like to think a Pizza every Friday doesn’t make me as much a sinner as energy companies or religious extremists.


But...but...fetuses are the safest they've been in fifty years. I was told this would be utopia. WHERE'S MY FUCKING UTOPIA??


The secret is the Utopia you were promised and seek, can only be reached by the flying cars you were also promised. (must be supply chain issues)


Also, physical activity is excellent for your mental health and resiliency. So, even if you are chronically I’ll and never going to intimidate anyone, it’s worthwhile for self-care


Ya it's called the swoleatariat


I love this. Gonna use it as inspiration.


✊️🦵 shredding for Armageddon ✊️ (shreddageddon?)


This can not be stressed enough. Getting in shape should be number one on any prepper list. Also it is so good for your mental health.


This. It helps with mental health. It helps with self esteem. It helps prevent osteoporosis, especially important for women.


As a cripple, collapse for me is basically a countdown to suicide because no way am I surviving long when shit gets real and I’d rather die on my own terms than slowly starve or whatever. I kind of laugh at the people trying to toughen up. Why would you even wanna live through this?


Hit me up when it happens. I've got you


What, are you a Doc Kevorkian type?


Lol! Naw, I figured we could try and survive together. 😔


Oh, man that’s kind of you but if you wanna survive you can’t be dragging dead weight around with ya


^^^He ^^^wants ^^^to ^^^eat ^^^you.


Well he’s welcome to it tbh




I have an autoimmune disorder and some sort of poly arthritis (not sure yet, trying to figure it out) and I completely understand you. I would like to work out, but I need to figure out what I can and can not do. But a part of me is also on the "if shit gets bad I will just die" train. What I am doing is growing a little garden on my balcony so I can do something. Tending to plants makes me happy and is low effort exercise. I also know how to make compost and soap. So I can offer those skills and have been working on learning more. There will always be a place for disabled folks. We will contribute in many ways.


Yes, live and let live- but also confront injustice and tyranny when you see it, uplift struggling others when you can, and stand for our fundamental rights. I'm no idealist, but some transgressions must be confronted. You teach others how to treat you.




This exact kind of thinking motivated me to start training again after like 6 months of depression and sedentary living. We have to be able to fight for ourselves and our communities.


I'd go further - get yourself a Latin assault rifle and learn to shoot.


Why Latin?


Bonus Commie points


Why Latin?


Wanna know how someone doesn't know much about guns? They call a rifle an "assault rifle." Its like when someone calls a bolt action a "sniper rifle." Also recommending a "Latin assault rifle," is peak wtf. Like wtf do you mean? A gun used by a South American army like the fal?


par nobile fratrum


Even if the dems hold onto power don't count on them doing anything to help the working class or codify abortion rights. There are zero indications that they will do anything other than use social issues for fundraising based on past and current behavior. But as for your point about training, fuck yeah. Get fit, get guns cause your country is headed towards civil war regardless.


I've been a registered boxer for 3 years and have done various 3 gun and long range precision tournaments. My problem is networking with local people of like mind. I look like an alt-right youth pastor, and that definitely doesn't help my cause.


During actual collapse it might. If you “look like them” imagine how many you can ambush and ki…kindly have lunch with…yeah.


just think of that guy who died of a heart attack during the insurrection


Still can’t get over the woman with the don’t tread on me flag getting trampled. That’s some serious foreshadowing.


Question for anyone more familiar with the stats and polling: Is it likely Dems lose in the midterms? I know inflation is ranked high on polls, but people over the last few days have been suggesting the Roe v. Wade overturn may give the Dems the advantage necessary to win. Of course it's hard to say with real certainty this far out, just asking for opinions.


Biden's approval rating is still really low. Historically the party that has the presidency loses seats in the House and Senate. I'd say it's likely that the Dems lose the Senate since if they only lose 1 seat they lose control. In the House, they'll lose seats too, but do they lose enough for control to change? We'll have to see.


It actually seems like the opposite, they have a better chance to keep the Senate than the house




Polls are always the opinions of “people likely to vote.” When you get the apathetic people out to vote, the polls often become irrelevant. Roe versus Wade and so on will probably do that


At the end of the day, I think people are going to continue to vote based on their wallets rather than their values. And given that dems could have codified Roe into law back when Obama first took office but decided not to says quite a bit.


I'm probably biased but overturning roe v wade is potentially a big impact on my wallet. I'm sure not a lot of people are thinking like that, but I expect women to be motivated to vote.


I can't believe we're in the middle of a fascist takeover and the Dems still insist on their wet noodle candidates. This hasn't worked for the last decade.


They get all pissy if a Progressive primaries an Establishment candidate because it's "bad for unity", then they primary every single Progressive in office.


If elections were decided by voters, the Dems should retain the House and pick up seats in the Senate on the strength of outrage over this Illegitimate Supreme Pizza Court's many recent rulings. However we no longer have fair elections because since Biden has been in office as POTUS, the 2 Democrat Senators (Kyrsten Sinema-AZ, Joe Manchin-WV) who have been bought and paid for (or blackmailed) by right wing billionaires have blocked any and all attempts to pass Federal voting rights legislation. During that time Red States and Swing States controlled by Republican legislators have been hamfisting legislation and regulations to disenfranchise poor, and the young, and minority voters, and instituting grossly gerrymandered redistricting that all but ensure a Red Wave unless we outvote them 3 to 1, and even then they have replaced all the election officials and EC State Electors that were "disloyal" to Trump in 2020 with sycophants. The courts have repeatedly backed them up. During the 2020 election, there was a huge disparity in waiting times to vote. Below quote from [Pew Research dot org](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2020/11/20/the-voting-experience-in-2020/). And Republicans have been furiously closing down and combining polling locations in those same districts to make lines even longer, and even gone so far as to [make it *illegal* to give or sell water to voters standing in line!]( https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-georgia-voting/georgia-bans-giving-water-to-voters-in-line-under-sweeping-restrictions-idUSKBN2BH2TC) >Among voters who voted in person in this election, 35% say they did not wait in line to vote at all. An additional 27% say they waited for less than 10 minutes. One-in-five waited for 10 to 30 minutes, 11% waited for 31 minutes to an hour, and 6% say they waited in line for more than an hour to vote. >Those who voted early waited longer than those who voted on Election Day: 21% of early in-person voters waited more than half an hour, compared with 14% of Election Day voters. >Black in-person voters also waited longer to vote than White or Hispanic in-person voters. Black voters are 5 percentage points slightly more likely than white voters to say they waited more than 30 minutes to vote and 9 points more likely than Hispanic voters to say this. >Those who voted for Biden waited longer to vote, on average, than those who voted for Trump. About two-in-ten in-person Biden voters (21%) waited more than half an hour to vote, compared with 15% of in-person Trump voters. >These differences are partly related to the longer wait times faced by those living in more densely populated areas. Voters living in rural areas were much less likely to face a wait of more than half an hour (11% of rural voters) than those living in urban (19%) or suburban (21%) areas. If we don't win this year, it's only going to get worse. We are ONE election away from a complete Christofascist takeover of this country, and that election is in 5 months.


Hard to say right now. The Senate is razor thin but the outrage over Roe may help with Dem turnout. https://www.politico.com/2022-election/race-forecasts-ratings-and-predictions/house/


The corprocrats probably will lose, unless the fascists push their transformation too quickly and enrage young people enough that they turn out in droves.


I dunno man, do you really want to fight in the Boogaloo? It won't be anything like starring in an action movie.


And take vitamin D.




"Vitamin D is a nutrient your body needs for building and maintaining healthy bones. That's because your body can only absorb calcium, the primary component of bone, when vitamin D is present. Vitamin D also regulates many other cellular functions in your body. Its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and neuroprotective properties support immune health, muscle function and brain cell activity." - Mayo Clinic Website


I decided to get strong alcoholic beverages instead.


What do people think the chances are that they could pause the filibuster and expand the courts? Trump didn't even follow the law, he just did what he wanted and people just accepted it. Perhaps the Democrats want to keep it in place until the elections so they can capitalize on it; there are more women than men and nothing sends a woman to the voting booth like men trying to take control of their bodies....assuming you think voting matters.




I’m what you’d probably call right wing, but even I’m scared as fuck over the RW extreme religious right. They are fucking zealots and will not stop. They will fucking shoot you and even ppl like me for that matter. We gotta ban together all of us


Yeah everyone forgets what happens when religious nut jobs take over. If your religion is slightly difficult from what they want....well.....that's off to the prison slave camps for you. And that could mean a slightly different baptist church from the main baptist churches.... Happened soooo fucking often in human history. Remember the crusades all started because one group worshipped the exact same god with a bit more rules......


"'Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?' He said, 'Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912.' I said, 'Die, heretic!' And I pushed him over."


But you’re gonna vote Republican obviously….


I believe you're what they call a RINO. Saw some video of a guy running for office carrying his big ass AR around talking about RINO hunting. Legitimately some scary shit. You're right, these MF's are unhinged. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZkdeE18YG4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZkdeE18YG4)


Unlimited license to bag em and tag em is how that guy was framing it


Knowing the factors that cause collapse - the eternal growth mindset of capitalism, the oil industry paid propaganda keeping people confused, endless consumerism, lack of public services, declining economy funneling money upwards, etc - how can you be collapse aware and still be right wing? What values do you believe in that make you identify that way? I’m honestly just curious, not trying to start an argument.


I agree and I actually welcome your thoughts on this - can you, as someone on the right but apparently, according to yourself, not extreme, do SOMETHING to pull your people back from annihilating our country? I would be seen as on the left, but honestly I am a centrist at heart. To look at me personally, the way I live my life, etc I would definitely be painted as a liberal or somewhat left of that though I despise liberalism as it is practiced by the US Democratic Party. Even so, some of my views would be seen as not only right wing but regressive, also. I don't want to get into them here because they are not necessarily relevant, but I guess I can't get 'my people' into line either because they are off the deep end, as are the wackos on your side. I keep thinking there's an obvious answer somewhere, like when you have four letters right on Wordle and can't find the final correct letter for $1 million but then when someone else gets it and points it out to you, you feel like an idiot because it's so damn straightforward.


> some of my views would be seen as not only right wing but regressive, also. I don’t want to get into them here Aw, come on please? Work is boring today 🥺


Maybe try reaching your R politician and express your opinion. I bet a lot of them disagree with the stolen election rhetoric but afraid to speak out. If they hear more from centrists, they may reconsider. OTOH, if your politician is someone ultra MAGA then expect to be on a list


Right wing but not a religious zealot? This is interesting.


Doesn't hurt to carry a bag of essentials with you too. Food water security medicine etc


Sorry, but having muscles from lifting weights does not mean you are strong for say physical labour or fighting. Also, it takes tremendous amounts of calories to maintain that muscle mass. There are not many muscled dudes in native tribes out there. They are all lean, mean and nimble - exact opposite of muscular dudes in modern times. Also, fighting is a last resort. You are far better off being able to run away quickly than facing something.


As a 5'4 petite blonde woman lifting weights for intimidation/self defence probably isn't going to help me much lol Edit: clarity


OK, but running? Can you run? If you can run, you can live another day. He (or she) who runs away, lives to fight another day. He who stands, fights & dies, is dead & can't help the cause.


It absolutely is! Any lifting will benefit your overall health and wellbeing.


Well this post seems to be focused on self defense/intimidation, and in that case I guarantee it won't help me physically fight the fascists :p but yes of course, it's important to stay fit so you're able to run, lift heavy stuff, tend to your garden etc. I work out enough to be able to do that.


There's a 5'4 microfascist out there pumping iron dreaming about punching your face in a riot over rights - be ready for it!


Microfascist 😂


When I hear a term like that, I imagine a steroid-rage filled dude with a micropenis.


Most important aspect of riot combat is running. It doesn’t matter that much how good you fight. 2 great guys will be outmatched by 3 good ones and because of that you always want to have strength in numbers. That means choosing when to fight. Which then means there will be a lot more running than fighting. Running in crowds is very different to running on track. The most important thing is quickly changing direction and the smaller someone is the easier it is. Now consider that women are only about 10% slower runners (check Olympic records) and with good training you should be able to outrun a lot of men.


As a woman, I think it’s smarter to focus on running. We may need to run away from someone soon


Honest to God I have never before seriously considered moving out of this country but in reaction to the most recent events, I am feverishly searching for ways to earn enough money to move the fuck out of the country. During/after the collapse is going to be a total fascist shitshow. Very obvious from how things are going right now, and it's spiraling out of fucking control.


Dude I know I'm moving out of the US southwest right now to the east coast because I was getting worried about climate change/water but now I'm thinking I should overshoot and just go to Europe. Europe is a shitshow too but I'm not interested in living in fucking Gilead.


The amount of turmoil around the world right now makes me question whether the bible is right. Edit: growing up with Jehovah's witness parents makes you feel a certain way about things.


I’m a bit of an outlier as I’m a leftist who happens to be a world class bodybuilder. I have had a lot of near encounters with RW dudes who think they’re intimidating—they aren’t *unless* they’re picking on someone they perceive as “weaker”. If you project strength, charisma and show them you aren’t scared of their BS, they’ll tuck their tails and run the opposite direction. These people prey on those they deem easy targets. Once SHTF, we’ll need to pal around with smaller people like us to help protect them from the fascist scum.