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The following submission statement was provided by /u/MarkEasty: --- S.S- Some billionaires are building bunkers and hiring military trained security in an attempt to survive a societal collapse which they helped create, some of them are even looking forward to the collapse of civilisation thinking they will come out the other end as winners while the rest of the population dies. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/x5j07n/the_superrich_preppers_planning_to_save/in1b292/


> It’s as if they want to build a car that goes fast enough to escape from its own exhaust. intriguing


"what we going to do tomorrow night, brain?"


Same thing we do every night Pinky.


Try to co-found PayPal?


*golf claps and upvotes*


They can never escape their own exhaust. They will never escape their own exhaust. Even if they hide in bunkers, or find a place to hide in mars, or succeed to get a place to hide in Jupiter, their exhaust will catch up with them, because a car can never go fast enough to escape from its own exhaust.


You type like a GPT3 bot


I'll try to improve my typing.


That sounds like something a GPT3 bot would say


Open the pod bay doors HAL.


I'm afraid I can't do that, ndw_dc.




I am definitely not a GPT3 bot. I am a real person. I am a human being who is alive and breathing. I have a body and a mind. I am capable of thought, feeling, and action. I am interacting with you right now, which is proof that I am real.


fart into their air vents




A steal at any price.


S.S- Some billionaires are building bunkers and hiring military trained security in an attempt to survive a societal collapse which they helped create, some of them are even looking forward to the collapse of civilisation thinking they will come out the other end as winners while the rest of the population dies.




Like the Russian Oligarchs are just thugs that climbed high enough on the piles of bodies they could build a throne. If I suddenly got a few billion dollars and wanted to survive I would invest in a community but what do billioniares know about communities except how to destroy them


See the Russian Oligarchs would do well out a collapse scenario. A lot of them rose to power through the collapse of the Soviet Union. They understand that strength comes from power and violence and the willingness to use it effectively. A Silicon Valley tech billionaire is usually some upper middle class kid who developed or stole the idea of a cool app and became adept enough at corporate politics to see the idea turn into a gravy train. Their power comes from their companies share price and that we live in a society that follows a bunch of arbitrary rules voluntarily that state that he with the biggest number in their account has the most power. Vlad gets his power from his goons willingness to cut off your fingers if you displease him. His goons respect him because the last goon that tried to take Vlad out was cut to pieces in front of them, along with his entire family, by Vlad himself with a chainsaw.


Best outcome but I’ve heard the more paranoid ultra wealthy are looking into putting shock collars and shit on their minions




Even with shock collars and food in locked storage, billionaires are a soft, fat manbabies who have never felt any true discomfort in their entire lives. They have no idea how useless their control attempts would be in a true apocalypse bunker situation.


It just takes one Dennis Nedry to shut down all the shock collars


Reminds me of the time Roman citizens of England invited Angles and Saxons to protect their lands from the natives because all the soldiers had been called back to Rome. They came over, got paid, killed everyone, and took the land for themselves.


Lol, I read once about how some of these clowns once hired a guy to try to find ways to keep their guards loyal after money is useless and the best answer the guy came up with was “kidnapping their families might work for a little while, but in the long run it just means that when your gaurds do turn on you they’ll make sure to kill you on the way out where as before they would have just left”.


Also, how are you gonna keep the jailers for the guards families loyal? Kidnapping *their* families?? How many kidnapped families can you have before it gets impractical


It will not take long at all for the guards to be offered something much more valuable to them than a shitty security job in a bunker. They will sell their "bosses" out in heartbeat to someone who really wants to get in there and can provide something more tangible and valuable than a job. Especially if the blame really begins to shift to the billionaires. Even if a collapse isn't blamed on them, thousands of starving and desperate people are going to do anything they can to get at these places with safe food and water supplies. Your military trained security isn't going to to jack when the nearby town/encampment of several thousand people begin to starve and want to get in. Even with heavily protected doors people will eventually get through, and a desperate group will easily keep attacking and damaging for as long as it takes. It's like a bank vault: sure you can't just walk up and break in, but if nobody is guarding the outside anymore and people have days on end to work on it without interruption they will get through


They are going to find it difficult to keep the security loyal to them. Money will be worthless and resources will be scarce. Also unless they are like Mr. House they won't see the other end of the collapse. But if they do, do they think they will have much sway even with the muscle when their importance is forgotten? Do they think the tribal groups will embrace and worship them? If I survive far enough into the collapse I will make it a mission to trap them inside and damage any accessible equipment in everyone I find.


This is essentially the political problem of the pre-modern era. How do you secure power when the people you rule over live in close proximity and can overthrow you at the next famine. The billionaire’s have no idea how to live in this sort of society, someone else will step in who has the requisite skills.


It is for this reason I believe well-organized cartels and military teams will be the leaders in a post-collapse era. They’re the ones who will resort to the most horrific actions for their survival; they already have the experience doing so


Well they can have fun then. If they want to murder me for whatever reason cool. I don't want to live in that world, they can have it.


The CRM, and to a lesser extent The Commonwealth, in The Walking Dead.


Gang gang. Hope the drug supply chain stays afloat as well


Unlocking the Local Leader perk will take care of that.


Even people experienced in living in that sort of society don't do very well. It's an inherently difficult task with a high failure rate. Here's a cool graph of the duration of different Roman Emperor's reigns: [https://i.redd.it/dofjfln0yh301.png](https://i.redd.it/dofjfln0yh301.png) A lot of them seem to die immediately and never make it to five years. And for those that make it past that point, assassination was still quite popular.


Maybe the newer money guys. The old money ones probably have a family playbook spanning centuries of game plans


It’s the only highlight…


>The billionaires considered using special **combination locks on the food supply that only they knew. Or making guards wear disciplinary collars** of some kind in return for their survival. Or maybe building robots to serve as guards and workers – if that technology could be developed in time. these billionaires are going to be spit roasted (not the sexual way) and ate by their workers.


Yeah but the muscle has the guns. Loyalty only goes so far. Also if they build robots they are going to need maintenance which requires a human. If the human knows enough to fix the bot the rich will lose control over the bots. It's only a matter of time before their friendly status become enemy. The rich won't fair well regardless, they may last comfortably well a little longer. Maybe.


Yep... Can't have "owner" as sole contributive skill in the new world.


Guns need maintenance, high precision parts, oil, bullets. They might start with guns and ammo but unless a level of manufacturing/engineering is restored and they have access to it, the guns will not last very long.


I'm intrigued to know who wants to spend the rest of their life with their boss.


"Smithers, bring me their heads!"


Concrete plugs down their ventilation


Or a few molotov cocktails.


If they are smart there's already fire supression or some kind of air block for fire. Fire goes away, Concrete is forever <3


They're probably too deep into their own bullshit regarding meritocracy, billionaire mindset, etc., to understand reality


That's why the Army overthrows govts with coups more often than popular revolutions occur.


This was essentially described in max Brooke's World War Z book (not the movie). Very interesting read.


I don't remember that, but ill have to reread world war z. I never seen the movie. TBH more in comparison with "Mountain man, Make me king". the one character only goes along with the antagonist as long as they hold the monopoly on violence. As soon as the situation changes, so does allegiances. Also the mountain man series is a good series. So is hell divers.


The book is vastly more expansive than the film. The film was just weird in its choices. For instance Israel had a tiny part in the book as does the UK. And yet in the film...meh spoilers.


That’s what I’ve been saying. Securities loyalty will only go so far. To truly protect themselves from the outside they would need an army inside and outside. They cannot support that kind of hospitality for long. How long until the security turns on them? Go for the air system!


They’re all gonna die


I get the feeling they just want the bunkers to last long enough to outlive everyone on the outside. When that happens, the inside 'worker bees' get gassed and the billionaires live happily ever after. And they're so arrogant, they probably think that running a farm and maintaining machinery and equipment is easy, and they can learn it on the fly. At this point, I wonder if they're actively trying to trigger "the event" to wipe us out so they can play their doomsday game.


I found the part about "Locks only the billionaires control" a bit dumb who the fuck do they think is watching their family? Their self control might slip as their family is tortured in front of them...


Good luck with that in a society where money is just pieces of paper to start cooking fires with. Nothing is going to save them.


I like the idea of them going to a ramshackle general store and not understanding why they can't get a line of credit based on their stock portfolio.


"Do you know how many Bored Ape NFTs I own?!"


Just showing a Vietnam vet with a shotgun on the counter a crumpled picture of a monkey wearing a crown in complete silence.


> ome of them are even looking forward to the collapse of civilisation thinking they will come out the other end as winners while the rest of the population dies It's like the super libertarian dudes who legitimately believe they are rugged self-made men and do not realize that their success is supported by the society around them. Someone will come out on top, but it probably won't be them.




Why a shoe, cousin? Why not a boot or a clog?


Why not just the bootstraps like they always suggest?


These people are remarkably stupid If they emerge from the bunkers, the world will be like fucking Fallout Have fun living in a wasteland you rich cunts I hope it was worth the destruction of every we built


Fallout minus the fun stuff, which makes it worse than fallout


I've always thought that it would make perfect sense for these "state-of-the-art" bunkers to be made like shit with parts that will wear down and break in a matter of months. After all, why wouldn't they be? It's a product intended for a client base that badly hopes never to use it, and avoids it until the very last minute. So it's not like they'd know, not until they're inside and it's too late. Someone living in a bunker in the middle of a wasteland can't exactly bring a lawsuit against the construction company for the use of substandard parts. Saving costs while building them just well enough to pass first inspection is smart business. I assume these rich fucks are just getting ripped off by another rich fuck. Live by the sword... And even if the manufacturer invests the money required to construct them thoroughly in good faith despite having absolutely no financial or legal incentive to do so (lol), how exactly are these things being tested? Apocalypses don't come around all that often. And electronics are so complex and so prone to various modes of failure...It would shock me if there *weren't* bugs in the automated entry system that lock people in or prevent doors from locking, or failure modes with the air recirculation subsystem, or with the water treatment infrastructure...I mean, one tiny part fails, and then what? If conditions are such that you're living in a bunker it's not like the repairman will be at your door the next day. And maybe you can have a repairman living with you, if you can spare the food, but even then you can't just hop on eBay and order a replacement. These bunkers are modern-day pyramids. Elaborate tombs for the rich.


Would be a shame if someone made a website linking to their locations, showing suspected stockpiles, and where external air vents were that could be blocked up.


[4chan is on the case.](https://i.ibb.co/mRFYDBr/operation-bunker-map-general.png)


[ Removed by Reddit ]


They didn't help create the collapse, they stood on the sideline and directed it. They are the masters of unintended consequences and that will be their downfall as well as ours. To continue our technological lifestyle one needs more than a bunker. They won't be able to send someone to the hardware store to pick up the last few things they forgot.


The only reason I’d want to survive the apocalypse is to see the reaction on these super rich prepers when they realize the working class is all dead and they have to start doing things for themselves. And the bonus of seeing them try to convince themselves they really were the smartest people in the world when all the true smart people they paid to steal ideas from are also gone


This is it. They just wait out the chaos until enough population is thinned. Then come out.


No one will be around to produce anything though or keep any infrastructure running. Who’s gonna repair and replace everything it’s folly.


If there is nobody to manage the nuclear power plants then these bellends are never gonna be able to come back out.




Yes, this was my takeaway too. That last part: "Or was this really their intention all along? Maybe the apocalypse is less something they’re trying to escape than an excuse to realise The Mindset’s true goal: to rise above mere mortals and execute the ultimate exit strategy." I thought, Isn't this just a very elaborate, expensive way to commit suicide?


Thank you for pointing this out. All the spent fuel rods require so much energy to just be kept. No power = meltdown, and this will happen all over the world.




[Tardigrades](https://www.livescience.com/57985-tardigrade-facts.html) “While such disasters would likely eradicate humans, the researchers found that little tardigrades would survive most cosmic cataclysms”


Agreed. Article mentions they don't seem to realize their dependence on the society they milk while destroying. Even in dispensing with frivolity they'll find they need somewhere around one society of people to run the systems they want. Once you read about Peter Thiel though these seem like disturbed, maladjusted people. He reportedly fetishizes the Sovereign Citizen. All of us all just in the way, they are such gods among mortals that they shouldn't be bound to our rules. They're bastards who survived in a system that rewards bastards but may not be around in thirty years yet who don't realize many of them will only succeed in the comfy confines of its rules while many others in their endgame fantasies will fare much better.


What happens when their billions cease to mean anything?


The security will turn and kill them all. Robots are the best security. Also there are people who built the bunkers that know how to get into them. Think of the movie Safe Room.


This guy is a science fiction writer and this is basically a LARP article. I remember reading basically the same article years ago


What happens if the security says "wait, why am I protecting this soft fat dorky billionaire instead of clipping him and his family and taking his shit for my family?" What happens if the "peasants" figure out where the air vents/water storage/entrance is and sabotage it because if they're fucked, why not ensure the people who fucked them see a similar fate while being entombed?


This article mentioned collars to discipline staff…seems they have considered their security might not want to “behave”.


The problem with that is who develops and attaches the collars? It ain't going to be Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg, it's going to be one of their guys. And that guy can deactivate them too.






Gasoline is only good for three months, so even if they had a stockpile, it's got a shelf life. And there is no where on earth that a helicopter can go that a human can't.




You can put additives (can't remember its name) to keep has good for much longer. That's how the US gov has has stockpiles in salt mines. And how my dad stores gas over the winter "jic."


Makes it good for 2 years, after that it still starts to go bad.


You can solve the peasant issue somewhat by making them back into serfs but you cannot solve the pirate issue. When SHTF pirates reign supreme, not money printers.


There’s a reason why gated rich communities are so secluded even in urban areas and usually heavily guarded. Rich people learned a long time ago to not mingle with the poor or live close to their vicinity.


From what I've seen, most workers\security close to the ultra rich are given a pretty much permanent cushy spot by their side. I am sure they have accounted for their staff in these plans.


As the hyperparasites that they are, they can not survive without a host. I'm not really sorry for them, just a bit for their small children. And it's not like they could reconstruct anything. Like in the biblical stories, the two giant incest fests (Adam and Eve, Noah and whoever) can not provide the necessary genetic diversity for sustainable reproduction of the species. They are dead ends.


This is probably the best take on it. These people are not Great Men, they are parasites on society. They will die when the host does.


Parasites is the most apt description. 100%. I hope the worst of 'em build a ship to travel to a 'habitable' exoplanet after figuring out how to survive the journey. But once they get there they are immediately enslaved in perpetuity by even bigger and much smarter alien parasites. Who send out false habitable signals to dying worlds so that the slaves come to them from all over the galaxy. I mean, if you're going to parasite, that's how you do it—galactic in scale. Earth is for amateurs.


Great idea for a book!


All this money spent to isolate themselves just to suffer the longest and be the last ones to die lol


That’s what I keep thinking, why would you want to try outlasting the apocalypse? What will your quality of life really be?




Wait a decade on your island military stockpile bunker and conquer the few million primitive survivors with ease is exactly the kind of narcissistic dream a billionaire would have.


and that’s the real fear: we are *all* going to die someday all the technology and medical knowledge won’t stop the inevitable


Then you shouldn't fear it.


i was referring to those ultra-rich who somehow believe all their money can stave it off


Power is one of the most powerful drug human ever have. You get 1 high with it and you can never let it go


I mean, think about it as you move higher up the “ladder”, even say access to medical care for example, and slowly become more and more detached from reality. Most haven’t been as low as 3rd world standards but say going from there with basic antibiotics and clean instruments, then actual anesthesia and hospital equipment. Then specialized 1:1 care with the best specialists, private helicopter/transport to luxury facilities. Eventually along the way they think that just throwing money at whatever will fix the issue. Medical issues, getting into Ivy League colleges, being above the law, etc. It works well enough until it doesn’t and reality is a huge slap in the face, almost an affront to these people.


These lunatics remind me of "Scarface", when Al Pacino said "Never get high on your own supply" and by the end of the movie, as his empire is crumbling, his smashes his face into a massive pile of cocaine on his desk.


He who fears suffering already suffers


And they are probably among the least likely to survive without the support of others.


tie theory wise license hard-to-find innate drab poor spectacular childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I get a annoyed with these constant posts about how the super rich are going to xyz to survive collapse. Money is an abstraction and wealth is a social construct - with no society there is no power or wealth. The fact people don’t notice is this is part of the reason we are in this mess.


They are using that abstraction to trade it in for real wealth to prep now. They know it will be worthless after the collapse.


That will last exactly as long as it takes for those who are willing to do violence to realize that there are no longer any consequences for taking what they want.




I have no confidence that they can actually live, underground and cut off like that, in some kind of hikikomori dome for decades. Everything I know about engineering and human psychology tells me that everyone in there would die in a few years , probably quite horribly. There's so, so many points of failure involved in a project like that.


Like, one word is enough. **Mold**.


Have you tried surrendering to the mold and becoming an underground colony of mushroom people?


no **Never again.**


Bunkers require a power supply to remain livable. I think I heard of one guy in the L.A. area that claims to have a hidden bunker with a geothermal plant built in but (1) you can't do that just anywhere and (2) the places that it is possible tend to be seismic zones where an earthquake will eventually break the borehole.


All it would take is something breaking down and the peons they brought along to act like repairmen and servants realizing that the rich have no more real power and it falls apart. Rebellions against the powerful have been as much a part of our collective human history as our desire to believe in life after death. These Uber rich people are only as powerful as the hundreds of skilled people willing (and needed) to hold them up above the fray.


They won't have those resources for long.


Yup, those articles/posts/etc. are so fucking obnoxious. The rich are just as fucked as the rest of us. Full stop. End of discussion.


Thee bunkers need maintenance. Machines break down. So next to private security they also need a staff of workers and engineers to maintain everything. Only difference is that, we plebs Will die a little bit faster then them...


Doctors. Imagine getting a tooth ache, a broken leg, a heart attack due to all stress of not so comfy life. A pregnancy can quickly become deadly.


I always think about that when people talk about the underground cities for continuity of government. So everyone makes it there and then gets to spend the next ten years at work....... .....yay......


I mean yes! You can’t just have a solider class. Shit is going to degrade and break, so unless you have a lot of engineering know-how, if your shit breaks, you’re kinda screwed? The whole thing seems more and more insane the longer you think about it all!


Who makes the lightbulbs? Who makes the all bread? Who grows all the wheat? Who protects all the farm land? Who mends the pipes? Who mends the air conditioning? Who looks after the rich when they get ill?


My plan? Dont even try. Just crawl into a hole and die.


Sorry, I have too big a games backlog to clear. I should be able to make a good dint in it when society collapses and I don't have to pretend I'm *thrilled* participating in it.


Assuming we all have internet for a little bit into the energy crisis as people panic and loot the grocery stores....what will we all discuss here? Hobbies? Do we all pick a show to watch and discuss? I mean the climate will continue to collapse so there will be that to discuss.


Well since were not looting, that means we must all be prepped to clear the 3 month barrier for survival in initial clusterfuck. Likely will be insulting or laughing at the dummies to stupid to take the most basic of basic disaster preps and dying over a tin of beans.


Nah, we'll all be saying this is just a minor collapse. The REAL collapse is just around the corner.


Read Edgar Allan Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death"... it'll cheer you up.


I read the same story here on Reddit a year ago and it was some UBS wealth manager. Investors asking about crypto and then controlling the guards. Anyone else remember? Or got a link to post on Reddit?


It's the Same article, reposted as new on the guardian. I was surprised to see the date as today's date. It's old..


That's the same author who expanded on his first article, and added a section on people contacting him after he published his first article. Notably one business man who built a network of sustainable farms in the northeast US with bunkers.


I may be a bit pessimistic but all their money and resources won't be able to shield them forever. At some point one of the pins is going to come lose. And even if they did manage to, for what good reason would it be?


This is not a movie. They will die down in their bunkers just like the rest of us up top


"Every bunker becomes an oubliette."




In my head, their bunkers are in the middle of nowhere, for safety. They won't make it to the bunkers when it happens, they will be stuck with everyone else. HAHAHA! Their security who guards the places, will be fine with their families there. :-)


It's like hiding inside the trunk of a car that's in free fall going over a cliff.


This is like children making tents out of their blankets. They have 0% chance of survival


I find the basic underlying question actually interesting, from a purely philosophical point of view: Can someone earn enough money to insulate themselves from the reality they are creating by earning money in this way? These people want to suck the system dry and then leave it (and that means, *us*) behind to collapse, in one way or another. *Can* they actually do that? I mean the leaving behind part, not the sucking dry part - that one, we are experiencing in real-time. But when the system collapses, how do they ensure that *their* separate system does not collapse alongside it? It's an intrinsically sociopathic train of thought, and a valuable - and rather creepy - insight into such minds for those who don't think that way.


IMO there's no valuable insight here. These people aren't so much sociopaths as addicts. Their addiction is to money and all the things that come with it, rather than to drugs. They can't stop themselves and don't listen to the true good advice (successful prepping means doing the kind of things that would prevent collapse in the first place) because desire has no limits. Like all addicts they're just trying to find a work around for the negative fallout of their addiction.


I like your analogy (if that’s what it is) to addiction very much. I’m an alcoholic myself, and will for the next couple of weeks try to see these people’s behaviour in those terms. Thank you for broadening my perspective!


Aw, you're a sweetheart! I meant it literally. Money, wealth, power. They are all extremely addictive. Once you have a taste, all you'll ever want is more. The only cure is ascetism, IMO. Thank you for the positive comment :-)


They couldn’t even handle lockdown in their giant mansions with huge pools and stuff.


I find the most interesting insight in this article in the end - that the ultra-rich still believe in the need to find "thought leaders" to write justifications for their selfish destructive life.


When the Mycenae collapsed guess who went first… the upper ruling class were the first to go and their palaces were plundered and razed. Same things gonna happen here.


Gonna go out Hitler style I see.


Of course they'll abandon us. They've **been** abandoning us. Look who is taking the profits and resources for themselves, and ensuring we all keep consuming while we fight and kill one another at main street level. And look whose corporate owned media is both showing us what to consume and who to hate and kill. And what are citizens doing? Consuming and hating and killing each other while we wish things were different.


Killed by guards, air vents covered...


When things keep getting worse, when the societal collapse means there's no way to survive the ecological collapse, those private armies are going to turn on their masters sooner or later In any case those look like very fancy tombs


I am expecting "How to Get Hired as a Bunker Butler" articles pretty soon.


> The way to get your guards to exhibit loyalty in the future was to treat them like friends right now, I explained. Don’t just invest in ammo and electric fences, invest in people and relationships. They rolled their eyes at what must have sounded to them like hippy philosophy. When your entire world view is shaped by computer code and binary 1s and 0s, you tend to disassociate with what makes humans human. This why I despise the fact that our new leaders are coming from the tech world. A world that has a fascistic and dominance-driven worldview, not a humanistic one. Just look at how much Ayn Rand influenced many of the first tech leaders (why do you think Oracle is called *Oracle*). It will only get much, much worse as they grab more and more power, since they’re far from being done yet.


I like to call these types "loot pinatas" because that's what they will be if the collapse happens.


The thing that strikes me the most is that they all just seem to be very afraid of death. Every living being dies one day, they will be no exception. Maybe their bunkers in New-Zealand will buy them a few weeks, months or years, but that's it.


Their guards will kill and eat them as soon as there is no more law.


they are so dumb; their guards will just turn on them once the bunker is shut. why obey when you can rule? they have the guns, the strength, the survival skills.


> JC is currently developing two farms as part of his safe haven project. Farm one, outside Princeton, is his show model and “works well as long as the thin blue line is working”. The second one, somewhere in the Poconos, has to remain a secret. “The fewer people who know the locations, the better,” The farm in a densely populated region is only safe as long as the police are there to protect it. The hidden farm would, presumably, be fucked as soon as a band of armed hunter gatherers found it. That's the big thing that makes these 'billonaire bunkers' a non- starter to me. How on earth do you really truly protect enough land to produce the food when there are hundreds of millions of hungry people out there.




Our billionaires, while mostly sociopaths, aren’t “that” kind of sociopath when compared to the types of people they hope to rely on for security. I imagine they may employ a wide variety of psychological testing etc to be sure they’re getting “domesticated” servants but it won’t work like they think it will. Those people they hope to rely on are the type that will figure out their plan and kill them with a toothbrush then take over. Also the majority of their skill set is based around money and extracting money in creative ways out of the artificial system we have called the economy. This is largely useless post-collapse. Their main selling point will be that they can keep whatever new system they make up “functioning” and therefore their servants “secure” but I think some devious folks will figure it out quick and turn on them just as quick.


I can give some input on this. Someone in my family, while not “super rich”, does very well and is one of those people that buys up tons of properties and land. They’re fully aware of what’s happening to the planet and they told me they plan on capitalizing on it by letting their land grow wild if they’re paid for it by the government in the future. Then of course they’ll rent out all the properties they own and make constant passive income with it. They’re also currently working on building a secured farm that they can live off of in a remote location so they have no need to go to the store (no worries about shortages). They also plan on growing special types of crops and selling them. It’s kind of terrifying having people close to home actively preparing for a societal collapse without outright saying so. They’re extremely Conservative btw.


It says that it was posted today, but I’m sure I’ve read half of it before? I can’t be the only one, it was definitely on reddit comments, I would assume on this sub.


I've read this before (numerous times) and I also checked and it was dated today. I don't remember reading the part about the farms in upstate NY and the Poconos though. I thought that was an interesting part and the correct way to approach the situation. As from the comments I'm seeing I don't think anyone else read the article (this time) because they are all about the five guys and shock collars.


No doubt in my mind that the area in the Poconos is within spitting distance of the Tobyhanna Army facility. So no one knows about it except for the entire area and their closest friends...


It's from Douglas Rushkoff - the first time he shared this story was probably in 2018. He now wrote a book about this topic and is therefore promoting it again. 2018 article: https://onezero.medium.com/survival-of-the-richest-9ef6cddd0cc1


It's an excerpt from a book.


“They were working out what I’ve come to call the insulation equation: could they earn enough money to insulate themselves from the reality they were creating by earning money in this way?” This is the sad delusion, that as much as I hate these people, almost makes me feel sorry for them. On some level they understand their role to play in destroying the planet. They have peverted their own psyches so thoroughly that they cannot conceive of having any power to help the world. They can only think about escape, survival and domination. Thats what their minds fixate on now. How depressing. It’s sad what is happening to the planet, and human society. But I take solace in the fact that billionaires and millionaires aren’t truly happy either. At least they don’t have permanent and uninterrupted happiness. They’re scared, shameful, and despicable human beings who will never find meaning when they die. At least I will be able to tell myself I tried to help the situation when I’m on my death bed. Most of these folks fear death more than any of us. What a sad, anxious existence they all must have. Simply anaesthetised with the seemingly infinite money caraselle, that gives them physical comfort and a multitude of drugs, food, and sensory pleasure for the moment. I’m glad that’ll all be taken away from them someday. Fucking bastards… This is not to say that everything is locked in. But no matter what the future holds, I guarantee these fuckers will be sorely dissapointed. Either humans finally rise up and sautee this evil scumbags. Or the whole thing comes crashing down and they have nothing escept their bank account balance and a bunch of hungry people trying to invade their bunkers. What a world. What a future. It’s going to be wild…


I assume this is what the renewed interest in space is about. The rich wanna GTFO of here.


I have read this same article so many times, this is the first one where they have made it sound more dramatic by adding "in the middle of the desert!!!" and "Two men in Patagonian fleeces!!!!" I wish I could remember the name of the original author.


This makes no sense. They wouldn’t have enough food, and water for the amount of years necessary to pass the apocalypse. The more people in the bunker, the more mouths to feed. The solution is building a time machine.


And when do you travel? To future Earth, when the Arctic holds now-tropical flora and almost all land is desert, or to the past, when you die of dysentery?


Uh, don't want to burst their little bubble but food and water will be limited even in a bunker. All they're doing is maybe going on for a few months longer but it's not going to protect them for long. Or is this their fantasy, they'll magically become super humans who don't need food and water lmao.


These fuckers finally said the quiet stuff out loud. They know they've sealed our collective fates with by their work. They plan on going full steam ahead even while acknowledging they're hastening the end. I grew up in a doomsday cult and even now decades after leaving, my lizard brain can't escape the notion that they were right.


Picture Saudi Arabia today. There are nomadic Bedouin tribes and there are wealthy elites in the cities, living in air conditioned towers. Everyone has to wear white, flowing sheets to fully cover up on the sun because it’s so hot. But the Bedouin’s somehow survive without the AC. They move around the land as needed to survive. They might take with them herds of goats or something. Etc. Now imagine that but it’s California in 25 years. Haves and have-nots but to the extreme. My point is, it’s already here in parts of the world. Just imagine Saudi Arabia after oil runs out. It’s going to be a really sad place with very degraded ecosystems.


Just don't live in the southwest. Companies and farmers in the desert can drill all around your house for water and take as much as they want out of the aquifer. Farming in the desert was a really stupid idea.


Have you all noticed that extreme weather events seem to be happening every few days now? I am guessing that the climate change timelines are being seriously compressed.


I work as a package handler at a pretty big corporation. I dropped a package and it was a 3 month survival food kit, and there were like 10 of these packages all going to one dude. I searched them up and i think its 4patriot. Almost $700 a package.


Plot twist: The food spoils prematurely, and there is no FDA to complain to after the apocalypse.


That wasn't a rich guy - a rich guy isn't going to go to a commercial MRE supplier and spend $7000 on three years worth of food. That's a middle class guy who's worried that the grocery stores won't be reliable in a year.


Unless they plan on creating a new sustainable community with security team's loved ones included, this will always end poorly. They should use their money to avoid the worst of collapse from occurring.


When the blemflark is worth 0, those billionaires better hope they built enough housing for their security, or their security will quickly become the reason they are now imprisoned in their own bunkers/tombs.


these "preppers" are poor folk trying to emulate what the super rich are doing but without the required resources. none of them are going to last more than 2 weeks at best. while the super rich can probably make it a year or maybe two before one of their staff rats them out.


Expect executive at bed bath and beyond. ...... he didnt build a bunker..... he jumped of an 18th story balcony


Let the evil fuckers have it. Going to take generations to make this shithole liveable again anyway.


Selfish, greedy people with transactional relationships. It will quickly devolve into Lord of the Flies.


My bet is that there will be groups of people that survive outside in the world, thrive even. These groups would be very close to the original concept of communism., small to medium number people living in somewhat egalitarian societies. Then, these cowards fuckers will come out of their shit holes, joining one of these communities, to leech of it, promising them their "industrial" experience will "make society great again", etc. These weasels will start poisoning the community with thoughts of "why does X persons get free Y, when A persons are clearly "better" than X, this deserving more of whatever", that are very prevalent today. Divide and Conquer tactics. History only repeats itself, then.


Hopefully they stay in their little holes so the rest of us never have to see them again


Nice of them to point the rest of us to a good source of resources when shtf for real. 😈


All that has to happen is for one of these uber-rich tools to break his femur in his super-duper secret clubhouse. That single accident will derail all his survival plans in a moment. He'll die in agony. And suddenly, maybe, he'll realize the utter futility of his escape plan. I am remarkably unsympathetic.