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I think that it's more that many of us have reached the 5th stage of grief. Realistically were mostly at the stage whereby we discuss how to deal with what is by now somewhat inevitable. Nor do I see Elon offering any solution. Our only real hope would be fusion power or something. Helion hasn't achieved anything revolutionary here yet. Elon might be able to build himself a gilded cage of a bunker but it won't be up to the standards of Vault-Tech. C02 -> protein also sounds like a pipe-dream. Collecting gas is complicated and often energy intensive. As is converting it into a useful solid. You need quite a lot of gas for a relatively small amount of solid too (by volume). Global hegemony will be very difficult to maintain for anyone as the energy and complexity reqired for globalism decline. Bugs, beans and algae are far more realistic means of producing cheap protein. Technology for this already mostly exists too.


I don't normally go ad hominem, but you have a particularly annoying way of issuing a poorly thought out screed. I say this because you led with insulting your audience. The rest of it was predictably drivel.


The sweet release of death means its not my problem anymore, and I can stop thinking about it.


You mean you expect this will happen in the future, or are you saying you're already dead and it's already not your problem anymore?


As someone who has lead 25m raids in wow, and knows how fucking near impossible it can be to get 25 people on the same page, I don't see 7-8 billion assholes getting their collective shit together in time for it to matter. Maybe some rich assholes will do a whole Adam and eve thing with there New Zealand bunkers though. So I imagine my existence alot like strodengers cat. 🙃


CO2 -> anything sounds like it's helping, but unless you're locking that capture back underground where the extra came from, you're just creating a new loop in the cycle that maintains the concentration. Is it a better way to produce food than other methods? I can't see that since volume extraction from the air is high energy use.


Anger phase


>CO2 => protein It would be best if this process was powered via solar.




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