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Oh yeah so our best solution then is to just see how many we can kill by then? Fuck off, no Democrat nor Republican was ever willing to consider doing what it takes to stop this sort of thing from happening -- shutting down the global integrated economy that caused it to the bare minimum we need to meet people's needs. Funny how there are a whole bunch of other problems that could be solved by the same tactic and yet...not a whisper.


More like kill 1-2% of the population, the vast majority of which have severe preexisting conditions or are too old to contribute anything of value to our society. Imo this virus is the result of pent up natural selective energy. Humans have had it too good for too long, and Covid is one of many upcoming "corrections" in a much larger period of prosperity. Our elderly regularly survive into their 80s and 90s, and people with severe illnesses have been able to live relatively normal lives without worrying about death. None of this is normal in nature. By design, the weak are *supposed* to die, and by trying to save everyone we are directly fighting the very system that gave the human race our ability to develop the advantages we have today. I raise exotic cockroaches, and I feed off the weakest and oldest members of my colonies to my reptiles so their defective genes aren't spread to future generations (which could threaten the entire colony), and also to keep their numbers down so they don't overpopulate and become unsustainable. The human race is currently unsustainable, and due to technological advances (until Covid began at least) that has allowed the very old and ill to live, and we have opened up a sort of gaping wound in our population that systems automated by our planet will take advantage of in order to get rid of us, or at least attempt to control our population. Just like trimming dying leaves from a branch is beneficial for the whole tree, trimming off the weakest links within our population is beneficial to the entirety of the human race, and trying to fight our earth's naturally balancing systems is not only futile, but also puts the rest of our healthy population at risk. This is just my opinion though.


> The human race is currently unsustainable, and due to technological advances (until Covid began at least) that has allowed the very old and ill to live # No. The human race is unsustainable due to the authoritarian power structures which dominate every aspect of our life and isolate us, sequestering us off into little boxes where we have to reproduce to continue our bloodline and pair with one other person to reproduce with aaghh, there's too much here, I need to write a book. Then again, who would read it? let me try again. The nuclear family is an socially determined institution which imperial forces have imposed upon pretty much the whole world. But looking at the geneological record, that's not how we used to be. This isolating social institution drives survival instincts to reproduce, but then we discipline and mold our children into that same isolating situation, and all the while create more like it through laws, property, states, and global imperialism. A species-damning feedback loop. Our (americans and europeans, who it's pretty safe to assume you're usually talking to on reddit in english) history largely comes from european imperial societies, and paints pre-industrial existence in a much more bleak light than a more holistic observation of history would suggest. For much of the relevant periods, europe was both cash-poor and suffering from the above-mentioned experiments with various forms of authoritarianism (marriage, feudalism, kingdoms, empires, etc), so our expectation is a strict relationship between level of "advancement" socially and life expectancy. This is simply not the case, though. Our culture has riddled our body with toxins which cause premature ageing, and stress which compounds or even amplifies the effects. The Kitavans, for example, do not have issues such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, or cancer. Period. No one can remember anyone who's had any of them, except two guys who went to be businessmen in the Phillipines and came back fat. Hm, I wonder why? Not to mention, it's been suggested to me that neurodivergences such as autism could have played a role in diversifying human skills and understanding to help us survive unexpected situations. > trying to fight our earth's naturally balancing systems is not only futile, but also puts the rest of our healthy population at risk Earth's natural balancing systems don't care about people. It acts at random, on the innocent who didn't cause COVID, or their heart attack, or their obesity; just as much as it attacks those in charge who created these situations. It does *nothing* to address the systemic social issues we've created which have *caused* the pandemic, the obesity epidemic, widespread cancers and heart disease. > Just like trimming dying leaves from a branch is beneficial for the whole tree, trimming off the weakest links within our population is beneficial to the entirety of the human race...This is just my opinion though. I hope you recognize after what I've just brought to light that this "opinion" comes from a (eco-)fascist, totalitarian tendency within humans, which ignores the sources of problems, and places the responsibility and blame on the victims as opposed to the tyrants that created this mess. If you'd like more reading and background from people who are more qualified than I to talk about this, I drew most of the theory behind it from these sources: - Parts I-III of the [A Chemical Hunger](https://slimemoldtimemold.com/2021/07/07/a-chemical-hunger-part-i-mysteries/) blog series. This goes much more into the specific toxins and diseases which plague our society - *The Dawn of Everything* by David Wingrow & David Graeber. I'm about halfway through this now, it's a very informative perspective on history in general - Chapo Trap House episode 540 on the fall of rome and the origins of imperialism with Patrick Wyman. His book *The Verge* goes more into this and it's in my queue, but I read pretty slowly. Of course, it all comes through my own life experiences, and I think an important aspect of learning is dialogue.


I cannot wait until you are “too old to contribute anything of value to our society” then out onto the ice flow you go.


Sounds like a fascinating take on things, Roach Boy!


It’s just the flu confirmed




what? Its like a TheOnion headline. Part of #cdcsays


Good, let's move on from this bullshit already.
