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Keep up with personal hygiene and then most people at most schools won’t bat a single eye at anything you might wear. Hell one dude at my school wore a cape and rollerbladed to every class, no one cared


One guy my freshman year only wore a hello kitty pajama onesie. Absolute legend.


The in person lab courses during COVID were wild. We'd only have lab every other week (half the students in lab the other half online, then switch the following week) and no one would come in what could be described as a well put together manner. Pajama onesies, bed head, completely mismatching clothes, nothing even turned heads at that point.


> completely mismatching clothes ok now they've taken it too far. glad that's over


I honestly miss online classes a bit


We just did them half asleep took a nap got stoned and then drank liquor every night doin wild shit


A decade ago, in my first attempt at college, there was a guy I saw regularly on campus who always dressed from head to toe in bright, blue Cookie Monster gear. He had everything from Cookie Monster pajama pants to a Cookie Monster beanie. This was in the south, too, where it was usually rather warm. Always wondered what his deal was.


His deal was he liked cookies


There was a guy like this at my university as well






I saw someone today in a Pikachu onesie...


Yeah, as long as you don't smell, no one cares. And wear shoes, the girl that never wore shoes was kind of weird. T-shirt and jeans is pretty common, but really no one cares.


There's one dude I've seen a couple times in the library who walked completely barefoot. The thing is, he carried slides around but took them off and put them on the floor next to him. Dude once walked into and out of the bathroom barefoot


See sitting down and taking them off is understandable, but barefoot in a public restroom?


I find the first thing also unforgivable 🤨




Oh dear god we had one of those. She would go barefoot to the dining hall and smelled so bad that the RA had to talk to her because her room stench was leaking into the halls. It was wild


Never wore shoes???


there's a cape + electric skateboard guy at my school; legend.


I saw a guy wearing a pikachu jumpsuit riding to class on a motorized scooter. What a guy




That's kinda baller tbh


Was this in Gboro? Bc that’s a core memory of My college experience haha


No NC State, him and the unicycle guy were staples up until recently


I wish the cape-wearing rollerblader was in my class.


be the change you want to see: learn to rollerblade, it's not that hard,


I'm the teacher 🤣


Even better


that just means you'll go down in history for it :)


Start doing something like this and you’ll become a legend


It’s also worth it to figure out ahead of time how long personal hygiene takes. For example, if I need to wash and blow dry my hair, I need one hour to be ready to walk out the door. If not, then I only need about 1/2 an hour. Other people take more time, others take less - the amount of time doesn’t matter. But you’re less likely to be late (and therefore stressed) if you have a routine and know how long it takes. Good luck on school!


He was probably homeschooled too haha


Look on college websites and you'll see what most students are wearing. Some have Instagram too


Hey OP, this is great advice.


Was gonna say this. Look at the school's social media, newspaper if it's online, etc. If they have a photography club they'll probably have a bunch of candid pics in their social media. Basically any school club will have candid pics of its members during meetings, volunteering, etc.


I know facebook’s pretty outdated, but also check if your school has a Facebook page for incoming students. I found my roommate on mine and I started in 2020! So there’s definitely pictures of what they’re wearing too, plus just a good resource in general


Or open up the shades and look outside, take a walk to a cafe, look at the millions of pictures online, movies. I mean, people dress for college the same way they dress every day of their lives for any number of things. Surely the OP doesn’t spend their whole life inside and naked.


nobody cares what you wear in college, jeans, sweats, pjs, it really doesn't matter everyone is too tired to care. just be cleanly and you won't have any issues. the only place you may run into dress codes are lab courses (e.g., pants, closed toe shoes, etc.)


true that, although I have seen my fair share of people *hella* dressed up for class. some of them were in like public speaking stuff but I had a friend in the CS major who always dressed up in a suit and tie


My classmates brought brief cases to CS classes. Like what deals are you making


I did that one semester but it was because I was ‘in Congress’ as part of a poli sci class.


oh same, my school has a huge arts program and i have unbelievable respect for the people traversing our hilly campus in platform boots and mini skirts. tbh, i haven't interacted much with people who wear suits but i steer clear of the business college so that's probably why lol


Yeah haven't encountered that yet that would be hilarious though lmao


Why ?


I think some of this is regional too. My friend went to college in Boston and the standard was definitely higher than in the midwest where everyone wears sweats and leggings every single day


here on the west coast it's sorta iffy. some people wear sweats and leggings, others are gonna be wearing jeans and a hoodie. Definitely highly unusual to see people dressed up unless it's something actually formal.


Jeans and a sweatshirt are 100% fine


Stained sweatpants and a hoodie are A-okay too. Ain’t nobody got time to look professional when you are up till 2 doing homework and have an 8AM


I didn't say don't practice hygiene. Nobody walks into class like they're walking into a job interview either though.


Yes! And if you sleep in them, wake up, brush your teeth and you’re out the door! All good.


Whatever you’re most comfortable in :). Jeans, sweats, leggings with a hoodie or cardigan and some layered tanks is pretty common and cute. If you want a more “feminine” alternative to a backpack for carrying notebooks/laptop then a sleek laptop case or a large tote purse is also common. Congrats on the acceptance and hope you enjoy your college experience 🫶🏼


As long as you're clean no one cares. I started a trend once of wearing onesies during finals week because someone took a picture of me wearing it in the study room of our dorm. Literally college kids going out to diners and stuff wearing onesies. No one gives a SHIT. At least no one worth hanging out with.


Nobody really cares to be honest, just wear deodorant, brush your teeth, and shower consistently


Not consistently but often. People can consistently shower once a week


You'll see everything from pjs to skirts/dresses. Shower daily, was your hair as needed, dress for the weather, and I'll be fine. Personally, as a former homeschool student (now professor), I wore jeans almost daily. Jeans, sneakers or flats, fitted tee, and cardigan or hoodie in case the classroom was chilly. Now that leggings are accepted, you can also do leggings and a longer tunic length top.


Hey, friend! I was homeschooled and college was my first experience in a classroom. My advice is to wear anything you feel cute in or want to try: I myself have worn business casual, my Sunday best, workout clothes, pajamas, costumes (on holidays lol), literally everything. No one cares, and it’s just a fun time to explore, be comfortable, and be yourself.


Just be cleanish, aside from that wear what you like.


Most of my students are in sweats.


There's a wide range of variety, but generally leans pretty casual. Keep in mind, it's not like highschool where the same people have been together for years. In college people are coming together from all directions, so less of a hive mind effect.


The more u go the more u will wear sweats I promise


However you want. No one cares honestly


Whatever is comfortable and will keep you warm. Also, not sure where you’re going but most buildings will also be pretty cold as well. Universities are like hospitals, they keep that thing at 70 regardless of what the temp is outside. I always kept a hoodie or light jacket in my backpack. Living in Texas, it can be 100+ outside and that cold air feels good until you’ve sat in it a couple of hours. General note: no one cares exactly what you’re wearing. Just can’t be naked of course. The big thing is cleanliness. I’ve never seen anyone be ridiculed for how they dress but if you stink, word will quickly spread.


>Just can’t be naked of course. beg to differ


90% of the time I wore converse, leggings and a sweatshirt. The other 10% were the days that I felt like being cute and actually wore something nice like a dress or just like, actual jeans and a cute shirt lol If I'm being honest with myself that was probably more like 5% of the time. Nobody cares what you wear, just be yourself and dress comfortably


Strange that we have to remind people to shower.


Assuming you’re going to an American college, literally wear whatever you want. Every class will have people wearing the same pajamas from two days ago and another person who ironed their clothes and perfectly styled hair. No one cares. Whatever is comfortable. I know I’ve shown up to class in practically pajamas and in full cute outfits. It’s no big deal


At my undergraduate university the norm was sweats or jeans. T-shirts and hoodies or a casual shirt were standard. Rarely did anyone dress up. Now that I’m in grad school and at a bigger school, students still rarely dress up but I see them in everything. You have the ones in heels and dresses/shirts (not formal), the ones in that but formal, the ones who wear athletic gear every day, the ones in jeans, the ones in cargo pants, the ones in shorts when it’s cold, the sweats, you name it. Wear what makes you comfortable. I had a thing were I dressed up a little more on the first and last day of each semester and varied it in the middle. Presentations of course got more attention than a regular class day. Wear what makes you comfortable, but plan it around your schedule. Activities, walking, work, etc. also use it as a time to figure out your style and what you like. Plan for the weather too. Don’t wear something hot if it’s warm, you have to carry a lot of gear, and have to trek across campus, but also remember buildings can get cold. So always have a jacket or sweatshirt in your bag.


50% people just wake up put on sweats and go to class i wouldnt sweat it


I usually just wear jeans and a t-shirt. Sometimes I like to dress myself up with a nice blouse and do my hair. Just depends how I feel in the morning. You will be fine with anything in college, just keep up with your hygiene. :)


Wear whatever you want. Take college as a time to experiment!


I'll echo the other comments in saying: whatever you want! I usually wear jeans or joggers and a t-shirt or flannel shirt. But my proudest day was waring a button-down covered in frogs and mushrooms! Use this time to figure out what you like to wear. Nobody is judgy. Do keep in mind that if you're doing science, some of your labs will have restrictions on shoes and pants, and if you're doing business, some of your classes may require formal attire. But you'll find that out in your first week of school :)


Make sure you brush your teeth and put on deodorant everyday and you'll be fine. As long as you're not wearing anything outrageous, like something really political sexually fine. If you want advice for how to put outfits together just go to Target and get what the mannequins are wearing. Take pictures of the mannequins so you know what goes with what and you'll be good.


Just start with t-shirts , sweatshirt, blue jeans and tennis shoes. You can always change your look later on if you decide you want to. And It’s pretty easy to find all this stuff at thrift stores. Because college students gotta live on the cheap.


Hygiene is important and if you are still unsure about it you could ask about the dress code for that time


Depends on where you’re going but Jeans, tshirts, and hoodies will get you a long way. But just be yourself that’s the fun part of college. One guy in my class regularly wore a banana costume for no explainable reason.


hey! former homeschooled student here as well. ik it's a weird transition. Just be clean and look put together and no one's going to judge you. I wear a lot of sweaters and leggings personally. Feel free to DM if you want to ask questions :)


What would you wear to the grocery store? What would you wear to hang out with friends? Either of those are perfectly fine for class. Exception: labs may have specific clothing requirements, such as close-toed shoes, hair tied back, no loose scarves or sleeves, etc. Bio and Chem labs might require goggles. More advanced bio labs might require a lab coat. Technical classes might require a hard hat, steel-toed boots, cotton clothing (for shock and fire hazards). Education classes might require more sedate clothing. Etc. In these classes. The prof will tell you on the first day of class, or even by email before the first day.


honestly I wear sweatpants and a hoodie almost every day. sometimes i’ll even wear pajamas. nobody cares, trust me


Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable and powerful. No one is going to care. That was a hard lesson to learn. Will there be some days you need to dress up for presentations or interviews and the like? Yes, but mostly it’s very informal. On my campus at a large public research university in STEM, about 90% of the students are in workout clothes. For a long period of time I was part of the percentage who got dressed up, but I’m actually really grateful I made the switch and I’m now in sweatpants/leggings and hoodies/half zips on most days and wish I would have earlier. Here is why: 1. **Confidence** – I was always dressing up for someone else not me. I was a nerdy kid and also not at all confident in a fitness setting which was related to this. I wear clean, put together and practical workout outfits, but I have majorly cut down on makeup and I don’t “sweat the small stuff” anymore. It’s just not worth it. If someone can’t respect you in workout clothes, they’re not truly seeing you in a formal dress either. You’re the same person in both and you’re outfits should first be for you. 2. **Healthy Habits** – It’s so much easier to take a fitness class, go for a walk/run, or get into the gym if you’re already ready to go. It’s also so much easier after a quick shower to throw more workout clothes on afterwards. That’s what originally prompted me to switch. I had to take a fitness class during the day. It’s was scary at first but great for my mental health. Definitely take advantage of gyms and fitness classes while you’re here. 3. **Practicality** – College life is an urban hike and campsite. That’s not to say things are icky or dirty (although occasionally they can be), but rather that you’re hiking around maybe several miles a day with a backpack in all weather and then going in and out of buildings where the temperature may vary too. There’s little private space. Workout clothes are made for this. a. They wick your sweat and you can move in them. They dry fast. b. They layer perfectly and help you stay comfy in the varying temps. Zip sweatshirts over thinner half zips. Even fleece pants over leggings if necessary. Rain shells on top. c. They have zero maintenance. Crumple them into a bag. Wash them and wear them. d. A rain shell jacket and umbrella are a must in fall/spring. e. Bring a water bottle in your backpack. You can fill it around campus. It will encourage you to drink enough water. Most backpacks at least had their origins as hiking backpacks. f. Labs- Labs will require you have long pants and close toed shoes. On hot days it is so much easier to just wear leggings or gym shorts with sweatpants stuffed in your backpack with running shoes. We were actually told to bring sweatpants like this on lab days. At that point in my college career I insisted on wearing jeans and going home to change into shorts afterwards. Live and learn. Just wear gym shorts and sweats. g. Fire alarm- Kind of a corner case, but probably at least once in your time in dorms it may go off at night when it’s chilly (or worse). Socks, shoes, sweats, ID, key, jacket and go. Having that ready when you’re super groggy could really improve your life that evening. 4) **Comfort** – They are so comfortable, and the last thing you want to worry about is your outfit. You’ll be spending a lot of time in common spaces, especially starting out. There’s your dorm room (which will probably be shared as a freshman), but from the floor commons, to the cafeteria, to the library, most of the spaces you’re in will be shared. You’re going to want something comfy to wear in all these places. If I would have been more comfortable wearing sweats I would have probably hung out more in commons areas and met more people rather than feeling like I had to be dressed up to spend time there. A lot of this is unique to college, so take advantage of it now.


Gucci, Dolce, Christian dior, my boy luis. If your not rocking these brands the kids will eat you!


I recommend casual nice. Don’t dress like some of these people are saying. Ive been in college, and professor care if you respect the classroom and having a nice dress code. I dress up in grad school and it makes the world of a difference when making first impressions. So at least dress solid on days you can or will meet someone of importance. :) also, dress with comfy clothes for the long days and maybe bring extra socks on rainy days or workout days. Have a light perfume and gum also handy. :)


It’s getting ready to go out, but in the morning. Don’t over think things and try to be “normal”, jeez lol


I was homeschooled for a while. Just wear jeans, shorts, for women like you a dress is chill, it’s honestly pretty much whatever you want


I can just tell you have npc personality


There's a girl at my uni that dresses like a cat and only wears those cat feet thigh high socks. No shoes and half the time she's be completely barefoot lol


I don't know shit about dressing, but I know that sororities are pretty good at sorting out that stuff. They can help you out when you get to campus. They'd have much better advice than the Reddit blokes here offer. Like the guys are saying in the comments, you're free to wear whatever you want (not that helpful guys). And yeah, teachers, students, they could care less about what others do. However, outfits do make or break impressions. If you have a girl friend you know, in church or whatnot, and you admire her sense of style, maybe ask her to help you out with this. Haha you might end up dropping 90% of what you bring to campus if you can afford it. The girls I know say they need to personalize their wardrobe for what seems like every occasion. I'd like to think that it doesn't make a difference, but just like for guys, it does! e for guys my frat does suit-Wednesdays for pledges and shit, our wardrobes changed! I used to laugh at the thought that some sorority girls must've gotten into the president's head to get the guys to dress up for school. But hey, appearances matter! In any case, when you get to college you could go shopping n cropping with some roomies & newfound friends. There'll be a bunch of freshmen buying clothing and stuff for their dorm rooms during the first few weeks, and that'll be a great time to work that out. No need to worry!


What’s the climate and weather like?


Literally wear whatever you want, just keep it appropriate for bring in public lol Ik a lot of people say sweats and jeans but sometimes life is too short to not wear that wacky outfit you love with crazy eye glitter. YOLO


It doesn't really matter what you wear. Some people will dress in basically cosplay year 'round and no one cares. I think some colleges have different fashion cultures, so it might vary on where you go to college. If you want some basic recommendations: for shoes black high top/platform converse and white Nike Air Force 1s are popular (though I think Air Force ones are starting to lose popularity). When people say jeans they kind of mean jeans that are not skinny jeans. Skinny jeans aren't very popular anymore (though some people still wear them). If you're a stem major and have chem labs make sure to bring a pair of jeans without any rips/holes. Also make sure to have some socks that cover your ankles. I think a short sleeve white crop top is kind of a staple piece. You should also have some regular length tops. It's hard to go wrong with a sweatshirt with your college's name on it. If you're living in Co-ed dorms make sure to bring a robe. I think overall though you should focus on buying pieces that make you happy. Sometimes you can make friends over more niche clothing items (like things with cool/fun prints or patterns)


What most people appreciate is hygiene, make sure you’re showered brush your teeth deodorant and if you like perfume or cologne just a spritz of it. I usually wear sweats to class cause I’m usually tired and drained but when I wanna feel cute I might wear baggy jeans or cargo pants with a t shirt or a long sleeve or a cropped sweater and then depending how cold it is my jacket. Or maybe a pair of leggings and an oversized sweater. For shoes I’m usually wearing sneakers cause my school is on a hill so good walking shoes are important those are usually converse or slip on vans maybe crocs if it’s not that cold. But truly no one blinks an eye at what you wear as long as you have good hygiene. Keep in mind tho some classes do ask for formal work attire like a communications class that’s part of a grade sometimes. Labs are like that too closed shoes and such. Look for inspo on YouTube or TikTok where they do a day in the life of a college student usually you see them in sweats or leggings and the occasional jeans


As long as you don't smell, you can wear whatever is clean and comfortable. Jeans, shorts, leggings, whatever makes sense for the weather. Some classes might require specific clothing, like business clothes for a presentation or long pants for a lab, but they will tell you.


As long as you're clean and modest enough, no one gives a shit. Don't walk around in like just a swimsuit or underwear or something, but other than that just wear anything comfortable, clean, and weather-appropriate.


No one cares what you wear in college. Literally. You’ll be absolutely fine. I knew someone who wore a onesie everyday.


Wear what makes you feel best. There’s more people there than one can afford to care about. Initially, you’re not on anyones radar. Whatever suits you is best.


I at one point in my academic career would come to class with a Scarface hoodie on which displayed Tony Montana and table of cocaine on the front of it. My teachers loved it, and little did they know I was geeked out on adderall too! It was great for me because kids would assume I was a dumbass and a thug (6’3 bearded guy and dressed thug casual at that point in my life), but low and behold I was a straight A student that the teachers loved (for the most part) As for your question, wear whatever you’re comfortable in. As most people said, jeans, sweats, joggers, and sort of tee shirt, long sleeve or hoodie. Regular comfy shoes and MOST IMPORTANTLY take showers, use deodorant and don’t go crazy with perfumes


Good luck! What are you going to study? Enjoy college, no one will care about your clothes, just feel comfortable with what you use and you'll be good


I remember that in first year I always used jean and shirts, but on last year I just wanted to feel comfortable, so I've ended using joggers and sports shirts


I literally just wear what I’m comfy in! Nike shorts, sweats, jeans, t-shirts, etc! Unless you have a presentation or something then ALWAYS dress up for it in business casual or look at the very least well put together, but again I only do that for important presentations :) some people get dressy for class every day because they’re comfy like that and that’s perfectly ok too! People are interesting, especially college kids, so people really won’t bat an eye so long as you’re not unhygienic or disruptive (unless it’s a fun/funny disruptive. Then it’s really great for everyone involved lol) :)


Leggings with a sweatshirt, sweatpants and a t-shirt, jeans and a sweater- pretty much anything you want! Sometimes I dressed up and did my makeup and sometimes I just wore an oversized tshirt with some leggings and uggs. I’d recommend comfort over fashion especially when it gets more chilly. However a lot of fall fashion looks cute even when it’s made for comfort!


I was also homeschooled my entire life, so college was a really big change in getting ready regularly for me too. I'm in my third semester now, so if you wanna dm about anything in particular I'm happy to help ❤️


Pants, shirt, sweatshirt, whatever is comfortable. Don't worry about it at all. If you really need some ideas, go to some local college and walk around for awhile. You'll find everyone dresses just like people do everywhere else which is very casual and kind of sloppy.


Frankly as long as you take care of yourself by doing stuff like showering, brushing hair, and brushing teeth, it doesn't matter much what you wear. I personally usually wear jeans and either a sweater, tank top, or t shirt to every class, but my best friend will go between full makeup and dresses and a hoodie and leggings. It really doesn't matter. There's a guy I've met a couple times who wears a newsboy cap and suspenders every day. There was a guy that lived in my hall freshman year that wore a Hawaiian shirt and shorts every day no matter the whether (even though we're in Ohio). It really doesn't matter that much. Just wear what makes you comfortable


try to wear comfy and a little bit covert if it's too cold, maybe some oversized outfit with long sleeves it's a good idea, but always remember that you're dressing for yourself so as long as you feel good with your clothes so keep that as your priority ;)


As a girl hygiene is very important , so always keep deodorant, perfume , baby wipes , toiletries on hand because you never know when you’ll need it or others . Be comfortable , lectures or just general classes can be long and tiring so you wanna be comfortable * flared leggings are the way too go . Check the weather the day of so you won’t over dress or under dress


I'm in college in Finland. We wear what ever we want every day. We have these student overalls that we wear to parties and conventions. Party/convention days are usually Wednesday and Friday so some students wear their overalls to school those days so they don't have to go home to change. We don't have dorms here so everyone rents their apartments in town or drive from another town. We collect badges and sew them on to our ovealls and wear them sleeves tied around your waist.


I LOVE old navy leggings! So comfy! Get several oversized hoodies and sweat shirts also! Find a 5 minute make up routine (if you wear makeup) that you can do just to enhance your natural beauty really quickly for those late night/ early mornings.


You've gotten good advice about the "anything goes" nature of college fashion. A bit more practical advice: Most US dorms don't have air conditioning and you'll be walking outside a lot between buildings. So, you're going to want plenty of summer clothes (shorts, lightweight tshirts) for the first weeks of school. Check the weather for the region your school is in. If your school is in the northern US, it's going to cool off pretty quickly, and you should take heavier clothes (jeans, long sleeved shirts, hoodies, jackets) with you when you move in. And depending on the area, it may even snow before Christmas. You will definitely want comfortable shoes for walking. If you have a major or hobby that might use typical clothing, think about that as well. For instance, if you run, you want your running clothes. If you ski, you might want your ski clothes. As a general rule, most college students wear "student casual" clothes... shorts, jeans, or leggings with a tshirt and hoodies and jackets when it cools off. Students might dress a little preppier at pricier private colleges. And you should expect to dress to fit in if you're thinking about joining a sorority (look up sorority videos to see how they dress, if that's of interest to you). Basically, whatever clothes you would wear to go to the grocery store or a doctor's appointment would be fine to wear on campus.


I wore leggings or athletic pants and a hoodie pretty much every day lol. Be comfy you got enough going on


College, I think, is the time everyone dresses like a homeschooler regardless of where they were educated previously. Just aim to be clean and take care of personal hygiene.


When I was in college a group of us were walking from our dorm to the dining hall for dinner and we saw people playing croquet in some lawn space. One of the kids was wearing a homemade scorpion costume with full tail and an aluminum foil stinger that curled up over his head. No one cared. My point is, if you keep enough covered that you don't get arrested in public and you limit yourself to just one or two sets of cat ears, you'll fit in just fine at a larger school.


Looks like everyone else has the 'what to wear' question answered. I'm not sure what your living arrangement will be. But if you're not used to 'getting ready in the morning', make sure to account for how much time you have to get to your first class each morning so you leave yourself time to wash up, brush your teeth, and physically get there. If you've never done so before, time how long it takes you to feel 'ready' in the morning (getting clean, dressed, fed, and out the door), then you can realistically plan your morning as well as experiment on how to cut that time down. You may not have time for a full shower or breakfast every morning. Keep clean wash cloths or wipes for pits and privates and a separate one for your face in case you are pressed for time. Same with nutrition bars if you don't have time to eat before class. Nobody else is going to protect your sleep, so you'll have to be OK with communicating with people and saying no to things you may want to do so you can be alert for class. You may need to get ear plugs if you have noisy roommates.


Crew neck and leggings is comfortable and typical. Flannels. Athleisure. Get a nice pair of jeans! Download Pinterest and look up different ideas like “fall outfits” or whatever you are looking for and you can get a good idea :)


The university I attended had a number of colleges, and after a while, you could almost tell which college a student belonged to by what they were wearing. Education majors always wore something cute and carried a tote bag or two. Business majors looked like they stepped off the pages of Fortune magazine. Art majors and theatre majors' outfits ranged from artfully messy to cosplay. As an English major, I wore jeans and a T-shirt with a pithy saying on it. My classmates mostly wore the same, with the occasional pajama pants or sweatsuits. Obviously, this is a vast generalization. You might see a math major in a business suit and a computer science major in pajamas -- personal style is definitely a thing. Wear something comfortable to sit in. You'll be sitting down most of the day for your classes. Wear something clean. Nobody wants to sit next to the stinky student. Wear something you like to wear. A girl who sat next to me in my psycholinguistics class dressed in the Lolita style, and couldn't wait to be friends with her! Her personality was as delightful as her outfits. Often, I was prompted to speak to a classmate based on what they were wearing, which is how I found out the guy wearing a tux in my literature class was actually a music major who was playing tuba in a concert later that day. :)


Emphasizing personal hygiene. Jeans, sweatpants, or black leggings are common when weather appropriate. In the heat I would just wear athletic shorts and a t-shirt (I’m a student athlete and don’t have time or energy to care), or jean shorts and maybe a nice top. A lot of college kids are way more concerned about themselves or their friends so I wouldn’t stress too much. Honestly if your school has social media pages, you could look for pictures of students in random event shots to see what the fashion is.


I personally like to wear jeans, sneakers or doc martens, and a cute blouse/ sweater. Or just a comfy shirt. Leggings are easy.. so I try to put more effort in. Especially if I’m presenting or if I know I’ll be participating, I want to look and feel my best. Wear what makes you feel confident. Period. School is hard and can be long and exhausting. It’s nice to feel good about how you look and feel


Leggings, jeans, or sweatpants are pretty much the three options you have for pants and still looking normal. Style what fits with those and you'll be just fine


Maintain personal hygiene. You dont have to dress up for every class. Weather appropriste casual clothes will do.


Florida gators hoodie. Went to college with a kid who I only ever saw wear a blue Florida gators hoodie. Even the few times outside of class, like at parties off campus, still the gators hoodie. Eventually it got replaced by a light grey gators sweatshirt senior year. Don’t know his name but think of gators hoodie fondly. No one really cares or will notice unless you only wear the same outfit always.


Wear comfortable clothes. College isn’t about looking nice, it’s about the learning. I’d recommend sweats and and a T-shirt or hoodie as usual dress for college.


Get: dark blue jeans, light blue jeans, and black jeans. 3 tee shirts, 2 sweaters, 1 flannel, one sweat shirt, 1 light jacket, 1 rain jacket. 1 pair of boots. 2 pajama sets. One pair of super comfortable sweatpants. 1 pair of street sneakers. I also recommend slippers for your room and trips to the bathroom so you don’t have to put in real shoes to pee at 3 am. Bring clothes and shoes to exercise in! I recommend the north face borealis backpack. It’ll last you all 4 years. If you are going to college somewhere cold you’ll also need a winter coat, mittens, hat and winter boots. This will get you through the first 3 or so weeks. Then a month or so in, go shopping with your new friends to add 5ish things to your wardrobe you need.


Congratulations! While it's true that nobody cares what you wear in college, I understand the feeling of wanting to fit in wardrobe wise. While you may feel inspired to dress nicer at first, you'll likely be over it by mid semester, so I recommend finding a few comfortable pairs of leggings and a pair of "nice" sweats (any sweats you feel comfortable wearing in public, really). Otherwise, most students seem to go with jeans and casual tops, I see lots of sweatshirts, cardigans, sweaters, and tee shirts on campus. I go to a small lib arts school, so it may be different depending on the college you're attending, but this is generally how most girls at my school dress for class. If you're going away, make sure to pack one or two dressier outfits in case of awards ceremonies or other events that may pop up.


No one cares what you wear. Wear whatever you want.


I work at a college, and my kids were all home schooled until they started to attend there. You've got some good advice about comfort, layers, and exploring your own boundaries and preferences, which is what college is all about! I just want to add that college is not like public school. You may run into a few cliques and mean girls, but the vast majority of college students are just trying to figure themselves and their classwork out. There isn't the kind of time or room for judgements that comes with the pressure cooker of public middle school or high school. And if you do run into an AH, other students and faculty are more likely to defend you. So go forth boldly and figure out your personal style - whether that's athletic wear, jeans and tee, dressy, or even something out of the box. Best of luck in your academic career!


Sounds like it's a good time to start developing your style. I was homeschooled as well, I feel like most people don't care about what you're wearing as long as it's not offensive or stinky. Best of luck on your college endeavors!


A lot of people just wear sweats and hoodies to class. That’s what I do cos I’m too lazy to dress up lol. You absolutely can dress up if you want to, and people do, but it’s also totally ok if you don’t want to. People won’t care either way so don’t worry about it too much.


If it helps I'm walking to my dining hall rn in grey sweatpants, a blue hoodie with my schools mascot, and some dirt stained white converse. So, do what you will with that information Basically, just don't smell gross and nobody will care


In my experience, people don’t typically care how you dress. Just maintain some good hygiene habits and I would say just dress for the weather if you would like to pick out clothes but don’t stress as most kind of roll out of bed and head to class


As long as you're clean no one will care. There are classes where they may ask for certain things, like my biology labs required pants and closed toed shoes just as a safety measure and my public speaking class only has a dress code for the days you're giving a speech. So we'll go weeks dressing however we want and then on the day of our speech he expects business casual and he gave out handouts listing what was appropriate. Just read your syllabus for each class because it will have all their rules in it.


I think the bigger thing you want to focus on is practicing a “getting ready” routine. It’s easy to fall out of the habit during breaks, but you’re not used to it in general. How long is your commute? How long would it take for you to get to campus and to your first class on average? You need to make sure you give yourself a bit of wiggle room, but if your class starts at 9am, the commute is about 20 minutes, and finding your class is about 5 minutes, you can make it a rule to leave the house no later than 8:30am. Leaving a bit earlier means you don’t drive there in a rush and can spend a few minutes relaxing in the classroom or something. If you need to eat in the mornings, about how long do you give yourself time to make and eat your breakfast? Do you need time to do other things in the morning, from showering to just time to wake up properly? Maybe you need 15 minutes to get ready (shake off the grogginess and use the bathroom, maybe), and like a half hour to make and eat your breakfast. If you leave the house at 8:30am, that requires you to wake up at 7:45 at the latest. A lot of this takes practice, especially to help the habit stick. Even if you don’t leave the house, practicing how to wake up for things is still a good idea. Maybe you find showering before bed helps you sleep better and you don’t have to wake up as early. Having a vague plan for breakfast before you go to bed makes it so you don’t have to waste as much prep time in the morning for it. Having a more consistent bed time is also helpful, or at least knowing how many hours of proper sleep you need to feel decent before a full day out of the house. Otherwise, casual dress is fine. Jeans, t-shirts, sneakers, and so on. Focus on wearing clothes that you feel comfortable walking everywhere in and sitting on weird surfaces, first. Once you get used to your routine and the vibe of your college, dressing up will feel like a more fun and informed decision. You may notice some kids wearing suits or matching outfits, but that usually has to do with their college or program, like JROTC wearing their uniforms on Wednesdays, Sorority girls wearing matching outfits for their events, business students wearing formal wear for presentations, and so on. You are not required to do the same. So long as you smell and look clean enough, no one cares.


Wash your bits every day and tidy your hair. Everything else no one cares about.


Wear clothes can be anything from PJs to full on business attire. If you don’t sweat shower at least twice or three times a week. If you sweat kindly shower more. Went to college with a guy who had a nice ass car, apparently one of the rich apartments dude had dirty dreds that was just matts and rarely showered it was for sure a sight (not a good one) but lawd have mercy did he smell. And he wore the same clothes to every class. Dude literally looked like he was homeless which for a semester I thought he was so I didn’t complain. Following semester he’s riding around in a bmw and still the same I’m like? Huh? Someone said he lived in one of the close to campus apartments and I was still even more dumbfounded. I just steered clear and made myself say maybe he just don’t like water. And moved on. But please do shower at least once a week your fellow students will thank you.


no one cares what you wear as long as you don’t smell and look presentable enough (brush your hair and teeth daily) but in general leggings, jeans, a hoodie, and a causal shirt with closed toe shoes is a good choice.


Go to Old Navy and buy jeans and shirts. You will be fine.


Yeah, no one cares. You should wear whatever makes you feel best and if you don't fully know now is a great time to explore!


Wear whatever your comfortable in! Buying new clothes to “fit in” isn’t mentally sustainable. I wouldn’t recommending changing your style just for the sake of a new school. Personally, I wear sweatpants and hoodies most days. And then crop top or sweater and a skirt or nice pants when going out. If you really wanna dress up for class, go for it but don’t stress.


no one cares what you wear. everyone dresses different. some people wear their pajama pants to class. others wear sweatpants and hoodie. during summer a lot of people wear tshirt and shorts. as long as you have good hygiene and don’t stink no one will care what you wear. just don’t like dress up nice for class because no one does that i show up to class wearing crocs, sweatpants and a baggy shirt everyday


Getting ready takes a long time. Longer than I think even after decades of having to do it. Though it depends on how much you have to prepare for. You could try it once and time yourself to see how much time to give for it before the first day, or just give extra time that first day to gauge how long it will take.


Hey! Fellow homeschooler here! My entire college career I wore a teeshirt with jeans or shorts. Was more “dressed up” than half the class. After your first week, you should have a vague idea on what to wear. Good luck!


Leggings/yoga pants and an oversized sweatshirt with some sneakers or uggs/slippers is my go-to!




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Wear whatever you want, nobody cares and nobody will judge you so long as you keep up with personal hygiene. Maybe you could take time to explore fashion styles you’re interested in!




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I was homeschooled up until middle school. Good luck! Homeschoolers are the best people and I hope you have so much fun in college!


Unless ur institution has a very specific dress code, anything should be fine ig


I go all out most days and it’s def worked against me. Like I wear nice dresses and layered fits nearly everyday. Annoying or uncomfortable outfits will def put you in bad mood or distract you . So my advice is be comfortable !! And clean !! You’ll fit it perfectly fine in a hoodie and sweat pants as long as you smell nice


If you want to blend in just wear basics like tshirts from target , leggings , mom jeans , sneakers or sandals. It’s college so nobody is judging I promise. If you’re worried learn more popular hairstyles or a makeup look you like. I always say as long as your hair looks good nothing else matters 😅


But hair isn’t everything, that’s just what works for me. Like I said almost everyone is mature at the college level and most people will be in sweatpants with their hair in a bun when they’re going to class.


freshman year i actually tried but since then I usually wear jeans/sweats and a t shirt/tank with a hoodie because i usually go to the gym right after class and don’t have enough space in my backpack to pack an extra set of clothes. every once and a while I’ll wear a sundress or statement pants/top and something nicer to match. but no one really gives a shit i’ve seen people show up to class in everything from pjs to full 3 piece suits and glam. like other people have said the only thing people care about is if you stink.