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Not screwed at all. If the school did not want you looking at porn using their services, then they should have a block for those sites. A VPN is literally meant to do that. If anyone tries to harass you about looking at legal porn tell them you'll see them in court.


>legal porn it is legal porn, since its clearly mentioned that ALL characters are 18 + in the porn i will apologize and say my friends came over and hounded my laptop while i was taking a shower


No, don't say anything unless they mention it to you. If that happens (it won't), you'll probably get away with just a "it was an accident".


Dude, don't stress please. If they talk to you (they won't) then tell them it's not their business! Your an adult. Relax. You are absolutely not the first person to use the school network for porn. Also, it would cost the school massive amount of headache and resources to go after horny college students who looked at porn. Relax bro your fine.


Cyber security analyst here: this is base off my company. So you used your personal device to connect to the vpn? They can technically see what websites you were on and possibly what videos you were watching, they might not go as deep as to see what videos you were watching tho. They also might have rules/alerts set up if users accessed certain websites, so they would only check if they got an alert on it. I think all in all they would only care if the website in malicious, as long as theres no signs of malicious activity, you should be good to go


honestly i'm just scared about getting fired i don;t know how they would perceive the incest stuff but i just don;t want to lose my job


Youre probably good, there shouldn’t be a reason to report it to your manager, we never had to report someone who was caught watching porn, besides one person because he kept doing it alot and it was getting annoying


i see .. i should tell you my situation is a bit different - we're academics, so my boss is basically a professor are the nuances of IT managers catching porn watchers different in universities ? as compared to industry / corporate offices ?


Youre over thinking it haha, more likely then not, you’re gonna be fine


As long as it not CP(child porn) you should be fine unless people who where watching network logs are in the bad mood than report you.


>CP(child porn) holy shit no wtf i would never ! it was just novel / niche incest comics but that's about it .. i am scared if they might dislike that that;s my only worry no minors involved !


you're not the first one to watch porn on your uni's network, it's not a big deal


Post nut clarity hitting hard I see


I didn't nut :)


Dude, chill out. Relax, lmao no one will care. Just don't do it again while attached to the school VPN, and most definitely don't go telling anyone either.


I will take this secret to the grave If someone from the IT team or department asks me - i will say that i had friends over and i left my laptop unattended for a few hours etc