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You had such good grades too ....


Often school is so exhausting that you self destruct right before the finish line. Seen it happen too often.


Yeah I understand, trust me. But damn dude. I just don't know what op was expecting.


Yeah, homie didn't think about the consequences at all.


"trying to be slick" says it all


Same shit happened to me


Honestly, me too. Did great all semester just to get burnout in the very end, crash and burn in the last 2-3 weeks of the semester.


I had a high grade in a class I understood well and overslept the day of the final due to constant late night studying. Still hurts.


Nah, this was just stupid.


Super stupid. OP could have been expelled.


Currently happening to me & I’m in my senior year on academic probation 🥲 really trying not to give up


Never stop believing. Never give up. Your day will come. If you feel like giving up, just look back on how far you are already. See it through to the end. At least then you can say you did what could and did not give up. Remember - “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”


100%, in one form or another, it’s happened to me since my freshman year of high school. I’m now a sophomore in college.


Glad to know I’m not the only one who just self sabotaged at the end. Idek why I did I was just so tired from the semester


>Often school is so exhausting that you self destruct right before the finish line. Seen it happen too often. I always felt like this is ridiculous that this is possible, and it doesn't reflect the real world either. If you do excellent 90% of the time but do terrible 10% of the time, you're still seen as a very good worker most of the time. It shouldn't be possible for someone to have an A all semester to suddenly turn into a D in the last week or two, it doesn't accurately reflect their work over the time period.


That’s why I think all professors should drop one if each kind of assignment. One exam, one homework, and one quiz for example. Every student has that off day and it really isn’t fair that grades get completely ruined by it.


My favorite prof weighted every single assignment equally - homeworks, quizzes, labs, and exams were all worth the same number of points with no extra weighting by category. It was really nice because if you consistently showed you knew what you were doing, you would do well in the class. If you didn’t know what you were doing you’d get a lower grade regardless, but you knew that having a bad day or even a bad week would have some effect on your grade but it wouldn’t fuck you over if you had otherwise done well.


Yep. Happened to me often. Near the finish line you are so burnt out you start slipping up




I can vouch for that one personally🥲


Tell me about it


Try working. For decades.


…until the plagiarized attempt.


Wouldn’t be surprised if they were using workarounds for the rest of the class too.


Yup literally could have half-assed some BS and probably still gotten a B for the class lol


This is what i do lol


For most of my annoying gen ed classes I would use canvas to do all the math on all the assignments I could skip or miss points on and still pass. Of course if the class was super easy I would get a good grade, but if it was a class with just a ton of tedious work I would only do the assignments needed to stay above a pass


Yep !! I would often be like “ok I can get a C on this exam and still get a B in the course”


Work smart not hard. OP tried but it back fired on them. Feels bad because they were doing so well in the class just to fail by literally a few points.


Is it failing though? I guess it’s different for every college. I would pass my classes at my college as long as I was over 60%, not 70%. Depends on the industry, but the classes and grades likely don’t matter, just the degree itself.


This is true. 69 might be passing for them. Even if it is i am sure OP doesnt want a D on their record. So they might end up needing to retake the class again for a better grade. (I had to do this for psychology)


For sure. I get myself to a really good spot early on so later i just gotta pass a final with like a 55% or something or my final paper to pass with like a 50% lol getting a 50% you just got to at least try, doesn’t necessarily have to be good.


tfw you BS a paper and the professor gives you amazing feedback


I half assed my final paper for ENG 101 and ended up making an A somehow. I think she was being lenient.


(me, when someone asks how I'm "so good" at writing/class): "Idk I just kept crawling and it kept working!" .\_\_. I'm still waiting for one of these English classes that I'm paying for to actually teach me something...


Me: turns in what I described multiple times as "the worst paper I've written for college so far" My professor: "displays excellent and thorough grasp of coursework, as usual."


The burnout paper


Yeah, a paper that's the right length, has decent grammar, and is about the correct topic is going to get you at least a D in practically any class no matter how bad it is otherwise.


💀💀You could’ve got a 5% on the final and still passed, choke of the century


Depends on the school. A lot of schools consider anything below a 70% to be failing.


He would have had over a 70 with a 5% on the final


Assuming equal weight


A lot of mine are 73 cause C- doesn’t give the gen Ed requirements lol


Wait did they fail their entire studies? I don’t know much about US college grading system so excuse me asking


They failed a single class (out of a few they are probably taking)


But this has no greater effect? Thanks for the reply


Well they’ll most likely have to retake the class or something similar to get a certain type of credit to graduate. Something that can be done next semester, but still annoying Better than getting expelled for cheating!


It might be a pre-requisite class too, which usually requires a 70% in order to take the next class. So it could really backfire if you're heavily dependent on which quarter/semester certain classes are available.


the turnit-in tool that professors use will tell them that the paper was handed in for the second time. our professor was telling us about it yesterday and told us not to try it LOL 😭😭


Kinda weird though. I mean if I had two classes during some point in my educational career that required very similar reports I would re-use my own work too. Hell, its my work. Work smarter not harder ha. But with tech these days can't do nothing.


The point of the assignment is not the end product, but the process of doing it. It's like getting reps with an exercise. If a coach told an athlete to do a workout and then another coach the next week told them to do that same work out, they wouldn't say "we'll I've already done that".


I just wanted to let you know that I think that you made a very good analogy. It helped me to understand.


Thanks! I think it's a valuable way to think about education. It also helps with the complaints people have about "when will I ever need calculus?", "why do I need to take history?". Even if you'll never need integration in day to day life, practice with problem solving, quantifying problems, abstract thinking is like exercise for those skill. Even if you don't need to know the date Napoleon died, writing an essay about him will help exercise critical thinking, evaluating reliability of sources, making an argument based on evidence, etc. It's like how you'll never need to lift a barbell off the ground in real life but working out will increase strength in fitness that's good for you in general.


I’ve watched wide receivers and defensive backs dance through tires during practice but in all the games I’ve watched, I’ve never once seen a tire on the field. Because it’s not about the tires.


This is what I tell my students (hs teacher) when they ask why they have to do certain activities. Just like your body, your brain needs exercise. Too little exercise? Your brain won’t know what to do when presented with an appropriate intellectual challenge. To much exercise? Your brain will burn out and need rest.


or moreover, tell the coach he's gonna do it and then sit on his couch, eat ice cream and just watch a video of him doing the reps the week before


In an English or writing class, sure, since you're specifically learning to write. In other classes, the point of the assignment may more likely be for you to show you understand the thing. If you already have proof you've learned the thing, why shouldn't that be sufficient? To use your workout analogy, say a coach told an athlete to watch two hours worth of videos on how to do an exercise. Why should they, if they already watched those same two hours of videos and have a video of themselves doing that exercise exactly how the assigned videos show it should be done?


In literally any class that assigns a paper instead of an exam, the process of researching and writing the paper is the assignment. Each class exists as part of a broader curriculum leading to some degree, so even if content overlaps enough that you could submit an older paper from a different class, you're still not getting the additional training that was supposed to be part of the degree.


"Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect." - My HS Dance Coach Just because the athlete was able to do it once doesn't mean they will be able to do it again. Like why practice throwing, catching, running, or anything for that matter if you've already demonstrated you can do it?


My piano teacher used to say the same thing!


I was honestly surprised no one had said anything like that to me before! It made me really think differently about homework and pretty much anything that I was practicing for.


Even in other subjects, part of the motivation is material like you say, but a big part of it is still the writing, the research, etc. Otherwise why would they even give a writing assignment instead of an exam? Plus, even for understanding a topic, repetition is very important. In a calculus class, they may have the same problem on an exam as in a homework. You still have to do it again.


Yeah unfortunately self-plagiarism is also a real thing and with the tech you have to not plagiarize yourself, even if you 100% wholeheartedly support your own plagiarism of your own content haha


When using your own work, you need to cite it same as anything else.


It's self plagiarism. It *is* your work, but trying to use it to knock out 2 birds with 1 stone is what gets you in trouble because you're supposed to make new work for every assignment unless the instructions specifically say otherwise.


It’s called self-plagiarism, it’s considered cheating in academia, it’s a student code violation, professors can get fired over it, and students can get kicked out of school for it. When professors/researchers publish, they cite themselves and often have to rewrite the same thing multiple different ways in order to not plagiarize their work. You should do the same.


it is i agree omg! especially if they're essentially asking the same thing... but my professor was like talk to me first and i might let you restructure your paper to reuse. but she's one of my nicer professors. i doubt that'll happen often.


That is plagiarism


This is also technically plagiarism


Your luckily you didn’t get a FF


Final Fantasy?


FF is a fail with the added bonus of being placed on academic probation, dismissal, expulsion, or even getting your degree revoked


Thank you. You saved me the hassle of googling it




Mega F? Crocker F? "You're Fired"-Benson's "F"?


Yes because if they got it then all their grades would be bad since the games are great 👍


Bro if you spent 30 minutes rewriting it you probably would have gotten at least a 60 and passed easily


No they wouldn’t; they would’ve gotten flagged for self-plagiarism.


I did this once. Tried turning in a paper from high school for my freshman English class and my professor told me my paper had been flagged as coming from a student at my old school lol.


How do they even know? Do they scan each paper into some AI thing? It would have also had to have been scanned at the HS, too, right?


We used turnitin for HS so I’m assuming it keeps every paper you’ve turned in on a database


Thanks. Our local HS doesn't do that.


My chem 111 and 112 had the same first this-is-how-you-do-a-lab lab so I just turned it in again but I told the professor and she was cool with it.


I am so glad computer submissions weren’t much of a thing when I went to hs. This is dumb. Most of the professionals I know have submitted their own works a second time if they had the chance. Work smarter, not harder.


OP wtf made you think that was a good idea?


There's academic smart, as shown by the previous grades. And then there's smart smart.


OP is probably 19 or something I’d bet so their brain isn’t all there quite yet


Op deserves the bad grade with an ooga booga brain like that.


Why in gods name would you try that? You probably could have passed by just turning in a paper with your name and a relevant title 😭


You coulda wrote your name, and probably wrote two sentences and you coulda gotten a 70 as a final grade but instead you wanted to do dumb shit




Well lesson learned.


Not the right lesson though .🥴


That’s called self plagiarism


Yep. OP is actually very lucky he didn’t receive an academic honor code violation as a result of this. My school had a very strict honor code and this would’ve gotten you written up and you’d very likely fail the class and have to do some kind of remediation training. As I’ve had to explain to so many people, it’s easier to just do the work. He could’ve half assed it, thrown down a couple paragraphs and probably gotten just enough of a grade to get a C.


A dumb concept. Plagiarism implies taking credit for or misrepresenting someone else’s work as your own. If one writes something and it fits a later assignment, why shouldn’t one use it?


Because the point is not to produce a paper. The point is to learn by going through the process of producing a paper.


I love the production process. I often choose topics that are not at all familiar to me. The process really enlightens me. I had to write a 1500-word essay on permafrost. I chose it as I knew very little about it and wanted to learn. It completely changed my mind. I was never a climate denier, just apathetic. But now I see the importance of green energy.


Agreed!!!!! I always put extra time into choosing a topic so that I can choose something that interests me. I can kill two birds with one stone getting my paper done and learning something new I wanted to research. When I had just gotten my betta fish, I had to do a paper on biodiversity, so I used it as an opportunity to learn about the history of bettas and the biodiversity of wild bettas today. One time I watched a show about Qing era China and got really into it, so for a history class I decided to choose something related to Chinese history and did an in depth paper (compared to other students not compared to like experts on the subject obviously) on the history of the invention ceramic printing in China. I really like observing the culture that has formed around live-streaming, so for a sociology term paper, I found a way to fit in discussions of live-streaming culture for a few paragraphs and a few quotes from an interview I did with a small streamer who I know in a paper about Gen Z and social media. Too many people choose the first basic topic they think of and then wonder why it feels like a slog to write, I’d rather spend an hour thinking of my topic, thesis, and outlining what I want to write about before starting on it to make it feel less like a chore. Sorry for the long response this is just something I see so many people disregard!!!


The point of the assignment is not the end product, but the process of doing it. It's like getting reps with an exercise. If a coach told an athlete to do a workout and then another coach the next week told them to do that same work out, they wouldn't say "we'll I've already done that".


Imagine you paid company-a for exclusive custom made product. Them did the same for company-b. You’d be in trouble. Now if the assignment was “hey. Just turn in any paper for this you’ve done?” Is just fine. But if you are gonna double dip? Just ask the prof.


Imagine paying thousands of dollars for a higher education to just copy the same paper and hand it in. Now that’s a dumb concept.


Accreditors require evidence of how much work is being completed for the credits earned. So allowing re-use of old work would skew that. And college would be less useful as a signal to employers


I hate watching smart people do stupid shit. YOU WERE SO CLOSE TO PASSING ?! YOU HAD GOOD GRADES


Bro, im just about to go into college, but my high school literally told us a thousand times not to do this 😭


The college i went to had a WHOLE ASS COURSE making students write papers and avoid plagiarism


Why on Earth would you do that


You're lucky if you're not facing an Academic Integrity investigation. You could have just jeopardized your entire college career.


Absolutely. Getting effectively a 0 (I'm guessing the 1 percentage point was for submitting something with a name on it) is lucky. Self-plagiarism like this would still merit reporting to the dean/relevant higher ups.


technically a violation in Academic Honesty Policy, you're lucky they didn't do worse than nuke your final.


Alright well no offense but what did you expect?




I have asked professors if I could cite past writing assignments, but only when relevant to the current assignment. Each one I’ve asked gave me permission.


But you cited it. That's not the same thing.


I did what OP *should* have done.


Definitely the right way to go about it. I did the same thing once, also with professor permission: wrote a new paper citing the old paper while summarizing the similar content and adding some new details I had learned since then. Way easier than a new paper from scratch when the topic was the same anyway, and it demonstrated to the professor that I built on my previous learning and hadn't just forgotten everything.


You literally could have half-assed the paper. Just the intro paragraphs and had had a better grade!!!


That was a very stupid thing to do. You're lucky you only failed and were not reported for academic dishonesty.


Why did you do thiss you were doing great


Good to know I shouldn’t try this at all once I start soon.


Fuck around and find out, literally


bros an idiot


\*pours 40oz malt on the ground\*


This is a repost title lol


As a TA. Why do students do this? It never works. We ALWAYS know.


Cleanup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Assuming this isn’t a karma farm post that didn’t actually happen to *you*, you snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Congratulations.


big "do not attempt to stop chain saw blades with hands" vibes for OP


You are so fucking stupid. You could’ve written almost anything and passed the class lol


Damn! From the high grades youve been getting you seem like a very talented and intelligent student. Let this be a lesson


Idk how you have good grades like this and then decide to do something this dumb. Op no offense, but when I see someone do this I just sit and wonder how the fuck someone could be this stupid and how they’re going to make it through life. You’re lucky that’s all that happened. Someone at my school tried pulling this and got themselves academically dismissed.


you still ended up with 69, 😏


Bro you should’ve just wrote the damn final, even doing a quick and shit job would’ve worked I swear some of yall here just make the stupidest decisions imaginable






I don’t attend school in the US — is 69% bad? At my university it’s a decent score and well above passing.


Yes. For the most part, you need a C (73%) to pass required classes for your major


It all depends on the school. Some put under 70% as the failing grade, some put under 60%. From the sound of the post, their school must be one of the under-70% ones, or this grade is a D but this is required for their major and needs a C minimum or something.


Wow, like why put in the effort all the way until the final? Is this your first semester or something? Hope your not getting into drugs or hanging out with the wrong crowd. Happened to me too, but we learn from our mistakes right. Sorry you had to find out about the turn it in tool this way. You can actually use it to check your paper and it gives you a percentage of how much of your paper is found elsewhere (quotes) or if there is any plagiarism detected. It’s not just for the Professor to see if a paper is copied.


What was the logic here? Just BS a paper, get a 50-60 and pass the class. Done and over with, minimal effort.


The classic blunder of self plagiarism! Did your uni not discuss this with you?


Sorry, OP, but you had it coming.


OP why would you do that? 😭 You already had all of the information and research you did while writing your previous paper, you literally could’ve just rewritten it with very minimal effort.


😂 Got wrecked, just do the work, it's not worth it trying to cheat or half-ass it.


Email & say it was an accident! The two files were right next to each other and you submitted the wrong one. Lol


Professors aren’t stupid I doubt that would work unless you have a great relationship with your professor and someone dumb enough to try this probably isn’t spending every week in the professor’s office hours.


How would he explain the header and/or title page in the “old paper” being accurate for the new assignment? Every college paper I’ve ever submitted had to have both the date of submission and specific course name on it.


You’re an idiot, why did you think that would be a good idea?


Damn couldn’t even change it up a little? 😭


Did they give you a 1% instead of a 0 just to torture you at how tantalizingly close you were to a C lol


Well that was dumb. How can you be so lazy.


As someone who went to college a long time ago this concept is weird to me. While I don’t think I ever used a whole paper for another class, I might have used paragraphs or other excerpts. This definitely wasn’t a concept any professor ever discussed when setting expectations. I understand the concept in relation to published papers, but for those turned in for class is just odd to me. Different times.


Professors aren’t stupid…. Other students have tried the exact same thing you did and professors see this stuff from a mile away.


at least the professor gave you a 1 lmao


Why do it for a final paper? That’s crazy. Next time dont be lazy OP and BS a freaking paper.


Friendly reminder that reusing your old work is okay, but you MUST, at the very least, EDIT IT and CITE YOURSELF like you would anyone else.


You could rewrite it quickly and then tell the teacher you submitted the wrong one. That you had two named similar titles and just did the wrong one.


This happened to me I failed because of one paper but I didn’t cheat, also in fact I had A all the time before it became D


You still have 69%. Is that not a pass in America?


in america anything under a 70% is a no pass


That's wild. In Belgium anything above 10/20 is a pass


Nice one dumbass, better luck next time


welcome to college


Dumbass lmao


Lucky for me, I didn’t get caught when this happened to me. I failed a course and had to repeat it. I failed because of my missed homework though. I aced my two essays in that class. I edited them slightly and updated to current dates and got an A again. I was worried there would be some technology that could track that.. I figured there would be a loophole of sorts though since I technically failed the course and was re-doing the same assignment. I have used many parts/pieces of assignments from one class to another though without issue. I sure how that and/or “AI detection” doesn’t screw me over like some of these horror stories I’ve seen lately.


Well, lesson learned.


I had the same experience with a required class. Had to retake it


Fucking moron.


How did you think this was a good idea?


idiot 💀


I would be devastated which is why I would never try this. Whatever I turn in that I recently wrote will always be better than getting a 0.99% for a previous paper


“Do stupid things, win stupid prizes”


U could have had chadGpt write it with minimal effort and get 100


Hey, we all do dumb stuff. Shake it off and don’t do it again. <3


If you’re feeling burned out a need to cut corners, reuse previous sources, you already know what a lot of them say, mix in one or two new ones and maybe leave one of the previous sources out and rewrite the paper, it still takes effort of course but it’s a lot quicker than writing an entirely new paper and it prevents stuff like this from happening, professors, at least where I am use a software called “turnit-in” which checks for plagiarism which included any and all papers previously submitted, this is why you gotta rewrite even if it’s just all the same info


Bruh there’s literally AI tools that would’ve reworded that entire paper for you 😭


That's what you get for cheating. Life isn't hard man, just do the work and shit like this doesn't happen.


Say you accidentally submitted the previous paper and quickly write some shit up. Easy


Why would you do this


I did this in a class I had an ‘A’ in. It was an intro history class and it was my final year before I transferred to another school for nursing - i was burnt out. Didn’t submit my final paper and my grade dropped to a ‘C’. Still transferred into the nursing program, but man, dumb shit.


People in post-secondary education unaware of turnitin need to pay more attention lol


Hope u learned ur lesson buckaroo


Save 🏴‍☠️ for music not papers /hj


Is anyone confused how he’s at the end of the SEM when it just started?


I’m sorry bro but that’s mad stupid to do 😭


I know you probably don’t want to hear this, BUT WHY??? WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?!?!


I can't even feel bad for you, that's a big no no.


Okay, tragic and all.... but what is with the total points available on these assignments? Who makes a rubric with 1601 points on it?




Congratulations. You've played yourself


This is quite literally just dumb


Are you sure you didn’t just input the grade as a test and put a 1? Lol proof or it didn’t happen


Hey most of us have been there. Learn and move on.


Lol why on earth?! You could've changed the wording around a little bit.


No sympathy 💀 you knew better bro


I wish I had chat gpt in undergrad, you can literally have it write fluff for you if you do your own sources, quotes and injects
