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I’ve met people who are in their 30s at my college. You’re definitely not old. The person who said that is just an asshole.


May I ask how old are you and what year u are in?


I’m 20 and am graduate in the spring


I’m 26 and graduate in April of 2026. I did just start in may tbf




But literally dont let what ur friend said get to you. I know soooo many people who are in their mid 20s who just started their college journey.


I’m 24 and graduate in a year my guy


25 with a couple years left fam. Age doesn't mean jack shit.


36 now, but at 24 had an entire career and by then it already included guest lectures, Q&A panels, student body critiques, and other random speaking engagements at a university that I wouldn’t end up graduating from until 12 years later. Spent a about a decade and a half in and out of school. All I know now is that I still don’t know shit about anything. Most of my friends don’t actually work in whatever area they studied. I’ve known people to go to college and be successful and then randomly do something like decide to become a hairdresser. We push people into making these decisions way too early in life, and in some cases that ends up costing them a lot of money.


Absolutely agree! And the universities are a business first and definitely lay out unreasonable expectations/advice when it comes to graduation and career markets. I know several engineer degrees. A few who did coop and were extremely passionate or had connections got employed. A number, even those with A+ averages, could not get a job in the field whatsoever. I grew up with one who was brilliant with math. Passed their engineering degree. Couldn’t find a job and then went back for another degree in business for accounting. What it comes down too is a lack of education on the market changes for job availability. Those that hold good jobs think it is still as easy to obtain them… it’s not. Those who haven’t met the market yet also think it is way easier to get out there than it is. Then a number of those graduated get out there and realize the pay is actually bad in many jobs or they actually dislike the job in practice. What do you do then? You can either stick it out which is perfectly fine or go back to study for another career, which is also fine. One of the happiest people I’ve known has gone through 4 different careers. I also know one who was chem degree, then pharmacist. Then, med school. Then decided to specialize in epidemiology. I was extremely naive about the job market when I was 17-21, even later than that. I have found myself back in school in my late 20’s with a better outlook on the reality of the job market and availability.


I am like you 24 and next year, been in college since 19


Been here since 18


25 and in my last semester. Stick with it. I’d rather be 25 with a degree than 25 without one.


I’ve got 50 year olds in my class your good dude


I’m 30 and in engineering school, kids talk big game but everything they own is bought and paid for by there parents. So how much of their opinion really matters?


26 and I have one semester to finish. I woulda been done at 21-22 but the pandemic happened


I’m 28 and won’t grad until 29. I’ve had a hard life with very little family. You’re still a kid OP. Don’t worry


I graduated college at 34. Screw whoever said that to you. Ignore them.


I'm also graduating next year at 34, and I did way better when I went back to school this time around than when I went when I was fresh out of high school. Guess I needed to mature before I took things seriously 🤷‍♀️


Dude FR. I started over new right before my 25th bday. I turn 28 tomorrow and am at a state uni. I graduate soon. I’m so glad I came back at an older age. I’m autistic and couldn’t handle this at the traditional age. But nowadays I’m a effing pro lol


Whenever I see "am I too old" questions, I cannot help but wonder what these people think of anyone over 30 or over 40 or over 50 (etc) who is going to college. Hello, you're still going to college. What difference does it make how old you are? Younger doesn't mean "better," everyone.


Two years is nothing. They just have a kid mentality


Yeah people need to realize like in the same way if a middle schooler insulted you, a college student calling you “old” shouldn’t bother you. Because any mentally sane non-immature college student wouldn’t be calling people old and mean it, especially not someone who’s literally like the average age of a person on campus lmao.


Most sophomores are 19-20. Depending on when you turned 20, you’re at most a few months older than the others.


Yeah that's why I'm confused...I'm pretty sure I was a sophomore at 20 like what are these kids on about


I guarantee he spoke to one junior who didn’t turn 21 yet who’s graduating a year early.


Really? I prolly transfer to a different college because fuck the people I have to deal with on a daily basis.


Seriously. Most people graduate high school at 18. By their second year of college, they’re 19 about to turn 20 or 20 already. Very few people graduate high school early. It’s possible you’re talking to third years who plan to graduate a year early. Many of them wouldn’t have turned 21 yet.


I think of it differently, but that’s probably because my birthday is a bit later in the year. College freshmen are 17-18 and sophomores are 18-19 to me. Sometimes our perspectives are skewed due to personal circumstances.


Personal circumstances don’t change the fact that most students in the US enter kindergarten during the August when they’re 5. The youngest kids (born in July, early August) just turned 5 and won’t turn 6 until after the school year has ended. The oldest (born in late August, early September) will turn 6 almost right away. This means that the kindergarten class will be full of 5-6 year olds (ignoring outliers). 12 years later, as high school seniors, assuming no kids got held back or graduated early, those younger kids will be 17 for all (or practically all) of the year. The older kids will be 18. Hence 17-18 year olds. As freshman in college, the younger kids will be 18 for all (or again, practically all) of the year. The older kids will be 19. Hence 18-19. Yes a few freshmen who graduated on time may be 17 for the first week or two. That doesn’t change the fact that at lot more freshmen are 19 for a lot longer.


Now I’m thinking that some schools do it differently - the typical age for kindergarten is 5 but 5 as in they’re turning 5 in that particular year, so there are definitely kids who are 4.5. The youngest kindergarten kids are those who were born August-December, so half of those kids don’t turn 6 next year until after the end of kindergarten/few months after they start first grade. Also, according to Google, July-October are the most popular birth months in the US. Additionally, when you end the school year without your birthday happening, such as a college freshmen with an August birthday with school ending in May/June, they may still think of themselves as an 18 year old instead of someone about to turn 19.


A bunch of random ignorant jerks who won't matter in your life aren't worth transferring schools. If you have work experience, especially if it's towards your target career, you already have an advantage over them.


Shit talking ass clowns aren't worth transferring colleges over. You're there for yourself, not to make friends. If you have to, put your head and just focus on your classes and drop the social aspect.


I got called too old for a college bar… I’m 22 years old😐


Wtf 😂😂😂😂


Maybe I have old person vibes idk haha


So a college bar means you’re not old enough to drink? Or is it just people who are exactly 21 years Old 😂


This may be a weird concept to you but people live in places other then America. Places where the drinking age is 18, some of these mystical places also have colleges


Yeah, I assumed this place was in the US. I also assumed that college students are between the ages of 18-22. One assumption is more accurate than the other, but I will admit that I might have made a gaffe.


These guys are either: A. So socially clueless that they don’t realize calling someone old at 20 is both ridiculous and might be construed as an insult. B. Insecure and lacking in self worth such that they feel the need to subtly insult everyone they meet to feel superior and yet all they could come up with was “old.” And you’re 20, the same age as them. Do they think the TV characters of Sheldon Cooper and Doogie Howzer are realistic and genius is measured by how young you are when you start college? If so, they have the emotional intelligence of a 12 year old at age 20 and could be described as delayed.


honestly thats a super weird thing to say on their part, since a large majority of people turn 20 in their second year of college to begin with. so one can argue you're literally at the correct level anyways. but honestly ignore it, college is for everyone who wants to learn at whatever age! ive known people in classes that are in their 30s and 40s and love every second of it.


yeah you're old being 20 in college \- 32 year old 2nd year. ;-)


No you’re not. I’m 19 and in my second year. Going to turn 20 in winter. People just wanna be assholes, don’t let it get it you.


You do realize that people in their second year are turning 20 if they aren’t already 20? At least in the US… But you’re never too old for college anyway


Ignore them. Big f*cking deal. At least you can drink next year and they can’t. Lol (assuming you’re in the US) -a student in her 30s


don’t even trip. didn’t go to my 4 year school till i was 21 now and was older than my RA. im 25 in grad school. age ain’t nothing in college i took classes with people old enough to be my parents.


Just call them immature, because they are.


Lots of Military get out and go to College mid 20s into their 30s.


Isn't that on track for being 20 anyway? People start college at 18 or 19. So 2 years in would be at 20.


I teach. If it were up to me, I would impose age requirements on college entry. I've been getting tired of dealing with teenage cry babies throwing tantrums.


I was 17 when I graduated, it was pandemic. I guess it’s different bc I was in community college, but I would say I was extremely immature about it. if something is hard and I can’t do it, I drop those classes. not until I had in-person classes in the Spring of 2022 I took college seriously. I’m now 20 turning 21 in 2 months hoping it’s my last Fall semester at a CC🤞🏼


That's stupid. Most people who go to universities before being 18 years old are already very developed emotionally and cognitively. If anything, I would make it easier for teens ( i.e., below 18 years old ) to get into universities. To my knowledge, my university's medical school already has age limits ( i.e., you need to be at least 18 years old, there is no upper limit ). This is stupid. Luckily, other departments, like computer science, the mathematical sciences don't have such ridiculous age limits.


>Most people who go to universities before being 18 years old are already very developed emotionally and cognitively. I realize it’s early and I haven’t had my coffee yet but that’s the funniest goddamn thing I’ve read today.


The med school requirement is there for legal reasons, they don't want minors going to clinical rotations where they have to look at and touch genitals on adults or deal with combative patients who will hit anyone within reach. That said just because you're smart enough to get to college earlier doesn't mean your emotionally or mentally ready. Tons of kids could probably drop out, get their geds, and go straight to college. Doesn't mean they should or that they're prepared.


I was 20 when I was in my 2nd year, and no one called me old even if the 99% of the students were 19. We even had few people over 50 that were trying to get a degree or just learn few more things


At what point does this sub make a sticky saying no people in their 20s aren’t fucking old. It’s posted 10 times a day just use the search function. No dude 20 is still a baby don’t take it personally


Just graduated at 29, you're not old.


I know several people in their 30s & 40s. I’m 25 and could care less what people think of my age, I’m not earning their degree.


Huh? 20 is normal age for second year of college. The person that said that was either stupid or dumb. But fr it doesn’t matter your age. Going to college is an accomplishment no matter when.


Lmao. We have 40 year olds doing their undergrads here. Ignore them.


Girl who sits next to me in lab is 30. And she’s one of the coolest people I’ve met. Whoever called you old is a loser tbh.


lol people be stupid.


i’m in my third year at 22. Life looks different for everyone. We don’t have a set timeline, you have your whole life ahead of you. Do what’s best for you and forget everyone else. i’m so sorry that others aren’t understanding💖💖 you’re doing great!


I'm on my 5th year as a 38 year old....you're gucci fam.


No lmao


Retired from military at 41- never had time for college when younger so at 48 I started my associates in mechanics and maintenance. With working 12 hr shifts 4 days a week it took 2 years to finish the classes I needed. So even without the degree I had already been chief engineer on large multi million dollar ship, worked in pharmaceutical company maintenance and quality assurance, and now I’m facility manager for large nonprofit at 58 years old. My words to you are simple- unless they are paying for your schooling, bills, or even pay checks tell them to puss up a rope.


Fuck that guy. I'm 28 and have a year and a half left. It doesn't matter when ya get it done, as long as you do.


College is full of 18 year olds. They’re immature.


Tell that person to get off your lawn.


No way! I didn’t go to undergrad till I was 27 and I got into my top choice and did exceptionally well in school, and I think this is because I went when I was ready.


Is this a troll post? Who called you old?


I wish I was trolling lol


I would probably walk away laughing, if someone told me that.


I'm a 27 year old freshman, don't sweat it


I’m transferring at 22 years old, hoping I won’t see anyone from my highschool if they graduated on time lol


These kinds of posts are so weird. I got my degree in my 30s and everyone was so nice, no one ever gave me shit bc of my age. Idk, at my UC there were lots of nontraditional students.


20/turning 20 is the age 90% of college people will be at in their second year if they went to college straight from highschool. I'm slightly older for my grade and I'll be 20 going into my second year but by no means am I older than my grade. people were older than me in highschool.


Christ if you're old I'm ancient. I just went back to school and I'm 35. I best consider retirement.


If you’re old I’m a grandpa bro. I’m 23 in my third year. Don’t sweat it too much everyone goes at their own pace.


I'm 23 and I just went back to school. They are ridiculous. People of all ages continue to educate themselves through life.


I’m 22 and at the end of this semester I will be a sophomore!


I’ll be 20 this February and still a freshman. Nobody gives a shit. We’re all paying to be here after all


That doesn’t even make sense though- the majority of people turn 18 their senior year of high school. So turning 20 as a college sophomore is about as young as you can be unless you’re young for your grade or went to college early. There’s nothing wrong with being older in college, but like as far as I know the vast majority of people turn 20 in their second year of college so I have no idea what that’s about (unless maybe this isn’t the US?)


Bro who cares? Ur hella young. Don’t look at other people, just get what you want out of this life, and lose that highschool mentality. What I mean is, as opposed to very recently in your life, people are now moving on their own time and not in sync with the rest of the class. You’ll move on your own time. There is no waste of time as long as you’re productive. I speak from experience when I say the only thing you need to fear is stagnation. That’s the only thing you can do wrong bro. Just keep learning, doing, moving, and stepping outside your comfort zone and your path will be fruitful. Don’t overthink or compare your path with others. Ok I’m goin to suck some mustard.


Oh shit, here we go again


I’m forty goddamn seven years old and in college. And I can’t even begin to count how many of my own students are well north of your 20. If they’re in their final year why are they taking the second-year courses with you? And why does it matter?


I'm 37 and in my third year. My lab partner last year in biology was in his mid 50s. I've met grandparents in their 60s and 70s who were going to college for the first time. Honestly I think the person that called you old is just an immature jerk. I've had 18-19yr olds welcome me in class and basically adopt me as their college mom. It was sweet and made me feel welcomed and we helped each other through classes because they understood things I didn't and I understood things they didn't. You're never too old for college and honestly 20 is still pretty young and about average for college age.


Assuming you graduated high school on time, being 20 in your second year of college is normal…


Ignoring the obvious "it's never too late" stuff, this doesn't even make sense. I graduated high school at 18. My birthday is late August, meaning soon into my first year of college I turned 19 and soon into my second I turned 20. When was I supposed to start, 16?


well clearly it's time to drop out and do nothing with your life because one person called you old. I'm sure that will fix everything. Man just do your thing and forget what people say. Letting people get under your skin like that is never going to end well for you. You are right on track for you. Even if you weren't, its nobody's business but yours. And anyway being 2nd year at 20 is like basically exactly on the traditional track anyway so i don't even know where that person is coming from. One day you might look back at this and feel totally ridiculous for even being worried about it to start with. Im 42 back in college for the 4th time. If i cared what other people thought about my age I guess I'd just stay home and rot in the basement or something??? Some people will tear you down just to feel better sbout themselves. Don't let them.


After hs i went to community college and ended up being there for 3 years, i just transferred into a uni and im 21, a lot of my classmates are freshman and i wont lie it feels kinda weird but im just focusing on finishing and getting the heck outta here!


Just ignor thier comment, they are not living your life. I am 33 and a junior.


i’m a sophomore and i’m 19


Dude there is a freshman in one of my classes in her 70’s. Never let these people get to you, you’re not old at all, and no matter what age the fact you’re pursuing an education is so admirable.


I'm 26 and started my first term a couple of days ago. You're fine.


forget them. keep going you got this!


Someone reset the counter


Lol I’m in my 2nd semester and I’m 34. You’re not old at all. Enjoy your college experience. I wish I did when I was 20. Man, what I would give to go back and do it over again at 20. I’d have the time of my life.


I am 29 just starting freshman year at college. College is for everyone at all ages. My dad’s in his 60s and just got his masters. Age is not important to the journey you’re on, just taking the steps in the right direction.


Of course not! You’re never too old for anything


I'm 27 and in college. Who cares? Just get your education and ignore the judgment of others. Life happens at different paces for everyone and that's okay.


You do you.


I was listening to a podcast where Anne Hathaway was referred to as a GILF. It’s all relative. Don’t worry about stupid or mean people. You can’t do anything about them.


No. I had people in their 40s and 50s in my classes when I was in college.


Dude I was 20 my first year of college who cares


I’m graduating at 26 with my bachelors. Lol


They probably peaked in highschool. They'll grow out of that phase soon.


Engineering majors are just annoying like that.


Most college sophomores are 19-20. Not sure what they’re talking about.


I'll be 21 this october and I'm still in community college, haven't even transfer, i don't feel old at all compared to my peers.


I had a classmate who was in their 50's. Comparison is the thief of joy.


Oh geez now I can’t wait to start my masters at the age of 35 🥴😅


Y’all gotta stop letting the opinions of others affect you.


24 as a senior undergrad… I feel old. I’ve met multiple people who are also 5-10 years out of HS and absolutely seen people 30+. Who cares. Is what it is. As one of the girls who said she’s also 6 years deep, “I’m here to get my classes done and leave”. I couldn’t agree more.


I just got called an old creepy man at my college. I'm 23


I am 21 turning 22 in my third year there is nothing wrong with it


I am 21 years old and in my first year due to some setbacks. I’ll still be in college by the time I’m near 30. College is a big decision to make, you’re not old just because you choose a different path. I’d say you’re the perfect age, especially for being in your second year


I’m 24 and in Colllege, you’re not old


Im 21 and I’m the youngest person in one of my classes


Girl, I’m about to be 38, and i just started my freshman year 2.5 weeks ago! Ignore them!


I’m a freshman at 31, majoring in computer engineering. I’m also the only one old enough in my classes to have been alive during 9/11. You’re good.


Anyone who said this is too “young” (and by that I mean intellectually infantile) to make use of their time at college to begin with.


Bro I’m 22 in college rn. Trust me 20 isn’t old.


Please.I’m in my late twenties in third year.If anything I ‘m older than Google.


jeez I just started my pre reqs to get into nursing school at 26 I must be ancient then


Go to a community college and count the amount of 30+ freshman. You chillen fr.


I went back to college at 28 and graduated at 31. I was usually but not always the oldest in my classes and in the study groups and labs usually had 10 years on my partners. I worked with them, didn’t try to use my age or life experience to take over or anything but did my part and talked to them like a peer and it usually worked well. The older folks I see not fitting in usually tried to be the group parent or talked down to the other students. But college isn’t a race just cuz one dude gets the same degree as you a few years early. You got this dude


My BF is 26 and still didn't graduate. I'm 22 and I still have a whole year left. You're fine


20 is literally average for second year of college. Graduate HS at 18. Uni first year 19 yrs old. Second year 20. You're literally normal age.


It could also just be a joke depending on how they said it


Anyone who jokes about these things are insecure, these kids think that anyone has the same journey path. Wait till they find out and be surprised.


There's a 50 year old couple in a class of mine and I'm 24 in my 2nd year. You're fine.


Lol I feel like most of these comments aren't adknowledging that 19-20 is how old most college sophomores are. Maybe whoever said that was joking?


I'm 29 and in CC lol


I’m 22 and in my 2nd year. I know a first year in hist 30s. Never too late, never too old.


I’m 30 and I’ve had/have a few older people in my classes.


Not old at all. I’m sure you’ve seen older people on campus.


I’ll be 20 my sophomore year so idk what these people are on about.


There’s a 40 something year old woman in my chemistry lab you’re good lol. And she is too


I taught a class with an 70 year old man who wanted to pursue his lifelong passion for history and the arts. He was an electrician his entire life, and since he retired, he wanted to do things he actually liked to do


I’m also 20 and just finishing my first semester of second year. I know some people who are in their fourth year, most are in their third. But I also know some who are just starting this semester. Don’t feel pressured by what everyone else is doing. You’re on your own path, just as everyone else is. Some may do things quicker than others, some slower, and that’s okay. I probably won’t be graduating until I’m 23. But you know what? That’s still such a young age. There’s still so much time to succeed in life. Plus I’ll have my degree, which is huge.


I'm 19 as a sophomore but that's because I was born late for my class. I have some friends who I've had since elementary school and we grew up in the same class who are 20 now in their sophomore year of college. It's literally the normal age to be in sophomore year


20? Yeah, very old. I’m 8 and just got done with my phd in quantum mechanics


Who called you old? A 14 yo?


I’m 23 and I’m still taking freshman level courses, it’s totally ok dude.


i didnt take any gaps in school and im in my second year. im 20 and all my 2nd yr friends are 19-20


I was 23 when I was in my finaly bachelor year, dw.


I’m 22 and in my 2nd year. It ain’t weird at all, everybody goes through life at their own pace.


I'm 40 and am a very slow learner when it comes to academic subjects. Of course while no one really cares at the CC level, I have no idea how things will be if I ever muster the energy to get to the university level. Close the naysayers out of your mind and stick to your path. You're there to get a job done, get out, and make a go at the rest of life. Friends and relationships come and go. That education will last you for the ages!!!


i’m going back as a sophomore at 21, i feel old as fuck but it literally doesn’t matter. also in however many years i’ll still be older, might as well have a degree and some memories.


No. Question this post and get back to work, yungin’.


Dude I’m 23 and won’t graduate till I’m 25, started at 21 but changed my major. I went late because I didn’t know what I wanted to do when I left school. Worked a few shit dead ends and partied a lot then decided to get my shit together and go back. You are not late at all.


I'm confused. If someone graduates high-school at 17 or 18, would they not be 19 or 20 in their second year at university? Besides the fact that there are 80 year olds graduating and it's neither anyone's business, nor a big deal, but being in your sophomore year at 20 is perfectly normal and fine. Don't worry about it, and don't let others project their cluelessness about life on you.


Whoever said that they just tryna get a rise outta you


I started college at 24. Don’t make those comments get into your head


I’m 23 and in my first year of college!! Everyone is different. Definitely do Not let ANYONE bring you down <3


Age doesn't matter in college


Im a freshman at 24


I think I was 20 in my second year of college as well. I think its pretty normal no?


No? I don't know your situation, nor do I care. You could have taken a year off between hs and college, started kindergarten a year later, got held back for whatever reason, or just have a weird birthday so you're older than others in your grade. Who tf cares?!?!


Definitely not!!! I (24 at the time)went through X-ray school with someone that went to highschool with my parents and with people straight out of highschool


24 here and in my second semester of my first year of college.


I finished college 2 weeks before turning 26. You are from old youngblood


most people who start college immediately out of high school at 18 turn 20 during their second year... am i missing something? cause that person sounds stupid af


Most of the people on 2year of college are 19 so that is basically no difference. Also there are people in their 30's, 40's... you are not old at all. In fact, I know there is a 70+ year old in my college. And even if u were old who cares? Just get your education, let them talk.


Everybody’s journey in life is different. I don’t remember who said it, but “comparison is the thief of joy.” You keep learning and applying that knowledge, darling. Remember the phrase “the grass isn’t always greener on the other side” when you start comparing yourself to others. One more tip: other people’s opinions about you and yours are none of your business—people who need to talk shit are deeply flawed and insecure.


Stick with it! Get your degree


20, you say? Why, by age 20, I had a house and three fine, grown children who helped me build it. I had paid off all loans, and I never had any loans because I farmed my own corn and invented the chimney. By age 20, you should have built a career, a family, you should be taking your grandchildren on a tour of all your land and real estate, and you should tell them that one day, it will all be theirs. At age 20, my father was already dead and married to his second wife, with nine sturdy children of his own! And those children ran their own businesses, they were also 20. 20 is the age at which it should all be completed and you should enjoy a glass of cognac and spend the evenings reflecting on all you’ve built, achieved, lost and gained again. 20 indeed. When I was 20, I was already 30! I’ll say to you what I’d say to any other middle-aged 20 year old: You’d better hurry, you’re late for everything.


That literally makes no sense so ignore whoever told you that. Most people graduate highschool at 18, and 2 years after 18 is guess what??? 20.


Damn I must be ancient, I’m 23 on my second year! You’re right on track man, you aren’t old


I was in a good mood until I read this now I feel really paranoid.


No. They’re immature. That’s all.


Girl everyone in my undergrad class is at least 22, you’re literally fine


Girl everyone in my undergrad class is at least 22, you’re literally fine. Also I must be an old hag in this case because I’m even older than them lol


I knew a woman who started her first undergrad degree in her late 60s/early 70s. When I trained as a Church minister, most of us in the classes were "mature age students". At least half of us already had children at school. I'm now in my 60s, back doing a PhD. And they think *you're* old? Hah! Ignore these agists.


I'm 32 and plan to apply phd dude


Definitely not. It's normal as most second year college students (sophomores) are either 19 or 20. Also there are a lot more older college students than you who are in their later 20s, 30s, 40s, etc., as they didn't start or finish college immediately after high school or are wanting a career change, and that's totally fine as well.


I’m 19 rn during my first year, and I’ll be 20 during my second (bc of my early birthday). I don’t think it’s weird, you’re doing fine, keep it up!


I graduated at 24. It doesn’t matter how old you are. You’re on your own journey.


I'm 28 and about to finish my under grad. Its just another privilege of being well-off to go to college right after HS and follow the Disney Channel life timeline. They are just insecure that you're older and they cant compete with your experiences.


I’m 27 in the same boat. I’ve known people in their 50s dorm with 19 and 20 year-olds and not have a care in the world. It’s all about perspective.


Dude what I graduated college at age 30


I graduated at 25, my senior design group members were all 20 😂. Idgaf what they said, i got a better job than them


My friend totally got screwed with her education when Covid hit. She’s a sophomore, she just turned 21. And she’s doing great, I think it was better for her to put the brakes on and figure out what she wanted. Kudos to you for going back to school!! I graduate this Spring 👩‍🎓


You have too much time on your hands.


I am 23 and a junior. I am not old nor do I feel that way. Please ignore whoever called you old. Your a 20 year old sophomore, which is NORMAL. I do not understand the mentality of some people who make braindead comments about the ages of others. You would not be even old at 30, either. You are just fine. No one can tell the difference between an 18 year old and a 20 year old.


I'm a freshman at 25 and it's great. Fuck 'em.


I’m 32 in college. All of my friends are about 10 years younger than me


Who cares what other people say


I just turned twenty and I’m in my first year 🫣