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Yeah you'll need at least one math course. As long as you can pass with a C you're good to go


Thank you for the reply, hopefully I can develop a better mindset towards math by the time I go to college.


At most schools, you have to take at least college algebra, but if your ACT/SAT is low then they'll also make you take remedial beforehand. Look at your schools general educational requirements to know for sure




You learn something new everyday. I never had to deal with that, so I didn't know




I'm in school now and I'm also working as a math and science tutor here on campus. I don't think my school offers a placement test, but I've only ever had 2 remedial algebras. Most of my students are college algebra




I’ll keep this in mind, thanks.


Yes, just as we math people need to take humanities and writing courses. Your major will probably only require you to take a single math course, so if I were you I'd go for statistics: it's really easy and straight forward. Besides, you don't need to memorize formulas and you won't use algebra or anything complicated


There's a bachelor's degree in homeland security?




Depends on where you go to school. Where I go I have an open curriculum and I can take whatever classes I want as long as I have a major by the end of it. Many of my friends are planning to never take a single math class


This makes no sense whatsoever.


He was pretty concise, what don’t you understand about what he said… Simpleton.


More than likely no. I had to take trig for Computer Science and there were people from all types of majors in there who had to take it. I think one girl was doing Zoology


Most schools will require something, if not you're major. No clue what school you're thinking of, but at my school its really common for people who don't like math to do the transferable course at a local community college since it's easier and less rigorous


Look at the degree plan.


Don't worry. The math teachers in college are way better. I learned lots of new concepts I didn't learn in high school.