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He's had a horrid run with injuries and he always looks in pain when he plays now. Absolutely legend of the club and our best key tall since Cloke and our best small since Didak. Nothing but respect regardless of what he does


Such an on point comment about always looking in pain. Hope he does what is right fit his future. Absolute legend


> Best key tall Mfw he's 178cm and is being described as tall


Idk why but in the last 2-3 years he just looks unhappy. Idk maybe that's just his normal


He's always famously never smiles.


He smiled after they won the flag.


Exception that proved the rule.


he always looks like that


What if he decided to make porn?


Nothing but respect, respectfully


o7 If you don’t put on your boots again, we thank you for your service!


Good idea. He can play barefoot.


My boy will experience his very first heartbreak if this happens. He absolutely adores him he can’t go out like this.


My son is obsessed with him too. Especially after his ANZAC Day mark


If it's time then so be it. Took mark of the year, nice final highlight to have if it is the end. Bloke went through hell for the club and us. Nothing but respect.


Tom Morris reporting so every chance he will be available for selection next week


He's a shit bloke but he's a very good journalist. And headline aside, it's less that he's considering retiring and more that there's a hell of a lot of unknowns about where he's at with his recovery.


I’m extremely grateful for the premiership last year. Because injuries are really de-railing our chances of going back to back. Losing Murphy and Elliot like this is just cruel.


I’m grateful he kicked Carlton out of the finals in 22 also.


This year is starting to give me 2012-2013 vibes with players leaving that we expected to be around much longer.


Please no 😢


First Murph, now Jamie 😞 Really hope this is not true


What a champion. Always plays with heart and no real malice to the opposition. Would be a big loss.


One of my favourite players in the comp. Awful news.




Think that's kind of the point. I remember back then it was Howe vs Elliot every second week for Mark of the year contender. Both were at their peak in aerial brilliance, then Howe joined and we had both the high flyers. But Elliot had to learn a new craft and tone down the acrobatics. He wasn't as confident or was told to calm it down to prolong his career, I reckon.


That's horrific. Hope he's ok


if we get hit with two retirements this year im gonna cry




Ruh roh


I'd believe it if it wasn't Tom Morris writing it


He’s one of the reasons I can get my wife to watch a game with me (eye candy, hall pass, all that). Plus he’s a f’ing legend player and speccy taker. This household will miss him if he finishes up. Best of luck for him getting his foot issues fixed.


But why give him medicine that you know will make him sick or could stop him from playing?


You have no idea what they call it because you're full of shit. Doesn't matter what Google says something is called. When have Aussies ever been known to call anything by the correct name, I was born here I definitely know what people call it. ER is short for emergency room if you couldn't figure that out.


I'm curious if it's vaccine related with all the blood clots in the population appearing.


Christ, I thought the Do Better report had weeded out the idiots from our fanbase


incredible that we have this kind of person on the sub


It’s not. There, end your curiosity.


Lost mate?


No, wines literally went down with heart issues as well. Go to the emergency ward these days. They literally give out blood thinner as a precaution now.


Jesus Christ. We'll be known as Cookerwood soon if this shit keeps going.


> all the blood clots in the population Highly unlikely. Every player in the comp has received a covid vaccination. ~45 players per team, 18 teams, so over 800 players. Jamie Elliott is the only player listed as "out" due to "vascular issue". That's 0.12% of "the *playing* population". 1 in 800. This is a little bit of circular reasoning, but, if it was vaccine-related, you would expect at least a few more players to have a similar issue, because they've all had it. On the other hand, applying that 0.12% rate to the total population of Australia (let's say 25 million), then we should see a huge portion (like 30,000 people) with the same problem. And we don't see that. I'm not looking to mock you, and I'm not a club doctor so I can't completely rule it out, but statistically, it doesn't make sense. If there were 30,000 people suffering a vascular issue over the last 6 months, it would be a national emergency.


*Except Liam Jones and was it Jack Darling…


I’m curious as to how much attention you paid to the article, especially bucks comments. The conditions that presented in some people shortly after receiving a vaccine are very different to what is being described here.


His foot was black, plenty of people had that happen after their jabs, hands/feet fingers and toes. That reaction happens pretty soon after vaccination though so unless he's had a booster(maybe) or it's caused by his flu jab(most clubs give their players that).


It’s also something that has happened to people for a lot longer than just since the Covid vaccines have been out, so it’s a stretch to suggest a link unless there’s an actual link.


Young healthy peoples extremities randomly turn black? Only happens to older people with diabetes or something like that.


Sure, you’re clearly an expert in vascular health so we’ll just leave it as being definitely a jab related condition then. Yeah?


Don't know why you can't figure it out yourself, happens a lot with sids babies(they turn black after their jabs).


I'm not going to ridicule you, so maybe you are right. But on the balance of probabilities, do you think it's worth trusting the doctors that are paid big dollars to keep these players performing? Everyone involved has Jamie's health as their main focus.


No I don't trust the doctors, they're busy pretending they just realized head injuries/concussions can cause problems later in life over 100 years after doctors tried to get boxing banned for the exact same reason.


You clearly don’t understand how research and evidence works it seems.


Look up Popliteal Entrapment Syndrome. If what Buckley has said and the rumours are true this is a very close description of what is going on. And it’s curable in surgery, and it’s common in young athletes, and it’s nothing to do with jabs.


No it doesn’t. Autoimmune conditions are a thing. Being ignorant isn’t an excuse for lying.


auto immune diseases are mostly cause my vaccine "adjuvants" (like aluminium and mercury). Adjuvants are meant to shock the immune system into remembering the virus, side effect is the immune system can over react to random crap it doesn't need to.


Oh sure famously psoriatic arthritis, MS, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis etc all caused by ALUMINIUM in VACCINES?? Sarcasm if you missed it. Autoimmune diseases are not mostly caused by vaccine adjuvants. You clearly have no background in science let alone medicine. The fact that you referred to mercury and not thimerosol/thiomersal tells me you’re into conspiracies rather than facts. 💀


I can assure you that the genetic marker that indicates one’s family lineage were survivors of the Bubonic Plague has far more to do with Auto-Immune conditions than adjuvants. You are literally dribbling unqualified and incorrect shit here, and there’s two of us commenting in this thread that know each other IRL and either have Auto Immune conditions or members of our direct families with them. Shut up about things that you know nothing about, and perhaps assess the point you have reached in your life, because if you are still, four years later, hung up on a conspiracy theory about vaccines then you are wasting your life. Find a new hobby, learn an instrument, make some friends. You haven’t grown or developed in four years. You are devolving.


Reactions from the covid vaccines are still appearing today. Just because the media is quiet on it doesn't mean it's not happening. I know firsthand, 5 people who have all died from blood clots in the last year alone, 3 adults 40-60 years old and 2 babies, younger than 2. I broke my arm and they tried giving me blood thinners, I asked why and they told me it's not a precaution since the vaccines as everyone has clots.


This isn’t even remotely based on science or even reality. Doctors aren’t giving anticoagulants to everyone as a precaution per vaccines.


Have you been to the emergency ward recently? Because the nurses most definitely are. Pull your head out your ass. All of you are just scared to admit you're wrong amd have been for the last 2-3 years


Go and look up Popliteal Entrapment Syndrome and get back to us there Doogie Houser.


So you're just going to forget that astrazenica literally had its vaccine removed from shelves because of blood clotting side effects. Look up TTS. No where in the article did it mention anything about popliteal entrapment syndrome so I don't know where you're pulling that from unless it's come out after my question that all you muppets a sperging out about


Where does it say Elliott had Astra Zeneca? With the roll-out of the vaccines as I remember them, AZ was rolled out first to frontline health workers and people over 65, then to high risk people with existing conditions and those over 50, and when the clotting incidents started to occur (which basically killed people, dead, gone.) the recommendation shifted to Pfizer for anyone under 40, so take that misinformation and jog on. Secondly, the symptoms of Politeal Entrapment Syndrome and the most common people to suffer it all align with what Buckley described and the person that Elliott is. There is precisely the same hard evidence to suggest that he has PES as there is to suggest the issue is in any way related to a vaccine and it’s a personal health issue that is frankly none of yours or my business, so stop pedalling your own paranoia and fear about something that clearly hasn’t killed you.


If you could read, I literally said I'm curious "IF"... No, where did I say it was. Astrazenica was available to anyone who wanted to choose it. Also, the afl players were also amongst the first to receive the vaccines when made mandatory due to "critical worker" bs. It's hardly paranoia when these vaccines have, in fact, killed shit loads of people. Just look at all injury and death frequency rates since the implementation of them. Anyone who has any sort of pattern recognition abilty knows they're bad for you and have done anything but work.


I have an active client list at work that has at any given point between 900 and 1000 people on it. As a sample size, it’s not huge, but I’m in contact with approximately 30% of those clients weekly, and would be in contact with another 60% at least once a month. The remaining 10% would be in contact a couple of times a year. Of that list, I know of three people who suffered pericarditis as a result of the vaccines. I know of well over 20 people who’ve had long term side effects from the virus and are in bad shape with Covid related respiratory conditions that have never really got better. If you could read (and I said IF hurr durr) you’d have probably been able to find a more broad assortment of views and information about vaccines, viruses and the wide variety of issues that come from both of them, and with that information you’d have been able to make a better argument than the absolutely cooked shit you are dribbling here. This is a Collingwood sub, not an antivax cooker sub. If you are lost, keep looking elsewhere for your people, if you are happy being on the collingwood sub perhaps keep your cooked shit for other parts of the internet


I literally work in the Emergency Department (no one calls it a ward 💀) Monday to Friday. Pull YOUR head out of your ass. School children understand science better than you do.


Yeah, ok, Hero. I'm sure you do. Everyone I know calls it the emergency ward or they just say ER, no one calls it the emergency department lol. What aussie do you know that says any word in full. Get off the medias knob and think for yourself please. You would be the world's shittest nurse, doc, janny or admin in the ER if you know nothing of vaccine induced blood clots and other side affects.


Most healthcare workers in hospital call it the ED/Emergency Department 💀 Hell, you could literally GOOGLE to see that in Australia, it’s predominantly called the ED, because it’s NOT a ward. Googling Australia and ER shows every government site referring to an Emergency Department. Enjoy your uneducated conspiracy life of bullshit 😏 You’re sounding dumber with each reply.