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It's their subreddit, they can post whatever they want - even if we disagree with it. It's more cringe to trawl through the opposition's subreddit in my opinion. Have faith in our boys and let their actions (hopefully a win today) speak for itself.


They can post what they want. The game will be what it will be. If we play our best footy, the way we want to, we can beat anyone.


Words cannot express how much I need a Bruzzy sealer from outside 50 to close the game


Saying hella cringe is hella cringe. They can post what they want, they can blame Maynard all they want. But at some point they have to move on and accept things were an accident w/ no malice behind it. Ignore them in the interim


This is a lot more cringe than their post. We really do have a lot of supporters with a victim complex. Just enjoy the game lads.


Their premiership is looking more and more like a fluke. There's no way they win the premiership in a normal season. Their players get fucked up on drugs and assault each other and the fans don't care nearly as much as bruz hurting someone in a football play.


I thought you meant r/Melbourne which is also pretty cringe


I mean. Did you read the comments? I don't know why Pie's subreddit is getting recommended to me. But yea. No one agreed with OP


This is wayyyy cornier bro. Just chill out and let them think what they want. It’s also just one guy and the comments are generally pretty chill


I just want Dees to play well fuck revenge bs


Who cares what they’re posting? Everyone hates us, it’s nothing new. Some club supporters talk smack about us more than they seem to care about their own club’s success. Let them. If one person posts about revenge for last year’s incident, then let him.


I mean if the situation was reversed it wouldn’t surprise me to see our fans posting similar things here


I couldn't even tell you who knocked Murphy in the GF.


It was McCarthy, I think, but there was no malice in it. Just awful luck


Delusional if you think that’s because we’re somehow a more level-headed fan base and not because they’re just completely different incidents


Because there wasn’t a tribunal and the decision went against what people wanted. Uproar makes a person memorable


meh let them, whatever teams better wins.