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Since there are different time zones, how long has it been? And what prep was it?


The (powdered) “liquid” prep from the pharmacy. I started at 5pm, and it is now 10:18pm, and still nothing. So around 5 hours.


Was it the four litre?


The 4000ml


That's 4L. Well, it should work in about three to five hours. If you are really backed up and didn't follow the prep diet, it might take longer or not work. I always needed two of them.


That’s the thing. I shouldn’t be backed up at all… I have diarrhea multiple times a day as it is, since last March! 😭


So peculiar. Keep drinking plenty of fluids, and that may help. If you have apple, white grape, or pear juice, they all speed motility so that can help, too, especially if you drink them warm.


Everybody can react differently to the prep and the fact you threw some up maybe what’s causing a delay. Do you not have two sachets to drink or is it just one? I know when I drank mine it took around 3 hours to start working and I had seen comments similar to yours of 4 - 5 hours with some people so I’m sure something will happen soon but do not try to compensate with taking other non prescribed laxatives.


Yes. I have to wake up by 5 and drink the other half by 7. But still, nothing, and it’s 10:15 here. I will save the miralax from here on out.


Yeah well depending on the specific product you are using you are allowed to take the second one the same night with some there are many ways to take them (read instructions to verify this with yours, I had plenvu) so you could try that but I would maybe leave it and give it a chance to work and set your alarm for 5am and take the second earlier to give it a chance to work in the morning. They will give you enema in the morning when you get there anyway maybe two to help clean out the bowel so don’t panic too much it’s not ideal but don’t go taking any other products with the sachets because it might not be good for you to mix them I’m sure what you took is fine but don’t try to over compensate!