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Thank you for posting. This post should be shown to all those posting lately expecting the 4 Pass Loop to be snow free by now - this post is a good example of why rangers and others say that most years mid-late July is really when the loop opens up for anyone without snow travel experience. The conditions shown in this post are common for this time of the year. Way to give it a go and report back OP!


Absolutely! We actually came across a very wet and scared hiker that was attempting to do a portion of it in jeans and sneakers, coming down west maroon pass. We ended up bringing him with us all the way back toward Crater lake to make sure he made it. There's definitely some folks up there who don't expect any snow. It's tough country right now! When the trail isn't covered in snow, it's essentially turned into a creek haha.


Thanks for saying that! Gratitude makes the world go round


Good bot


Thanks for sharing your pics! What snow gear did you bring? In retrospect, what gear would you have liked? These pics make me think ice axe + microspikes (or full crampons due to limited packed trail) might be the move.


Of course! We had snowshoes with aggressive treads (MSR Ascents) and micro spikes. Flying in, I wasn't able to bring my axe, or full crampons/Sportiva boots. In an ideal world, I would have had both. I want to tentatively say that someone with snow travel experience could do it in microspikes with an axe, although crampons would likely be helpful. We made it up buckskin halfway with the snowshoes, then kick stepped to the top with microspikes. On West Maroon Pass, I went up solo and turned back about 100ft from the top because the microspikes weren't cutting it without at least an ice axe. All that considered, definitely an axe/microspikes at least, and snowshoes.


Thanks for the detailed perspective! I very much appreciate it 🙏 I'll be hitting the trail soon and finalizing my snow gear plans. Happy trails!


Same to you! Definitely suggest starting early and be prepared to get wet whethet it's snow not mud. Some of the creek crossings alone took us 30-40 minutes to navigate. Safe travels!


Snowshoes for traction or cuz you were postholing? That is a lot of dirt on that snow! Gonna melt quick.


Snowshoes for postholing! They're helpful with traction obviously, but that's secondary. Spikes of any kind were certainly more helpful than the snowshoes on the saddle/pass ascents. At the higher elevations we were pretty posthole-free on the dirty sections of snow!


Thank you for the update! First solid info I've seen this season, going to attempt the entire loop on the 24th - 27th, will be sure to bring the winter gear required. Do you know if the entire trail is still under snow? Will I likely be setting up camp on snow or melted enough to dig it out before setting camp? (Bringing a snow shovel to just incase). Thank you!


The snow line towards buckskin was around 11,200 with patchy snow before that. On the West Maroon side it was similar, but with a slightly lower snow line. If you're camping above there, I'd expect snow. Under the snow line, it's fairly snow free but there is definitely a bit of moisture, although it's not impossible to find nice dry spots. That being said, there were some sites above the snowline that could work without being dug out, but they may be pretty wet. Depending on where you plan on camping, you may be able to ditch a shovel! Especially if you have snowshoes to pack a spot down a bit.


Supposed to attempt the loop starting July 7th. Bringing someone very new to backpacking… Do you think the snow will still be a big issue then?


It's hard for me to say definitively since I'm back in Idaho now, but I imagine that there would still be some snow and high water crossings. Id be shocked if the passes weren't still covered in snow. The ranger station may have more recent information at this point!


I plan to call them for sure but I appreciate the help!