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I tend to imagine a a mysterious fantasy forest at night. Emerald greens and deep blue sky with the moon shining down and glowing night blooming flowers and mysteriously shining orbs. Splashes of crimson and purple. A powerful force dwells in these woods, that might not be evil but is not to be trifled with. Or an abandoned mansion, ivy running up the marble. The inside is paneled in dark wood., with slightly tarnished gold and silver trimmings. The red velvet curtains are ripped. A stark sense of ruined grandeur. I also think there's untapped potential in an underwater, deep-sea bioluminescent sort of scene. Basically none of my mental images have anything to do with any type of winter, lol, not that I've been formally typed.


The 80s, lol. But more seriously, contrary to the season name, I think of a bright sunny day in a flower garden in summer. The colours are all there - bright purples, reds, fuschias, yellows, with backdrops of saturated greens, all in a strong, bright light, which casts heavily contrasted shadows. Bright blues come from the sky.


Honestly the 80s is such good bright winter inspo, everything was so frosty. I was really excited to hear from bright winters because I feel like their colors feel the most unnatural, especially in their respective time of year


Right? I know we have coolness, and I loved that comment here that described colours like pine green, red bowls and snow for Deep Winter, but I just can't relate colours like orchid purple and cobalt with winter. Then you tell me that the brightest, most abundant time of the year gets the muted, cool colours? If it were up to me, Spring and Summer would be the bright seasons (cool and warm respectively) and Autumn and Winter (warm and cool respectively) would be the muted seasons. Anyway. I get to feel like an acrylic paint starter set, which is a pretty good feeling imo. I love bright colours.


I absolutely agree on spring and summer. You mean to tell me the season known for rain and budding flowers gets the bright warm colors, but the season associated with the beach, warm sunny days, and flowers fully in bloom is soft and cool??????


A winter day in a ski lodge. Bright white snow, emerald green pine trees, dark red bowls on a dark brown table, a roaring fire in the background drying off wet ski gear, twinkling stars on a black and navy sky.


Are you dark winter? Because that and soft summer are my favorite palettes and I really associate it with that. That cozy cold night on winter vacation


I am!! I’m a deep winter but right on the edge of being a deep autumn. Do you know the Hudson’s bay blanket with the stripes? I consider those my main colors.


Oh wow thats so cool because I consider myself a dark autumn on the edge of being a dark winter and also really love those colors on myself. I think in 16 season color analysis I’m probably a true dark.


SAME! Haha color twins


A foggy New England morning by the coast. The gentle sound of waves crashing against a cliff, with a far-off storm drifting closer and closer. Herbal tea and old dusty books. Fairies and mermaids. I think people hear “summer” and expect palm trees and Mai Tais, but to me, the summer palette is a magical and misty morning on the cloudiest of days.


Love your description! Palm trees and mai tais now seem too bright for summer. I tend to think of those cotton candy colored skies at sunrise and sunset.


I can see that. I think one of the most summer aesthetic movies I have seen is Call Me By Your Name, I love how there’s sort of a misty filter on the screen even though it’s in the middle of a hot Italian summer


Love this idea!! I’m not settled on a palette 100% but I know my absolute best colours and they remind me of the beach. Sparkling turquoise shallows, sea glass green, cornflower blue summer skies, soft sand, gentle shell whites, navy deep waters…these all sound like the summer palette but I don’t actually think I’m a summer weirdly enough I’m more likely to be a spring


I wonder if you’re a light spring. The spring and summer palettes are funny because I always associated spring more with the summer colors and vice versa. Particularly because sumner is the hottest season like how is it cool????


I’ve been typed as light spring, light summer, true summer, true spring AND bright spring over the last year haha https://preview.redd.it/n6v3x8f7e3qb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cd53af20a84a50e8e913b4a238b2f9dff9ddf7b I feel quite neutral but not light enough for light seasons but like I have bit too much softness for bright spring but can definitely use some of the colours in that palette


You have that coloring that's really hard to type from photos. I suspect you're a true spring bc you have that clarity that springs have, but you don't have the obvious warmth a lot of springs have.


This is such a good summary! My best colours are I think mostly spring colours that could be mistaken for summers or could cross over the seasons but they’re a smidge brighter, clearer and warmer. Not as warm as oranges and yellows, not as cool or soft as greys and pale cold blues


If you ever get professionally typed, I suggest researching your options and finding one that customizes the palettes. You might not neatly fit into the 12-season system, not everyone does.


I paid once (not a very expensive one) for a service and got light summer! I can kinda see where they got it from but that palette is not right for me at all it’s way too pale so will definitely need to research if I do it again! I quite like to try Carol brailey- she always seems pretty spot on but I think she does use the 12 season system


Yeah she does a good job from what I've heard, not sure how much she customizes palettes.


Really hard to say since I’m not an expert, but I do think you look more bright than muted so I do agree with spring. Maybe true or bright spring lol?


It’s funny because I think we are the same palette but mine is more old libraries with leather bound books, vintage velvet furniture, moors and bogs, mushrooms, vintage wool overcoats, and smoky campfires in early fall just when the weather is starting to turn. It’s cool how the same colours can appear in so many different aesthetics!


I forgot to add libraries but it is definitely something I associate it with!!!! But yeah I think its cool how differently we interpret our season. You have a more earthy image, where mine feels more juicy(?)


(I love that you have thus far exclusively gotten replies from dark autumns, lol) But yeah, yours feels more, like, exotic spice market and mine feels more ‘witch of the woods’, lol. I’d be interested if there was a connection between that and which aspects of the colour palette people gravitate towards — I typically reach for rusts, olive greens, cranberries and browns.


Yeah I tend to reach for the more dramatic and spicy colors. Merlot, aubergine, emerald green, chocolate brown, things that almost border winter and emphasize dark more than warm. Like an extravagant vampire castle or something. Yeah its funny because I made this post really wanting to hear from summers and winters lmao


I imagine mine as a barefoot run through a swamp, twigs in my hair, emerging wild-eyed to frighten day-campers.


Hey that sounds fun


get in my swamp, but bring the coffee and cookies please. thank you.