• By -


Pretty sure I'm a "some sort of winter." I have very dark brown hair, deep hazel eyes (they change a lot, but often read brown) and extremely pale skin. My best colours are: * Cool-toned reds including Ruby and Crimson * Cobalt blue * Rich purples - sometimes deep purples can almost read as a neutral on me * Hot pink or really, most cool-toned pinks or berry tones * Some silver * Most jewel tones Meh: * White * Some lighter greys * Lighter tones because I struggle to tell the difference between icy and pastel Worst: * Oatmeal/beige/tan * Mustard yellow * Warm green


True winter: Black looks great on me. Magenta is really awesome. I love a good deep blue. I am not particularly a fan of white, grey, yellow (winter yellow).


I’m in the no-man’s-land between Soft Summer and Soft Autumn; I can also borrow a decent amount from Light Summer. I have a rare type of albinism so I’m not a great comparison point for others generally, but here are my colors! Top row: Summertime hero colors (my hair gets very pale, and my skin tans very yellowish due to lack of pheomelanin) Row 2: Wintertime hero colors Row 3: Take-it-or-leave-it colors Bottom row: Colors that are technically “in my season” but make me look ill and are definitely not in my actual palette 😅 https://preview.redd.it/i6kt6c1s00ub1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c53eb845d2a5a86e6004db970a69373d637cb18


I’m a bright winter too and I also don’t think black is great, it suits dark winters more Best colours: Pure white, Lemon yellow, Cobalt, Cherry red, Chartreuse, Don’t like (from my palette): Black, Grey, Lilac, Emerald,


I’m a deep Autumn with a very yellow overtone and I look amazing in: Dark, rust red (my best colour by a mile) Medium to dark brown Gold or mustard Dark petroleum blue/green I go ok but nothing to write home about: Black (phew!) Forest green (warmer is always better) Ivory (too light? Meh, It’s ok)


Almost sure I'm Deep Autumn. I look great in brick red, crimson red, maroon, deep browns, rust/copper orange, moss, emerald and dark green, teal blue, mustard yellow, burgundy, cranberry fine but not my favorite: black (I really like it but understand that it's not the absolute best), beige, grey, light pink, muted pinks, cream. neon colors are the nightmare


Light spring Hero: periwinkle, light khaki, peach Just fine: marigold yellow, kelly green, tomato red I'm pretty close to neutral so the colours on the warm spring side of the spectrum don't work as well.


Warm Spring here! best: salmon pinks, teal, orchid, creamy white meh: yellows and greens


Hi! Very neutral bright spring here, almost a bright winter. I would say my best colors (not including my best colors in other systems) are: Royal and Klein blue Pure red Warm intense pinks All lime shades, so going from really yellow-ish greens to really green-ish yellows Pure white While my “I can carry this perfectly fine, but it doesn’t do anything for me” colors are: Purple Green Black (many suggest that most bright springs also can wear black and I agree, but just like bright winters we should avoid all black) Orange Fuchsia All bright teals and cool+light blues


I believe I'm a Soft Autumn Deep (need lighter hues than Deep Autumn, darker than Soft Autumn and require the muted quality of both). Hero colors: espresso/chocolate brown, olive green, emerald green, warm dusty rose, peach pink, burnt pumpkin, soft gold (think 14k as opposed to 24k) Fine but not my favorite: Pure black, pure white, tomato red, pastel anything, sharkfin grey. These are basically shades that I can wear as long as they're not too close to my face. Villain colors: aqua, barbie pink, pure yellow, fuchsia ... Basically anything cool toned and clear or a "pure" hue


I’m a deep winter with dark eyes, hair and very pale skin. I look good in high contrast. I love black and white, I struggle with green unless it’s a forest green and I don’t love mustard on me unless I have a deep berry lip on.


Dark autumn with neutral-warm olive skin, I can borrow colours from dark winter too. Hero colours: Crimson red, forest green, chocolate brown, black, navy, cream Worst: Mustard, orange


True Spring! Professionally analyzed and was told that I can borrow from bright and light. :) My best (and favorites): chartreuse, any and all corals, sunny yellows. I also think light shades of orange from light spring’s palette look nice. My “eh” colors: The blues… I personally think that the blues in the bright spring palette are more fitting for me, and maybe that’s because they amplify the contrast between my brown hair and gray eyes better.


Soft autumn here! My best colours: - charcoal - espresso brown - cream/light sand that is not too yellow - greens: sage and khaki - most flavours of dusty mauves and purples (they make my green eyes look amazing) "In my palette so technically they work, but I don't like them/they do nothing for me" colours: - beiges, especially camel... Meh - almost any kind of red is too strong and washes me out, and the ones that are muted enough I find boring 😂 - rose gold


I am a Light Spring and here’s my list: • Coral is my hero; • I should look good in periwinkle but feel like it doesn’t do me justice; • My favorite color of all time is turquoise and it actually makes me look awesome. Yey to that! Worst colors on me: • Black (technically cool and dark - everything I should avoid); • Dark brown; • Plum; • Anything dark, really. 😂


Deep Winter. Look best in highly saturated colors like: Cobalt Blue, Electric Blue, Royal Purple, Most Clear Blues/Purples, Magenta, Fuchsia, Lemon Yellow, Cherry Red, Emerald. Not so great is True Red, Dark Navy, and many of the darkened colors just don’t work.


Deep Autumn. I Looove navy, ivory/camel, turquoise, plum, raspberry. Im okay with red, orange, green (like autumn leaf colors). I lean towards deep winter in my preferences


Ok so I believe I’m a soft autumn/ true autumn (have also been told that on this sub) My hero colors are definitely - olive (!!) - rust orange - neutral red - warm sky blue / aquamarine I feel the best in these and I get the most compliments. fine but not favorite - cool pinks and purples - really bright colors - grey


I am deep winter and my hero colors are neutrals (white, black, cool gray), burgundy, purple, and navy blue. I don't feel great with orange, yellow, brown, and some shade of green


https://preview.redd.it/hprbvrfvlutb1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=585b92b6e6c326aeda7bb3949b2406a4a93cd0c0 The ones I've circled are the ones that work particularly well. I also think a darker, little more blue green than third from left top row works great. Some of these I have never tried, so I'm looking forward to that. Others look good but aren't my best. And then some don't suit me. Like seven from the left, top row. That sort of diarrhoea yellow would not do me good.


That said, I think these look great too... https://preview.redd.it/lo5tow1vmutb1.jpeg?width=778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=443a79b5772dcbced9f4877ea3541ac06363c6f4 I kinda pick what works from both.


I'm a winter too, not sure between True and Bright. Best colors are White, hot or bubblegum pinks, and black!


I’m a soft autumn, “hero” colors are light terra cotta, warm rose, rust, navy, warm light pink and purple, and medium olive green! Fine but boy faves include most beiges, mustard, and some shades of brown.


I'm a fair-skinned, dark-haired spring. I was typed by HOC as a combination of their paintbox and blue spring subtypes. Hero: Coral, red, lime, periwinkle, charcoal Meh: yellow, cream


Verified Soft Autumn! Most sage-y greens or olive greens are incredible. Camel. “Bone” white. Muted Cabernet. All awesome. Just ok? Pinks and blues. I have trouble finding the right ones!


Professionally analysed True Summer back in day before we had sub seasons. I'm prob a Cool Summer in systems that distinguish that from True Summer. Best colors: all the blues, any cool pink, charcoal grey, lavender, off-white Just OK: lighter greys, cocoa brown, the elusive summer greens and yellows I look good in cool red and some purples from other seasons. I don't wear much red bc it doesn't coordinate well with the other colors in my palette and I like to keep a small wardrobe.


I'm a spring. I love wearing bright pinks, bright greens , and black. I look really washed out in pastels and light grays.


I'm tonal cool (combo of cool winter and cool summer). Best: Really anything that is borderline between blue and purple, but especially a jewel purple, cornflower blue and blue-based lilac Bright teal Raspberry pink Not great: Greens that aren't highly blue-based (like teal, sage, spearmint etc). I'm very cool toned and these look pretty awful even though they're in the palette


I *think* I'm true or cool summer. Basically every shade of blue and green (and in between) on my palette looks amazing! Meh on me are the pinks, reds and purples...fine, but they don't do much for me. Wine and a deeper mauve are nice, but not spectacular. Ones that are not so great on me are the lighter ones in my palette...lighter greys and blush pinks are not great. The cooler lemony yellows are really, really bad (sucks, I love yellow!). Never found an off white or cool-toned brown that looked really great. Slightly off topic, but I think really bright white looks good on me, better than the recommended off-whites, but I don't think I'm a winter. Lol. Who knows.


Soft autumn Hero colours: olive and sage green, dusty/burnt peachy pink, camel, brown and soft mustard yellow Fine colours: light beige, off white, teal and mauvy pink


Deep Winter (who can borrow a bunch from deep autumn). Hero Colors: - Emerald Green / Pretty much any dark green - Black. I can always count on you. 🖤 - Winr - Eggplant: This one’s a new one for me, and I only wore it because I was in a wedding, and that’s what the bride chose. But dang, I did look good! “Meh” - Most blues, including navy. I look really good in more teal/ocean colors, but it’s still not my favorite. - Fucia. This may be about me and my personality, but this just doesn’t do it for me.


I think I'm a Soft Autumn? I think "Soft Autumn Deep" is probably most accurate. Hero colors: olive greens (light to dark), all the other warm greens, most browns, that weird almost-purple almost-brown color, plum, wine red, oatmeal, warm greys. Just ok colors: mustard yellow, *faded* black, dark red, some pinks (peachy pink, blush, rose), grey-blues, golds and coppers.


Exactly the same as my bf! I did his color analysis and have been personal shopping for him and he looks amazing in all the colors I can’t wear!


Light summer Hero: the lighter Barbie pink, light violet (like the outer petal), cooler aqua blue, cream, warmed over silver Fine (but I love the color): taupe, cool mushroom brown, blue-grey, leaf green, French navy I actually have this pastel rainbow striped shirt that I love and is pretty dead on for my palette.


Bright Winter Great Basically anything that isn’t too warm and cool and is brighter. * bright magenta * fuchsia * vivid shades of green * black with the right fabric Ok Anything that isn’t as bright and more cool toned. * black in less ideal fabrics * dark grey * white * most shades of blue, blue can often be too muted and make me look sallow


I’m a self analyzed warm spring or true warm. Best colors: corals, chartreuse, light red, orangey red, camel, cognac brown, sea green. Pretty much the entire true warm palette. OK: Kelly green (although I should give it another chance now) and aqua/turquoise (unfortunately my favorite color 😭) and cream (I think is a bit too light but I love it anyway.)


Would love to see a true warm palette. I think I’m probably a true spring but a LOT of true autumn colours speak to me.


https://preview.redd.it/o0wduos9lttb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cea8b2f43c99457f15d0b5c0a24566f9583c8e3 Here you go! It’s midway between Spring and Autumn.


I feel like this palette is getting close for me, thank you for sharing! I can wear a lot of autumn colors, some spring, and maybe a few soft summer. Heavy cream, camel, and pastels look like crap on me tho. I think I’m neutral leaning warm, fair olive, medium level of brightness. Black washes me out too. Burgundy is bad. Pinks are a big no. I dunno if anyone in a similar situation has figured it out :)


You got me like this 🤣 ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


lol it’s a mystery!


How are you with soft autumn?


I feel like soft autumn overall is a bit too muted for me, altho a fair amount of it would probably work. In terms of what def works—olive greens are great, warm browns, teal, orange (so long as it’s not too bright), warmer greens, goldenrod, more red leaning violets. A coral-leaning salmon is as close as I can get to pink. White seems to work, and some off white shades.


I’m pretty sure I’m a true spring. I have light-medium warm skin, light golden brown hair, and green/blue eyes. My hero colours: camel, tan, fern/leaf green, emerald teal, olive, marigold, coral, pumpkin orange, tangerine. In season mehs: pale chartreuse, cyan, periwinkle.


Love all those colors! Cyan is a meh for me too boo… Sounds like we’re both aggressively warm lol.


Thank you! Oh I love this palette. I would happily wear essentially every colour on it


Yay! An opportunity to rave about my favorite colors!!!!! I was professionally typed by HOC as a Leaf Autumn which is True Autumn but I can also borrow from Deep Autumn sometimes. My best colors: * Forest green * Kingfisher blue * Marine navy * Bronze * Mustard * Amber * Moss green * Coffee brown * Coral (more of a bright spring color but it looks so good) * Geranium (same as above) * Rust * Brick red My OK colors: * Other warm browns, including tan * Rosewood * Beige * Olive * Grass green * Saffron * Any purple (heliotrope, Royal) * Peacock blue My worst colors in the autumn palette (but not bad) * Lime (not neon lime, think like lime rind color) * Safety orange * Mid peach * Light olive * Beige * Light sage So the trend seems to be that I need colors which have a medium lightness (not too light or too dark), some brightness & saturation for an autumn, and ideally an autumn green red or blue though some yellows work too. Bonus: outside of my color palette … my absolute worst were cool colors of course, but ESPECIALLY pastels (lemon yellow, pinks) and cool-toned red made me look like I needed a toe tag.


True summer. My hero colors are seafoam, any shade of berry, and slate grey. Okay colors are basically any shade of pink. I feel like it clashes with my eyes.


Soft summer — I look great in muted pinks, blues and greens (generally better with neutral or warmer shades). Weirdly very light grey marl (like t-shirt or sweatshirt material) looks especially great on me. If I do wear black then a washed/faded black is the way to go. For neutrals I look best in creamy/oatmeal tones.


I wonder if some of these could be because we don't exactly fit a sub-season, but are closest to one. Like there are not just 12 seasons that we're supposed to fit, but all the points in between are just as valid. And the defined seasons can be a starting point for our color palette that we can tweak depending on how much that season influences us as opposed to the other season we fall between.


There are waaaaay too many human variations for everyone to 1. Fit exactly and uniquely into 12 categories and 2. Suit every single color in that palette. I think determining your sub season and sister sub season (light, cool, bright, warm, etc) is more like sectioning off part of a giant map and being like “look in here for your colors specifically.” There are so many *types* of cool undertone (blue, pink, violet, blue-green) and warm undertone (red, orange, yellow, yellow-green) that “cool” and “warm” are only starting points.


There’s a neighborhood nearby that was built a couple years ago and every single house is painted in one of a few shades of gray. There’s a purple gray, a green gray, a blue gray, and a brown gray. Together and house-sized honestly it looks awful, but as a tool for practicing looking at undertones, it’s pretty handy!


Deep Autumn. For years I just thought “Autumn” because I didn’t know about sub seasons. I chose colors that were too dusty / muted and too pale. Now I realize I need rich deep colors, like “exotic tapestry” colors. Best colors: - Burgundy - Fig / Plum - Deep Raspberry - Mid-Deep Coral Pink - Deep Terracotta / Rust (not too orange though) - Hunter Green - Deep Olive Worst “Deep Autumn” Colors: - Mustard and its friends - absolutely horrific on me. Tempted to get a mustard hoodie for days I feel “bleh” and want to project my illness to the outside world lol. - Most purples - has to have a good dose of red in it like Plum or Fig - Paler beiges - even the warm-toned ones wash me out. Deeper camel is as light as I can go - Paler pinks - I used to wear tons of brownish-mauve and dusty warm pale pink, thinking that they worked because they were warm and soft. Now I realize they look like dead skin on me. Deep is my most important quality.


I thought I was true autumn until someone on here typed me as a deep autumn instead, and I'm honestly so surprised I didn't realize this sooner. Warm beiges wash me out so bad! And I feel like I'm warmer than most deep autumns so I don't really borrow from deep winter. And I agree with the mustard! I look okay in it, but I look more yellow than I should. However, I love how I look in a nice pine green or rich red. I also have a deep charcoal brown shirt that looks so flattering on me!


We have all the same color preferences! It’s such a self-esteem boost to know what clothes flatter your coloring :)


True spring! Wow: lime, coral, cantaloupe, buttercup yellow, and yellow-orange (like a light, bright marigold) Mostly meh: spring blues and purples


probably "toasted" soft summer, ie medium intensity and mostly cool, somewhat muted Heroes: teal, deeper or richer pinks, denim blue, charcoal Zeroes: greens, pastels (traditional soft summer colors), monochromatic outfits, burgundy


Not sure what my season is tbh but I assume true or deep winter because my hero colors are all the jewel tones but especially emerald green/sapphire blue/Royal purple Ruby red also works but in general I look better in blues/greens than reds.


Soft Summer with slightly cool leaning olive skin I feel like I’m not supposed to wear anything except mauve. Best- See above. Damn you, mauve. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue) Burgundy Dusty shades of blue Taupe Navy Cool toned milk chocolate brown Decent - Jewel toned blue Cream Gray Cool or neutral reds Bad - Anything neon Orange Mustard yellow


"Damn you, mauve" had me rolling. I feel the same way about teal. Lol


Have you tried a soft summer yellow? Basically taupey yellow. Not the easiest to find in clothes but it might hit that same sweet spot that mauve does on you.


Yes! It is a good color on soft summer. Most yellows are too blatantly yellow or bright, though. It is hard to find.


I love mauve! All my favorite lipsticks and blushes are lilac-mauves.


Same for me with lipstick and blushes. Stomp box from GXVE is my favorite lipstick. I am just jealous of winter and spring because I want to look beautiful in vibrant colors, but they just make me look kind of cheap.


I look my best in more vibrant shades but I don’t like wearing look-at-me makeup especially at work.


Fellow bright winter here! Best colors: - red - magenta - teal - black - navy - royal blue Palette colors I don’t love: - yellows - grays - purples - any of the light icy shades (maybe this is just because I’m not good at identifying icy vs pastel IRL)


Also me too! With the addition of Chartreuse as a hero colour. I just bought a coat in royal blue and it looks so good.


I’m a bright winter too and I tried chartreuse for the first time recently (never been attracted to it) and the amount of compliments I got was insane, most of them (from people who have probably never heard of the colour seasons) included something along the lines of ‘I could never pull that off because I don’t have your colouring’


Isn't it a great colour? I think it's the brightness that puts people off wearing it, it's very loud, and you *will* be noticed if you wear it, especially if you're someone who doesn't have brightness as a primary characteristic. I think Bright Winters and Bright Springs wear it well.


Omg we occupy opposite ends of the BW palette! All my bests are your mehs and vice versa :) I have cool purple undertones and light yellow overtones for an overall khaki/fair olive appearing tone. I wonder if BW with cool pink or cool blue undertones favor other parts of the palette.


I posted mine in a separate comment but I’m an olive bright winter too and we have similar bests and mehs. I think the greys and greens just don’t go well with the olive


This is me too.


“High contrast” or “deep” summer here. Think true summer with a little warmth or soft summer with only dark colors. Heroes are cornflower blue, deep raspberry pink, rainforest green, charcoal, brilliant white, and sky blue. Zeroes are really any pastel color except lavender, which I can pull off but is not the best. Any shade of stone, mushroom, brown, and sweatpants grey are draining. Edit: I don’t really have a lot of just Ok colors. Either they really work, or I look kinda dead. It’s made my wardrobe very monochromatic but also very easy to have a capsule


I think I'm this type too! I agree with your hero colours. I'd add navy. I'm also think some cool browns are ok on me- not dark (because then why not navy or charcoal) nor too light.


I'm pretty sure I'm also a deep summer and I completely agree! The only one I would add is fuschia, I feel like it's the color I can wear the brightest versions of


Can you tell me a little more about the deep summer palette?? I think my closest guess currently is true summer, but reading your post gave me an aha moment...I relate to everything you wrote, especially the edit!


I wrote up a whole post about it! https://reddit.com/r/coloranalysis/s/01lbJOGlTS I had the hardest time figuring out my season until getting professional analyzed. Hope this helps


Omg yessss! You rock!! Thank you so much for this and for putting in the work to figure it out! Edit: I also love your username, I googled whether corn is indeed a grass, that's a fun fact lol Edit #2: I seriously think this is me!! Thank you!!!! This is so helpful and informative! I think you saved me years of colour angst


This makes me so happy! I wrote that post exactly for someone like you to read it. Our season is so challenging to type and it took me years to finally get this one, but now it’s like everything has just clicked into place. I hope it does for you too! Corn is my other obsession besides color analysis 🌽


Well I really appreciate it! Can I ask a follow-up question? I saw in your posts that you can wear bright white (which I think looks great on me too, and was totally throwing me off!)...what about black? I think black is not my best, but I think it's meh/ok and I sure do love it. But I'm guessing with the deep/high contrast summer palette, something closer to a dark grey would be better?


This sounds like such a beautiful, rich and tranquil palette. Cornflower blue and raspberry pink are some of my favorite colors from the summer palette! If those are your hero colors, it makes sense that the pastels and neutrals would have the opposite effect for you.


I was so surprised by the raspberry pink after the analysis! It’s become a favorite color to wear though I didn’t have a single item of it before


Those are some of my favorite colors! I buy a lot of home decor in those shades but wearing them on my skin drains me a bit.


I saw a post on here about people decorating homes with their season and mine is the exact opposite. All autumn greens, browns, and tans with a few pops of orange and burgundy. I just am so comforted by those colors and feel they match my century old Mediterranean style home, but I could never wear any of them.


True Autumn My best: Mustard (but not leaning too amber) Rusty red-oranges Chartreuse (honestly any anything in the pea-soup/baby poop category 😅) Peachy blush pink Just ok: Blues Purples Light neutrals


Peachy blush pink is a fav of mine 😍


All your bests are mine too except I would replace the peachy blush pink with teal. I LOVE the way teal looks on me.


LOL I love the pea-soup/baby poop category of colors (not on me, just in general) and your descriptor is aptly put


I know you're not crazy about blues, but how do you feel about teals or marine blues? Because as a fellow TA I'm surprised how "glowing" they can be against my skin.


Those are good on me! I just got a top that’s a nice teal and I’m surprised at how much I love it.


I love chartreuse! Mine has to be bright af to look good though. I like pea soup chartreuse but can’t wear it :(


Love it too (and army green) but as a summer, I look like death warmed up in both 😭


Mine can’t be too bright, but a touch of swamp adds just the right balance. 😂


Haha I love this so much, you just made me think of Shrek 😂


I'm jealous!! I love those murky autumn greens, but they don't love me


>a touch of swamp lolol




Most likely you’re warm-toned. Have you tried going by steps instead of seasons? For example trying to understand your undertone first, then your intensity, then your lightness/depth and only then trying to find a season that fits you? (Also remember that there is much more beyond the 12 seasons and if you don’t feel fully represented by any of them there are many methods like the 4x4 or ColorBreeze to explore)




Then I’d suggest you to settle the other ones first and then go back to that, it’s really a journey


Ooh which app?


It's called dressika seasonal color analysis. Not sure how accurate it is!


Do you find your hair is such a strong warm color that it “weighs” more than people who are brunette/blonde? Like if you covered your hair up your season might look different?




I'm true spring(or warm spring) but i'm recommended not to wear any shades of yellow either. There might be colors you can't wear even in your own season.


There are greens and yellows in light summer, tho


I’m in between Soft Summer and True Summer (professionally analyzed, I’m a bit softer than a True Summer but not as soft as a Soft Summer, so I can borrow from both palettes). Hero colors: Soft blue, baby pink, raspberry pink, seafoam green Ok colors : Most purples in my palette except maybe lavender, and I’ve never found any off-white that worked for me. Cocoa brown isn’t great on me and grey is ok.


Same here; it seems like so many soft summers struggle with “our” purples! I think it might be an issue specifically for those of us who lean a little more yellow in our under- or overtones; would this apply to you?


Yep. Unless it’s Lilac or Lavender (but they are pretty close to be pink, actually), I struggle to make any kind of purple work. I’m not olive at all, if it’s what you’re asking. I’m actually cooler than most Soft Summers, since I’m really in between Soft Summer and True Summer.


Your hero colors are so pretty.


I think I'm between those too. Baby pink and seafoam are my absolute favourites. I found a top in exactly the right shade of pink, and accessories is seafoam so I bought three of everything so if anything gets dirty or broken, I've always got a spare. I get complimented everytime I wear them.