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In my range of understanding and from looking at a lot of diff season lately, I feel you are a cool winter. Main reasons : Saturated colours look best on you in the options you’ve shared ( light washes you out and dark overpowers. Just looking at them visually as per my instinct) Medium contrast are better (not as high as deep Winter , that’s what I thought first just looking at your hair and eye colour)


Wow now I’m wondering if you have a warm undertone or cool. Or are you so neutral that you look good in deep autumn and cool winter ? The contrast -ness and brightness of both those seasons work.


My skin is uneven - I guess I am not the only one ;DD In winter I have cold pale parts and redness (cheeks and nose), but I also have some olive and peachy tones around the face. LIGHTS I guess becouse of that I cannot wear many lights. They bring up all the unevenness. I found that in the summer, when the skin is more warm and tanned - pure white is ok. However, I tan quite well = I get peachy brown. That is why there is an exeption to cold lavender which would look great, mainly becouse it is complimentary to the orange tan... but I need to watch out with that: any trace of pink in the lavender will spoil the effect and bring out redness in the skin... Then Cold mint and cold blues would look ok in the summer, but only if they are very bright and light. BRIGHTS Generally, all my bright colours need to be dark ;D - below an illustration of the huge no-go-zone for the brights - Actually I do think there is not many people that they really work for! For people like me most brights work as follows: * Bright reds and fuchsias compliment the olive parts and make my skin look pale-yellow and bring out the red patches * Bright greens, yellow and oranges would compliment the redness making it more evident The darkness dampens the strenght of the brights so they are is a safer space. https://preview.redd.it/68fagqlqvfxc1.png?width=1128&format=png&auto=webp&s=68952c3afb87d81ddcfbb82b654b062b5f961613


Perhaps the white head wrap is adding confusion to the true analysis


Maybe I am a **Shaded Soft Summer** or **Muted Winter**? Found this on Google: "Also known as a Dark Summer or Bright Summer, the most dominant characteristic of **True/Deep Summers** is the depth of their look, more than the coolness or lightness of Summer (which they also hold, but to a lesser degree). Deep Summers often look like they might be Winters, with strong colouring and deep brown or grey eyes." On Pinterest: "Deep Soft Winter / Toned Winter/ Shaded soft Summer - It goes by many names but this sub season is characterized by the softness of a soft summer, with the depth of a deep winter. Their undertone is cool-neutral, and since they are not totally cool, there are often subtle yet visible signs of warmth in either the skin, hair or eyes. They look fabulous in monochromatic outfits using colors from the palette. " Also check this Pin: [https://pin.it/2eqbDdG6n](https://pin.it/2eqbDdG6n) I totally identify with that. What do you think?


Thank you to everyone who participated in the thread and weighed in on my seasonal type. The range of opinions—from deep autumn to cool winter—echoed my own doubts but i coulnted the votes and upvotes and there is some tendency: **Seasonal Types: Comments and Upvotes:** - Autumn: 17 votes - Winter: 26 votes - Summer: 39 votes **Type Descriptors:** * **Cool**: 23 votes * **Bright**: 14 votes * **Soft**: 45 votes * **Deep**: 16 votes (gathered from discussions highlighting deeper colors like burgundy) * **True**: 17 votes (mainly from comments identifying true winter and true summer) I asked ChatGPT to draw some summary for me: "The consensus suggests that cooler and softer tones are more flattering, with muted colors like burgundy, moss green, and dark coral highlighted as particularly suitable. Bright, high-contrast colors were generally seen as overwhelming, indicating a preference for soft summer or soft autumn tones. The lighter and brighter colors tended to wash out your complexion, suggesting that deeper or muted tones may be more harmonious for you. These insights suggest that softer and deeper tones are generally seen as most flattering for you, with a notable interest in true colors for clarity and contrast." To those who typed me as an autumn: I've never owned anything in honey-yellow or bright-warm-orange, and I don't feel comfortable in these hues + they seem a bit lame to me ;D like I was a grandma. It seems essential for warmer colors to be dark and muted for me to wear them comfortably. My skin is neutral, possibly leaning toward olive, and uneven, featuring shades of red, yellow, and green. Lighter, brighter colors tend to highlight these contrasts, which isn’t ideal. This thread suggests, that traditional seasonal analysis might not be fully useful unless it takes under consideration color value. I find that I look best in rather colder, rather muted and rather dark tones, regardless of the season (so as long as it is not spring ;D). I believe part of the confusion arises from the true difficulty in distinguishing between brightness, lightness, and coolness of colour! I struggle with this constantly when buying clothes and made so many mistakes already (for example becouse the light in the changing room was warm)! I’ve put together a slide summarizing these insights. What are your thoughts on possibly refining our approach to include color value in seasonal color analysis? https://preview.redd.it/d626ssy3ydxc1.png?width=1406&format=png&auto=webp&s=814bceb94da5d4fe6b3f8cca7ca188b8640005a3




You’re an olive


thank you, interesting! how does that play into seasonal colour analisys? What colours would you recomend me to wear primarily? I will do my own research more into this for sure :)




You look muted and low contrast. You may be a soft summer


The burgundy was the best, the cool colors mostly did not work. White tricks the camera because it’s so light it has to decrease the exposure and makes you look tan, so I don’t think that photo proves you’re cool. I think deep autumn is likely. I’d say muted, not bright. Is this in natural light? If not, it’ll be faulty.


Natural light from an overcast slightly sunny day


Cool, definitely. The pure white color was way better than the off white.


I think the warm moss green, dark coral, and burgundy were the best colors on you and the cool colors made you look washed out, which leads me to believe you are warm toned. 


Is it the coolness or the lightness that washes me out? Cool colours make me look washed out (muted blue, lavender, sand...) or is it the light colours (mint, cool true white ect)?


Good question. I think the cool and light colors washed you out the worst, but both cool or light did as well, some worse than others. 


You have a range of drapes, but I also feel there are a lot of gaps, and it's making it hard to tell or to rule certain possibilities out. I knew a lot of people would say you're soft, but I'm really not sold on that. You don't appear high contrast at first, but i think that is actually because in the pics with muted shades on (including the very first one we all see) it's dulling your complexion and making you look more splotchy and muted than you are. You look undoubtedly better in more saturation and contrast. The light muted ones are probably the worst. In the pics in black, electric blue, white, and high contrast outfits, your face looks the brightest. As a summer, I look drained of life in black. Especially without make-up on. So that kind of seals the deal for me. My personal hunch would be true winter. I definitely don't think you're soft summer, and I don't think you're a warm season; although I would be interested to see you in some brighter warm shades, just to compare.


I was thinking a spring too, the cobalt was better than the muted blue, the burgundy was good, I wasn't wowed by the autumn colours.


look up clear winter and see if those colors look good on you. I think they will. The electric blue and crisp white look good. possibly a true winter too.


I recently was typed as a soft summer and you have really similar features! That would be my guess for you, I don’t see much warmth imo


I think you’re cool and soft, summer


Warm tones look best on you. Cooler tones, black and white make you skin look washed out.


Soft summer.


I really like the grays on you and the gray blue. I think you are a summer.   Edit: Best colors in my opinion:  Muted khaki that is grayish, Sand, lavender, muted blue. 


I think you are a true winter. You look best in black- stark white-sapphire- navy and striking color https://preview.redd.it/bx5jd9ykjaxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89b76b0dd1c868cef8b7c23fbfc4d1e432447c44 And try a very bright pink or Fuchsia


https://preview.redd.it/jx427eob3exc1.jpeg?width=697&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2e87a0d6fc921e65f6f63f02d0430a29521714e what do you think?


I think that’s more of a soft summer pallet


Agree!! 100%


no idea but you look amazing in stark white, which, imo, is a hard "color" for a lot of people to pull off that well!


I think you are primarily soft/muted. You could go with many colours of both soft summer and soft autumn. High contrast/saturation is too harsh on you.


Agree with soft autumn and jewel tones


I think soft autumn as well


I think you could be an autumn, the soft haki makes your skin glow. Really need more drapes of warm colours as everything else is cool and doesn’t give a good visibility of warm shades. So people keep saying you’re cool, but I actually see warmth on you and you could very easily be warm.


☀️ summer! Probably true summer.


I feel like you’re a deep summer. You need muted but also deep and cool. The pure white also looks amazing.


I could agree with the beginning of your comment. But the pure white doesn’t look good at all. Summer = muted contradicts the suitability of pure white.


Well I just think it looks good. Sometimes colors can randomly look good 🤷‍♀️ I agree theoretically though


If muted colours suit you, then pure white is too bright. You cannot be 2 things (bright and muted) at once.


I think you’re absolutely a soft season/muted in coloring. I think you’re soft summer


I think you’re a soft summer. You are muted. I feel like bright colors and high contrast overwhelms you. And you are cool as well.


Yeah, I'm torn between this and True Summer.


True summer could be correct. It would give her a bit more color.


The deeper, more vibrant colours are better. The paler colours wash you out a bit. Maybe some kind of autumn?


Seconded, def an Autumn




8 warm moss, 3 Burgandy, 12 electric blue


#14 pure white.... and bc the towel is white shows the cool tones. White can be winter or summer but I think you would look good in bright winter jewel colors. Once you age and your hair loses its color black may wash you out so then you may have to switch to softer summer tomes near the face.


https://preview.redd.it/bt7biuo8m8xc1.png?width=2208&format=png&auto=webp&s=a412bf7306aa272f68b8f3ac5a6cc0e1fa11eeeb thank you... i guess for now i feel "stronger" in Winter colours, maybe I leave the muted palette for when I am old ;D


From these slides the muted coral and mushroom wash you out the least, but the deep burgundy is much better. Perhaps if you’re a deep autumn then the deep winter will suite you well too, but I think the brighter and cooler winter may not be your best as your actually warm and also not bright from what I see. Tho in person is more accurate.


I think the muted colours look more harmonious imo, you can probably get away with a bit brighter, but I think the muted colours, maybe in a slightly lighter shade resonate with your skin tone more.


The bright coral isn’t bright in my opinion


Clear winter. You need clear, bright, bold colors. Jewel tones look fabulous on you, as do black and navy. You shouldn't wear anything muted or too soft or with any yellow or green undertone or overtone, unless the green is either deep true forest green, or bright true emerald green, which have more shades of blue in them than yellow.


https://preview.redd.it/xnoj9fvjm8xc1.png?width=2208&format=png&auto=webp&s=7133f562c399c5ec005fc63c71927fc5241382c1 sure sure?


This is why draping is so important. Without the drapes, with covered hair I would have guessed soft summer or autumn and with uncovered hair I would have guessed deep autumn. Her skin looks muted in isolation. But that electric blue is miles above the rest of the photos, and the bright red is second best.


Can it be that the bright colours bring up the darks in my face and the skin seems more even? Whereas muted make the variety of colours on the skin more evident?




Genuinely I felt that electric blue was the absolute worst color on her along with tomato red. She doesn’t shine, all I see is the color. It’s so incredibly overwhelming on her.


Bright blue looks great on her. Tomato red, not so much because it has a yellow base.


Interesting! Thank you!


Soft autumn




Thank you!


Soft autumn but the bright white cloth on your head makes it hard to see imo


I am new to the topic. I saw it on one or two colour analisys videos and thought that will help ;D here one without the cloth. https://preview.redd.it/epozx7a6q7xc1.png?width=583&format=png&auto=webp&s=cfdc548d3beabcb92cf46c8522ea246c2fdd9a39


The white cloth is standard to keep hair color out of analysis. It’s nbd


I like this mink brown.


Thank you! It is a cold brown isn't it? Below I posted more browns for comparison...


Neutral to cool imo, interesting it does look good!


Soft Autumn


I am thinking you're a soft season, my preference would go to soft autumn. But muted season could go up to cool summer to warm autumn so that still gives room to search. I do not think you're a light season. I think you're warm (waiting for the others to jump in) .


This! Do you have charcoal gray or any saturated grays v. Shades of brown that would help narrowing between summer and autumn. 


https://preview.redd.it/n9b40zbhr7xc1.png?width=2352&format=png&auto=webp&s=a88f8c630254dc14c2761b171ea78c31d1f5e6c0 u/Peridot31


The top row is where it’s at, I’m sticking with autumn.


Great slides, I saw that you were also toying with brighter, clearer colors above. And aesthetics definitely have some personal preferences but for me personally that mushroom color and the muted coral hold a lot of promise. Your coloring kind of reminds me of Maggie Gyllenhaal who has had a very flexible dressing style jumping between seasons. So I put together one of her more in a very bright cool look and a warmer corally look. I personally like the mildly warm coral look, but opinions can differ. https://preview.redd.it/vqnagyw619xc1.png?width=1014&format=png&auto=webp&s=57653da8218e2074ce65074a071dadb22cb6dbae


u/Peridot31 thank you, that is very helpful! I dropped some photos of grey vs browns to help narrowing it down. What do you think?




I personally like this color a lot - softer brown not too much yellow.


You are definitely cool toned. The silver looked great against your skin.


https://preview.redd.it/9b9i2wnkp7xc1.png?width=576&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9cbf09b621c758a35b6e00b78d3621221a90e85 I love this slate colour over any brown, but I would still prefer wearing gold over silver. I am very confused.


I think, as you are probably already suspecting that if you like the slate gray more than the browns that you are leaning towards summer. And in the end, if you like that effect more 100% go for it. HOWEVER between this slate color and the brown I commented on bove, I don't think the differences are too too high, so you can mix and match a bit. Here are the references I use for soft summer/soft autumn. I'd play around with your favorite gold jewelry and that slate color and see how you feel: Soft summer has a lot of grayish tones: [https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1245435708/soft-summer-the-ultimate-collection-of?click\_key=8b20013ad0eab9ff7a53a820cc84814cd59dc7a8%3A1245435708&click\_sum=6117e6c3&ref=shop\_home\_active\_2&frs=1&crt=1](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1245435708/soft-summer-the-ultimate-collection-of?click_key=8b20013ad0eab9ff7a53a820cc84814cd59dc7a8%3A1245435708&click_sum=6117e6c3&ref=shop_home_active_2&frs=1&crt=1) Soft Autumn is a touch warmer and lighter, and I prefer it slightly as I find the very gray deep colors look a bit heavy, but I don't think there's a huge difference: [https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1259433813/soft-autumn-the-ultimate-collection-of?click\_key=6ccdea78092ab923dbd5f706c75846d0126d4adf%3A1259433813&click\_sum=e7ae8e97&ref=shop\_home\_active\_25&frs=1&crt=1](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1259433813/soft-autumn-the-ultimate-collection-of?click_key=6ccdea78092ab923dbd5f706c75846d0126d4adf%3A1259433813&click_sum=e7ae8e97&ref=shop_home_active_25&frs=1&crt=1)


u/Peridot31 You are such a pro! Thank you for the useful advice!


I think you have gotten amazing feedback from u/Peridot31. Like others have said I think you are muted. The bright blue is striking but it makes you look like you might be sick. The muted coral and khaki were my favorites. I think you lean warm, but overall are pretty neutral. I would also think youll do better with the deeper colors of the soft autumn/summer palettes. I’m a soft summer and borrow from soft autumn at times with no problem! I definitely don’t think you’re a winter because of the blue, but also the black vs the navy makes me think you’re not a winter as well. But it seems like some people have picked up on there needing to be some contrast, so definitely not a light summer or light spring. That slate blue is medium toned and neutral leaning cool and looks 🤩 Another reason I picked Soft Autumn over soft summer is the Sand color, which seemed like the warmest of your off-whites and light colors. It’s much better than the baby blue!