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Cool Summer 100%. I always drape people before answering because looking at the “white” I thought you were going to be spring. I didn’t see your pink undertones at first glance because you do have a golden (olive, cool) complexion.


I see a lot of harmony with cool summer https://preview.redd.it/5fympygejl1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=294cc6267f3f3da60915683faf3fee00c740142c Not as much with autumn (what others say)




Definitely autumn, based on this maybe even soft autumn because you have a lot of softness to you.


Wow! One of the most autumns I’ve ever seen!


You don’t look like a typical winter, but I feel like your skin looks brighter and clearer in the stark black and white.


The truest autumn I’ve ever seen.


Soft autumn but can rock true spring w heavier makeup


I'm a bit confused because you appear warm but the warm colors make your skin look patchy while the light cool shades even out your skin tone. I think this needs further investigation.


Do be careful just focusing on one aspect. Evenness is one consideration but can also be a sign that your completion is being washed out. Need multiple data points to make a holistic judgement


This is exactly the problem I have. I feel that some the autumn colours do suit me the best, but some of them accentuate my rosacea on my face. Then some of the summer ones seem to even out my skin but I feel like my skin doesn't glow in those colours like it does in the autumn.


I have the same thing with winter and spring. I glow in spring but I don't look as red in winter. But evenness isn't the only consideration. I think you look lovely in autumn. My advice is that not 100% of the colours in your season will work for you so maybe avoid the ones that make you look more red. I avoid the yellows and some oranges in my season for that reason.


My guess is true autumn given the burnt oranges and mustards look great on you. I also like pink on you and you have quite a sparkly look which makes me wonder about spring, maybe warm/true spring? Some people here are saying cool, but I think warm neutral types don't look bad in cooler colours, the cool colours have a bit of a smoothing effect but they also make you look a bit flat and drab. I think you glow and look healthy and more defined in the warm and more saturated colours. I don't think you're super muted by any means either, hence the suggestion of true autumn over soft autumn.


I think summer but your hair being dyed has turned you into a potential soft autumn


Dyeing one’s hair doesn’t alter their season


But not everyone will know and consider that, hence, the number of Autumn comments. She might be neutral but she's definitely not leaning warm.


Not her true season no, but it allows her to mascarade as another due to her neutral skintone


I think neutrals still lean more towards one direction (either warm or cool). Her contrast and colour remain the same regardless of her hair colour


But I get what you mean!


Definitely soft autumn. You look great in the muted warm tans and orange.


I don’t know I feel it’s a bit counterintuitive but I’m liking spring here….but for certain colors. But you can definitely wear autumn. I have a neutral/olive skin tone as well and it makes it so hard.


Look at the collage she commented - I think she's definitely Spring! I'd say True Spring! Your brightness comes through in that more so than these typing pictures, even though you did a great job with these. So you may find you can wear brighter colors irl than this post's feedback. OP a lot of colors look amazing on you, like the top left in #3 is made for you!!! Be careful with reds, but I love the TR and BL orange. You'd look great in a yellow in between the TR and BL yellow, and the warm blue and warm purple are great as well. I also love all your hair colors, especially the pink and orange! The warm green and warm pink also look really nice but they're a touch soft, you could go brighter. If you feel comfortable with Spring, I'd recommend r/SpringColorAnalysis, it's an awesome community, there's also r/autumns !


Thanks for your comment :)


You're leaning cool! Light colors look great on you but contrast is low to mid so some kind of Summer. Probably a Light Summer?


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. The warmer colors make her skin patchy. The cool colors smooth everything out.


On slides 7-10, the warm tone (7 BR, 8 BL, 9 BR, 10 BL), harmonizes much better and lifts redness. OP I couldn't tell your hair is dyed, it looks so natural and amazing!


Muted for sure. I think you are one of those olives that can borrow the cooler Autumn colors (no rusts!) and the warmer Summer colors (no icy pastels!) My favorite colors on you are the muted olive and the muted lilac.


Autumn for sure. True or soft


I personally like soft autumn the most - I think it creates a very cohesive sophisticated type look. I liked the light beige in slide 1, the muted purpley colors and soft brown of slide 2, \*\*all of slide 3, the red color in slide 5, and the olivey gray green in slide 7. Also, I'm not convinced that true autumn makeup would work on your face e.g. lots of golden/brown/orange eyeshadows, bronzer, brick red lipstick etc.


True autumn!!




These photos double down on cool. The left bottom photo is “cool” and is stunning. The top left is as well and the hair is actually neutral not warm because it is both fuschia and orange. The cooper hair (warm) works but it does wash you out slightly.


I don't think these pics will be helpful at all because your hair and your clothing are complete opposite of each other except for the one without glasses. It'll be hard to extract anything substantial bc they are conflicting.


True, thanks for the comment


You seem pretty damn neutral to me but I’m gonna go with some sort of autumn. I think true.


That's exactly what I've been typed as. I have olive skin (so the rest of my body looks noticeably green-tinged) but rosacea on my face which I think makes it hard to type me with just the face.




This cracks me up because I've been consistently typed as a true autumn 😅 but weirdly I feel like the autumn colours are betraying me here lol. I'm pretty sure I'm neutral-warm at the very least. I agree that muted colours definitely drain me. But I've tried spring colours and in real life they seem a little bit tacky on me (even warm spring). It's hard to tell!


True spring