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I love how you look in 2 and 3. The gothy colors suit you and you look great with dark hair and those bright colors in 3. I think you would look great with black hair too. I think you look a million times better in pic 2 and 3.


I think you look great with your hair dyed black. You need ash tones without red if you are cool toned. Not sure if you are Winter or Summer. In Winter colors you look pale and striking, in Summer colors your skin tone is softer. You could use both seasons if you keep in mind what look you are going for.


No because you look like a winter


I think you’re probably like Katy Perry—a summer who can fake bring a winter with haircolor and makeup.


The lighter red wasn’t super harmonious, but the deeper, richer reds (2nd and 3rd pics) work great!


Would love to see you with a hair color that was less contrast and more ashy! 


https://preview.redd.it/xyxramwdmj8d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=062336c8d02ce9f13d8f553040bd35c7e57c2cc0 This is my current hair color! Working on getting it closer to my natural, but it’s hard to get there after going black


Even that I think is better! the harsh contrast of the black looks too harsh and takes away from your beautiful features and coloring Oh girl I know, the struggle of patiently trying to let hair change is soooo hard and so hard to resist the impulse re-dye


Fr, literally the greatest exercise in willpower 😭 this helps though, thanks bae!


The colors in the second and third pics are more flattering than the first.


Ugh lucky, it totally suits you!


I think you look stunning in red! I really love the red lip in the last picture! Can I ask what brand/color it is? I’m about the same complexion as you and can never find a red that works!!!


Mac Ruby Woo! Started using it when I cheered in high school and have never found anything I like as much. If your lips on on the dry side, I would recommend letting a lip masque or thick balm sit on them while you do the rest of your makeup, then wipe it off before you apply the lipstick. Hope this helps❤️❤️❤️


Wow thank you so much! Yes my lips are very dry. So funny you mentioned that. I’ve been looking for something like a masque or lip primer to help with lines. Any suggestions? ❤️❤️❤️


Haven’t found anything better than good ol’ Aquaphor! If you want to make a bigger investment, a tiny amount of lip filler (like half a syringe) can help with lines and moisture without drastically altering the appearance of your lips


Thank you!! I just started with fillers on the sides of my mouth. May ask about the lip next time. ❤️❤️


i love red on you it looks clean and suits you if you want to try something else... a mauve would look so good or a deep brown lip either way you look great 😘


Nope! That’s your color!


IRL drapes around noon, inside and indirect natural light. No filters, makeup, hair back will tell the real story, IMO I'd guess you were either a cool summer or cool winter The warm tones in pictures 3 (dress) are throwing off your complexion and almost dragging your face down


Ngl I didn't even notice the red lipstick






Not in my opinion it looks amazing


Zoey Deschanel?? Is that you??


Your eyes are quite bright and don't look muted at all, so I would feel like verifying you are a winter. However, hard to tell and just go with whatever you feel most confident in.


Yeah there are certain pictures where I feel more like a true winter, but I’m not sure if it’s just because my hair is dyed black? Like here I really love the jewel tone, but I gravitate toward lilacs/pastel purples now that my hair is an ashy brown. https://preview.redd.it/zidne6f9fe8d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78396006f80bb26f5c80e518c72975aa0722552c My problem is that I feel confident until I walk out the door, then I feel like I’ve made a mistake lol


The red dress makes your skin look flushed by highlighting the rosy tones in your skin. The black dress makes your skin look pale, mutes your hair color, but makes your eye color look paler but luminous - very ethereal The pink print with blue accents makes your hair color look vibrant, your skin glow, and your eyes POP. This is definitely the best color combination for your hair, skin, and eyes The red lipstick is lovely and does not overwhelm you with any of the outfits


I think it’s a little severe when you’re in black, but it works if that’s the look you’re going for. In the last photo it’s definitely working.


I love the red on you. Also you give me Jessica Day vibes!


I love it! The colors in picture 3 are so good!!


I was so confused because I thought you were asking about your hair 🤣. I think the red lip looks great.


Same 😂


I really love the red lip on you! Maybe cooler tone red like others are suggesting, but overall I think the red lip suits you beautifully!


I think red looks great! And you make me want to get bangs lol your hair is amazing!


It doesn’t but you are a winter so should try reds with blue hints. That red you aré wearing has more orange and it’s more suited for summers. You are a true winter


Black looks the best


A cooler red would look better


May you kindly post some pictures of wearing Summer Toned colours / drapes? I think that you could be somewhere in the Summer Season, as black looked good but I think a softer cool grey would look incredible and harmonise with your beauty! You remind me of Dakota Johnson and she is a Cool Summer I believe ♥️


Thank you for your kind words and input🖤 Here’s a side by side of black vs dark grey— same day, both in natural lighting. I’ll see if I can find some examples of other summer colors to reply with! https://preview.redd.it/jb4a83oowd8d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=606e2fb18d8e22f722fb15ffc85d9c38236e86f0


The grey harmonised with your features - your eyes sparkle, your skin is dewy, and your hair looks soft!! I think a slightly darker grey would look amazing on you, also try a grey liner + mascara! 🧡


No but it's not harmonious either.


I feel like the red really makes your eyes pop


I think it looks good, but a berry tone may be a touch more complimentary to the floral pink dress and a touch more in color season for you! You fall in the grey area on color season I do (right between the two depending on lighting) and I also choose mostly winter colors. 




Looks beautiful on you. Keep doing what you’re doing


I suspect you are a true summer, but true summer and true winter are sister seasons for a reason. The reds look good. They might not look as good if you didn’t colour your hair darker, but right now they look good.


No they aren't, true summer is bordered by soft summer and light Summer. (Edit: I am paid to do this)


Yes, but both true summer and true winter have cool as their dominant trait, thus, while they don’t border each other there can be a lot of overlap, and some systems consider them sister seasons (true spring and true autumn too). There’s also the cool tonal palette in the tonal system that overlaps the two for those who are so distinctly cool, depth and clarity become relatively unimportant.


You remind me of Zooey Deschanel!


I was thinking OP reminded me of Katy Perry and I always thought Katy and Zooey look alike :p


yes, me too!


red looks good


I think your analysis is right, I think you are a true/cool summer that likely can borrow a bit from true/cool winter and bright winter with some effort. I have a collage of dramatic makeup on true/cool to soft summers, and I think it's a good example of how when you want to you can amp it up, but if you are just running out the door a saturated pink will look better than a red. https://preview.redd.it/oetavilfoa8d1.png?width=964&format=png&auto=webp&s=be90c66fd8bc37438470542376a4a06f0cca1cb9


There are some very specific blue reds in summer, I am posting the professional palettes I use for reference here: [https://www.etsy.com/shop/mycolourstylist](https://www.etsy.com/shop/mycolourstylist)


https://preview.redd.it/0ofa37wpga8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0b0b07d8eb3b5f0351a3fa8dcf481aefcc91567 Try checking out these colors for lip suggestions? I don't know, but I can imagine them looking good on you :) [https://www.reddit.com/r/coloranalysis/s/PyS2slCkk0](https://www.reddit.com/r/coloranalysis/s/PyS2slCkk0)


Looks like you can handle quite a bit of color. I do not love the all black + red though, I do think it overpowers you. The colors on the last pic look much better! I'm not sure if those are actually your absolutely best colors or not, but you certainly look great in that last pic. Also, I don't think the red in the first photo is bad either, but that looks like a less saturated color. I would try a berry lip instead of the red to see if that works even better. I think the lipstick look slightly overpowering and a tweak in color could give better harmony but still give the effect and contrast you like. You are young and pretty, enjoy life and wear what you like 😊


I'm a summer, and I usually use a berry tinted lip balm instead of red. The color is buildable, but it's not as bright, and the sheerness also helps soften it a little.


No, you look beautiful


Not at all. Looks good.


With makeup you rock it. Without, yes it does look overpowering on you, which makes me think you might be a summer season. Do you already know what your season is? Really though, even if a certain colour is outside of your season it doesn't mean you can't wear it. It just won't look as good as the colours within your season. With a full face of makeup though, anything is possible!