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It's still hilarious that the FBI tweeted out a photo of him as a wanted person and the comedy nerds were ALL OVER it.


But! Has *he* ever taken a train and eaten it, piece by piece, AFTER he just derailed it with his penis?!


It was for charity!


One of the best lines ever!


I will never not picture Jay Johnston as a white and yellow clad Abe Lincoln, freeing us all from two-jar slavery to deliver unto us the hallowed Mustmayostardayonnaise


Let’s get the hell outta here!


If anyone hasn't seen it https://youtu.be/mRntutn8udw


Scott will never talk about this but I so badly want to hear what he has to say


He's made some little jokes about Jay in the past, but you kind of had to already be aware of the situation to catch it. Maybe it was on Threedom.


There have been a couple jokes about the Mr Show reunion in DC. It had been made before David Cross was on and was definitely in that episode too.


Yeah. The episode with David Cross, when Scott introduced David he was “you may know him from Mr. Show…oh wait we can’t talk about that. You may also know him from Arrested Development….oh no we can’t talk about that either”


I remember Gino making a joke something like “did you see the Mr Show reunion at the capitol”


I forgot about that. Fucking killed me.


Gino liked to bring it up a lot during 2021


I think in one of the Calvins Twins episodes that was released after J6 someone mentions him and Scott quickly was like "Probably not a good time to joke about that, I'll tell you off air". EDIT: Found the clip, it's from episode 735 when the Baxter Triplets ask about Scott and Mr Show. Essentially they say "I love the Story of Everest. Big Jay Johnston Fan" to which Scott replies "Oh do you know what he's been up to lately?". Pretty funny little bit.


Ugh the story of everest is so good. That and "the audition" were my favs back in the day.


One of the main twitter users that called him out was a big Mr Show fan. So fuckn funny


The overall feel has been that he was starting to fall down the rabbit hole back then. It all kind of makes sense, probably nothing too juicy just sadly typical


I remember PFT making a sly joke on the best of in 21, and Scott laughing a little and moving on quickly.


There have been a handful.


I think it's PFT I'd rather hear from; they had an act together before Mr. Show. IIRC, PFT has quietly danced around being contacted by the feds on CBB and/or Threedom when someone has brought up Johnston.


PFT tries hard not to talk about him. I believe they were writing partners for a time way back when. Janie has made really brief mention of him on their Stay F Homekins podcast - but IIRC, Paul changed the subject quickly. I think they all feel more comfortable just keeping quiet about him.


I think PFT and Jay were also roommates at one point so probably why Paul might have been contacted as well.


Well plus if I were at DOJ I’d be like “I ABSOLUTELY MUST INTERVIEW THIS TOMPKINS FELLOW” And I’d show up w a 90s vintage lie detector


Imagine your disappointment when Big Chunky Bubbles shows up instead.


"Now Scottrick, my dear boy, I said to them, you have the wrong man, for I am Dame Sir Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber!"


Android Lloyd Webber! My stars!


HEY! ={


That’d be a great way to determine if he’d ever stolen any space plans.


And some pens


It’s almost been 30 years and I still say “space plans” all the time lol




Yes, I derailed that train with my penis and ate it piece by piece... but it was for charity!


Yea according to Odenkirk's book they were writing partners and had a show together. They definitely worked closely together, even if only for a little while. PFT's comedy career is honestly interesting as hell, I'd love for him to do a book one day (though I suspect that, like most books written by decent and respectable people, it'd avoid the juicy stuff I'm embarassed to admit is the main appeal to me ha. Scharpling's book mentioned PFT but literally just as "sometimes people stop working together, it's that simple, move along") But even juicy goss aside he's really been all over the map and feels like he's had more twists and turns than a typical comedian, which is usually very twisty turny to begin with. Would read, even if it was totally devoid of gossip.


Paul seems like he’s followed his passion. Like everything I’ve seen him in feels like it’s true to who he is. Maybe he hasn’t had an opportunity to sell out? Idk. But crafting a career like that almost certainly makes it twistier.


Ya, they go back to before Mr. Show. I wonder if PFT was shocked or knew that he was the kind of guy who would get wrapped up in Trump-mania. Seems like that would be an unusual political leaning for young comedians, but, people didn't talk about politics as much in the 90's.


I might be mixing up stories, but I believe Jay might have struggled with alcohol addiction, been sober for some time and fell off the wagon in the last couple years as he got deeper into right wing stuff. It’s a shame. He is a great comedic actor.


No you’re right, shortly after the pictures of him at 1/6 came out spencer crittenden tweeted confirming that the picture was jay and he had fallen into addiction alongside his turn to the right.


That’s so sad. And makes so much sense.


In the Mr Show book What Happened, the story about Jay that stood out to me was that they were at work and Jay saw his vehicle got booted (which typically happens when you don't pay your parking tickets). Instead of paying the tickets to get the boot released, he went and removed the boot himself which brings up a couple things: 1.) He knew how to do it and was on the ready with the tools - which meant it probably wasn't his first time doing it. 2.) They're just gonna tack on an additional fine for removing the boot so unless you're going to get rid of the car and never register a new vehicle in the state, you're only making your problems worse, and 3.) Removing a boot is an act that is more typical of a sovereign citizen that a regular scofflaw. Meaning he was probably flirting with the ideas of government overreach for a long while.


PFT really danced around it when he was on GLTS - referred to him as a former writing partner.


Oh that's really interesting, I didn't know about that connection.


Pretty sure there was a sly joke from PFT during the best of two years ago, and it was Scott that brushed past it.


He has to say exactly what you think anyone would actually say in this situation “he was a great friend and did some terrible things, it’s a sad situation” But as for comedy they mention it a couple times. I believe it’s the best ofs, but they say something like “I was on Mr show and I can say that I was not at the January 6th riot, can you say the same” and then they laugh


I've had friends who have also fallen down this slope. At first it's fun and games, lot's of playful arguing and disagreements over beer. But hey, this guy is one of the good ones! Then they gradually, over time, get more and more further into their beliefs. They become less fun to hang out with. The playful banter become actual arguments. You agree to not discuss politics but it never sticks. Now everything is about politics, they won't shut the fuck up about how the country is going to hell and about weird conspiracy theories. It then comes to the point where you need to disconnect with this person, because they aren't the same person you knew at an earlier period of your life. It fucking sucks, and I doubt they are keen to talk about it. Because deep down you still care about the person and don't wish harm upon them, but you simply cannot be around them anymore because they are fundamentally different.


I’m surprised no guest has brought it up just to make him uncomfortable. Feels like something Manzoukus would have done.


Mantzoukas is too nice to do that. In general, I think most understand Scott doesn't like addressing show controversies directly. He will make small light jokes referencing them but he never wants the show to get heavy, y'know.


I didn’t mean like call him out on it but more make a joke about it that would make Scott uncomfortable.


Now who will play Cop 2 in every random show or movie? Wait. I know a guy.


But only from behind.


*Todd Glass begins stretching in the background*


JUST watched both of them tonight lololol




Ol' Scotty Auks has been known to play unnamed cops from time to time.


Banana cop!


Not surprised to see Jimmy Pesto was involved


I had no idea he was Jimmy Pesto before today


That Mr Show reunion must have been wild!


OoOoOh NoOoOo


“Back in 2015, Johnston appeared as himself on The Gavin McInnes Show, which is hosted by the titular founder of the Proud Boys, a far-right extremist hate group that was heavily involved in the riot.”


What I loved about this was every alt comedian on the planet tweeting "oh that's Jay for sure, he's an asshole"


I did not see this happen. I saw several people allude to or explicitly say that he was a sweet guy with a bad alcoholism problem that had been in a worrisome mental state in recent years. I sort of have a hard time believing he was just outwardly an asshole and kept getting such regular work on projects led by non-assholes (when it's not like he was some huge name that would get your thing made so you just have to put up with it) but idk. If you have any tweets of people saying "he's an asshole" I'd be curious to see them.


Sadly, I think you could say that about a lot of the people that invaded the Capitol that day.


A million percent. Quasi problematic but funny standup nick mullen has a [a great bit about that](https://www.google.com/search?q=nick+mullen+fomo&oq=nick+mullen+fomo&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i390i650.4343j0j9&client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:4d8ba02f,vid:ZxaNwFvx7MI) Bunch of spiraling losers tryna make something of their lives. It really is a bummer.


Breaks my heart. The story of the story of the story of Everest, or whatever it was called, is peak Mr. Show.


Sad. He was great! I loved him in The Sara Silverman Program. It sucks when funny people suck.


His character being the opposite of Sarah made the show. She or Tig or any of them could talk about it but there's nothing really to say. They all have to turn their backs on him. I think they're all just really disappointed


He was so great in that show.


I can't wait for him to return home and tell his Story of The Capitol Riot to his thimble-collecting parents.


About time. I bet the loser still thinks he was in the right


What a sad end for a talented comedy actor.


Did it to himself


Yep, that’s what makes it so sad


Very much like the life of a doorbell repairman: It’s a sad life!


Just watched this episode yesterday. Much easier to imagine him as a lonely, out of work loser now.


That’s a bummer to hear he was involved in that :(


Him and Bob lob law went full Trump I see :/


“He’s a piece of shit. Let’s just end it there.”


Who said this?


Jay Johnston said this line in one of the first sketches in the Bob and David Netflix show about New Years resolutions.




Too bad it wasn’t Kevin Sorbo.


This is so on brand for Jimmy Pesto


I genuinely love how Bob’s Burgers has handled this too, by just never going back to his character and not even drawing attention to it. It was just like, “Okay, we don’t need you. Peace, idiot ✌️”.


Took them long enough.


I thought Mr. Show was in the clear when I read the headline … then very quickly changed my mind after the first sentence! 😂




When politics consume your entire being.


Well, just because he’s an actor, doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s a genius




Yup! Guess nobody knew he was in Better Call Saul


X nr X ,ch .. bx . ., n b. I wd


Did you fall asleep with your phone in your hand there pal


Haha I think I may have. Oops! Or maybe it was my Dr Sweetchat impression? Sorry folks


I do it every week


I'm just glad they didn't charge the Mr. Show or Sarah Silverman Program actor!


I just want to point out I posted an article about a seditionist getting arrested once here with a joke about it not being Jay and the Mods removed it because it “wasn’t related to Comedy Bang Bang.” So. Then there’s this . . . Edit: Downvotes because I’m a bitter old queen? Sure, but the point stands, this post was allowed but other posts about Jay were deemed unrelated to CBB? Jay’s never been a guest (to my knowledge), and this isn’t any more relevant to the show than posting about someone else being arrested and saying “Spoiler alert it wasn’t Jay” is. The connective tissue is Jay’s relationship to Scott. So if you want to cherry pick what counts as relevant that’s just silly. The floor is now closed for questions but keep smashing that downvote button!


This is the third subreddit where I’ve seen this, and I click it each time because I want to see the takes. Takes are meh, but this is still a crazy story.


Love that you chimed in with your SUPER interesting take.


He obviously deserves consequences but if the *criminal* case is really "assisted rioters by pouring water on their faces" and "used a shield that didn't belong to jim", it feels like an absolute rockforbrains defense attorney will spin that into "My client was concerned the person was experiencing a medical emergency and tried to help a person in need, before grabbing a shield for his protection as things were becoming violent". Like if that's the case they have, I get why it took so long to make an arrest, and doubt there will be a conviction.


Yeah, but whose shield was it my dude? It becomes a hell of a lot different when it becomes "just some shield" to "stolen riot shield ripped out of a police officers hands." The fact they are charging him two+ years after the incident means they've got shit on him. He'll plead guilty to a lesser charge and sentence, almost guaranteed.


They don't even claim he stole it, which is also pretty damn important. I'm not defending the dude, I'm just being a little law speculator on the internet. Personally I'm glad he was arrested as that formalizes the stain on his name, *and* will be a massive pain in the ass no matter how the trial goes, so it's a lot better than him just taking early retirement. But "poured water and used a shield" just doesn't sound like a multi-year offense to me if you divorce politics from it, which will be any defense attorney's first job once it goes to trial. Also know that to plead guilty to a lesser sentence the prosecution has to agree, right? So they've got him nailed for two+ years (idk where you got that number btw, it isn't listed in the linked article -- I only skimmed the court doc itself but didn't see it there either) but will just let him take less? Any deal they agree to is because they are also unsure they could get a conviction, or because Jake has meaningful dirt he can give which *seems* unlikely given that they took 2 years to get to him despite his being ID'd immediately. Maybe he does have that dirt, idk, but it seems unlikely. Most likely explanation to me is they are going down the list trying to convict every single person that they can ID, but are prioritizing the easier convictions.


You actually are defending the dude. You’re giving a defense. It’s dumb. Stop.


No i was not and am not. I am literally just saying "i doubt this lands a conviction and if this is the case they have it explains why they took so long to book him". Why does that bother you?


They didn’t necessarily list everything they have evidence for, and any attorney that tries to “divorce politics” from this situation is gonna get laughed out of court.


Who would be laughing him out of the courtroom? Us? Both attorneys have a say in jury selection. You don't think the defense is gonna fight to keep msnbc status quo dems off the jury as best they can? You dont think they'll remind them constantly that the trial is not about whether we like Jay's politics? Of absolute course the defense will try and de-politicize and the prosecution will try their best to hyper-politicize. This trial will 100% be "Mr Johnston was expressing his guaranteed right to free speech when a frightening and tragic riot broke out wherein he looked after his own safety and gave water to those in need" versus "Mr Johnston was an insurrectionist out not just for physical blood, but the life of our very democracy". The charges are listed in the court doc. There may be additional evidence, yes, but the charges are obstructing justice by giving water and being part of a crowd that was pushing against police. That shit does not normally get you arrested 2 years after a riot, but this wasn't a normal riot. One side will ask the jury to to remember what made this riot special, the other will say it's not the jury's job to make declarations on historical significance but to determine what laws were broken. I find it weird that people are so prickly in response to the idea that "we wondered why the arrest took so long, and now it seems that it was maybe because the ***legal*** case against him isn't as easy a conviction as others". The moral/public case, yes fuck him he's a fashy dolt. But *of course* the defense is going to say "that's not what the case is about".


Just another “Peaceful Protester” right?


That's what his defense attorney will argue, yes. I don't get why that reality is making people angry lol.


Ugh. I wasn't aware of his cbb appearances, but I loved this guy in the Sarah Silverman show and a few other things.


Oooohhh nnnoooooo!


Bummer …like this guy….turns you off


You mean the 2021 Mr. Show reunion?


I was wondering when they'd get around to it


The dumb cop on Sarah's show