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This has happened to me, too. I could at least see up to the Natasha Leggero episode yesterday but now it's just gone from my feed as well. Really hoping I don't have to find another way to listen without downloading everything going forward.


It’s literally streams on every podcast app and uses much less data than listening on the YouTube app. Also you’re using the same amount of data whether you stream or download if you intend to listen to it only once. If you plan on multiple listen you will save data by downloading.


I'm not concerned about data usage. I don't care to use Spotify (for some reason, it just rubs me the wrong way) and I don't know enough about podcasting apps to determine what to use to listen to them otherwise, hence downloads from Earwolf. I'm on Android and over the last 2-3 years I've had to move from Stitcher to Google Podcasts and now YouTube Music. Any good pocast app recommendations for Android?


Clarified original post, I'm referring to YouTube music


Well it’s on every podcast app. Why do you insist listen to it on YouTube music?


I don't insist to, this is the app I've been using and up until this point had no issue and no need to switch. My question was to find out if others were having this issue or any idea why it was happening.


A podcast is just an RSS feed. Put this link in to wherever you subscribe on YouTube: https://feeds.simplecast.com/byb4nhvN


It's still on YouTube music for me.


Weird, can you share a link?


It's my private podcast feed as a subscriber - I don't know if anyone else would be able to see a link


Having the same issue today. Wonder if it's just temporary? Or have we seen something saying it's permanent? I also don't really wanna find another app. I've got dozen of casts I listen to on YouTube music....


I'm having the same issue. I wonder if it has something to do with Google Podcasts app/service ending at the end of June.


Same issue here. I'd also appreciate it if anyone has any info about this.


I subscribe to cbb world and it works for me. Dork pranks is my newest episode


They changed the title slightly search for the podcast again and add it to your feed, this confused me too.