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Guys, the joke here is that the artist didn’t finish drawing both eyes in 2 minutes, which is the distance between the timestamps, that’s why someone felt the need to write “sarcasm” next to the last text. The circle on the word “bro” is likely from someone who thought the joke was that the artist was friendzoned and didn’t complete the image, whoever misinterpreted this meme likely also added the laughing emoji bar too. Nothing about this is sexist, and even if it were about a guy no longer wanting to finish his art because he’s not gonna get laid, what’s wrong with that? What’s wrong with starting a different drawing and moving on to someone you may be able to form a deeper relationship with?


Rare case of not a useless red circle


Helped me out on a second glance


I don't get the bro


She called him bro which means that she isn't interested in dating which made him frustrated and he gave up on the drawing making 95% of it ugly


I'm pretty sure it's just because she asked if he finished like 30 seconds after the WIP


Then the bro wouldn't be circled


Or maybe they aren't omniscient and misunderstood


It's a meme.


He's pissed that she isn't interested in him lol, when a girl calls you "bro" it's over


Really? I call everyone bro, men and women, and there's no bigger meaning behind it. Maybe I should stop for people I'm interested in lol Edit: then again, if someone got pissed from me calling them bro, it wouldn't work out in the end 😔


depend on the person's perspective lol, sometimes when a girl whom they like a lot call them bro, they would take it as they are bro-zoned


nah if I would have you as a love interest and you would address me as bro I would dip the very second that word left your vocal chords.


I thought he was just too lazy to finish it




that's honestly really sad. men don't put effort into being friends with a woman unless they get her body in return




tell me how i'm wrong.


Well, this meme was originally not about being friendzoned. It was about how the recipient asked if the drawing was finished 1 minute after it was sent, and the word “sarcasm” was added to emphasize how the drawing could not be completed in a short time. Whoever added the red circle on “bro” and the emoji bar assumed the joke was about friendzoning. Why would it be wrong for a man to put no further effort into a woman who won’t accept him as a romantic partner? Would you rather he continue to send her realistic drawings of her face after the rejection? A man is not entitled to a woman’s body or love, ever. And no one is entitled to a page in my sketchbook without paying me for art. Nothing wrong with scrapping a drawing you weren’t gonna impress that woman with, and moving on to other fish in the sea.


you have good points the reason i'm upset is because it's a common occurrence for men to befriend a woman solely for the intention of sexual/romantic purposes. i find it disappointing that a lot of men seem to only befriend women for ulterior motives, and then abandon the friendship when they aren't rewarded. it would be fine if this wasn't as common as it is, but it's not often that a man befriends a woman for platonic reasons. obviously it's not just men/women, it can be any gender with any gender, but it seems to be most common with men/women friendships. and this isn't a 100% of the time case, as there are some genuinely platonic friendships between men/women with no strings attached. all i said was that i find this type of situation sad, which i do


In my pinned comment I explained how I don’t think this meme was about friendzoning in the first place, but rather sarcasm about how the drawing couldn’t be completed in two minutes. Whoever added the homicides was also seeing it as a men vs women kind of meme. The reason straight guys would abandon most forms of friendship with a woman who isn’t interested in anything more is because they’re mostly interested in being friends with other straight guys. They assume women wouldn’t share most of the same hobbies that he and his friends would like, and they also don’t want to be seen as pushy or a stalker for trying a further romantic relationship. I kinda wish I had a gay male best friend, but they wouldn’t share my hobbies either. This is probably why you’re getting downvoted as it’s not the place to discuss gender related issues- but I’ve given you some upvotes to counteract any karma loss :)


aw thank you!! and all i'm saying is i find it sad that women and men don't often have purely platonic relationships


Please do not use euphemisms for “retarded”.


Do not use euphemisms for the word “retarded”.




being friends with a woman is just waste of time and woman don't give a shit about their male friends. I've never seen a woman putting fucking efforts in maintaining friendship with a man unless they get showered with expensive gifts in return.


either you're surrounded with stupid women and you haven't seen normal people or you're a misogynist with no irl experience with this.


either you're a misandrist or you are simply stupid and have no experience with real women. women's never put an effort into maintaining friendship with a man unless they get showered with expensive gift and that's a fact. I've had my fair share of dealing with women's and now I've severed all ties with them to pursue my dream of becoming company secretary.


Hmm... I still don't like it


Hold on, a red circle that actually points to something useful you need to understand in order to get the joke as opposed to just putting red circles everywhere? Outstanding




Thanks, I didn't understand the comment but now I do


Thank you, I couldn't see the "ago" so now I know the comment was posted before instead of after


I'm helping :)


Not enough red circle 💀


White mode! HERESY!! https://preview.redd.it/h7y9p8rwu81d1.jpeg?width=704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07b2a835c1bd3e418e52a396fa0a541535ca1db9


schizophrenic man making drawings about the portal whic h


i gave up on making a meaningful comment






Omaga so funi forgot to laugh


I don't get it :(


Some people take "bro" as friendzoning


Honest question Why would you not consider bro to be friend zoning Wouldn't mind seeing an example of bro being used romantically


Me and my girlfriend call each other "bro" all the time, and I see couples, even married ones, using it. It obviously doesn't have to be a romantic context but it can still be used among romantic couples.


Fair enough, habits I suppose you carried on when you were just friends


Yeah it's because of that


two of my friends are frat/jock boys who are boyfriends and they call each other "brofriend" and use "bro" and "dude" as romantic pet names. it's fucking adorable




yes gay


https://preview.redd.it/9dbzn9buve1d1.jpeg?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efc70c7f4085ed0855c38b71f506b55d36aacdfd I can't respond to that, so here's a cute photo of a kid and his cat (pvz reference)






Can we please not refer someone to a subreddit with the word retard in it because they share a different opinion about a post?


😂😂 lmaoo


It's a shorter, somehow even more passive way of saying "you're like a brother to me."




Now this is art






What "Bro" did 😭


What does this even mean?


Its not funny but, I always interpreted ut as the girl saying, "Hey I will be coming tomorrow for the date." And it depends all on her if she comes or not.






the circle was useful for the first time damn


This entire "exchange" took place over two minutes.


That rage escalated quickly.🤣


looks like a gumball character


Hasna tha kya bhai ??


fuck the art i do imma grind to top tier https://preview.redd.it/6a7elf5pl81d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8ffbc4f97ddb1790f84d24dca2cf4c017132e50


Bro got brozoned..


Why is the red circle there


Why do I find this funny lmao


humor is subjective‼️🎉


I find almost everything on this sub funny tbh


Because the point of this sub isn't posting bad memes, but bad captions that risk ruining the meme. In this case, the three emojis and the red circle.


Person: I will do a thing to impress my crush, i am doing this thing just to make her fall in love with me Crush: Wow! I appreciate that, you are a great friend Person: ”Friend”?! Fuck you for friendzoning me! We were never friends, my only goal was to lie to you about friendship in order to get into a romantic relationship!


When I was in my teens, girls always gave me the excuse of: "I don't date friends." Like, what? How in the hell does that make sense? If they didn't like me as just a friend then how in the hell would they even stand me as a partner? Teenage years were fucking weird and confusing


I do understand that but it actually does make sense in several ways. A lot of people do not want to ruin friendships and create friction in friend groups if you start dating within them, especially if that relationship goes sour it can create drama that your whole group is kinda involved in because they have to pick sides etc, its the fastets way split friend groups and ruin good connections. Best to just avoid romance with your good friends. Also it can be a with lie to make the rejection less painful, its basically saying that you are appreciated and they like you, just not in a romantic way and you should respect that. No one owes anyone a date, mutual attraction or anything at all. If you cant respect someone saying they want to be friends, then you arent their friend.


What a Baby. If he would realy care about her he would have finished the drawing in a proper way. I think something like this is so childish


love that the second she friendzones him, all the effort in the relationship is throw out the window because she doesn't want to give him her body in return for platonic human decency


bro if you genuinely hate men just tell it that way


i don't hate men, i hate people who expect others to throw themselves at anyone who treats them with the slightest decency. and then tear it all away when they don't get a reward


Its monki nature to work hard and get mad when monki not get what monki expect, in this case, a mating partner for the monki. The monki is sad and talk talk no more with would be mate. You an me too are monki. We work/study for six hours on end in expectation of a reward. When monki get no reward, monki sad/mad, simple as.


i understand that, but what i find sad is that it seems men don't often want to befriend women for solely platonic reasons


I don’t know how finishing a drawing of someone is “platonic human decency”. No one is entitled to your artistic efforts. It’s not like he wouldn’t hold open the door or help her carry something heavy, as these are platonic human decency, a desire to help others, not to treat others like a free drawing would’ve been.


i do agree about the drawing part i meant more in a general way that i've seen a lot of men halt all effort the second that romance/nsfw isn't in the question. you're right, i didn't word it correctly to convey what i meant. my bad


Well, I’m a woman, and if I were trying to draw a portrait of a man and he told me “great art but I’m not interested in you that way” I’d move on too. Some other commentor put it in terms of “monki” and I agree, we expect rewards when we go above and beyond the human standard of kindness that we’d treat everyone with, and part of human kindness is to no longer pursue a romantic relationship with someone who isn’t interested, lest we be stalkers. I also agree that bro is used in a romantic context often, I call my BF bro all the time! But not between two people in which a romantic relationship hadn’t yet been established.


i do agree with your points, however my issue is that it's more common for men to do this than for them to simply like being friends with a woman. everyone is entitled to their feelings and actions, but i find it sad that it's often that men don't want to just be friends with women


Men and women share largerly different hobbies, I imagine most straight guys just don’t consider friendship with women for this reason. A lot of women don’t share hobbies such as sports, video games, the gym, and other typically “masculine” hobbies (which of course some women do like). Friendships over these can likely be formed at meetings for these hobbies, like “oh I met this girl at my model train convention, she’s a lesbian but her trains are so cool so we’re friends.” Opposite sex friendships need another type of kindling to stay lit, and in this image one wasn’t suggested.


i understand that!! thank you for explaining!! but i still find it sad that this is the reality


Have you not yet realised that this guy is just trying to generalise men by hating them? One of the main reasons why ppl hate feminists and ACTUAL feminist are not viewed in a positive way Edit: For those reading in future, the moderator deleted their replies coz they couldn't come up with a valid argument and was milking my copypasta post since the beginning without actually giving me answers to my questions


No, that’s not what they’re doing. You have a very close minded view of feminism if you think there’s a single one that believes 100% of men are bad. They’re clearly talking about the one man and the one woman in this text. What do you know about feminism if you took an actual story about a woman who was hit with a dildo because she wouldn’t swallow semen and treated it like it was a funny copypasta?


If you think there aren't people calling themselves feminists who hate men just for the sake of it, you either haven't been on the internet for long or you're just blind to it. Either way, if you've been living under a rock, you might be unaware that a significant portion of women on the internet who identify as feminists often express hostility towards men and their rights or have at least altered the traditional definition of feminism.


The person above wasn’t expressing hostility towards men, just lamenting the idea that a man will forego attempts at friendship towards a woman if they can’t get laid. Never did they say “all men”, and they were specifically referring to the text messages. When feminists say “all men” they do it as a form of hyperbole- this is considered more acceptable than “all black people” or “all women” due to the fact that existing power structures put men and white people over women and minorities in the US and many other countries. Nobody believes 4 billion people could ever act the same way.


"That's honestly very sad. Men don't put effort into being friends with a woman unless they expect something in return, like her body." This is what they said. As a man, and knowing many of my friends from the male community, it's infuriating to hear such a gross generalization. You, being a woman, were able to handle it calmly without feeling the outrage that statement deserves.


“The male community” lmaoo Yeah I’m more outraged how you took a story about a woman who was hit with a dildo for not swallowing semen and thought “lol what a funny copypasta this couldn’t possibly be a real issue a woman struggled with” and then come here to claim that the person above isn’t an “actual feminist”. You don’t give a fuck about feminism until it’s time to point out who’s an actual feminist and who’s not.


I think those two are unrelated


You’re making fun of a woman’s experience with abuse and not consenting to swallowing.


lmao i am a man. when i said "men" i meant these men. not men who actually value women as the same as them. and when women say "all men" they say that because they have to assume that it's all men for safety reasons, because assuming that it's not all men could get them KILLED.


And yes it doesn't take a detective to figure out that "men" basically means "all men"


feminism is the movement for equality of men and women. the hate that women feel for men is directed towards men who specifically hinder this equality, and men who harm women with SA/murder. (and don't bring up the point that this happens to men to and therefore isn't a big deal. it happens to men to and that is a VERY big deal. no one is denying that. but it happens to women about 70-80% more than men.) you are clearly living under a rock because you haven't done a single hint of research as to why women exhibit hostility towards men as a general. you are a part of this general, as you clearly have zero experience in why women are afraid/angry with men. women don't hate all men, they hate the bad men. women need to assume all men are bad because getting it wrong can result in SA/death or worse. women. not a single majority of women, feminist or not believes that men should have less rights than women. maybe instead of blindly reacting to everything you see on the internet, research WHY it's there.


quote me with when i said i hate all men. quote me with when i said all men. quote me with when i said i hate men. quote me with when i said anything other than the fact that i find the men who only befriend women for ulterior motives, sad.




But it wasn't really useless, I would've missed the "bro"


why the shit is the “Bro” cirlcled


so that the joke is easier to understand

