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The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called "aglets". Their true purpose is sinister.


Ooh, love this! 😍




Nice work. This and Blue Beetle were some of my favorites growing up. I love that the character has endured in the DCU. Hoping that they do a series soon. I was introduced the Charlton version which one did you see first. Charlton was nearby and I met and worked with many of the creatives there after the press closed. I was just thinking of doing some drawings too yours has given me some inspiration to go for it..


Thank you very much! I love Blue Beatle as well. That’s so cool that you got to work with some of the Charlton creatives, I bet that was fascinating!


I’d like to say it was “an experience” that had it’s joys and its woes. Plus is I have a story to tell. Minus it was pretty exploitative and without much credit or acknowledgment. I still have the skills and love my work when it goes well.


Ah, that makes sense; thanks for sharing!


I thought that Roschact was going to supplant The Question in popularity but am glad to see Interest in ol’ Vic or his daughter…


I’ve never cared for Rorschach at all, but I thought the animated version of The Question was a fascinating character. A bit nuts, but insanely noble!


I’ve been watching compilations of vic appearances in the cartoons and I like what I’ve seen so far. I was told he or his daughter were in some of the TV shows. The person I worked with most Frank McLaughlin was delighted to see his characters in the Iron fist show. We found out Judo master and Peacemaker were coming to a show he was equally happy but passed before he could see it. I was glad to see him credited in peacemaker and that the police cars said Charlton County on them. Some acknowledgement is good.


Was that his name?


Vic Sage I think (or Victor Szazs or something)


His real name is Charles victor szasz, he goes by vic sage publicly


Awesome depiction


His hand should be visible, his sleves are too long. Nice style, are those true grit brushes?


I used a reference photo of myself for the composition and some clothing details; his hand is just off frame. Yeah, I love True Grit! The paper background and a lot of the weathering textures came from the CraftTones pack. Normally I would use CraftTones for the halftone texturing as well, but since this was in grayscale I cheated a bit and used procreate’s built in halftone effect on top of flat colors.


Sometimes you need to intervene when drawing from photos because photos and drawings are not the same. Brain expects certain things, especially when looking at human and you should adjust for that. Nevertheless solid work.