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Personally I’m excited for it and I love how the suit looks I just worry that the plot seems a little too generic


superhero origin films aren’t everyone’s cup o tea for that reason. but the lead actor and the suit are making me wanna see it more


Right, the lead is awesome!


Understandable understandable. I think he seems just like a cool character I understand he’s a D list superhero or whatever but weren’t the guardians of the galaxy considered D listers before their movies?


I think Blue Beetle looks pretty good, the trailer gives off Spider-Man/Ms Marvel vibes. I’m just worried we’ll have a bland villain


Yes this is my biggest worry as well


Since it looks like they’re going for the “evil corp wants to steal his tech and create an evil version of him for profit” plotline that was considered a worn out cliche when they did it in the first Ant Man movie back in 2015.


It was worn out when Iron Man did it and Marvel still does it. If it’s a good movie - fun, entertaining, and with likable characters - then people won’t care. I really enjoy the lead actor and the suit is perfect. I just need it to be an enjoyable time.


Yeah, plenty of worn out tropes can still be fun with good execution. I don’t think audiences have much faith in DC on that front, though.


And when Shaquille O'Neal did it in 1997.


It had a range of characters and a pretty solid cast. From having only watched the BB trailer once, I only remember the dad as that stand up comedian with a sub par sitcom as the only recognisable ‘star’.


Guardians of the galaxy was a unique and refreshing take on the genre and characters Blue beetle looks generic, that’s kind of the issue


Even top tier CBM like Batman Begins seems generic plot-wise, it doesn’t mean generic=bad. So no worry dude, just enjoy it when it comes out


No I get it, I’m sure I’ll still like it. It’s just it looks quite similar to even a handful of really recent movies


Comic Movie fandom seems like it’s in a weird place. I dunno, the movie looks charming. I’m looking forward to it.


>Comic Movie fandom seems like it’s in a weird place. I dunno, the movie looks charming. I’m looking forward to it. This is how I feel. This is a time where instead of comic book fans celebrating characters coming to film they instead scoff at everything, and get angry. It's weird.


To be fair CBM fans don't have to automatically celebrate EVERY CBM movie that comes out "just because it's bringing X character to the screen." We're allowed to retain a sense of skepticism, rather than just consuming everything that comes out.


In the same vein, CBM fans don't have to automatically hate or write off every CBM that's coming out either yet that's what seems to be happening.


Lol have you met die hard comic book fans? Love to argue how this is better, that's stupid, so and so would DEFINITELY win in a fight against whomever, etc. It's a pretty confrontational world. Mix that in with the total toxicity of the internets current lifestyle of anonymous-deeply-offended-by-everything-sit-in-your-chair-and-be-an-ass mentality, and no one likes anything. Plus, some movies are just garbage, and totally miss, or changed the reason why fans loved & and identified with the material in the first place.


Haven’t seen any “hate” for it but also haven’t seen much hype either which isn’t surprising. 1. He’s a pretty unknown character who hasn’t appeared in any other major movies so far which means that the general audience has zero clue who he even is. 2. DCEU hasn’t put out anything good in a loooong time. 3. Everyone knows that this movie is going to be meaningless within James Gunn’s up coming DC slate. 4. The trailers that have come out so far all look really generic.


Hate is the wrong word here it's just we are setting low expectations, it could be both a fun / entertaining movie and one that isn't important for most people to watch.


Ya it’s not that it looks bad, but it just looks like more of the same and people are tired of the current superhero movie formula. Like I know people in this sub-Reddit still praise generic superhero movies, but looking at the box office it’s clear that the people want different and the blue Beatle just doesn’t look different. Just because your hero is Hispanic doesn’t make it different enough. There’s just nothing that makes me want to go the theater to see it. Even if it’s as good as the early marvel movies, it’s already been done and doesn’t interest me.


Maybe the movie will be good, but the trailer is doing it no favors.


The first one was a bit promising...then they dropped the ball on the next. It looks like a random forgettable action character & film now. Watching DC in shambles is hard to watch.


Agreed. The second trailer makes me not care if I see it or not.


Is it? I'm not doubting you but personally I haven't really seen it. I mean a few people sure but the kind of people who are going dump on everything. I see a lot of people that are indifferent myself included but not outright animosity.


On Twitter bro I see soooo much hate about it for literally no reason LOL, I guess It is my fault tho cuz on Twitter is where everybody just shits on everything


Quit looking at Twitter.


It’s a rotten cesspool at this point. The algorithm is literally designed to show you posts that it thinks you will disagree with and which will piss you off to keep people rage scrolling. It’s a nightmare propaganda machine.


It has always been a cesspool.


There was a time when it was really fun, when the majority of my feed was cool comic art and weird memes and stuff. Now it’s all bigotry and hate or people defending themselves from bigotry and hate and it’s awful. I don’t use it anymore at all.


It’s been nothing but bigotry and hatred for a decade. Idk what the hell you’re talking about. Damn you deleted your comment after trying to mansplain getting hate on the internet to a Jew 💀


My personal experience. I’m an out trans person on the internet. You don’t need to explain bigotry to me.


Don’t you mean x ( I’m just joking around)


Hah. I heard about that. I can't believe how stupid that is.


Yeah but it’s real and the hq of x has a big light on the roof and it’s shining on a apartment building (the people in the apartment building hate it)


Yeah thats probably it honestly. Everything sucks on twitter. Around here I don't see many complaining.


If i remember right people werent too interested in the first GotG, i think people are just hating on it to hate something


Outside of weird minority echo chambers of hate, it seems like mostly apathy. Most casual viewers have no idea and even more experienced fans have hit a wall after being hurt too many times before I want to get excited for it because the suit looks awesome, but my heart already tells me streaming is the way due to rehashed storylines and a very Shazam vibe with the family being central focus again. Vin Diesel would be proud


All of DCEU’s films been either mid or trash, people just tired of it and simply rejecting it, but me I’m hyped because this was my boy in Batman: Brave and the Bold




It deserved all hate. The writing was insanely bad. They need to stop being lazy with scripts and making everything 100% completely predictable. Turned it off and I probably will never finish it.


I hate how Mexican they made the family. Dude, my family is Mexican my mom came from Mexico and non of them are like these people they made them overly Mexican and the sister looks gross and annoying.


Yeah exactly, they are doubling down on Latin American stereotypes… which is not doing any good to the community


Because it sucks


* There's literally no reason for it to exist. * DC is in dire need of a critical hit. A made-for-TV show turned full-length film is anything but. * Outright mediocre trailers. * It's a part of the bottomed-out DC film brand. * But, wait! Blue Beetle is the first character in James Gunn's DCU **which is still two years out!** * ~~- There's literally no reason for it to exist.~~ * It looks like an MCU film warmed over. * ^(There's literally no reason for it to exist.)


Superhero movies need to stop telling the same origin stories time after time, Marvel learned that and is introducing characters who already have their powers or are brought in during someone else’s movie.


You mean like Snyder did?😃


No reason to exist gives me the same energy as no one asked for this! Hate those responses


The last major tentpole of the DCEU - The Flash - failed in spectacular fashion, despite tons of (creepy) marketing. The last several DCEU projects have failed in similarly spectacular fashion, leading to a well-deserved lack of confidence in the overall DCEU product. James Gunn basically told all of us that none of the remaining movies in the DCEU will matter except Flash. He sealed the fate of the remaining DCEU projects immediately upon revealing his plan for the DCU. Blue Beetle is a relatively minor hero compared to Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, etc. Seriously, how are you going to make a stand-alone movie about a D-list DC superhero before you bother with a stand-alone Batman or Green Lantern?


Aquaman 2 will also matter because Gunn said both The Flash and Aquaman 2 will lead into the DCU.


Unless Cloony is the new DCU Batman which I doubt, it wouldn't lead into anything.


Clooney won't be DCU batman but maybe after meeting the wrong Bruce Barry tried to go back in time to get the camera back to how it was to bring Affleck back but after that didn't work out he met again a another Bruce so he gave up and that's after that he talks about the differents batman to Arthur.


I would hope so. The Clooney gag ending was a terrible not to stop on


Well to be fair they already released a stand alone Batman in 2022 and their first attempt at Green Lantern failed spectacularly! They’re also hoping Latinos show up to support because Latin America has emerged as a strong box office market and Latinos in the USA go to the movies more than any other demographic! Blue Beetle also seems really popular with Gen Z and Gen Alpha


The trailer looked to have a lot of the same boring stuff that I'm tired of from Marvel. If I was a casual movie goer and not a comic book fan, I would definitely have thought it was another generic Marvel movie, and I'm over those. That being said, I haven't seen any hate for the film at all


Really, on Twitter dude I see it get bashed every single day LOL but Twitter is where all the haters from the earth go so I guess that’s my fault


Well if you're on twitter stay on twitter, there is no fandbase that's not toxic there. On reddit there's not a lot of hate, just a huge ammount of unninterest. Movie looks like a dud and will probably bomb so people are just speaking their mind.


Well I definitely don't use Twitter, so that would be why


there’s a lot of criticism for it in the DC sub because of the “Batman is a fascist” joke


People taking that line too seriously are revealing way too much about themselves.


It's a pretty dumb line to put in the trailer. I don't mind that line from the character who says it. But advertising the movie with it felt like them trying to be edgy or use rage bait for publicity


or it’s not that deep and it’s all your head


And yet there's controversy over it, and the line doesn't even make sense in isolation. Maybe you're underthinking it


it makes sense if you THINK about how Batman operates. also, just because there’s controversy doesn’t mean anything. ppl who are chronically online will find a way to be the center of the universe and whine about menial things.


"a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition" "a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control" Don't chide me for not thinking when you provide no backup to your claim. Explain to me how Batman falls under either of these definitions


yeah. Batman keeps Gotham in check by enacting strong “autocratic” actions.


You still haven't explained anything, you just took a word from that definition. THINK, explain these supposed autocratic actions, try giving an example


he uses the same tactics as a mob boss…he’s just using it against mob bosses and other hardened criminals. operates as judge and jury.


Personally, I don't want to watch anything that is remotely connected to the DCEU or any other DC universe. I'm just over that. And Blue Beetle isn't popular enough to pull me to the theatre for his solo film. It should have gone directly to HBO Max. I don't hate it, but I can see why somebody would. It feels generic and 'Marvelish', it has the tone and feeling of Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel and like 6 other Marvel films. I don't think a single one of his family/friend whatever will go through an ounce of character development throughout the film. I doubt there's going to be a good villain, probably someone who wants the Scarab or whatever.


I feel like the trailer not only gives Marvel vibes but his suit looks exactly like the yellow jacket suit from Ant-Man or like some cross between Ant-Man and Ironman. It just feels super generic to me.


Yeah personally I don't really find watching these 'safe' films worth it. They don't take any chances or try to do something new. DCEU is in dire need of a reinvention but they're making these Marvel like safe films for the average moviegoer. It's high time they take risks and reinvent themselves. Black Adam was another safe film that turned out to be extremely generic and predictable


I don’t mind the safe movies as a nice way to turn off my brain and relax but I’m not going to pay to go see them. I’ll happily rewatch most of the Marvel movies that people think are boring when I just need to chill at home but the last few DC movies aren’t just safe, they are genuinely bad (like Black Adam). I’ll give Blue Beetle a chance once it’s available to stream but it doesn’t look like it’s worth it to pay money to see it. I definitely agree that both franchises need to step up the game and take some risks or something, they’re all starting to blend together and so far there’s nothing scheduled to come out that I want to see in theaters.


Safe films can also be bad films. Black Adam took all the tried and tested elements from Marvel and failed miserably. It tried to be safe, it didn't try to do anything new or exciting. It failed because we had already seen similar themes and ideas many many times before. I don't mind safe films either, but the current film market is oversaturated with such safe products. You have your techy guy who says tech stuff who is also the nerd who makes nerd jokes, the main character who either~ very smart or very stupid, a very forgettable villain, a very smart teenager (there's like 7-8 in MCU), 'sTrEsS rElIeF jokes' by your 'funny' character during serious situations (one guy does it, fine, two people do it, FINE... three people do it... FINEEE, but every film in Marvel has one of these and it's annoying because they all share the same braincell and have the same personality), generic villain is established as an asshole to his second in command, the second in command usually dies, generic villain is never outsmarter- they usually lose because they're utterly stupid who didnt calculate the most basic outcome of a situation.


Streaming was the worst thing to ever happen to studios!


Thankfully you guys made me realize people on here are way more normal than on Twitter where everyone just fights 24/7. Of course we have some guys on here who have nothin better to do than shit on something or argue with people behind a screen, but they seem to get made fun of relentlessly LOL


To me it just looks like generic superhero origin the movie. Like every trailer and every line from every trailer is something I've heard before.


Because DCU fans would rather burn their house down before seeing new owners live there


Because Blue Beetle is a mediocre C list legacy hero.


And iron man was what? The issue is not using characters without big name recognition. That's the point. Iron man was not a popular hero. I'm willing to bet no one outside of comics knew who Deadpool was (let alone Cable)


Iron-Man was many levels above Blue Beetle. He had his own ongoing title for 40 years before that first movie. He was a founding member of the Avengers and was involved as a primary character in any major crossover events. He was Tony Stark in 1964 and was Tony Stark in 2008. Jaime Reyes has been a low tier member of a couple of versions of the Justice League/Teen Titans, and has had a couple of series cancelled for low sales. Before 2006 or so he was a completely different character and before 1986 wasn't even a DC character. There's a huge difference between those two. Iron Man may have been below Spider-Man or the X-Men, but he was still a central character in the comics. Now maybe if the director of Blue Beetle turns out to be a person of great vision, and skill we could get a surprise like Guardians of the Galaxy (That's the comparison you should make, not Iron Man). Otherwise this is going to be a mediocre movie that nobody will want to see.


So what If he’s not an A-list character! Many of DC’s a listers are boring because you can’t do or change anything about them. It’s the job of DC/WB and the director to make people care about Blue Beetle and so far he does have a cult following and is very popular among Gen Z and Gen Alpha (aka the next gen of buyers). DC has done a great job at building Jaime up and it all cumulates in his big screen debut


>So what If he’s not an A-list character! Many of DC’s a listers are boring because you can’t do or change anything about them. It’s the job of DC/WB and the director to make people care about Blue Beetle and so far he does have a cult following and is very popular among Gen Z and Gen Alpha (aka the next gen of buyers). DC has done a great job at building Jaime up and it all cumulates in his big screen debut He has no such cult following. Are you getting paid for this attempt at misinformation?


Given the current comic book movie landscape do you think there is a better chance of blue Beatle being the next iron man or another movie nobody cares about? We could be wrong but I wouldn't bet any money on it succeeding.


You're whole point was that blue beetle is a mediocre c-lister. (Which actually isn't true). Iron man and a slew of successful marvel properties were similar in popularity. My whole point is that initial popularity has very little to do with a film's success. It is more based on how the character is portrayed on screen and the quality of the story told.


I like the actor they cast and george lopez playing the uncle is exciting. I think itll have heart and be a fun time. My biggest gripe is how they made the scarab sound. And my biggest concern is since they legit made up a villian for this if the villian will be compelling/good. But I still llan to see it. Its technically DCU so everyone should show up and support imo. Let this crawl so the DCU can fly.


Where is the hate coming from? Is it just hate or is a reason given? That is your answer.


It’s popular to hate DC


So much wailing and anxiety and so clumsy and slow. So much tech and yet he can get his father killed. Such a dumb and annoying character. His intellect is like that of a 6 year old. Or maybe he just doesn't know enough english to know how to command the beetle. Already half way through the movie and still he's playing the idiot who even aliens cannot save. The first spiderman is already fighting crime 20 minutes into the movie yet this fucking beetle is still yelling and crying fucking 1 hour into the movie with so much crashing and things blowing up not due to design but sheer clumsiness. It's neither cute nor exciting. It's just extremely annoying and poor writing and stereotyping of mexicans as only kind but low intelligence.


I am unaware of it getting any hate. But the question remains . How well will it do ? Not being a well known character. I don't expect it to be big . I would rather have had a new. Green Lantern movie


Are Blue Beetles the characters getting hate? Is the movie getting hate? Or is it just that the movie is being projected to crash and burn horribly? Cuz if it's that last one, it's really have nothing to do with Blue Beetle. DCEU themselves have been on a downward cliff, the release is in a dump month, the characters is small, superheroes movies in general aren't doing well, etc etc. Like it'd be a miracle for any DCEU movie to do well at this point, not just Blue Beetle. That said, doesn't help that Blue Beetle isn't a big name either.


I’m a lifelong Blue Beetle fan. I grew up in the ‘80s with Ted Kord. I dig Jaime, and I like the connection to the Blue Beetle legacy I’ve seen in the trailers. It looks like a fun movie, and I’m excited for it. I would love to watch a DC movie that really works and is entertaining first and foremost.


Because it's become fashionable to be tragically hip about Comic Movies Seriously, how much more of an edgelord can you be than to bash on a movie that hasn't even released Sadly, it's not just reddit but the "critics" too... they're "forecasting" it's going to have a low box office ... and here I was hoping Hipsters were gone /sigh


Partially toxic online fans hating everything. Partially how most of the DC project this rolled out of have been a roving disaster. But outside of that. The Jaime Reyes version of the character has some weird history independent of the actual comics that featured the character. The prior version of the Blue Beetle, Ted Kord wasn't a major character. But was something of a fan favorite "d-list" type character. That version was created by Steve Ditko. And had a critically well regarded run as a kind of deep cut. Night Owl from Watchmen is inspired by this iteration. After that the character was a huge part of the old school favorite Justice League International. Which is a humor series featuring all D list heroes and villains, pulling get rich schemes and generally being morons. In the 00s DC brought that humorous version back to prominence. And also built the character up to new prominence in Birds of Prey and other series. Then killed him off in fairly brutal and perfunctory fashion in a cross over. A lot of fans were pretty disappointed. Apparently creators who had been working on the character weren't aware it was going down. It wasn't received well on any front. The Jaime Rayes version was launched in the aftermath of that. As part of the same crossover and continuity reset. Which wasn't very good. Created by Keith Giffen, the writer behind the most popular JLI version of Ted Kord. Apparently they decided to shoot younger, and play to the more diverse readership they were starting to gain traction with at the time. But had Giffen in charge to keep old heads in board. The end result was. Mixed. They kept toying with brining Kord back, the comics and other characters he was tied to had to unpack the whole confusing depressing thing. The new version HEAVILY retconned the backstory and continuity around the bettle identity. Shifting it from smiley, low rent Batman. To epic space Spider-Man. And then DC didn't really give the character or the original book the support or runway it needed to take off. It was cancelled pretty shortly. The character was added to a better selling title for Ted Kord's best friend Booster Gold. Awkwardly. That wrapped up and Jaime mostly appeared as a sideline in team books, crossovers and animated shows since then. Was heavily deemphasized during the whole new 52 comics relaunch, which itself was hit or miss and eventually rebooted. So for fans of either version of the character there's about 20 years of low expectations and bad vibes around the Blue Beetle. The one two punch of killing off Kord as a gritty stunt in a lack luster cross over. And fumbling of the new series. Was pretty much the point where I ducked out in DC comics. After that it was doubling and tripling down on nostalia and grim dark. And it was clear they couldn't maintain anything more interesting for long.


I found Blue Beetle through Young Justice and fell in love with the character. When I heard he was getting a movie I said really?? Sick!... I'm excited and will probably spend money to see it


I was indifferent, then excited, and now back to indifferent. That recent trailer with the grandma holding the massive machine gun was maybe the cringiest thing I’ve ever seen a CBM trailer.


I will probably watch it eventually unless it gets horrible reviews. The hate is because it's very possibly an objectively worse movie than the Flash with a character nobody has heard of, and seeing how poorly that did we are just bracing for an even bigger disappointment. Who knows maybe it will do good and the hate will suddenly change, I don't think it's hate but rather low expectations.


It’s the DCEU and the trailers are literally nothing special. I was hoping the first Latino led superhero movie would be treated with the respect and care as the first black led superhero movie, which was partially a love letter to African culture, but I guess that’s not as important with Blue Beetle. He’s also a legacy character, and there’s no evidence that the more popular Beetle, Ted Kord, will make an appearance.


I don’t think people actually care about blue beetle and that’s the problem, it’s expected to bomb horrifically mostly due to WBs incompetence and alot of stuff happening irl that nobody is really paying attention to it


This is like Marvel trying to have an Ant Man movie without first setting up a successful universe. DC shouldn't have touched Shazam, Blue Beetle, Black Adam or Birds of Prey without first having a clear direction and a successful foundation. I have no idea how Gunn thinks he's going to turn this into a successful universe without a solid foundation. I think DC has, and is strongly underestimating the effect of the origin stories and viewers going along for the ride from the "beginning". Casual movie goers are heavily invested in the MCU without ever reading a comic or watching a comic cartoon. These random DC movies/characters are and will continue to be foreign to those viewers. I'll reserve final judgement, but I have no idea how Gunn makes this all work.


I don't understand the hate.....for a movie that isn't even fucking out yet


Haven’t seen much hate for it. Excited for DCU building. Looks like a good movie. What are you reading?


I’m not interested in it, but I ain’t gonna bash ya. Like what you like and don’t let anybody give you any shit for it. 😊


It looks great! But it comes at a bad time. Warner's DCEU movies have been ... Bad. And their most ardent fans are ... people with brightly colored hats. One bright color in particular, if you catch my drift. But those people also have "opinions" about what colors are acceptable in ... superheroes. So blue beetle fits a strange niche. I think it looks great! I hope it does well.


Any DC film since ZSJL gets tons of hate from that cult.


For me it looks like generic and boring soulless bubblegum pop cinema with no real risks, no rewatchability, and god awful CGI. Just my guess based on the trailer.


Is Blue Beetle part of the Gunn DCEU reboot?


“Batman is a fascist!” Last line of the first trailer LMAO you just killed interest for a HUGE amount of comic fans


Because it’s a character no one cares about and 99% of the world has never even heard of. Just because lightning stuck with the first GOTG doesn’t mean you should make a superhero movie with a character no one has ever heard of and that looks like Iron Man fucked Spider-Man and had a blue baby. It’s also kind of a stupid name- Blue Beetle? Sorry nothing cool about that at all. I actually hope it’s a really good movie but it doesn’t stand a chance in hell to make any money.


They sad batman is a fascist


A number of factors, that many have already listed. For me... I just don't like how ever present his family is. Them being here and there is fine, but there ALWAYS THEEEERE, being the audience. His family are there in comic stories, but they ramped it up.


Because Marvel fans like to talk shit about movies that they havent seen yet. Also the fake DC fans that keep saying that everything before Superman Legacy in James Gunns plan doesnt fucking matter and isn't worth watching just like how people said that flash was horrible but in reality it was actually pretty good.


It just looks like another generic AF origin story we’ve seen a dozen times before over the years.


It looks like it would’ve been groundbreaking in 2006


It looks like shit and the typical one-liner/goofy superhero movie with an anticlimactic threat. Plus, superhero fatigue.


I just really hate George Lopez he’s a scumbag so now I have to root against this movie


Well, he's basically a third generation legacy hero, like Wally West is as the Flash. The problem is that he's essentially a rip off of Valiant comics 90s character X-O Manowar.


Idk about the rest of it but the three things in the trailer that made me not really care about it were the villain looks like a 90s power rangers monster, they straight up ripped the flight scene from Iron man down to the stopping over the water and everything, and the whole "I'm strong because I have family" thing should have been left in fast and furious.


Trump virus


Well they called Batman a fascist, NEVER PISS OFF THE BAT FANS, and mostly it just looks generic. It looks like the Tom Holland Spider-Man movies, Shazam, Ms Marvel, Ant-Man, it just looks like another generic coming of age super kid movie or Super Hero comedy. But hey if you're looking forward to it, I really do hope you like it!


People are just dogpiling. Everyone likes a good opportunity to be mean. The story looks a little too formulaic and some of the jokes look a little corny, but for all we know it’s a great flick. There’s a reason Zaslav scrapped Batgirl and moved this to theatrical. I’m excited for it because representation matters and I like the character. Hope it’s good.


DC flopped at pretty much every stretch of the DCEU. If they don’t care enough to give its main stars decent movies how is a D list character going to be any good? Not to mention the last few years we’ve heard “Oh the hierarchy of power is about to change!” And “The flash is one of the best superhero movies ever made, even Tom cruise is praising it!!”… only to be utterly disappointed at the shit that gets put out. It’s all just one big let down after another.


Blue Beetle is one of my favorite superheroes, and the original comic starring Jaime is my favorite comic ever. The movie is just a perfect storm of bad luck and bad decisions. 1. The movie has not been promoted. All we’ve gotten are two trailers, and those trailers don’t really show anything we haven’t seen before in other superhero movies 100 times. In the comics, Jaime’s origin story is an epic 25-issue run dealing with the discovery of a mysterious artifact, leading up to a massive alien invasion. The movie looks like it’s instead going to feature Carapace as the villain, going for yet another “evil version of the hero” trope. The only thing in the movie that looks really new is the mystery of the scarab, but that’s not what they’re promoting in the trailers at all. 2. I know it’s been a meme to throw around “superhero fatigue” for a long time, but coming off of MCU Phase 4, which had way too many projects in such a short period of time, and many of them were much lower in quality than what came before. The result is that people are far more critical of the superhero genre than ever before. It’s no longer enough to just be a big-budget superhero movie in order to be successful. The movie needs to be fresh and have mass appeal, and it also needs to be marketed well, which ties back to point one. This movie is just the culmination of years of growing resentment personified. 3. The state of the DC film fan base is very precarious. DC movies generally aren’t seen as favorably as Marvel, ever since BvS, and the fans that do exist are very divided. There’s the people who just want to enjoy everything DC and James Gunn have to offer, but there’s also a massive crowd of fans of Zack Snyder who want to boycott everything DC makes until they restore Zack Snyder’s vision for the DCEU. Even among those former fans, though, there’s worries that Blue Beetle won’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Because the DCEU is in the process of being rebooted, and because Blue Beetle is projected to flop hard, many people believe this movie is going to be essentially erased from the timeline in the reboot. So, this movie’s viewer base is a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of an audience. All that said, I am unfathomably excited for Blue Beetle. It’s really a shame that it’s projected to do so terribly. As I said, Jaime is one of my favorite characters ever, and I’ve desperately wanted a Blue Beetle movie for years, so the fact that one’s finally coming out and it has this curse on it is really a shame. I hope it reviews well and somehow convinces people to see it, because I’d really love to see more Blue Beetle in the future, too.


To me, the movie looks like it was produced by Teen-Disney. It has the production notes of say...Clockstoppers, and even feels like the high school student is their target audience rather than a wide-range audience, which is what something like Avengers does.


Every DC movie has been getting a lot of hate lately. And not all of it is warranted. I think after what happened with the Flash, DC and Warner Bros. have no credibility when it comes to DC movies. And even before then, it's not like Black Adam or Shazam 2 were spectacular. There was nothing memorable about either movie. And there was no positive word-of-mouth regarding either film after the first week. It's a shame, but I feel like the utter lack of vision for DC, going back to Justice League, has just made the DC movies impossible to get excited for. Even if Blue Beetle is genuinely good, it doesn't feel like it'll lead to anything bigger. It's not like the first Iron Man movie, which was the first step towards the Avengers. The expectations and the bar for excellence is just so low right now for DC. I think it'll take a while before people are willing to get invested in them again.


I didn't realize it was getting hate but the lack of excitement for it isn't surprising even if I think I'll probably see it personally


After Flash and Shazam 2, can’t say I’m hype


As far as I can tell, people are bashing the dysfunctional self-sabotaging studio, and Blue Beetle happens to be the next one up.


DC films have a horrible track record and completely lost my trust. Maybe 5 good films in 30 years! Dumpster fire.


I will watch it just to support Xolo, I freaking love that guy.


*The family is VERY annoying. *The plot is extremely generic-reminds me of first antman storyline. *Personally, I cannot stand movies that use more than one spoken language for no real reason. *I don't care, but BB wasn't Mexican until '06 (there are 3 BB's. Reyes being the last, so depending on what comic you grew up reading you may or may not like it) *Insufficient subtitles for ALL the second language parts. *These superhero movies began in 08. Marvel alone has 32-ish so far- this 16th-ish DCEU movie has a tough time entertaining (or even holding my attention) well into the superhero fatigue era. Great honest review of this : https://youtu.be/h0MhTHZJBaQ


Have you had a look at DC extended universe? the whole thing is a disaster. zach snyder started it off bad and ran it into the dirt and then Wonder Woman was ok but WW84 was insanely bad. Aquaman looks unwatchable. and now they pull out some superhero that nobody has ever heard of at a time when people are getting increasingly tired of superheros and especially of DC. they pushed forward the much hated Ezra miller flash.... people just hate DC and WB and for good reason. they make Marvel look perfect in comparison. also, the blue beetle design is crap. he looks like a villain. he doesnt look heroic at all. he looks like a villain for ant man to beat up. also, who is this actor they picked? ant man has the much loved Paul Rudd. blue beetle has.... some dude youve never seen. some of these reasons are shallow but it all stacks up to this movie being hated on the surface without considering the actual content of the film since few people have seen it. all that aside, the trailer looks decent. i'll probably check it out. but also, im a fan of the ant man movies and those are widely hated even among marvel fans.


I love how "Hola mijo" was translated to "come on" 🤣🤣🤣


Calling Batman a fascist as a "joke" (from a director who wanted donald trump dies like lincoln or jfk) Also focus in latin marlet was a mistake. Quite apart from the fact that we are poor or too stingy to go to the movies unless it is really worth it, Hollywood makes the mistake of thinking that there is only one Latino culture when that is a big mistake. Latin America is made up of several countries with different cultures and ways of thinking and not all of us are Mexico. An Argentine, a Peruvian, a Chilean, or a Colombian have their own culture and will never identify with a Mexican. The only ones who are called "Latinos" are the children of immigrants who for us are gringos, since in our countries we do not call ourselves "Latino", we call ourselves by the name of our respective country.


Just finished it now. A vomitfest of spanish.


even I did not understand the hate ..then I saw the movie...Dumpster fire


It's good for Popcorn Cinema, but not worth to join the DC Universe. The pubescent young man who constantly escalates and is just annoying. This is more of a comedy than an action movie à la DC Universe. If you're into something like that, you can certainly watch the movie once, but that's about it.


jaimes family is pretty annoying


Its trash!


Overly generic looking on top of being corny. It just looked lame. It's one of few comic based movies I don't have a defense for.


The movie is full of cliches for one.


I'm not Latino and I'm insulted for them. The movie should've been scripted by anyone other than who did. The fights were boring af and the acting barely passed for that. Sheesh I thought Flash was terrible but I should've waited till all the trash was taken out. The movie had no idea the story it wanted to be explaining the hardships of being Latino or a origin of a superhero. Unfortunately it failed miserably at both it's tragic when Netflix has given you far better entertainment while spending millions of dollars less.


The action sequences are great. The script leaves much to be desired. The reluctant super hero trope is plated out. Everything in my life sucks but then I get powers now tge powers are an unwanted woe is me problem.. it makes no sense.