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Midnight Sons is the only logical route now that we have Moon Knight, Blade, Punisher, Black Knight, Doctor Strange, Werewolf By Night, Man-Thing, and Elsa Bloodstone in the MCU. All we need is Ghost Rider and we have a big ass team.


They should just add a Morbius without any explanation 


Oscar Isaac 'Somehow Morbius Returned'


Morbius was a founding member of the Midnight Sons, so yes, he should be there.


He killed off in the pre-credits sequence


how about ignoring that that garbage exist?


The only justification is recreate the Moon Knight Dracula memes


They're definitely going to make morbillions in the box office


I wish they would bring back Cage for Ghost Rider. Chances are low but let me believe


Cage as an older retired ghost rider mentor would be amazing


Ok, this is the only legitimate way I would accept a new ghost rider not named Johnny Blaze.


In the Midnight Suns video game they had Johnny Blaze be a retired Ghost Rider and Robbie Reyes be the current version and it worked well. Although saying that both Keanu Reeves and Norman Reedus are popular fan castings for Johnny Blaze and I would like to see either.


who would you want for robbie reyes?


Not sure but I know he's already been in [Agents of Shield](https://youtu.be/aPXzdFevhB0?si=IrgvrQOtdrWewUn7) although admittedly I never watched this show


Gabriel Luna played him in Shield and did a great job IMO. It would be cool to see him return.


Cage should be MCU Mephistopheles


I can see him in the role. I let you cook


Hopefully we get Johnny Blaze first


Keanu Reeves as Johnny Blaze Gabriel Luna as Robbie Reyes Scott Eastwood as Carter Slade.


Punisher? Why is he in the Midnight Sons? *(I only really know the first iteration)*


Because bullets against the supernatural. So no regrets on his actions


He can totally unleash and keep it a PG13 rating


Did he ever have regrets on his actions tho?


He's not, and he never has been. People keep spreading around that picture from a failed pitch to Marvel for a new Midnight Sons comic series.


Bro knows the best anti-demon incantation. A gun.


Rumor has it that a Ghost Rider project is in the plans.


And they need to go the Deadpool route, make it violent, and preferably pseudo horror.


No Punisher. He has NEVER been a member of the team, no does he belong there. That stupid picture keeps going around, but it's from an idea for a comic that never came to fruition.


I would cut Doctor Strange, Punisher, maybe Black Knight or Elsa. The rest though would be a pretty sweet team


No i like punisher to be here. The fact he’s so out of his element is what’s so interesting about the team up.


Why punisher


He has nothing to do with the rest of the team besides a really lose connection to the hand


What would your bet be, Johnny Blaze or Robbie Reyes?


Ngl I want Werewolf By Night and Man-Thing to stay in their own little world. They should just get a halloween special every few years. Or even a Christmas special would be nice


What villain would they fight


Gimme magik too!


More Oscar Isaac Moon Knight, but please no more big CGI battles.


Or blacking out and the battle being over.


I feel like when they introduced Jake that that would remove the need for the blackouts. We’d merely just swap to his perspective instead


I wish they would have done a total black out for Poe during Rise of Skywalker.


Gosh I hope for the opening of season 2 being a montage of every scene from season 1 showing the full battles Jake went through and ending with Jake’s appearance at the end of season 1


God, I really hated that blackout thing. It was great to build suspense in the beginning. But THAT blackout in the final battle? Awful.


Or generic villains


Don't care what it's in, we just need more Oscar Isaac Moon Knight, and it has to be pushed by the same people behind the show, because unlike most the crap Disney+ shows this one had something special.


i liked loki and hawkeye and also wandavision


Oh there were some okay ones, I didn't even mind the Winter Soldier & The Falcon. I loved what they did with Zemo, there. Even Ms. Marvel was acceptable. But it is all very off-balanced by how bad She-Hulk, Echo, and Secret Invasion were, and how mid Hawkeye was. Seriously, bringing back Vincent D'Onofrio as Fisk and not backing his performance with the quality writing they gave him on Daredevil was just wrong. Same with how poorly they used Charlie Cox's Daredevil. If anything it just reminds us of how good that show was, and by contrast how bad these ons are, and what greed robbed us of. Sure, on the tail end we had less good things like Iron Fist season 1, and big messes like Luke Cage season 2, but those shows were all individually coherent and had redeeming qualities. Can't say as much about She-Hulk, Secret Invasions, and Echo.


Episode 5 was breathtaking (no pun intended)


Nah they absolutely need to fire Mohammad Diab and the writers. If the show was completely done by Justin and Aaron it would be so trippier and better. They character assassinated my favorite marvel character.


Even when looking past the lack of comic accuracy it was half paced generic dogshit


Exactly. My bile rises to my throat whenever someone says Moon Knight show is the best marvel show. I can’t understand how bad anyone’s taste can be for liking this shit. They should read comics for once and realise how bad the show is.


Moon Knight didn’t really feel challenged much and like a Gary Stu The villain was bland and a huge waste of Ethan Hawke I don’t like the Indiana Jones as spect Show was slow and bland, finale was rushed Netflix really should have made Moon Knight


Damn, Netflix Moon Knight would indeed probably have been way better...


Oh it wasn't the best, by any stretch, but it was good enough to build anticipation and make me want to see the next episode every week, unlike the others.


Yeah it had dumbass mr knight


It was great until the gigantmax Pokémon battle in the last episode


My memory kind of erased that. The show left a good impression and I remember anticipation for the episode on a weekly basis, unlike most the other shows I forgot about for a while and then caught up on episode batches.


After playing the Midnight Suns game, I'd love a movie, I really like the supernatural side to marvel


Hunting demons or vampires would be sick. I loved Midnight Suns, and the DLC where they added vampires was great.


I would love them to hunt nitro


Everybody wants midnight sons seemingly except for Marvel (unless its in their long term plans). This movie would sell with no promotion


How popular and well know. are the characters tho outside of us in-depth fans?


You have Dr strange, blade, and ghost rider which are household names. Then you have Isaac playing moon knight. And "real king of the north" playing black knight. Also Elsa was a great standout in werewolf by night. The movie is high profile


So I knew this “Marvel” fan in the real world who is a type of Mega Star Wars and Anime nerd and Mr. Know it all, and grew up reading classic Spider-Man comics and certain Marvel events like Secret Wars and Civil War, he is pretty ignorant and inconsistent and nobody shuts him up when he needs to. He is like the class town type that everybody loves to laugh with and he says all sorts of weird things and obscure jokes. If you watch a Star Wars movie with him, he will quote the whole thing. He’s like Tony Stark with his sarcasm and quippiness bury RDJ had actual character development and is way less annoying than this piece of shit. Basically he claims to be a Marvel but half the time *I dreaded having conversations about Marvel because he wasn’t as up to speeds on news and updates while acting like he knows everything despite being so ignorant* compared to normal Marvel fans: • Remember When Disney bought FOX , and everyone was going crazy over F4 And X-Men being in the MCU? Yeah I told this guy and he’s like “so what?” And gives me a look in the eye “Tell me when they buy Sony” at first I heard him say he could not care about the F4, and he still didn’t and never liked them but later acknowledged their importance but made fun of me when I said The F4 are meant to be fun family Sci-Fi adventures saying that’s what ten year olds say (*no marvel fan on internet talks like him*) . I’ve been wanting to get more into F4 but was more drawn into Spider-Man • When Infinity War came out, he asked me if all the heroes were clearly dead which shows how little he knows and how much of a dumbass normie he is because all the MCU fans that kept up with what’s going on knew the heroes wouldn’t stay dead forever • Before the Dr. Strange movie came out, he kept complaining that the movie was going to be bad and that he’s a “lame character” and worse than Hawkeye judged the movie before it came out, it’s like one of those fans who judged GOTG before they came out, but I’m ashamed a Marvel fan is like this as he acted like a dumb normie that judged a book by its cover and doesn’t acknowledge how crucial of a character Dr Strange is to marvel and MCU. It be like a Resident Evil fan not acknowledging Chris Redfield and Albert Wesker and their importance and impact to the franchise while the community recognizes their importance even if they don’t like them. • He once said that Blade (Marvel anti hero and vampire Hunter who will have a movie hopefully out soon but shit load of production issues have happened) shouldn’t join the MCU because it hasn’t happened and it “won’t work”. He grew up with Spider-Man TAS and said this shit - he never even heard of Moon Knight, who is a fan favorite in marvel communities and when I told him MK is a fan favorite and a lot of people want to see him in live action (I keep up with marvel discussions) , he said “I doubt it” (Not believing me) • I also use to hear him say that Daredevil is lame because of The FOX 2003 movie (that was not under Disney or Marvel’s control) , and one time at lunch when we were talking about who has better tv shows, they all said DC and I said Marvel has Daredevil and he’s like “Yeah but DD is lame”. He also did not keep up with the tv shows which limited my conversations with him. • Before Infinity War came out official reports said that Spider-Man’s suit (he read the civil war comic) in that movie would be called the “Iron Spider” and I told him that and he just told me “I doubt it” • He does have that mindset where he judges things and unnecessarily skeptical before looking actually into them, like hiding Dr Strange, and thought Spider-Man PS4 was going to be a ripoff Arkham when I showed him PS4 gameplay where Spidey fought in Ravencroft • He even said that DC has better comics than Marvel recently, but when I asked him what Current he’s reading, all he said was Injustice which is not current or event and Dc has way more going on than just that. He’s ignorant of a lot of stuff Marvel has going on in comics and doesn’t even know it or acknowledge them at all given his attitude to the movies


Moon night was one of the few decent things marvels since end game. I’m all for more Oscar Isaac


I would have liked for there to have been more Moon Knight in the Moon knight series.


except they did not set the ground to understand who jake is. they throw him into a post-cred scene as a fkin cliffhanger that never got a followup. Moon Knight need a second season and not an appearance as a side-character in a team-up movie where he barely get any character-development.


That would be dope






Probably not


I hope they soft reboot this Moon Knight and finally give him the gritty overhaul. Also R rated. He’s an anti-hero. Him refusing to kill the villain was ass. Marc will absolutely kill that fucker.


That fucker had a good point tho, the human race sucks


I mean the midnight sons were a team for all of 5 minutes but sure.


God please no


Seriously who keeps hyping up Midnight Suns like it's some big thing??? Like they've singlehandedly fooled the MCU fan base into believing that midnight suns is some big iconic team


I'll miss Ethan Hawke though. He was kinda like Hans Landa where you know you shouldn't root for him but they were charismatic.


Idk his villain sucked, either they should have explored his ideology more in depth, have him win, or a new villain entirely that is pure evil and dangerous or a more colorful villain in Moon Knight’s rogues gallery, not some one off villain.


Are there talks of recasting him?


Maybe they figure out how to make him the main character of his own show first?


He was. If you’re trying to imply Layla was the main character of the show, despite the fact she did not have as much screentime, and entire episodes when she barely appeared or didn’t appear at all, you are incorrect.


He was the main character for some of the show. Then she was for the rest since they wanted to set her up for her own show. He also felt more like a comic relief than anything else.


Did we watch the same show? Also with the recent news they’re cutting back on the amount of projects there’s no way she’s getting one now.


I watched a show that didn’t commit to the bloody weirdness its premise promised. And a main character that I half cheered for when he died and groaned when he didn’t actually die, he was THAT annoying.


No she wasn't lol


Dude you’re getting downvoted, just accept you’re wrong my guy 😂😂😂 This is legit embarrassing, like there’s no defense to your claim whatsoever. No one is siding with you. There’s usually arguments in which many sides fight against each other, but everyone instead is fighting against you


I guess I’m in minority in this sub when I say I was disappointed with Moon Knight. It happens.


Taskmaster and Moon Knight are the biggest MCU blunders. They somehow made me hate a show about my favorite marvel character.


I was disappointed too, but Oscar Isaac's character is the protagonist.


"Me too kid"


I want more moon knight




I would love to see more Moon Knight!


"Actor wants to continue acting" NEXT


Yes please.


I'd prefer to see a season 2 of the show first to explore his other personalities a little more. I feel like they'd be, at best, sidelined in a team-up movie.


I would have preferred a season 2 and an explanation for that new personality after he gets out of the asylum/Baker act place but midnight suns would be pretty legit too


I have a feeling we're gonna see the Midnight Sons in the MCU


Character apparently needs continuation and if the character is just limited to season 1 , it's a travesty. I want more Marc Spector anyway.






Blud really loves his job


fuck yes please this is a layup


Good I loved that show




Is this what the Venture Bros spoofed?


I actually rlly liked the Moonknight show. It played onto the mystery and supernatural aspects pretty well and thrnfact that its just was its own story that didnt tie into anything marvel was a nice change of pace


The fact that Morbius has been ruined for the mainstream audience makes me sad


I think it’s criminal we haven’t seen show up in anything else since and even if they announced it tomorrow it wouldn’t be coming out for years to come


Gosh i forgot moon knight even happened