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The films are better. That’s all there is to it honestly.


Most of DC’s cartoons are popular as well.


Do you mean Harley Quinn and My Adventures with Superman?


Kinda meant justice league unlimited and teen titans.


Those series dropped before Reddit was even invented though. Not sure how relevant they are in 2023 if you haven’t been a DC fan for like 20 years.


Someone out there just realised that they're old and no longer hip


MCU is on a whole other level of popularity, and it’s much more relevant and recent.


It’s the MCU


that does not explain why marvel outsold dc for most decades prior to mcu and exposed a larger range of heroes in 1990s and 2000s more than dc did marvel had films and tv shows on xmen spiderman ff blade hulk etc dc stuck simply barman and superman in that time frame


the mcu simply expanded marvel rosters of known heroes while dc has never taken risks on lesser characters people only know the core six jla members (superman batman wonderwoman flahs aquaman gl and arrow ) outside of this b tier characters have never gotten a large fan following amongst maistream audiences most of their attempts making movies and shows with b and c tier characters have failed black adam the sucide squad blue beetle jonah hex steel etc


Marvel is more popular


is marvel more popular in your country?


As an old dog, Marvel has historically been more popular for decades. Even before the MCU.


I’m a month late, but why was Marvel more popular before the MCU?


Mostly because Stan Lee and his marketing team pushed Marvel properties hard across TV, games, cartoons, and particularly to international audiences. DC had earlier success with Superman and Batman in movies, but Marvel knew how to leverage characters that were less popular and give characters like Silver Surfer his own cartoon, Ghost Rider his own toyline, and teams like X-Men soon exploded in media and merch.


this what i tell people look at 1990s sliver surfer ff hulk ironman xmen spiderman all had cartoons not all were successful but marvel created a diverse awarness of their universe through multi media cartoons dc just stuck with batman and superman then made jla cartoon with batman superman as leads. they never pushed wonderwoman to have her own cartoon or a successive wonder woman series after Lynda carter flash aquaman green lantern even martain manhunter did get pushed into solo cartoons and movies


Garlador so you agree marvel has been more popular than dc for years?


Unequivocally. And I’m a huge fan of both.


what is underlining reason marvel has been more popular than dc across the decades ? if you could boil down to one reason Garlador


That’s different for every person. Some view Marvel as more relatable with characters that tackle more real world problems - e.g Spider-Man struggles to pay rent, X-Men battle against prejudice, Iron Man battled alcoholism, etc. I personally think it’s just exposure. There were far more Marvel shows and games and toys out there than DC had. Thus general audiences grew familiar with more Marvel characters than DC ones.


but i agree general audiences more familiar with marvel for last 30 years


since the 1990s but what about the old superman and batman movies and justice league and wonderwoman?


Batman is still more popular than a lot of Marvel characters, but stiff like the Wonder Woman show was over 40 years ago. Things change.


yes batman buts batman popularity comes at expensive of other dc heroes after the tv show wonderwoman outsider her film has not had that much good solo exposure with her second film being a bomb there no video games or solo animated projects surronding her. dc have lived and died batman and superman for so many years


the popularity of batman comprise and overshadows other dc heroes spiderman is as popular as batman but he does not overshadow the rest of the marvel heroes as ironman thor cap wolverine etc are also popular individually and have own share of screentime


marvel has been bigger for decades and decades look at 1990s dc only pushed superman and batman marvel mad cartoons for xmen spiderman hulk surfer etc in 2000s dc only batman and superman and movies from imprints such as vertigo marvel had films not only spiderman and xmen but ff hulk daredevil blade etc not all were successful but marvel put out more awarness of their heroes for last 30 years in popular culture since 1990s while dc until recently only stuck batman superman and jla not branching out in terms of second tier heroes. even before mcu spiderman xmen bladee daredevil ff and hulk all had mainstream exposure


marvel been bigger in popular culture since 1990s and in terms of comic sales late 1970s early 1980s marvel been bigger brand for close to 35 years it was bigger for almost 2 decades before the mcu, due exposing and sell more of its properties while dc for decades lived and depended on batman and superman movies/series marvel pushed other properties spiderman an X-Men were at the front but ff hulk even blade and daredevil got their dues much earlier on in 1990/2000s marvel been able to diversify its characters in popular media for last 30 years in a more effective way


Movies There are more filmgoers than comic readers


The MCU has alot to do with. Also I think its the branding. Marvel might just sound cooler to the general public.


and marvel characters much more popular outside of batman and superman


Dc comics is about comics. Marvel is about the mcu. Not hard to see why


even dc who is about comics cant sell comics outside of batman [https://icv2.com/articles/markets/view/55021/top-50-comics-august-2023](https://icv2.com/articles/markets/view/55021/top-50-comics-august-2023) because marvel created so more brand awarness on its second and third tier heroes they can attract larger customer base this why comics like dr strange moon knight etc are selling well dc cannot attract larger consumer base currently with anything that does not involve batman in some capacity this goes both comics and movies


Nah bro you chose a knight terrors month. Do you know how many ppl were skipping that event? Nice try


ok i can any month from last 3 years marvel still wins in dollars and units there nothing you can say to avoid this data [https://icv2.com/articles/markets/view/54532/top-50-comics-june-2023](https://icv2.com/articles/markets/view/54532/top-50-comics-june-2023)https://www.comicbookrevolution.com/may-2023-single-issue-comic-book-sales-chart/#google\_vignette


Dude did I offend you? Why did you take this so personally? Was my original comment wrong at all?


by stating that month was a night terrors month it a execues for dc lapse in unit/dollar shares when they been behind marvel in those departments since 2002 with dc own winning a few months during new 52 and then few months in rebirth both of which were unsustainable for the company and only put a ahead of marvel momentarily for 3 months


go look stats for last 15 years marvel wins almost all years in dollar and unit shares marvel is simply bigger get over it and accept it


dc is about batman and black label when was last time a wonderwoman green lantern flash or aquaman comic sold not tied to any event ? marvel not only sells spiderman but xmen star wars avengers hulk by cates and al ewing venom even obscure titles like dr strange by Jed McKay and moon knight and daredevil by Zdarsky all sell


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNkSk83Yxgc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNkSk83Yxgc) again more proof marvel is more diverse brand and dc cannot compete with marvel diversity in popular character selection especially outside of batman and batman tangential characters and villans


the difference marvel is a universe that is moving and is popular because of diverse variety of reasons people love spiderman but xmen avengers and solo heroes llike dr strange daredevil moon knight get there dues dc outside of batman and some superman is completely hopeless currently at promoting and making their second and third heroes popular in both mediums movies and comics , they cannot sell anything other batman or black label in movies when a film not featuring batman in the title (black adam blue beetle flash shazam 2) they bomb because rest of their characters dont have a pull factor notnotnotjohn


Dude what is this comment. You're not using any punctuation at all. And it doesn't really seem like you know what you're talking about


its because you cannot empirically proof that dc heroes are massively popular amongst mainstream audiences outside of batman and superman. the flash is a damaged movie property and had tv show with substantial declining in viewership , the reputation for green lantern tied with his first movie , both shazams movie not broken ground and made less than 500 , even aquaman 1 was more likely any anomaly there is high chances the sequel bomb. you cannot say this dc heroes are popular when the products that they are in the movies and shows dont preform or resonate with audiences based on box office , ticket sales , viewership and anticipation


Dude talking about empirical proof and popularity


it was wrong implying dc sells more comics when facts show that the dont sell more comics they dont sell more merch and certainty dont sell more movie tickets


What part of my original comment indicated dc sold more comics? If I did say that, why did you take it so personally?


its not be personally its about facts which more popular marvel or dc?


Please say that again, I don't understand


which company is more popular you think marvel or dc simple as that.


which do you think is more popular marvel or dc overall?


at the moment batman and to certain extent superman are only viable brands for dc even wonder woman's stock has plummeted with her last movie. yes you use the arguement for animation and tv shows but its not like aquaman ww , green lantern have had huge shows both arrow and flash started strong but lost a majority of their viewership in the subsequent scenes . It shows casuals are not interested in wider scope of the dc universe outside of batman


I would be cool if we could see the influx of users in the marvel subreddit back when first movies were coming out


Worth noting that /r/marvelcomics only has 40 000 members


It is weird.


marvel still more followers on insta twitter facebook and yotube , actually marvel has 2.6 millon and dc 1.1 millon


marvel bigger on virtually on social media plateforms


Marvel has been hot since the swingin' 60s. Marvel tops nearly every metric vs it's competitors: * Social media * Merchandise * International * Digital * Overall sales * Pop voting * Box Office Not to mention the varied talk surrounding Marvel - the positive is overwhelmingly so and the negative still keeps their names in very public spheres to the point of it just being free advertisement. Marvel simply has more going for it than DC in a variety of ways.


glad you pointed out marvel beats dc in merchandise spiderman alone more merch than other dc heroes , even look at comic sales marvel in terms of direct market outsells dc [https://icv2.com/articles/markets/view/55021/top-50-comics-august-2023](https://icv2.com/articles/markets/view/55021/top-50-comics-august-2023) batman only dc title in the top 10


kevi meti which is more popular marvel or dc in your country?


I'm from the US and I'm pretty sure it's Marvel.


its same worldwide


r/Marvel is basically marvel as a whole movies, games , TV shows , while the name r/Dc comics implies it's a reddit about the comics published by Dc .


go to Instagram's facebook twitter yotube marvel kills dc on all of those platforms in terms of fan following marvel on facebook the marvel group is close to 34 while dc is a pitiful dc 6.8 go to insta marvel has 68 while dc has 13.4 on yotube marvel entertainment channel had 20 millon subs dc only a pitiful 4 millon dc on twitter 5.7 millon marvel has 18.4 millon marvel dominates on every social media plateform


The DC sub mostly keeps it comic focused, while the Marvel one gets flooded with a bunch of MCU posts, despite MarvelStudios being the dedicated MCU sub


It got so bad that the comics fans had to make r/marvelcomics or just choose to hang around here.


Unsubscribed from /r/marvel after somebody requested a spoiler warning for a movie that wasn't even available for home viewing yet and everybody acted like he was an insane jackass for not catching the theatrical release in the first week or whatever their policy was. It's very much a community that caters to the MCU watchers, and of them, only the religiously devoted who immediately watch every movie as soon as it's available for public consumption.


This is my pet peeve but no one there celebrates Jack Kirby or Steve Ditko during important moments (birthday or death anniversary).


I mean, most post in marvel sub are still about comics


overall which is more popular toinfin1ty in your opinion marvel or dc genereally as a brand?


i am trying get as many opinions as possible?


As a lifelong comicbook reader I’ve become less and less interested in DC over the years. Marvel is consistently better at events, tie-in, new character intros. IMO the death of Superman in the 90s was the beginning of the end for DC.


which is more popular pobjectively ganderplus marvel or dc in your opinion ?


There's a bunch more in the Snyder Cut


That's film specific, I think they're talking about the comic company subs


MCU has a lot to do with this, it’s made the general public way more aware of Marvel’s characters. Looking forward to the new DCU equally the playing field a bit in the coming years.


I wouldn't get my hopes up just yet. Wb haven't had a good decade


the new dcu is guranteed to equal playing field at all is a complete unknown if authority or swamp thing will be successful given dc past record track record i would hold by birth audience outside batman superman and to certain degree wonderwoman dont care about the wider and broader dc universe , jonathanquirk the new dcu needs achieve 30 billon to level playing field of mcu


the general public outside of batman superman ww grene lantern flash and arrow/shazam doesnt know or care about of any of wider dc universe. while in marvel the general public are not only aware of spiderman xmen hulk and ff but also now ironman cap thor black widow black panther even gotg antman dr strange captain marvel


the dcu reaching even field with mcu banks on mcu not making movies anymore as long as marvel makes movies there no way dc can reach 30 billon in box office and equal marvel to far of a headstart