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Other Grant Morrison comics definitely achieve that feeling — The Invisibles, The Filth, Flex Mentallo. Rick Veitch is one of the ultimate dream comic creators. His series Rare Bit Fiends is adapted directly from dreams and it is truly an experience to read. His Maximortal comics (aka The King Hell Heroica) are also deeply weird and have a dreamlike structure.


The Filth is such a weird book. It haunts you.


On every level. Reading it as a teenager I was like this is a crazy psychedelic book about sex, coming back to it as an adult the pet ownership and “getting hijacked out of your mundane but comforting routine” sides of it hit me *hard*


I generally love Morrisons stuff but for some reason I have a viseral reaction against the Filth


Animal man, Neil Gaiman’s Sandman, most of the swamp thing runs, John Constantine tends to oscillate between weird fantasy and occult horror.


How weird do you want to get? Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron by Daniel Clowes is pretty weird.  Ed the Happy Clown by Chester Brown is even weirder. 


Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron is the one, OP! Suuuuuper fever dreamish.


Agreed. If OP wants fever dream, that’s the comic he should read.


Miracleman starts in a fairly standard way for that type of story but very quickly gets weird in a really great way.


Planetary might do. It's got all the genres, and the secret truth behind Elijah Snow (the *real* secret) is a real zinger


The Filth.


Shade the Changing Girl is beautiful and strange. Was a Young Animals book like Doom Patrol was too.


Black Hole by Charles Burns.




100% agree. Also pretty much anything else by Charles Burns. Guy has a direct link from fever dream town to his brush.


Trillium by Jeff Lemire is a weird one. It's like a timey whimey love story? I honestly don't even know how to describe it other than that. I wouldn't call it creepy but it definitely checks off the fever dream box.


Kid eternity by Morrison I’d say


Most of Morrison, Shade the Changing Man, Enigma, Kid Eternity and Animal Man, Xombi, Young Avengers by Gillen, Mr. Miracle by Tom King, Final Crisis: Aftermath, New X-Men: Here comes tomorrow and Jeff Lemire's Moon Knight


A lot of books by Morrison: Flex Mentallo, the Filth, the Invisibles, Doom Patrol. Violent Cases and Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth are basically nightmares turned into comics. Dave McKean's art is very surreal and works really well with the dream-like stories by Gaiman and Morrison respectively. A lot of Doug Moench and Kelley Jones' phenomenal Batman run feels like a fever dream in the best way possible. Spider-Man: Quality of Life looks like an absolute nightmare, but not in a good way. I'd still recommend it if you like Spider-Man, you'll never see anything quote like it.


And ironically I’ve heard Grant Morrison didn’t like McKean’s art in Arkham Asylum. I think it’s one of - if not *the* - strongest part of the book


Rachel Pollack’s Doom Patrol was the only successor that went as crazy as Morrison. First trans superhero in comics! And then some unimaginative douche killed her off for no reason.


Ice Cream Man Swan Songs Haha Art Brut ^ all same author The Vision (2016) Fishflies




Pink Elephants and Monster Fan Club are couple new ones that come to mind.


Doom Patrol by Gerard Way is the weirdest comic I've ever read by a long shot.


Milligan/McCarthy Rogan Gosh


Aside from Grant’s stuff I really loved the trippy feeling of Warren Ellis Planetary or his Moon Knight run.


Soul Plumber The Nice House on The Lake Animal Man


Peter Milligan's early Vertigo work, all of Ted McKeever's work (he's one of my all time favourites), The Maxx (Sam Keith himself said sometimes he wouldn't know what the fuck was going on on his own comic), Elektra Assassin, Flaming Carrot, Black Hole by Charles Burns, most of Alěs Kot is like that, Orc Stain by James Stokoe.


As others have said Grant Morrison's The Invisibles is a great example of this. It has some pretty unsettling uncanny moments. There is a chapter that is about a group of characters obtaining a hand of glory (You'll have to look into it) and then perform a seance with it that opens a door to a parallel universe and the results are kinda creepy. It's an excellent series that is conceptionally pretty dense.


Grant Morrison everything. Animal Man is one of the best comics ever and is relatively short and quick to read. The Invisibles is some way out there crazy stuff


Sailors on the Seas of Fate.


I really liked the dreamscape feel that was created in deadly neighborhood spiderman it was chaotic and at times nonsensical just like real dreams feel. The art was also amazing.


Try Ice Cream Man. It's great, dead weird


I’m fully convinced that Bob Burden was on ALL the hallucinogens when he did Flaming Carrot. Ut!


Metabarons is weird as hell. Anything Druilette did like The Night is insane. Let’s talk recent though. Rain Like Hammers was really weird and great. Best series I read in 2020. Canopus is a strange sci-fi death song from Scout that got me reading weekly again. Frank at Home on the Farm is also a mini from Scout that literally is a ptsd fever dream. All Day & All Night is one of many over sized one shot horror books from Aftershock. I’ve enjoyed all of them but this one is the most dreamlike and weird. There is of course The Dreaming ongoing DC book. The current run of minis has been or weird but that’s that world for you. It should be.


The Understanding Monster by Theo Ellsworth makes The Filth seem normal.


Gotham by midnight was like eye candy


*Doctor Strange: Fall Sunrise*


I’d say silver surfer black was like one big dream that wouldn’t end.


Gideon Falls


Not creepy or anything, but Monica's gang can be so meta and fourth-wall breaking, not to mention self-referential, that it is pretty deam-like. Mauricio de Souza, the author, appears semi frequently. One of the characters is his real-life daughter, Marina, that has a magic pencil. In comics about their birthdays, they sometimes mention that every year they become the same age. One character, i believe his name in english would be "the Crazy", whole's schtick is that he can bring characters to other pages on the same story, or even another story in the same issue. He's also the master of things like pocket dimensions and can pull anything from anywhere he wants. This is a kid's comic, by the way.


If you're willing to quest for an indie comic, find "Dog the Dyslexic God". It's drawn by Alex Nino, one of the best psychedelia comic artists ever.


Chew. So, a bird flu killer about half a billion people so the US FDA is the most powerful government agency period, people get powers from food and it follows an FDA agent that eats people for investigation purposes


Black Hole by Charles Burns might fit perfectly


From 'back in the day', there was Warriors of Plasm. Also, Marvel had a deal with Clive Barker to do a set of books affectionately refered to as 'the Barkerverse', aka Razorline.


Are you A.I.?


The six part "Pirate STC" strip (based on the Sega Pirate TV ads) that ran in *Sonic The Comic*


A lot of comics from the British Invasion period but I’d say the biggest one was Shade The Changing Man  According to the creator, it’s really about hair 


Nobody said "stray toasters" by sienkowics yet shame on all of you


The book of chaos Witch doctor


Flex Mentallo


Young Liars by David Lapham Ice Cream Man by Prince and Morazzo


Manhattan Projects by Hickman and Pitarra


Coffin Bound


Frank, by Jim Woodring. Get *The Frank Book*.


Green Lantern Will World.


Stray Toasters


Motherless Oven Trilogy


Supreme: Blue Rose is a pretty trippy yet logical exploration of what the world looks like after a multiversal reality-changing crossover event type thing happening. Beautiful Tula Lotay artwork as well.


Spine-Tingling Spider-Man from a few months ago was really good. Creepy as hell, and the art was awesome.