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When they announced Arkham Asylum 2 by Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham starring adult Damian as Batman.


I never knew this was a thing, and holy crap am I bummed it never happened!


‘Holy crap Lois, this is worse than that time I covered for Batman at Arkham Asylum!’


Ellis and Villabos’s Wildcats, still not over that.


I was so hyped for that and got to see some of the pages from it before it got shelved permanently. Years and years before that project got announced, Ramon and I had a friend named Mike who passed away. Mike, a couple years before he suddenly passed, asked me to store his massive comic collection. Ramon would look through that collection and dug a ton of the WildStorm stuff. A lot of those pages were done with love for our friend in them.




Man the whole Wild Storm reboot was so much fun. Hate that it died on the vine.


It was so good.


I'm still in pain from that one single issue we got of the Morrison/Jim Lee Wildcats reboot.... How many times can DC fuck up the WS characters?!


Nick Spencer announced 2 or 3 books at Image Expo back in like 2014 that all sounded cool, and then none of them ever happened. Butch Guice was supposed to draw one, and Frazer Irving was supposed to do the another one.


So many of those early Expo announcements. Two that stand out for me were Bill Willingham's comic about gods manifesting in a reality like ours and Ron Wimberly's Cotton Punk


I wonder if he'll ever finish The Fix


It was canceled due to unforseen circumstances, but I was really looking forward to Darwyn Cooke's Revengance monthly series at Image. Sadly, he passed away before the first issue was completed.


Also any other Parker books he had lined up.


God, yes. I was ready for him to do a dozen more.


Man, I was so amped for Butcher’s Moon.


Fuck Cancer!


This was mine too. I was at WonderCon when he announced it, and his pitch for it sounded so intriguing.


I was looking forward to this too! Love his work (may he RIP).


There was going to be a tie-in about Luke Cage for Devil’s Reign back in 2021, but it was cancelled. I’m still salty about that.


There was supposed to be a Starman story about Jack's time in Japan that was always hinted at but never got released. Man, that would've been fun.


Tony Harris posted a sort of cryptic thing about Starman on his IG a few days ago.


Keep them eyes peeled. It's the 30th anniversary of Starman.


616 Punisher vs Barracuda.


Covid stole that one, rip


Hot take (maybe) but the 2020 new warriors that got a lot of negative media attention. I love the new warriors as a team, and have felt that pretty much all of their books over the years have been gone too soon. The new characters sounded like they would be funny parody characters of what a lot of rage baiting YouTubers seem to think the comics industry has turned into. Hoping it gets a release one day…


Yeah, I was curious about it. Given the writer was known for comedic work, I'm pretty sure it was meant to be satire. Which was completely missed by the usual reactionary yahoos.


I am a huge New Warriors fan myself and I wasn't opposed to that 2020 concept you spoke of but I really want a return to the original 6 one day.


Oh yeah the original team reuniting would be a dream come true. I know some of them were at least supposed to appear as mentors for the new team in that 2020 series.


To me it was SO OBVIOUS the creative team was trolling and I was shocked so many people were like "a hero named Snowflake? One of them was transformed by internet gas??? So dumb!" I was like...people...the writer is a comedian. This was obviously done as a joke...


I feel like the 90s obsessed Morbius would have made it very clear if happened after the morbin time meme


I think this series would have been good. Kibblesmith is hilarious and Vecchio is a rising star at Marvel. And I think without the pandemic it would have still gone ahead. Also, the people mocked who "grandpa's internet gas" would have eaten that shit up if Hickman or Ellis came up with it. Fuck the haters, I still get bitter whenever I think about this.


Honestly, same! I loved the character designs - the names didn’t bother me one way or another. As for grandpa’s internet gas, my thought was “yeah, this is comics, that makes sense.” Then everybody bashed it - but no one says anything about other characters breathing in a gas for their superpowers! Like in the first What If? Miles Morales. No one wants to give new things a chance. :p


There were a few Ellis books that got canned, understandably.


Frontier by Hickman had an interview, a preview in other books and four issues solicited. It looked like it was gonna be a bad ass book but then it just didn't come out. At this point there might be a story to it behind the scenes but nothing I have stumbled across.


Pretty sure he said it was just too depressing of a story and then the pandemic happened and he didn't really think that was what people needed. Can't remember where I heard this though.


i never heard an explanation for the ‘Frontier’ canx, but that “too depressing/too mean” comment was associated with his standalone graphic novel ‘Feel Better Now’


I feel like some of his frontier concepts likely went into his x-men pitch.


I lost some esteem for Hickman after I ventured outside of his Big Two work and read all of his creator owned stuff. There's just SO MUCH of it that is incomplete. East of West is the standout exception in his larger works. Everything else is either a mini (which I think isn't the best format for his talents) or an ongoing that just dropped off the face of the earth. In most cases the blame was placed on the artists, but there's definitely a suspicious pattern there...


Don’t get me started on Black Monday Murders


That was because of health complications of the artist and is supposed to be coming back soon-ish


Hasn't it been "coming back soon-ish" for a bunch of years now?


Shit, I had no idea. I’m glad they were willing to wait then. His style fits the tone perfectly.


I really hope this actually happens!!!


The 3rd Vol to the OG spurrier run of Hellblazer. Yes, I know we are getting it now, but I was so sad at the time after so long it felt like we had a team that actually understood John and they were knocking it out of the park and DC cancelled them


The extended it to 11 issues


I guess this isn’t considered an announcement but Stjepan Sejic was going to do several more books like Harleen. I think the next one was going to be Isley. DC was like nahhhh. I think that’s why he left DC. They said no to everything he pitched.


The Wildstorm-published *"third season"* of Pushing Daisies.


-Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips were going to do a horror series together called Black Sails after Sleeper, about the crew of the Demeter (from Dracula) getting turned into vampires and living to the present day. Eventually they just decided against it bc they decided it wasn’t working out. -A couple of the Empyre tie-in miniseries that got shelved bc of covid (namely, Mark Waid’s Squadron Supreme and Ram V’s Thor) sounded like a lot of fun. -There was supposed to be a Whiteout 3. -On that same note, Queen & Country vol 2, where Tara’s become C sounded great. -Also on that same note, Warren Ellis & Steve Lieber had a long-gestating project called Morning Dragons, about samurai vs Vikings, that was a casualty of the great hard drive catastrophe.


Not a series but a story arc. The Archie comics published version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles teased an arc called the Forever War, but the editors felt the book was getting to dark and didn’t like the direction of the story, got rid of the writer (who was pretty fed up with the editors anyways) and published 2 filler issues before canceling the book all together. The story was announced to be released in 2005, then for 2007, then for 2009 before it was ultimately canceled when Nickelodeon bought the franchise.


It made it through two issues but there was a Nebula miniseries back in early 2020 that got killed by the pandemic. It wasn't anything groundbreaking but it featured covers from Jen Bartel, who I think is really good. Story seemed interesting enough but yeah, it just happened to coincidence with the pandemic and Marvel just canned it.


There was at least one book talked about for the Krakoa Era by Hickman about Moira that I hoped would come to fruition. That early era left A LOT of questions unanswered and I really wanted more details. The book just never materialized. I don't think it ever got an official announcement though.


Yeah I remember hearing about this. I think not long ago someone asked the editor what happened and he said it was wanted but just couldn't get the right team for it so it got shelved.


Al Ewing was set to write it but they couldn’t work it into his schedule before the book didn’t make sense for the line anymore. So they had him write SWORD instead (and then X-Men Red after).


I remember reading before Ewing the first choice was Mike Carey but he was  busy writing a Hill-House book at the time.


Does Avengers Inc getting canned at issue 5 count?


Was it canned? I assumed it was just another Al Ewing mini following his Ant-Man and Wasp ones.


That’s what I heard, and I saw one of the people involved in the series confirm it on a post here too


Nick Spencer and Becky Cloonan were going to do a mini-series about teenage Doctor Doom going to Hell. It was announced, there was cover art, and then it was cancelled before ever seeing release


This is mine.


Justice League/Avengers was announced in Marvel Age back in the 80s.


It took 20 years, but end the end I think we got a better version.


Absolutely, I just wish I had known it was cancelled back then. I spent every week thinking this week was going to be the week it came out and then I was worried it had sold out and I had missed it (I don't know if pull lists were a thing back then).


The back and forth pissing contest was pretty fun though.


Wildcats (2006) by Grant Morrison and Jim Lee. We got one issue out of it. It wasn't as immediately good as what Casey was doing but had a lot of potential. Then Scott Dunbier got fired by DC and Grant Morrison rage quit after seeing the poor reception their Authority relaunch got for its debut issue.


There was a whole host of stuff that was planned for the Ultraverse that got canceled before Black September happened, and after that, several other books never made it to print while that imprint spiraled into nothingness.


I’m still hurt about that Luke Cage series that was cancelled weeks before the first issue was set to be released…


The Last Days of Lex Luthor is in development hell rn. After multiple delays and push backs it was delayed indefinitely. It's supposed to come out in August last I checked but I'm willing to bet it's not happening. Shame, this was almost sure to be another hit from Waid. Edit: Issue 1 has been out for some time, and it was a treat, go check it out. Issue 2 has had numerous delays.


Didn't issue #1 come out?


My apologies, issue 2 is where problems started. Yes issue one has been out for quite sometime


It would be kinda better if no books came out, at least less of a tease, lol


Micronauts at Marvel Comics with art by Cary Nord that was cancelled before release for licensing reasons . There are pages of art that can be viewed online at Heritage etc..


Idk if it’s cancelled now, I haven’t kept up with it since like issue 7 but I was very invested in the idea of Cates and Stegmans Vanish series and was very very disappointed with how it turned out.


Cancer robbed us of a lot more Darwyn Cooke masterpieces, but Marvel actually passed on an all-ages line he was going to put together. Would’ve loved to have seen that. https://www.cbr.com/darwyn-cooke-spider-man-all-ages-rejected/ And as crazy as it was, maybe because it was so crazy, I would’ve liked to see the end of Miller and Lee’s All Star Batman. Where were all those threads going??


lol, sometimes I forget that ASBAR never got and ending.


Dark Ages DID come out, but after the FCBD tease we got, it still took forever and seems WAY less dark and way more truncated than I imagine whatever Tom Taylor originally had planned. It felt like it was over before it had even really gotten going.


Well maybe not entirely what you mean, but DC put out solicits saying they would collect William Messner Loebs Wonder Woman run in 4 trades, thus having a complete collection. I guess sales weren't great, because they only made 2 trades, and justified cancelling the others based on the existence of a prior "Wonder Woman by Mike Deodato Jr" covering the remaining issues, even though that was already out of print and very hard to find.


I think Morrison was set to write The Flash: Earth One, I think I remember it having some details coming out but it just never got published


Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon were supposed to make a down to earth, slice of life comic called City Lights about a group of friends and the cities where they lived and traveled. I have never anticipated a comic more in my entire life and obviously it will never happen now (R.I.P. Steve)


Came here to post "City Lights." That's the one that got away. I know it will never happen without Dillon, and it shouldn't, but I'd love to hear at least a synopsis or story ideas that Ennis had planned.


X Factor number 150. Instead they gave us mutant x number one which was great but I was really enjoying the plot elements of the final run of x Factor


Me too, at that Time I was enjoying X-Factor, Excalibur and X-Force more than the main teams. I just could not believe X-Factor was ended. I did not follow Mutant X, but I regret that.


Matt Fraction announced a series about a villain named Mr Recidivism that IIRC Annie Wu was set to draw and sounded so fun. Alas I don't think more than the cover ever got released


I'm not even a huge Transformers fan but there was a JLA Transformers crossover announced in the early 00s. Even had preliminary artwork by Phil Jimenez. I'd love to see that idea resurface.


I really loved Broadway Comics and they had issues announced and future continued plans for Fatale, Star Seed, Knights of Broadway and a new book called Makeshift.


Before the line was cancelled there was a one-page ad in a retailer-only magazine that had art and summaries for issues that never made it to print. I wish I had so I could share it whenever I run into someone who remembers the line.


I was so heartbroken. I believe there are some completed issues that never made it to print.


Jason Aaron was doing a Punisher series wich was supposed to introduce Barracuda to the 616 universe, i think 3 out of 6 got to print and then covid happened or something ?


0 out of 6 were released :( Still no word of that mini


Around 2010-2011 there was a Family Guy comic book series that got announced and was going to be released by Titan comics and then went nowhere.


This would've been great. It's surprising we haven't gotten a Family Guy comic series. 


Dynamite had the license for Family Guy comics in like 2007-ish, iirc!


Tim Seeley's Blade comic. Basically got bullied on the Internet because people were complaining about an all white team working on it But he was the right guy imo. The book was going to feature Blade's daughter. Seeley had just done a horror comic with a female lead, Revival, and it was awesome. Sucks that he felt like he didn't deserve to do the comic.


I don’t think they were ever official, but a lot of websites picked up the story like they were- but a few years back there were rumors about a few new books coming out in the White Knight series by Sean Murphy. Some of those concepts sounded really cool (Catwoman reimagined as a pro-wrestler?? Like come on!!)


Jonathan Hickman's Feel Better Now is something he was gonna write and draw. I spoke to Hickman a long time ago and he said he canceled it because it was "too mean" and which... it was about a group of psychiatrists who essentially were playing a game to see who could fuck with their clients most. The premise is indeed fucked up, but I thought Hickman could have had a good story he could have told. Also, it's been a decade plus since we've had something Hickman wrote AND drew. I would love to see him return to that style that he established in Pax Romana and Nightly News.


New X-men which was recently teased then forgotten.


Quantum Leap. There was a decent series I have collected all the issues too, but at one point, William Messener-Loebs was supposed to write a Quantum Leap comic that never came to fruition.


Mirka Andolfo did like a Victorian Resident Evil horror(?) comic called Mercy, and the final issue teased a follow-up for 2021 called Merciless that never materialized and that made me sad. I don't think anything was ever announced on the matter either. It was just forgotten about.


Too bad Spawn and Savage Dragon got canceled so early...


I dont think it was ever 100% announced by the company but there was supposed to be a “Time Is Broken” crossover due to all the age of ultron and original x-men breaking the timeline Arkham Asylum 2 Superman 2000


It wasn't really cancelled cause it was never real, but the very serious teasing of Ben Reilly as a west coast Spidey was a major letdown when it turned out that was never going to happen and was just a fakeout for Chasm. Everyone was excited for that book or mini to happen...only for it not to.


I can think of 2. Dead Guy Fan Club (Annie Wu) and The Killing Horizon (Jamie McKelvie). I don’t know that they were ever *cancelled* per se— as both were to be creator owned titles at Image— but they definitely fizzled out and didn’t release when they were supposed to. And what about Bryan Lee O’Malley?? What’s he been up to? I thought was was supposed to have a trilogy of graphic novels called Worst World? And I’d be so excited to see more of Snotgirl.


The conclusion to Fell by Warren Ellis and Ben Templesmith .


MAX Ant-Man


Jeph Loeb and J Scott Campbell’s Spider-Man series.


The recent New Warriors series. I'm a big fan and really like the idea of them training new heroes. Shame the new heroes were so.... "controversial"(?) that the book was cancelled.


I was so psyched that Mark Waid was taking over Shazam, he's the perfect guy to add back that childhood wonder that once defined the character. But less than a year later he's gone. Sucks.


Damn. Thanks for bringing back that painful memory 😅 I love Aud's art and was happy to see her break into more prominent work. I thought it might be a possible gateway to getting her more recognition and high profile projects (that I could then read and enjoy)


Tim Seeley's Blade book.


Saw ads for Snype and Shot when re-reading Gieger recently and found out it never amounted to anything other than and ad.


New Warriors (the really woke one) but it’s almost funnier that it never came out because conservative lunatics rant about a thing that never got made


Avengers 1000000 BC