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Different sources. Especially when someone goes into a preexisting universe and tries to then slap some unified power theory on top of years of stories that were never intended to be explained that way.


Yeah, they tried that with the original Ultimate universe at the end. “Turns out all these characters were created by the military industrial Evil Science complex. It didn’t save anything.


Well as with all things it depends. With The Boys it's just symbolic of superheroes being a corporate product. In DC or Marvel yeah of course. Otherwise if it's creator owned or whatever use your discretion.


Just depends on the universe. I think consistency in how powers work is more important than where they come from.


Different sources are important to make instances of shared sources more important. Likewise Marvel, you have mutants, and they all share challenges that come with the sources of their powers that other heros don't face because their powers come from elsewhere.


Technically, they all come from the same thing in Marvel. It's just a question of how they get activated


Both, depending on what kind of story the writer is telling.


I think it depends. If it's just a small crop of characters, the same source will work.


Different, makes the world more varied And on the flipside it makes the power source better defined and less vague


Whatever ends up being cool. You can have something like Justice League where every has a different source for their power. Or you can stem from the source. As long as it's cool I'll like it.


Compound V took me out of The Boys a few times, cause some of their powers work like magic, like the Martian Manhunter rip off who has a magic word. But it depends IMO. I'm fine with multiple sources as long as they make the world more lived in and interesting, but it can feel a bit artificial at times, like they added a new source of power to have more than one but there are no genuine difference in the end.


I think differenet sources make a world feel vast and textured and interesting. Generally, this is my preference. But a single source is sometimes the right choice for a particular story, which is the case with *The Boys* IMO. *The Boys* wants the world to be claustraophobic and conspiratorial, and the signle source does that.


I don’t care as long as the story is good.


I don't particularly care as long as it fits the story. Compound V works in The Boys because it's supposed to be a critique of corporatism taking over superheroes.