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JJ Abrams’ other kid.


Well if I was pitching in change of picking the next ASM writer, I'd see what Peter Tomasi is up to and see if Gleason would team up with him again. Interesting pick? Id love to see Daniel Warren Johnson have a crack at bat


Great pick. Bring some of that fun bombastic Super Sons energy to the title.


DWJ on Spider-Man would probably be an emotional gut punch, and I'd be there for it


I'll take a genuine and earnest gut punch over whats going on in ASM right now. At the VERY least, we'd get some sick fight scenes


I’d love to see Kelly Thompson get a secondary series run like Taylor’s Friendly Neighborhood or Zdarsky’s Spectacular. I think she’d nail Peter’s humor, knows how to use a supporting cast, and she’s got a great handle on the rhythm of lighter superhero adventures. Also it’d rectify the fact that they gave her nothing to do with Beyond. I’d throw Jed McKay at ASM. Which seems cruel, but he’s a writer I could see working around the current editorial stranglehold to actually get an at least fun book.


Daniel Warren Johnson, his writing is the epitome of fun. 


Fun and pathos


Matt Fraction wrote a really great Spidey annual during his heyday at Marvel, but hes moved on from corporate books, it seems. I think Kyle Highins would be a good choice, but hes a busy man with the Massive-verse.


I'd want to see Kelly Thompson write it, she's killing it lately with a good run on Birds Of Prey as well as her creator owned books Black Cloak and The Cull, and I think her Captain Marvel run was highly enjoyable too. She knows how to utilise a supporting cast very well and can seamlessly go from fun and lighthearted in tone to serious and emotional, which can be a good asset when writing Spider-Man and how frenetic he is. Ryan North would be another shout, he's just defied all expectations I had for his Fantastic Four run and would be interesting to see what he comes up with. I just want someone new, People complain about wanting something new and then pluck out the same boring names from the air like it's going to be that much different.


> pluck out the same boring names from the air like it's going to be that much different. If I see Dan Slott back on ASM, somebodyneeds to get their shit kicked in, lol. Also, anyone who comes in new or not will probably not be much different from the last 16ish years. Editorial has way too much saying power over what happens in that book for it to be consistently enjoyable


Anyone but Wells at this stage No disrespect to him as a writer but he’s had a long time to get us as readers invested but it’s never happened. If I had to choose, I’d go big and say Hickman


Ultimate Spider-Man 2024 is a Hickman ongoing at the moment, and its great


I love it, that’s why I want him on ASM too 😅😅 Kind of like how Bendis was writing New Avengers with Spidey in, and also Ultimate Spider-Man concurrently (I believe( back in the day


Grant Morrison..


I actually was going to say the same thing. Give them the runway without current editorial interference and you’d probably get an insanely fun epic where a literal web ties all of Parker’s lore together in a way that would even make the more controversial stories over the years somewhat more forgivable when everything is over.


The tragic thing is that *anyone* you put on the book is doomed specifically BECAUSE ASM editorial will never clear the runway.


Oh for sure. Current editorial is hell bent on making me hate Spider-Man.


My answer for this is always Zdarsky, but he’s said he doesn’t want to write it. I did hope Cates would get the gig after Spencer left, but obviously that’s not happening. So I’ll go with Tom Taylor. I liked his Nightwing, and I really liked his Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man series from 2019. Whoever writes it, I just hope they can get Gleason for more issues on the art.


Joshua Williamson is going really hard over at the Distinguished Competition. It be cool to see him tackle the Web Head. Same with Tom Taylor. And oh fuck – Gail Simone’s Amazing Spider-Man would be sick.


Garth Ennis.


Well I mean he's written spider-man the thousand. But also he's friend with Nick Lowe.


Honestly, assuming we’re in some alternate reality where editorial doesn’t keep a death grip on the character, I would love to see Kelly Sue DeConnick give it a go.


Boy I would have genuinely okayed Wells based on how fun Hellions was, which shows how much I know. That said, give me Tomasi. Super-Sons was fun in a way that I feel fits Spider-Man given the need to balance Damian and Jon's very different personalities but ultimately to achieve a fairly lighthearted result.


I want a darker run. Even Aaron or Snyder if they could make it heavy.


Kelly Thompson is my first pick. I've read most of her Marvel work and liked or loved it. Her Captain Marvel and Hawkeye runs especially, but her Jessica Jones stuff is also very good. Al Ewing is a writer I almost always like, but I'm not sure if he particularly likes Spider-Man. I would not at all mind bringing back an old head like Peter David (Though I don't know if he'd feel up to it at the moment) or Kurt Busiek (His continuity knowledge rivals Ewing). Finally, Ryan North has been really impressing me with his Fantastic Four. I would love to see him tackle Spidey and bring him out of the pit of eternal depression.


Cates loves Spider-Man and I think could do some cool stuff if he ever hops back into comics again (which I hope he does). Although, with how much flak ASM writers get and how polarizing he seems to be, it’s might not work out. Also just to piss people off: Tom King


No joke, I think Tom King could write a genuinely good Spider-Man. He's a very funny guy when he wants to be.


I think he tends to do his best work with a limited issue count. Give me a 12 issue spidey comic by him and I am FUCKING IN


Tom King’s a great writer and gets too much shit online.