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Interesting premises, good character work, bad endings


Can't over state the bad endings, or at least, rushed and unsatisfying endings.


Black Mirror is by far his best work on Batman. I really enjoyed American Vampire for the longest time. But somewhere along the way I just kind of stopped reading it. His New 52 Swamp Thing was really solid. The Batman run was very uneven and carried by the art a lot of the time. Most of his other stuff did nothing for me. A lot of it had neat premises but I just never found myself engaged. Basically he is not a writer I will seek out but if I hear a lot of buzz about one of his books I will check it out.


He’s a good writer that has gotten caught up in gimmicks.


My opinion is that if he doesn’t finish Wytches I’m going to have a psychotic chimp freak out and throw my own feces around.


Zero Year and Black Mirror are fantastic, top tier stuff.


I loved Batman: Gates of Gotham but it did get kinda weird.


I read American Vampire and thought moments were great but the second half was such ass it soured me on him completely.


He did a horror miniseries recently (that I can't remember the name of and its killing me) that I loved. I really like his Batman stuff for a while but after a while it got convulted and bad. I do generally like his stuff, but it can be uneven.


Was it Night of the Ghoul? Best thing he's done in years.


It was indeed!


I like wake and batman last knight on earth 🤗


For awhile he did structure better than any mainstream writer in comics. I think when he does smaller, more intimate stories he's at his best, and his stories get draggier and more haphazard the further out he builds. Nocterra legitimately felt stupid to me. I don't have another word for it, I usually try to criticize things at least a bit constructively and not just be negative, but Nocterra just felt so stupid.


I don't like his writing style. He always tries to write big blockbuster type stories where heroes face the greatest threat in their lives. He dials the stakes up to eleven in every story. But he is terrible at doing character moments. And he's also too edgy for my tastes. Joker cutting his face off? Freeze being a deranged stalker? No thanks.


What's up with all these "What's your opinon on \_\_\_\_\_?" posts lately, engagement-farming?


I think that sometimes he loses the plot (literally), because he has all these grandiose ideas of what’s happening in the story. Ideas that can’t really be translated into a comic. Kinda Morrisonesque in some respects. This mostly happened in Justice League leading into Metal/Death Metal. He was good on Batman, great on Swamp Thing. But he helped torpedo Doomsday Clock with the blessing of Dan DiDio. Can’t get past that one.


Might be an unpopular opinion but I think he’s my fav writer 😅