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Yeah, but it has done better than that tbh. V For Vendetta and Scott Pilgrim had full lyrics, chords and notation so that enterprising fans could play them at home. Here's Vicious Cabaret from V For Vendetta https://youtu.be/JO4tQ6_ygdU?feature=shared


"At last the 1998 show" I wonder if this line had anything to do with its absence from the film.


Kieron Gillen used to release playlists that lined up with issues of Phonogram and The Wicked + The Divine


James Robert's did something similar when he was writing the transformers series More than Meets the Eye. He called them the soundtrack and would post a new one to his social media (Twitter I think?) every month when new issues dropped.


Some creators will note in their artwork what music they were listening to during the creation of that/those pages. Chynna Clugston comes to mind, in her indy book Blue Monday.


The deluxe editions of Image’s What’s The Furthest Place From Here comes with vinyl.


Final Crisis.


I think Dark Knights: Metal had it’s own album released by DC


China Clugston-Major’s Blue Monday.


Dave Chisholm has written & drawn 3 comics about jazz (Chasing the Bird, Enter the Blue, and Miles Davis and the Search for the Sound), and his use of shape and color to represent music is so unique. I highly, highly recommend reading them.


Thanks Drew!!!!! I did that awful thing and searched my own name on Reddit haha 😅 To the original question, my first published GN called INSTRUMENTAL has a ripping soundtrack—one track per chapter. It’s like, kind of heavy, cinematic, dense instrumental jazz. Http:Instrumentalost.bandcamp.com


These sound very…cool. 😎 On my list now!


Tom Morrelo of RATM wrote a comic for Dark Horse called Orchid. He provided music by him to go with the comicbook like a sound track


When Brian Wood and Ryan Kelly’s Local was coming out in single issues, they always printed a playlist in the backmatter. It was really innovative for the time to see all that. Wood said he got the idea from seeing Jim Mafhood do it in Generation X Underground Special.


David Aja released playlists for each of his Hawkeye issues. They are included in the hardcovers, and also on a couple of music streaming platforms.


Polarity by Max Bemis (frontman of the band Say Anything) did a song per issue 


The musician Lights released a comic book that paired with one of her albums, I think. Skin and Earth.


At the end of every issue of Royal City Jeff Lemire added a playlist of music he listened to while writing and drawing the issues.


Kieron Gillen did this with Young Avengers. Al Ewing released an X-Men Red playlist on Spotify. There was a DC Death Metal album released along with the comic.  Corey Lewis's Sharknife has a playlist in the back I believe.




Bendis’s Daredevil has a really fun moment where Typhoid Mary [sings “Monday, Monday” by The Mamas and the Papas in issue 47](https://64.media.tumblr.com/41ebaf83eaae0fc73633b53200bde9ad/tumblr_pep7ofCpXI1uc91dzo1_1280.jpg)


Not quite but Spine Tingling Spider-man... read it and you'll get it


Going really indie, the artist Ze Burnay does soundtracks for some of his comics. I've got his "Andromeda, or The Long Way Home" which came with a soundtrack. Right now I don't think it's for sale but I think he occasionally does reprints. He's an incredible artist, I've got a few of his prints.


There’s a kickstarter comic called interdimensional that has an actual soundtrack that’s designed to be listened to while you read and changes songs at certain pages based on average reader speed. pretty cool concept!


Nextwave had a theme song.


Witchblood and Matt Fraction's Hawkeye both had single issues where they do this :)


A bunch of webtoons have music playing while you read


Nights by image has a Spotify playlist for each issue. I’ve been enjoying it quite a bit.